Final Project: Develop A Professional Development Activity: N'jemele Bush MEDT 7485 Fall 2016

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Njemele Bush MEDT 7485 Fall 2016

Final Project: Develop a Professional Development Activity

1. Topic: Integrating games into the classroom

2. Target audience: Elementary school teachers, Grades 3-5 or 6-8, elementary School
student teachers; principals and other administration staff

3. Context: This PD session will be held during a summer conference, pre-planning days,
teacher planning days or educational technology conference (i.e. GaETC). The location of this
PD would vary from a classroom or 30-seat session room to a large auditorium setting. The
purpose is to show educators how students can use games as learning tools and knowledge

4. Learning Objectives: (1) Educators will be able to select proper games to address
student(s) learning styles and abilities. (2) Educators will also be able to properly integrate
technology for the purpose of student understanding. (3) Educators can select assessment
tools associated with games to assess and evaluate student application of knowledge.

5. This PD activity is divided into three parts and it will last for 60 minutes. There is an
opening (5 minutes), following by station rotation (10 to 15 minutes each-45 minutes total), and
ending with a Q and A session (5 minutes) which will conclude the activity overall. I will
introduce myself and any members who will assist me, followed by Now we have a word from
our sponsors. A Voki Avatar will be presented on the screen where it will provide details about
the process of the session. It will tell our agenda and make mention of the sessions process.
Once the avatar is finished speaking, session participants will be asked to move to their
assigned table or section. This will vary by room size. Each group will rotate in the order that
was given to them.

Each station is as follows:

Station 1 Strategies for integrating games (Classroom Management, LMS choices, Easy to
create usernames/passwords)
Station 2 Play Station: Interacting with Games
Station 3 Assessment Games

After the fourth rotation, all attendees will return to their seats for session conclusion. They may
ask questions, provide feedback and share their thoughts on how this can be used in their
classrooms effectively. The additional ten minutes (if needed) can be used for networking and
transitions to upcoming sessions.

6. Learning Resources (Please see below).

Link to Video:

Link to Infographic:

Link to Voki Introduction Avatar:
Njemele Bush MEDT 7485 Fall 2016
Final Project: Develop a Professional Development Activity

7. Implementation Plan

a. To implement the PD, the setting must be selected. This session can be delivered at faculty
meetings, lunch and learn sessions or conferences.
b. Marketing: attendees must be solicited and pre-registration would not be required but
recommended. This would provide information related to knowing how many people will be in
the room and how many attendees per station.
c. Assistance: I would need at least three other people to help run the stations. These
persons would provide information as well as be well versed in the tools in their stations. They
can also assist with answering questions and create a well-managed environment for the
purpose of application and understanding.
d. Coordination: Attendees will receive a colored sheet that will list the agenda. Also included
on the sheet is their station rotation process and a QR code with the handout and access to
tools which can be accessed through a Google Doc.
e. Session WorkFlow: There will be an introduction, station rotations and Q and A conclusion
f. Follow-Up: At the end of the session, all attendees will be asked to turn their original
handout (which they received at the door) over. It will have a separate QR code and link.
Using either, they may access the end of the session evaluation form where they may rate the
session, provide feedback and provide their email address for additional information. Within 6
weeks, I will follow up with participants about goals that they may have and ways that I can
further help them in the classroom.

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