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Health Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: 18/10/2016 Time:

Year: Yr 3

Learning Area: Health

Topic: Resilience and Wellbeing

Australian Curriculum Content Description:

Behaviours that show empathy and respect for others (ACPPS037)
Cross-curriculum Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australias
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Critical and Personal and
General Numerac Ethical Intercultural
Literacy ICT creative social
y behaviour understanding
capabilities: thinking capability

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Students have done one previous lesson on resilience and self-reflection this
lesson builds on the previous lesson

Teaching purpose:
To build students ability to recognise and use coping strategies

Learning objectives: Assessment:

On completion of this lesson, Observation of engagement in group
students will be able to: discussion and first game
- Identify a variety of coping strategies Collection and marking of my five
- Acknowledge 5 strategies suitable for
individualised situations

Preparation and Resources

Coping strategies cut outs
my five survey
Whiteboard and markers

Catering for diversity

This lesson is not about achievement of academic abilities but to promote positive
thinking for health and wellbeing.

Timi Learning experiences

Health Lesson Plan
Day: M T W T F Date: 18/10/2016 Time:
Year: Yr 3


5- Introduction
10mi Greet class and introduce the lesson
n Health Resilience and wellbeing coping strategies
Engage in a group discussion about what coping is and some stressful situations that
require us to learn to cope.
Sometimes we need help to find new of different ways to cope is we find we are struggling
with something that has happened.
Through discussion about situations. Come up with 3 situations that are relevant to the
students and write them on the board. Label areas around the room helpful, harmful and
useless. Explain that each student will be given 2 coping cards and they need to decide
how helpful that strategy is in the following situations.

Main Body
Activity 1:
Hand out cards and ask students to stand up quietly and read their cards.
-20mi Read out the first situation and allow students to move to the area of the room that relates
n most to how helpful their strategy is in that situation. (Helpful, Harmful, useless)
After students have found their spaces discuss the different coping strategies and how
helpful they are.
Write the helpful strategies on the board
Repeat with other 2 scenarios

Activity 2:

Gain student attention, collect coping cards and return to the mat
20-25 Review helpful coping strategies gathered from the previous activity
min Explain that this time, students are going to come up with their own situations and 5
examples of coping strategies that they think would be helpful.
Ask for any questions?
Have two students hand out the sheets to fill in

Gain attention and have students return to the mat with their work
Discuss some examples of situations that they came up with and what their coping
strategies were
Ask them to remember to think about their coping strategies when they find themselves in
10mi challenging situations.

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