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around asia coming up

Effie-Michelle Metallidis

Yoga and fasting

in Goa, the land of
corporeal excesses

he wind beats against of yoga as a form of medicine; and
palm trees as dark clouds the explanation of whats inside
roll in. The long-snouted the little brown pills Ive been tak-
mongoose that habitually ing for weeks now 80-odd herbs
shuffles around the gardens has pounded together by pestle and
disappeared, and the sky, normal- mortar to yield treatments for the
ly replete with the incessant buzz liver and the blood and a variety of
of insects, stills. other salubrious causes.
Monsoon season has rolled into There are also the talks, made
India, and the coastline of Goa interesting by the infectious en-
is spared none of the downpour. thusiasm of the staff that deliv-
Rain sluices in sheets against the ers them. Francine, a spirited
Beach House, a small resort on nutritionist and fitness expert,
the tip of Sernabatim Beach in extols the body as a finely tuned
the south, where Ive sequestered machine broken by modern eat-
myself to detox. ing habits. Gemma, a tai chi
Now, the idea of detox does not practitioner and hypnotherapist,
send me into throes of wheat- demonstrates the acupressure
grass ecstasy. The concept con- method of instantly getting rid
jures up waif-like hippies float- of cravings, and discusses how
ing through thatched huts as they stress is closely linked to eating.
starve themselves for a week. Then there are the not-so-enthu-
However, the Beach Houses siastic changes. The strict diet of
weight management programme liquid meals that forms the gas-
is different. It is not a stint of yoga tronomical spectrum of the day.
and fasting, as I had naively as- Juice for breakfast, juice for mid-
sumed upon gliding through re- morning, juice for afternoon,
ception in hemp pants, ready to soup for dinner (save one deli-
affirm myself into positive states cious, sink-your-teeth-in-it mas-
of being. terpiece of solid fare for lunch).
No. The programme, run by There is also the how shall we Explore the forests and glacial lakes in the High Tatras on the Polish-Slovakian border on a week-long trip organised by Exodus. Courtesy of
Sanda Wellness, began several say vigorous internal cleansing
months ago, and is based on a that occurs on a number of levels,

On the right trail

three-chakra system that evalu- which includes shots of wheat-
ates clients on their psychologi- grass and spirulina, the ungodly
cal, physiological and physical taste of which is unable to be
health. After an initial check-up masked by any combination of
a bone density test, a bioelectrical fruit juice, and a daily regime of
impedance analysis (aka, body fat diluted coffee whose use cannot
test), an arm measurement here be entirely discussed in public.
and a neck measurement there, Lets just say its not for drinking.
the real assessment begins. But the combination of all treat-
What do you hope to achieve ments yields a stupendous effect
in your time here? Do you on the psyche. Smokers have
have some habits youd like to quit at the Beach House; drink-
change? Lets talk about your ers abandon their drink and the
earliest memory of food. Is there potbellied Mediterraneans with
a lot of anxiety in your life? How a fetish for food well, they learn
would you like to try a hypno- how to dial back the crazy.
therapy session? We can re-pro- That is to say, the body regains
gramme your brain to change
some lifelong habits are you
control as the mind is ushered,
like a feral animal, back into its
Escape the summer with one of these walking holidays in Europe
free this afternoon? cage. Too often in the daily grind
Its a lot to take in. But the all- (or my daily grind, at least), health
female staff of nutritionists, ther- is abandoned at the expense of the
apists and Ayurvedic doctors is deliverable, be it a project, a dead- Spain Belgium Poland Georgia
patient. Having gone through the line, or, as I re-enter school, a pa- Enjoy peace and quiet on this self- This nine-day adventure will take Spend a week in the Tatra Moun- A nine-day explorers holiday that
detox process themselves, they per or exam. guided walking holiday through you across forests, valleys and roll- tains on the Poland-Slovakia bor- is a good introduction to Georgia,
know of the ups and downs, the But if the body cannot function, the diverse landscapes moun- ing hills in Belgium. Walk through der and end with a city tour of this trip offers plenty of walks, in-
uncertainty, the dragging fatigue the mind suffers. The mind suf- tains, sea, coastal cliffs and deep the woodlands of the Central Bel- the Polish city, Krakow. The day cluding a three-day trek though the
and the sudden bursts of energy; fers, and the body receives the Mediterranean woods of Catalo- gian Ardennes from La Roche en walks in the High Tatras, part of Grand Caucasus Mountains, camp-
the bouts of anger and the flashes punishment be it in the form of nia in eastern Spain. Designed to Ardenne through the towns of the granite Carpathian Range, ing in the high meadows close to
of elation in short, the effluent fatigue, stress, or a dozen dough- include as much stunning scenery Sprimont, St Hubert, Nassgone, follow a sophisticated network of the Russian border, and day visits
of abrupt, shocking change. nuts and a jar of Nutella in the as possible, the trails include walks Awenne, Mirwart, Daverdisse and trails to old mountain cottages, to cultural sites. Highlights of the
There are the enthusiastically parking lot of a Spinneys on a along the banks of the River Fluvi, Bouillon. Highlights include a the Studeny Potok waterfalls and trip include a trek to Tetu Peak, a
accepted changes the daily Monday night. along the picturesque beach at its trail along the banks of the 165km the Valley of Seven Springs, the homestay in the mountains, a visit
massages that take place in small Initial results have proven a great mouth, inland through the sprawl- River Ourthe; a visit to Lavacherie, Green Lake, and the mountain to Gori, the birthplace of Joseph
thatched huts, a fan lazily beat- success. Kilos lost: four. Centime- ing Aiguamolls Nature Reserve a quaint village in the Freyr forest, Skalnate Pleso. The trip ends with Stalin and home to the Stalin Mu-
ing overhead amid the smell of tres: 12. But the ultimate result and around Castello DEmpuries, one of the largest in Belgium, and a winding but easy and stunning seum, and a stop in the ancient city
wild flowers medicinal oils and remains to be seen in the com- a small medieval village full of Mirwart, famous for the 11th-cen- walk up to Slakovsky Stit, 2,452m of Mtskheta, which lies at the con-
the caw of birds. Punam and Iris, ing weeks as sessions of hypno- Gothic architectural gems. Prices tury castle of the same name; a walk above sea level. On the last day, fluence of the rivers Mtkvari and
pint-sized masters in the art of therapy sink in. The team will be start from 352 (Dh2,104) for a across the valley of Marsau; and explore Krakow. Its full of history, Aragvi, about 20km north of Tbilisi.
silencing curmudgeons, execute following me for 12 weeks, which four-day trip, excluding flights. a day exploring the beech woods with famous sites that include the The nine-day Wild walk in the Cau-
their skill through daily reflexol- is a great way of keeping clients The price includes transfers, ac- around the town of Mogimont. The old city, Mariacki Church, Central casus costs from 1,290 (Dh7,768)
ogy, lymphatic, and Ayurvedic accountable, and offers them key commodation, local transport, tour ends in Bouillon, Luxemburg, a Market Square and Wawel Castle. per person, including accommoda-
treatments. (Its a sad testament support when necessary. most meals and equipment rental modern town steeped in history and The walks are conducted over six tion, most meals, government pass-
to modern-day convenience that Like right now, for instance, as I (including maps, GPS and a mobile sitting on the Semois River. From to seven hours daily. The land-only es and permits, entrance fees and
the mouse-knot I have in my head to Kathmandu, when all Pat- phone). The trip is also available 697 (Dh4,197) for a nine-day, land- trip costs from 619 (Dh3,727) all transport outlined in the itiner-
right shoulder due to clicking ty, my travelling companion, and with a three- and five-night itiner- only tour, including accommoda- per person, including accommo- ary. International airfare is not in-
at the computer all day took five I can think about is how to strate- ary (from 329 [Dh1,980] to 439 tion, most meals, transport, route dation, most meals and park en- cluded. Call 00 44 20 7736 3968 or
days to remove). gically raid the chocolate aisle at [Dh2,644]). Visit www.catalanad- notes and maps, a discount card for trance fees. For more information, visit
Then, there are the daily ses- duty free on a 30-minute layover. or call 00 44 1273 the area and transfers. For more de- visit or call 00
sions of sunrise yoga that wake 600 030. tails, visit 44 208 675 5550.
the body and clear the mind, and A seven-day wellness package at
the afternoon workouts of tai chi the Beach House (Sernabatim
or aerobics on the mosaic deck Beach, Goa; www.thebeach-
that overlook the crashing waves
of the Arabian Sea.
There are the assessments done; 00 91 832 668
3030) costs 118,000 Indian rupees
(Dh9,676), based on single occu-
???ask the expert
by an Ayurvedic doctor in my pancy. Return flights on Air Ara-
case, the ever-patient Ajita, who
walked me through all aspects
of the holistic practice: how to
bia ( from
Sharjah to Goa cost from Dh1,306,
including taxes.
Take the scenic route from Bangkok to Koh Samui
assess the doshas, or the overall
constitution of a patient, to bet- Nextweek:Effiearrivesin
ter balance the diet; the practice Kathmandu,Nepal.
q IsAugustagoodtimetovisit
Thai Airways (www.thaiwairways.
com) flies from 13,120 baht
money but you get to journey
along an extremely scenic route.
Combined one-way tickets cost
1,200 baht (Dh145) for first class
ThailandorwillIbesweptaway (Dh1,582) return, including taxes. Book tickets at the Raja Ferry of- and 800 baht (Dh95) for second
bythemonsoonrains?Whats An inexpensive option is to fly fice (00 66 77 471 151) outside the class (visit www.thairailways.
thebestwaytogetthere?Iwas from Bangkok to Surat Thani, a Surat Thani Railway Station or com for more information and
planningonflyingdirectfrom city on Thailands south-eastern online at timetables). Taking a day train,
Bangkok,butisthereacheaper coast and a bus- and ferry-ride If you arent planning to spend a of course, means that youll end
option? from Koh Samui. A return flight night in Surat Thani, dont take up missing the last boat to Koh
a While the best time to visit
Koh Samui is from December
to February, August is pleasant,
with Air Asia to Surat Thani from
Bangkok costs from 2,700 baht
(Dh325), including taxes.
an evening flight the last boat
from Donsak leaves at 7pm.
One of the best ways to travel
The cheapest and longest
way from Bangkok to Surat Thani
too. Unlike Bangkok, the island From the airport, catch a to Koh Samui is by the overnight is by bus. Its around an 11-hour,
has its rainy season from Septem- minibus or van (about 150 baht train from Hua Lamphong Sta- 650km road trip from Sai Tai
ber to November. Remember, [Dh18] per person) for the one- tion in Bangkok to Phun Phin in Mai, or the Southern Route Bus
though, that this is Thailand it and-a-half-hour ride to Donsak Surat Thani. At Hua Lamphong, Terminal, on Borom Ratcha-
can get quite hot and humid at Pier, east of Surat Thani. Fer- you have the option of purchas- chonnani Road. First-class fares
times, with an occasional thun- ries depart from the pier every ing a combined ticket, which cost 346 baht (Dh42) per trip.
dershower to liven things up. half-hour for Koh Samui (150 includes the train fare, a bus Non-airconditioned buses cost
Bangkok Airways (www.bang- baht [Dh18] per trip, per person) transfer to Donsak Pier and an 192 baht (Dh23) per trip. has several direct and the neighbouring island of express boat ticket. The journey
flights to Koh Samui daily. A re- Ko Pha Ngan. The boats to Koh by train takes about 11 hours; Doyouhavetravelquestions
Dark monsoon clouds hang low over the sea beside the Beach House turn flight costs from 7,020 Thai Samui sail through the Samui add another two hours for the orqueries?E-mailthemtousat
in south Goa. Effie-Michelle Metallidis for The National baht (Dh846), including taxes. islands, so not only do you save bus and ferry to Koh Samui.

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