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A fuel is any material that can be made to release chemical or nuclear energy as heat or to be used
for work. The function of the vehicle fuel system is to store and supply fuel to the engine.
Nowadays the number of vehicle users is increased. Increased use of fuel may cause decrease in
the amount of our Natural resources. Combustin of fuels also causes pollution. So this paper
highlights the importance of fuel conservation with a special case in vehicles. This is written by the
help of the practical work of my optional subject (physical science)that done during my two year
Bed course under Mahatma Gandhi University Centre of Teacher Education Thottakkad. The details
of the study about fuel consumption in vehicles and remedies for appropriate use of fuels in
vehicles etc are highlighted in this paper.

In this modern age technology is the leading power. Our global societies still depend significantly
upon energy reserves in the form of fossil fuels, most notably petroleum fuels. Increse in the number
of vehicles there is a decrease in the amount of fuel resources. Because these are non-renewable
energy resources. The petroleum fuels are also called Fossil fuels.


Fossil fuels are those which are buried combustible geologic deposits of organic materials, formed
from decayed plants and animal that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas or heavy
oil. So we must be responsible to reduce the excessive fuel consumption by avoiding mistakes on


Energy is the force that makes thing work. Over many years people have learned to produce energy
from various sources such as burning FOSSIL FUELS and using NUCLEAR and various energy


Liquid fuels are those combustible or energy generating molecules that can be harnessed to create
mechanical energy. Most liquid fuels has various uses and that are derived from fossil fuels such as
gasoline, diesel, etc


Mahatma Gandhi University Centre

of Teacher Education, Thottkadu

Fuel efficiency is a form of thermal efficiency of a process that converts chemical potential energy
contained in a carrier fuel into kinetic energy or work. Overall fuel efficiency may vary per device.


Fuel economy is the energy efficiency of a particular work, given as a ratio of distance traveled per
unit of fuel consumed. It is dependent on engine efficiency, transmission design and tire design.


India is the worlds fourth largest consumer of energy but with low per capita energy consumption.
The main reason for this problem is the increase in the number of private vehicles. All the
commodities transported in across our nations by the help of vehicles. The most of the vehicles are
run by using petrol or diesel. So increase in petrol price results in the price rise of those commodities
also. The greatest sufferer of these is common man. Every Indian spends almost half of his income
on food items. If the petrol price in India keeps on increasing then every food item will get costlier, It
will result in less of savings and more of expenditure.


Depreciating rupee is one of the major reasons of the increase in petrol price in India. So we must
understand that why rupee is depreciating like a free falls. Economists believe that current euro
crisis is one of the fundamental reasons of depreciating rupee. We spend more than we earn.

One of the other hand prices of petrol can be controlled if the government reduces its revenue from
the taxes on petroleum, products.35% of governments income is generated through petroleum
taxes and as there is no other substitute to this. So probably this wont be done by the government.


Petrol price is calculated on the basis of worldwide supply and demand factors. Foreign suppliers sell
crude oil to oil marketing companies (OMCs) in India at benchmark prices. Delivery price at the
refinery are considered to calculate actual cost of petrol in India.

One barrel of crude oil contains about 160 liter of oil priced in US dollars. To calculate price, US
dollars are converted to Indian rupee and then divided by 160.
After buying, crude oil is transported to refineries in India. Crude oil is then separates into various
products like petrol, diesel, coal tar etc in distillation towers of these refineries. Cost of distillation
and refining is added to the price of petrol.

Separated petrol is stored in the storage tanks of the oil companies. Oil companies now pay to the
refineries and to this added the cost of transporting petrol from refinery to OMCs tanks. So the
actual price of petrol that a consumer pays includes all the above mentioned cost plus commission
of dealer, VAT, Excise duty, total duties and taxes.

Thus petrol price is the cost price that includes procuring, refining and marketing plus taxes that
includes central and state taxes.

CALCULATION OF PETROL/DIESEL PRICE (As per rates on January 2017, Newdelhi)

Petrol price calculation Diesel price


Crude oil cost per liter 20.34 20.34

Entry tax, refinery processing,

Margin, landing cost 3.62 2

OMC margin, transportation, 2.72 2.6

Freight cost

Basic cost of fuel after refining cost 31.54 30.34

Addition excise duty as on 1st January 2017 21.48 17.33

Pricing charged to dealers before VAT 53.02 47.67

Calculating Dealer Retail Price Base location Delhi

Common to petrol pump dealers 2.58 1.65

Fuel cost before VAT 55.6 49.31

Additional VAT (VARIES FROM STATES) 15.01 8.51

Final Retail Price 70.6/liter 57.82 /liter

After conducting a study among 30 peoples by using questionnaire prepared by these details
we can identify some details, that are,

Number of vehicles that drives 100 km/hr and above - 39 (5%)

Number of peoples turn off their vehicles in traffic block-6(30%)
Number of peoples they change engine oils correctly -11(55%)
Number of peoples who maintain proper tyre inflation purposefully -13(65%)
Number of peoples they focuses on mileage, when they buy vehicle -3(15%)


One of the best ways to reduce your fuel consumption is to purchase and drive a vehicle that
is projected to get great mileage. And change the way you drive. Always drive at or right below the
speed limits and avoid rapid accelerations.

Streamlining is another method to decrease fuel consumption. And avoid storing luggage on
top of your vehicle. Keep up with general maintenance. Because many drivers do not properly
maintain their vehicle. Avoiding routine maintenance can adversely affect your vehicle miles per
gallon rating. Reduce Air Conditioner use /close windows these may also helps to reduce fuel
consumption. And minimize vehicle idling ie, todays vehicles are designed to warm-up fast. By doing
these recommendations we can minimize the fuel consumption.

KNOW THE ECONOMIC WORLD an essay in Malayala Manorama supplement(January

Science daily 2013
Automobile manual for drivers 2014

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