Lame Termini Romani e Greci

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castro castrare castravi castratum to deprive of generative power,

emasculate cognate with astra Sankrit for knife and sword (I've
omitted the other tangentally relevant words)

clunaclus (culter) sacrificial knife, called clunaclus because it splits the

clunes(haunches) or something like that.

coquinarius (culter)--cooking knife

cultelloto shape like a knife

cultellulusa very small knife

cultellusa small knife

cultera knife.

laminaliterally a thin piece of something, applied to blades of knives,

swords, and saw blades figuratively

novaculaa sharp knife

putatorius culter (post classical)--pruning knife, falx

scalpellumsmall surgical knife, scalpel, or lancet

scalprumsharp cutting tool, chisel, or knife

secespitaa long iron sacrificial knife


Edit: tonsorius culter - razor

vinitorius culter: vine-dresser's knife, a falx


amphidaes two edged knife. From the Suda

arbelos the semi-circular knife of leather workers
gluphanos tool for carving, chisel, knife
gluphis pen-knife
gramme properly the stroke of a pen or a scratch (kinda the same
thing when dealing with the Greeks) but Galen uses it of the cutting edge
of a knife,
doris sacrificial knife
drepanon pruning knife
enkheiridion properly the little thing held in hand, can mean
either handbook or dagger
ekkopeus excising knife
exumenister flaying or dissecting knife
kainis variant of kopis
kladeuterion a pruning knife
klasterion knife for dressing vines
knester scraping knife
koiliskos scoop shaped knife for surgery
kopis literally chopper or cutter. A large knife used for sacrifice,
butchery, and then by extension a sword
korax Corvus Corax, but also the point of a surgical knife
lithotomos stone cutting knife or chisel
maulis knife
makhaira a large knife; a carving knife; a sacrificial knife,
makhairai kourides are shears or scissors
makhairion a barber or surgeon's knife (kinda the same person
for most of history)
makhairis a butcher's cleaver, knife, dagger, and in plural,
xyele curved knife used in shaping a javelin
xuraphion surgical knife
omphalister knife for cutting the "navel string" (yay Victorian
onyxisterion a nail knife
paraxiphis the knife you wear next to your sword
peritomeus a leather worker's knife, literally a cutter-around
pterux literally wing, but also the broad edge of a knife or spear,
and the blade of an oar
rhamphe a hooked knife, or bill
rhakhetron butcher's knife (Tyler's own comment: I think this
word is connected to the Greek word for loin)
siderion literally little iron, it is applied to any smallish iron tool
or implement, and by extension knives
sideros literally iron, meaning as above, only applied to swords
etc., as well as knives
skalme knife or sword
skolopamakhairion pointed knife for surgery
smile knife for cutting and carving, from sculptor's chisel to
surgeon's knife, to pruning knife etc
smilion shoemaker's knife, penknife
spathe/spatha any broad blade of wood or metallike the one
weaver's use, a wooden stir stick, blade of an oar, stems of palm, swords,
spathion dimin. of spathe knife or scalpel
staphylotomon knife for cutting the uvula
syringotomon knife for cutting fistulae
sphageus sacrificial knife
sphagis sacrificial knife
sphazo to slaughter
temno to cut
tomeus literally cutter, and so a carver is a tomeus, but it's
also a shoemaker's knife and the edge of a knife as well
tomis knife
khalkos bronze, but also used like sideros above.

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