1cmtc01 Opfor BG Recce Techniques and How To Defeat Them

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OPFOR Brigade Reconnaissance Company Techniques

...and How to Defeat Them

by Captain Richard S. Roubal

The commander of the mechanized areas of interest

team sat in disgust as he watched the (NAIs), tasks the
observer/controller (O/C) re-key eight brigade recon-
of the 13 vehicles he had brought onto naissance com-
the counterrecon screen only 30 hours pany must per-
before. To make matters worse, the task form on a regu-
force commander was fuming about the lar basis.
OPFOR reconnaissance elements op-
The brigade
erating in his rear areas. In the last six reconnaissance
hours, the task force tactical operations
center (TOC) had been hit with indirect company will PHOTO: SGT MARK W. ERWIN
cross the line of
fires and forced to relocate, one of his departure (LD) with full knowledge of which the BRDM can safely pass. If the
tactical obstacles had been breached, target is not within artillery range, or
and one companys hide position had all intelligence gathered by the divi-
sions reconnaissance battalion. Armed the tubes are not available, the dis-
been compromised, resulting in the loss with this knowledge, the brigade re- mounted team searches for a bypass.
of three M2 Bradleys. This carnage Once a hole is successfully created, or a
was caused by the OPFOR brigade connaissance company commander can
determine probable lines of contact and bypass is found, the BRDM moves
reconnaissance company (formerly the probable dismount points for the dis- quickly through it and reports to the
regimental reconnaissance company). company commander that he has suc-
As the team commander began moving mounted reconnaissance teams.
cessfully passed through the enemy
his freshly resurrected command to the The brigade reconnaissance company screen and that the follow-on BMP can
rear, he could only hope that the rest of operates in three phases penetration do so as well. The BRDM will now
the days battle would be an improve- of the enemy counterreconnaissance continue to push deeper in zone, at-
ment over the last 30 hours. screen, operations in the enemy main tempting to identify any obstacles and
defensive area (MDA), and operations find bypass routes around them.
A closer look at the OPFOR brigade beyond the enemy MDA.
reconnaissance companys task organi- With the BRDM successfully past the
zation; mission; and tactics, techniques, A closer look at each of these phases defending enemy, the dismounted team
and procedures may reveal how this will reveal how the OPFOR reconnais- remains in place to once again trigger
situation came about. sance operates throughout the depth of fires if the defender attempts to reoc-
a defending task forces sector. cupy his position after being driven off
The OPFOR brigade reconnaissance
company at the CMTC is task-orga- Penetration of the Enemy by artillery. If the enemy does not re-
nized in accordance with FM 100-60, Counterreconnaissance Screen turn, the BMP will move through the
page 2-37, minus the motorcycle pla- hole created by the dismounted team
toon. The standard brigade recon pack- These operations are usually con- and begin its movement through the
ducted during hours of limited visibil- zone. If the defending vehicle returns
age, which precedes a brigade attack, ity. The BRDMs lead, each with a sin-
consists of four BMP-2s, four BRDM- and the BMP can destroy it with direct
2s, and three to five dismounted recon- gle, two-man, dismounted reconnais- fire without becoming decisively en-
sance team. Once on the ground, the gaged, it may do so. This will allow
naissance teams. Depending on the dismounted teams move forward to
mission, the company may have air reconnaissance elements that are un-
defense or engineer elements. Not pre- identify any vehicular threat on the successfully attempting to penetrate the
enemy counterreconnaissance screen. screen line at other locations to pass
sent are the BRM series of vehicles Unless light discipline is poor, detec-
with the Tall Mike Radar (GSR) or any through a known weak point. If success
member of the RKH family of vehicle tion is initially done by listening for is achieved across the entire brigade
any vehicles that are running in order to frontage, this will not be necessary;
(chemical reconnaissance). charge their batteries, or waiting to however, the OPFOR will be extremely
The mission of the brigade reconnais- start. Once located by sound, the dis- adept at exploiting an identified weak
sance company is to conduct a zone mounted team will move in and deter- point.
reconnaissance within the boundaries mine the exact location. If the vehicle is
of the parent brigade out to a range of within artillery range, the dismounted Once the BMP has moved through the
50 kilometers, but usually around 35 team then moves out of the area and hole created by the dismounted team,
kilometers. In addition to this mission, calls for and adjusts indirect fires from the dismounts will move forward and
the company may have other tasks as- the teams BRDM. The intent is to ei- establish surveillance on remaining
signed, like breaching obstacles, route ther destroy the defending vehicle, or, elements in the enemy screen line.
reconnaissance, locating command and at a minimum, drive it off, creating a They will attempt to identify whether
control cells, and overwatching named hole in the enemy screen line through they will pull back and fight from the

38 ARMOR January-February 2001

MDA or stay in position and fight for- knows that the brigade is closing If the brigade commanders intent is
ward. The dismounted teams may also quickly on the enemy engagement area, to have the BMPs move into the enemy
reconnoiter any obstacles identified by and the enemy still has not occupied his rear, or the lead battalions combat re-
the BRDM or BMP, or they may be battle positions, the BMPs can disrupt connaissance patrols (CRPs) are quick-
used to overwatch key choke points the enemy in his attempt to occupy. ly closing on the MDA, the BMPs
along the brigades route of march, This may be successful in delaying the overwatching the engagement area will
attempting to identify enemy FASCAM enemy occupation long enough to al- move into the enemy rear as well. The
emplacement. low the brigade to secure a foothold in BMPs will refine the reconnaissance
One of the easiest ways for the bri- the enemy engagement area and de- already conducted by the preceding
stroy the enemy as he attempts to oc- BRDMs.
gade reconnaissance company to get cupy his prepared positions.
into the enemy main defensive area Of critical importance to the BMPs
(MDA) is to find the withdrawal route Secondly, if the reconnaissance com- mission in the enemy rear is to pinpoint
of the enemy element which is screen- mander can identify when the enemy the location of enemy hide positions
ing forward of the MDA. Finding this occupies his BPs, he can then pass this and overwatch them to alert the brigade
obstacle-free route is a high priority for information to the CORTA and this commander of the enemys movement
the OPFOR. will trigger the beginning of pre-assault toward the MDA.
fires on the known positions identified
Another crucial mission is to identify
Operations in the Enemys earlier, as well as positions templated
any enemy reserves conducting coun-
Main Defensive Area by the intelligence officer. terattacks against the brigade. If the
Among the key priority intelligence If it is the brigade commanders in- reserve has been located, the BMPs
requirements that the brigade recon- tent, the BMPs may stay within the will generally conduct surveillance and
naissance company can provide are the vicinity of the enemy engagement area notify the intelligence officer of the
location of enemy BPs, and, if possible, and report all enemy actions. If the reserves impending deployment. If re-
grid coordinates to individual vehicular BMPs are carrying dismounted recon- connaissance fails to locate the enemy
fighting positions. Sounds also help to naissance teams, they may drop them reserve, the BMPs will overwatch key
gather this information, like the noise near the enemy engagement area to road networks and intersections upon
of machines digging survivability posi- further increase coverage. Simultane- likely counterattack routes along the
tions. This activity can be heard over ously, the BRDMs will continue pro- brigades route of march.
long distances. The BRDMs in the lead viding coverage through the depth of
will identify these targets and may ei- the brigades zone and begin reconnais- Summary:
ther conduct further reconnaissance or
pass them off to the following BMPs
sance of the subsequent objective,
while attempting to identify any coun-
The mission of the OPFOR brigade
reconnaissance company is to conduct
while they push deeper into the zone. terattack forces postured against the
The BMPs may conduct the reconnais- brigade. a zone reconnaissance within the bri-
gades zone out to 50 km (usually
sance mounted, or, if there are still dis- Operations Beyond about 35 km).
mounted teams onboard, dismounted.
Once the BMP has determined a firm The Enemy MDA Brigade reconnaissance elements
grid, it will immediately relay this in- Operations beyond the enemy MDA will have full knowledge of the enemy
formation to the chief of rocket troops will typically see the BRDMs once situation as determined by the divi-
and artillery (CORTA) for incorpora- again operating forward. Priority tar- sions reconnaissance battalion.
tion into the brigade pre-assault fires. gets in enemy rear areas include com-
mand and control nodes, logistics cen-
The BRDMs will generally lead the
If still within range, expect fires to be ters, company team hide positions, lo- BMPs into zone and will use dis-
placed on the engineer assets preparing mounted reconnaissance teams and
vehicular positions immediately, to cation of enemy reserves, and, if for- artillery to create a hole in the enemy
ward staged, any aviation assets. The
keep the enemy from improving his location of any of these elements will screen line.
battle positions.
once again generate a priority fire mis- Once through the enemy screen,
The enemy Volcano vehicles are the sion, if within range. BRDMs will conduct initial reconnais-
single, highest-payoff targets to be sance of the enemy MDA and BMPs
If fires are unavailable, the BRDMs
found within the MDA. If a BRDM will engage with direct fire only if they will then refine that reconnaissance.
locates a Volcano vehicle, it will gen- The BMPs may stay within the MDA
erate an immediate fire mission; if out have the capability of destroying the until the brigade begins to close on it.
target; i.e., aircraft, TOCs, or POL fa-
of range of artillery, the BRDM will
hand the target off to the following
cilities, and can disengage quickly As in the MDA, the BRDMs will
BMP. When the BMP locates the Vol- without sustaining any damage to their conduct initial reconnaissance of the
vehicle or personnel. One target that enemy rear areas, attempting to locate
cano vehicle, it will engage immedi- will be engaged upon identification is a high priority targets. The BMPs will
ately, provided it can egress safely.
Volcano-equipped aircraft. Next to the refine reconnaissance of rear areas and
The OPFOR reconnaissance com- enemy TOC, this is the BRDMs high- attempt to locate any counterattacks
mander may choose to use some of the est priority target in the enemy rear moving against the brigade.
BMPs on the enemy approaches to the area. When the BRDMs have com- Defeating OPFOR Reconnaissance
MDA to identify when the defending pleted their initial reconnaissance of the
task force conducts final occupation of enemy rear area, they will move on to Be aggressive. The battle is decided
the MDA from its near-hide positions. subsequent objectives while a more during the counterrecon fight! Consider
This can be of importance in two ways. thorough reconnaissance is conducted doubling the size of the counterrecon
First, if the reconnaissance commander by the BMPs. screen and adding depth to it. That

ARMOR January-February 2001 39

which you destroy tonight cant hurt
you tomorrow. Remember, the OPFOR
lives and dies by reconnaissance.
Always think security. Never leave
an obstacle-free route for the counter-
recon screen to withdraw through!
Consider a tactical obstacle that can be
easily opened, closed, reinforced, and
overwatched. The easiest way for the
OPFOR to get in is the counterrecon
elements way out.
Keep it simple. Use the hunter-killer
technique and stress initiative at the
lowest level! Emplace dismounted OPs
forward and have them tied to a spe-
cific M1/M2 section. When OPFOR
vehicles are detected, the OP immedi-
ately calls the section forward and talks
them into position to destroy the threat.
All the platoon leader/company com-
mander has to do is ensure no fratricide
potential exists. Remember, you are the
hunter, not the hunted.
Be flexible: Plug holes quickly! You
are going to lose vehicles. Expect it,
and have a plan to cover their areas of
responsibility. A platoon from another
company with a Be prepared to mis-
sion, a few Javelin gunners with truck
transport, etc If the OPFOR recon
creates a hole in your screen, the dam is
about to burst.

CPT Richard Roubal enlisted in

1985 and served as a 67V, OH-58
crew chief. He received his com-
mission in Infantry in 1995 through
ROTC. While he was assigned to
1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment
(OPFOR) at the Combat Manuever
Training Center (CMTC), Hohen-
fels, Germany, he served as a pla-
toon leader (MRC commander),
recon platoon leader (brigade recon
company commander), and assis-
tant regimental S3. Currently, he is
the brigade plans officer for 3d Bri-
gade, 2d ID, Ft. Lewis, Wash. He
has attended Survival, Evasion,
Resistance, and Escape (SERE)
School; Ranger School; Airborne
School; Bradley Fighting Vehicle
Leaders Course; Scout Platoon
Leaders Course; Infantry Officer
Basic Course; Infantry Captains
Career Course; and Combined
Arms and Services Staff School.

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