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[] Korean English Meaning Notes

1 () crazy; mad; insane syn.

To nag at someone; irritate; bother; annoy

: = To be approximately the same age as another

highly recommended a short term for " "

unwilling to compromise or give in

a daughter of a bitch : a son of a bitch

a state of chaos or mess

a slut; a whore

fucking; frigging; really; bloody; damn ) .

Those bastards were bloody good.

a high school student a short term for ""

a penis; a dick The original meaning is a hot pepper.

(adj) a headache, a pain ) .

He's a fucking headache.

/ a retard; a bonehead

a chain smoker; a heavy smoker sometimes pronounced ""

a bookworm

a female engineering student

The depreciatory name for a pompous conceited The male equivalent is "."
woman. This word is used for added contempt.

a lie

/ To lie to someone

poor quality; boring; ugly; messed up; bad ) . It really sucks.

a snail or an idle person

a dent; a crevice; a crack

To lose vitality and become dull or tepid as a result of the discovery of a surprise or a secret

To forget A: Why didn't you do your homework?

B: I forgot.

1. a cigarette ) .
2. a counting unit for cigarettes Spare me a cigarette, will you?

1. a scamp; a sluggard
2. someone extra or a supplementary

jail; prison; the big house

a girlfriend or boyfriend

widespread; sweeping ) .
It's frigging everywhere.

someone with a dark complexion commonly used as a nickname

an unsubmisive, disobedient and strong character

an airhead; someone who has nothing in his/ her

brain but a void

1. striking and outrageous

2. To ruin the enthusiasm or fun of others ( )

/ To break a relationship

Fuck off; Go away

an adjective describing someone who is ill-mannered, scornful and disrespectful

chicken feed; a meager or insignificant sum of money

= a person's ugly, odd, or strange appearance ) !

Just look at you! What a sight!

1. To chat someone up
2. To speak to someone in the hopes of dating him/her or getting his/her phone number

To be out of fashion

To go wrong; to go pear-shaped

a patsy; a stooge

a retard; an unintelligent person

of poor quality ) . .
My computer really sucks. It freezes up every ten minutes.

/ someone who is not officially admitted, but still attending; someone who's not at all important;
an extra; someone whose presence wouldn't make any difference

1. BANG! 2. a failure
To feel cranky; to be in a bad mood; grouchy

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

a brutal murder using a knife

a teenager who has more interest in being cool (underage smoking, drinking, clubbing, or stuff
like that) than in study

To be coy

free; spacious; roomy ) .

I'm free today. Let's meet up.

a derogatory term for women

a physically demanding job; a construction job

a derogatory term for men

To slack off at a job

a derogatory term for an eye ) ?: What's wrong with your

eyes? You really need a pair of glasses.

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

1. mob violence cf.

2. To be attacked by a mob

a simple-minded person. The original meaning is a single cell or a unicellular animal.

a teeny word for a class teacher

Of course! *You can say that again.

a derogatory term for the head

a college or university student

+ To yield a big luck; to hit the jackpot

To pinch-hit; to fill in for someone ) . Fill in for me.

To turn mad, lunatic or insane ) ? Are you out of your mind?

a retard; a moron

one last cigarette left in the packet which you will inevitably hold sacred, if you're a smoker.

a doormat; a weak individual who is regularly abused physically by others,

! Go to hell!

+ To gossip; to backbite

To pother after the event; to be one step behind

To have sex with a guy or girl *I fucked your girlfriend.


+ / To bunk off (lessons); to skive

To have an unexpected good luck (a hap or a fluke) whether big or small

a crazy or stupid person

a potbelly

1. To gain popularity or recognition ) ! !

2. To show up The teacher's coming! Be quiet!

To act bitchy ) .
That fucking bitch needs to learn how to behave!

To be stupid

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

forehead or sometimes face

someone who does things without considering the consequences; an impulsive and reckless
person; someone who sows wild oats

To fill to the limit; to fill something full (At a petrol station) "Fill her up, please."

To go pear shaped; to have a bad hair day

To embarrass oneself

someone who just "sinks" like beer bottles when put ) !

in water I can't swim at all.

= a retard; a dickhead

a derogatory term for face

a kind of trousers that used to be 's favorite fashion item like a couple of decades ago

all; completely

To stand someone up or disappoint someone intentionally; to pull someone's leg

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

To be ripped off

To nag; to harass (exp. a wife at her hubby)

: To never go outside home; to live a life in seclusion *I just stayed in over the holidays and up
to nothing much really.

an unemployed man
() To meet someone who you The word "" literally means a flash of lightning. Such meetings
got to know over the net are usually arranged within few hours after they start the
conversation and thats why they are named so.

To pull an all nighter before an exam

a pervert

a retard; a stupid inept person

To confess, expose, to disclose confidential information

very close friends that have been known each other since they were very young

+ To parasitize; to be dependent on somebody, especially financially

! Damn!

1. a chrome-dome
2. an egghead

To have an intercourse

1. To move or drive backwards *I got turned down 4 times before I got a

2. To be turned down; to be rejected place here.

To go nuts; to be very frustrated; to go frenzy

To be physically or /and mentally draining; very ) .

hard, difficult, or tough It's a real toughie.

a hole; a puncture ) .
I got a hole in my socks.

+ To not show up for a meeting without prior notice ) .

The professor didn't show up.

To be plentiful

a Chinese liquor with a very high proof level

A strong backer or an influential who can be of *He could pull a few strings to get you in.
substantial help to someone

To drop one's jaw ) !

I almost got faint when I saw her the first time!

awkward; uneasy; embarrassed

/ To tell a lie

To smash up or destroy

+ cool; sleek; good-looking

To reveal or uncover lies, exaggerations, boasts, or the like

a small peck on the cheek (used by kids or adults humorously)

1. Heroin 2. a pad
To get A LOT more than what you paid for; to play or use
something that you purchased until you get sick of it

To sulk; to pout; to be petulant

sleek; shiny; smooth + stylish (usually showy)

almost the same; very close ) ? .

Who's the best? They are all very close.

a mutilation; a crippled; an odd

someone who seeks customers by importunate or brazen means

a flyer; a handout

an embarrassing or amusing small error in speech or action

To take money off somebody by bullying them

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

someone who is unaware, thickheaded or dull

sham; fake; fraud

(adj) an overwhelming, brutal, tense + violent atmosphere

To bullshit

To get off the subject

a derogatory term for a man. This term is also used in a very close circle of
friends, just like the Afro American term "bro."

a birdbrain; a retard

/ completely

a naive person

a drunkard

very bitchy and ill-mannered

a slap in the face

a mother fucker; a cunt; a bastard You bastard!

not funny; not amused The original meaning is "It's chilly." If someone were to
tell you a rather poor joke, you would say, "!"

cool; sleek; nice

even; equal

To throw a get-together or a meal .

I'll buy you lunch today.

/ 1. a strong intensifier like fucking Fucking bastards!

2. (excl.) for fuck's sake; damn; hell *It sounds like number 18.

1. To deliberately insult someone by ignoring them ! ?

2. To criticize harshly Look! I just said "hi" to you!

a mother fucker; a cunt; a bastard You bastard!

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

= a derogatory term for a mouth *Shut your frigging mouth, will you?

all at once; altogether

To scowl; glower; look (at) *What da fuck you looking at?

a meanie

To date two persons at the same time

a self-conceited bastard low-level; a common street thug

(adj) someone who cannot take care of oneself and is easily taken advantage of

a mild intensifier meaning very or really * . They're dirt-cheap.

// a mild intensifier meaning very

To be mad or angry; to be upset *I got so angry over that.

grotesque; unusual; odd; eccentric

a young person. The original meaning is a spring chicken.

To puke up; to vomit up; to feel nausea

a term of affection from a younger girl to an older male. It literally means "big brother," but it's
commonly used by a younger female to an older male with whom she has some connection.

someone who is really bitchy


someone utterly left out or bullied in schools or groups:

To pay or act the bully; to leave someone severely alone

The depreciatory name for a pompous conceited man.

The word is used for added contempt. The female equivalent is .

a lot or everything all at once

To bullshit The original meaning word by word would be "Don't laugh." But in Korean
slang, it's defined as "Bullshit!" (but not known as profanity) or "Yeah right!"
(sarcasm). If someone were give you a bogus story, you would say, "!"

underage prostitution

poo poo
a homosexual person

a bum; a scum; a creep

a male word used to address each other, usually in a close circle of friends

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

? Do you like to go to sleep with me? This is that usually a man asks a girl "Do you
want to have sex with me?"

To brag; to boast

To disappear or go silent without any notice *The literal meaning of the word is to dive.

? Do you think this is a joke? Huh?

(adj) bitchy

/ Shit; Fuck; Damn! less stronger than /

a derogatory Japanese term for Koreans

a mobster; a member of a gang of violent criminals a shortened term for

// fucking; bloody It was so fucking difficult.

/ Fuck you! / Fuck off!

To mess or fuck something up

/ a derogatory term for mouth

(adj) very hot; To look good or awesome She is so hot.

The original meaning is "killing." She is way pretty.

*If a pretty lady were to walk by, you would tell your friends, "!"

a junior high student; a middle school student

(offensive) To bullshit

Mind your own business; Back off

(adj) frustrating; annoying It fucking sucks.

/ a fake; a counterfeit

(adj) stingy

/ an extremely stingy man or woman

a chaotic mixture; a melting pot; a mlange

a cop

1. best; cool; great; ace

2. The strongest person in a group or the head of group

state of being annoyed or irritated

To glare disrespect or defiance

a moron; a wanker; a wuss

(adj) stingy; close-fisted

To be embarrassed

To be overwhelmed and subdued by someone or something

a miser; Scrooge

a tall buxom girl; or to looks so cool or sexy,

especially about her or his bodyline

1. a flyer; a handout
2. a derogatory term for news media

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

() To wear out your welcome

To dump a girl or boyfriend

(+ ) To put on a thick skin; to act brazen and shameless

an elementary school student

a taxi driven by a crazy ultra speedy driver.... at the speed of a bullet

a complete beginner

[] Korean English Meaning Notes


To cheat on an exam

To be imprisoned

a female hottie

a male hottie

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

To run away; to beat it; to skedaddle

a person of mixed blood a slightly derogatory term for such a person

1. To run away fast

2. To stand out from the rest

To refuse an offer at first, expecting the offerer to offer again

It has a very similar nature to the English expression: "Oh, I couldn't possibly ask you to do that!"
[] Korean English Meaning Notes

bits of chewed food popped out of the mouth caused by talking while eating


someone who turned out to be very ugly *That gal was ugly as sin!

a date on the phone

To flaunt oneself

To fuck up; mess up; botch; blow

[] Korean English Meaning Notes

1. Hi! 2. Long time no see.

+ / To buy something (usu. dinner or drink) for friend(s)

an intensifier meaning very or eagerly

a low-quality fake ;

someone who is unaware, thickheaded or dull

a contemptible man. often followed by

/ a beer bar *This is from a German word "hoff" meaning

a 'place' allegedly.


very impetuous, bold, hot-tempered and impulsive

Koreanization of a cheer or chant meaning "Let's fight," "Let's give it our best," or Just do it!".

To go nuts; to drive crazy

To be absurd

an electric torch

To womanize

To be of poor quality

quickly =

huge baggy trousers

a boy into hiphop

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