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Siemens PLM Software

Whats new in NX 10
Easier and more powerful than ever

Benefits Summary NX for design productivity

Design The latest release of NX software
Perform easy concept continues to improve on the impressive Concept design
design with NX Layout and functionality and user-friendliness of NX Layout
NX Realize Shape previous versions. The most important Concept design is easier than ever in NX 10
stage of the design is the early concept with NX Layout. NX Layout lets you explore
Use NX anywhere with a
phase. NX 10 features tools such as NX design concepts in 2D for situations in
touch-based interface
Layout and NX Realize Shape to make this which its faster and easier to represent
Use aerospace-specific stage easier and faster than ever. With a design problems. As youd expect, NX
functionality for faster new touch-enabled interface, NX 10 brings Layout is fully integrated into NX and NX
design unprecedented versatility and ease-of-use Drafting. This means virtually no learning
to advanced design. New multiphysics and curve because the interface and commands
Provide full access to
composites simulation capabilities make NX are the same. It also means that the 2D
Teamcenter information
CAE 10 a fully capable tool for aircraft components you create in NX Layout are
within NX with Active
engine and airframe engineering. New organized in the part navigator, and they
industry-specific capabilities in NX CAM 10 are parametric, editable and re-usable. You
Easily leverage legacy data enable faster programming and better can drag-and-drop 2D components from
with Optimize 2D geometry machining quality. More efficient cutting the Re-use Library to ensure quality and
strategies for mold and die machining, save design time. Finally, anything you
Realize easier model
streamlined programming and high-quality create in NX Layout can easily be migrated
diagnosis with face
surface finishes increase your overall manu- to 3D to complete your model. The 2D
facturing productivity. components enter 3D as constrained, para-
metric sketches that can easily be modified.

Whats new in NX 10

Simulation So when you finish your design in 2D, you

Streamline thermal are already well on your way to a complete
structural analyses with 3D model.
new multiphysics
Increase productivity for
automotive NVH analysis
through integrated vibro-
acoustics analysis
Simulate complex
phenomena in composites
like delamination and
NX Realize Shape makes it easy to create complex
progressive failure
Simulate fluid flow
problems such as the filling Touch
or emptying of a tank Touch screens can be a quicker, more intui-
tive way to interact with software. In NX
Extract relationships in 10, the power of NX is available anywhere
results data to get a greater thanks to a new optional touch-enabled
understanding of physical Concept design is easy with NX Layout.
interface. With NX touch, you have the
behavior ability to access the full design capability of
NX Realize Shape NX Realize Shape is an
Leverage Python NX wherever you are, whether its on the
exciting concept design method that uses
programming language in plant floor, while traveling or just
advanced subdivision shape creation first
NX Open to more easily consulting with someone down the hall.
introduced in NX 9. It is intuitive: you can
automate processes Not only does this make it easier to have
create a shape based on a cage that can be
the information you need wherever you
extruded, swept, lofted, revolved, copied
are, it makes you more productive and
and more. You can create cage faces from
curves or polylines and subdivide them as
much as you want to give you greater In touch mode, the interface adjusts to
control with smooth transitions. The end make it easier to select items on a touch-
product is high-quality B surfaces in an screen. The interface is remarkably intuitive
editable NX feature. This allows for rapid and familiar to anyone who has used a
conceptualization of ideas without the mobile device and NX separately. For
need for expert knowledge. NX Realize instance, to zoom you pinch your fingers
Shape can be used in combination with or together; to select something, you tap it,
alongside other surfacing and design tools. and so on. Given the wide proliferation of
In NX 10, every aspect of NX Realize Shape touchscreen mobile devices, the average
has been enhanced to give you more user will be up and running on NX with
control over your geometry. NX Realize touch in just a few minutes.
Shape in NX 10 is a complete set of tools
for subdivision modeling. When you
consider the advantage of full integration
with NX, its the obvious choice for creating
complex models quickly and easily.

Manufacturing technology 2D is up to five times more

Machine better quality productive than standard sketching
molds/dies and extend tool techniques.
life with new cutting
Optimize 2D geometry is a new function in
NX 10 that cleans up 2D data the way opti-
Improve machining mize face cleans up 3D data. It gets rid of
efficiency and reduce model junk data such as duplicate lines, extra
preparation with enhanced points, tiny pieces of geometry and other
5-axis operations extraneous bits that make sketches difficult
Using NX in touch mode is easy and intuitive.
to use and modify. The Optimize 2D func-
Machine higher-quality
tion can also planarize or move the
impeller blades faster with
Aerospace design geometry onto one plane. This is especially
enhanced swarfing
NX 10 is a complete, fully capable aero- useful when working with 2D data
Automatically create space design solution. Commands for migrated from another computer-aided
accurate and safe inspection creating flanges, ribs, shelves and steps design (CAD) system. Its one of many ways
paths with NX CMM were specifically developed for airframe that NX enables you to reduce rework and
and aero skin designs; these commands part cleanup time.
Produce better quality parts
with enhanced CMM results dramatically simplify and accelerate the
analysis aerospace design process.

Quickly design and visualize

production lines with Line
Simulate manufacturing
process faster with tooling
enhancements Synchronous technology makes non-native data

Part modeling
Model diagnosis can be a time-consuming
NX 10 features commands specific to aerospace task when modifying parametric models.
design. The face snapshot command in NX 10 is a
powerful tool that saves time by showing
Synchronous technology you the previous state of any face. This
Introduced in NX 9, synchronous tech- makes it much easier to see any problem
nology 2D gives you the same freedom and areas and fix them.
speed that the groundbreaking synchro-
Patterning has been enhanced to give you
nous technology gives you for 3D
greater control and improve performance
geometry. It even works the same way as
and efficiency. Creating high-quality blends
synchronous technology 3D, with simple,
with more consistent results is easier in NX
intuitive push-and-pull commands when
10, thanks to tools such as edge blend and
using the NX sketch environment. In NX
face blend. These new blend options let
10, synchronous technology 2D is even
you control every aspect of your blends
more powerful, with T-junction support,
geometry and create blends with G2 conti-
point on curve constraints, offset
nuity for finish-quality surfaces used in
constraints and more. In addition, its now
styling and industrial design.
easier to select the curves you want to
modify in 2D sketch. Synchronous tech- Creating high-quality surfaces in complex
nology 2D in NX 10 gives you more ways to regions is easier than ever. Fill surface
modify and use 2D data from any source enables you to create a surface by picking
than ever before. Overall, synchronous

curves around its boundary with full control drawing or in manufacturing processes like
over continuity. Curves can now be any other PMI object. With NX 10, you can
wrapped or unwrapped across multiple take advantage of existing information
faces. Not only does this increase versa- much more quickly than before.
tility, its especially helpful for using
Siemens PLM Software recognizes the cost
manufacturing reference geometry.
and effort associated with producing draw-
Trimming and extending sheets and curves
ings, which is why with each release of NX
has been enhanced to provide more effec-
we focus on delivering tools that support
tive results with fewer commands,
rapid drawing creation with reduced cost
increasing efficiency. With new capabilities
and increased productivity. Many customer-
in the blend corner and fill surface
driven enhancements to dimension
commands, its easier than ever to create
creation and editing have been incorpo-
high-quality surfaces that can be manufac-
rated into NX 10, as well as a number of
tured even in complex areas of your model,
annotation enhancements that provide
which was difficult to do in the past.
improved compliance with drafting stan-
dards. These changes all contribute to
simplified workflows and better

Fill surface makes it easy to create high-quality


NX Product and Manufacturing Information
(PMI) and NX Drafting have many
customer-driven enhancements in NX 10. NX PMI enables you to create dimensions more
Many of these improvements focus on efficiently.
giving you greater control over the display
Active Workspace
and placement of your annotation, both on
Active Workspace is a powerful tool for
drawings and the model itself. For instance,
finding information about your products
NX 10 provides a number of drawing
quickly and easily. It is embedded directly
format tools to assist in the creation and
in NX, and can also be accessed in any web
maintenance of drawing templates. These
browser on any device, including mobile
tools include a title block command as well
devices. Active Workspace enables you to
as intelligent sheet zones. These
quickly access Teamcenter software data
commands have been enhanced in NX 10
from within NX or anywhere else. The tool
to provide improved workflows.
reduces the amount of time you spend
You can open a JT file and automatically searching for information with its powerful
create real PMI information from it in NX interactive search and filtering capabilities,
10. This includes dimensions, geometric which can access external systems, elimi-
dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) nating the need to search in multiple
objects, weld symbols, centerlines and places. Because Active Workspace is
much more. Since these are real PMI context-aware, it only shows the informa-
objects, they can be used downstream in a tion that is relevant to the task being

performed, which saves you time. By high- enables you to leverage the new NX
lighting issues in visual reports, it helps you Nastran SOL 401 multi-step nonlinear
see the big picture so you can make solver and a thermal solution from the NX
smarter decisions more quickly. Thermal solver.
Using NX CAE 10, you can more easily
tackle complex simulations, such as blade
clearance analysis within aircraft engine
systems, or structural analysis of automo-
tive powertrain components within high
temperature environments. Other applica-
tions for electronic components and
metalworking processes are also well suited
for the multiphysics environment.

Simulation modeling and results

The Active Workspace client helps you find vital
product information quickly.
Updated expression functions, quantities Multiphysics environment used for
bidirectional thermal-structural
and evaluation system Some simulation
NX for simulation productivity models require highly interdependent loads
coupling to study blade clearance
within an aircraft engine.
and boundary conditions (LBCs), some of
NX CAE which are not known until solve time. NX
NX CAE is a modern simulation environ- 10 introduces new expression functions,
ment for modeling; structural, thermal, quantities and an evaluation system that
flow, motion and multiphysics simulation; simplify the task of defining these interde-
optimization; simulation data manage- pendent LBCs and can even evaluate
ment; and simulation-driven design. NX 10 expressions at solve time. Expressions can
for simulation introduces new capabilities even reference proprietary, user-defined
and enhancements in NX CAE to help you codes, such as thermal subroutines,
solve the most complex problems faster. which make them much easier to manage
Highlights of enhancements in the NX CAE and use.
10 release include:
In addition, these new expression quanti-
Multiphysics ties and functions provide significant
Multiphysics environment The new multi- benefits in postprocessing operations by
physics environment in NX CAE 10 takes leveraging relationships in the data that
simulation integration to a new level to allow you to develop a greater under-
help you connect two or more solvers to standing of the models physical behavior.
streamline the process of performing For example, you can create user-defined
complex, multiphysics simulation. This expressions that combine simulation results
environment delivers a consistent look and as a function of time, which you can then Stress margin calculation based on
feel for performing multiphysics simula- plot in NX CAE. temperature dependent yield stress.
tions so you can easily build coupled
solutions on the same mesh using common Adaptive meshing NX CAE 10 introduces a
element types, properties, boundary condi- new adaptive meshing capability for better
tions, as well as solver controls and convergence and accuracy of structural,
options. thermal and multiphysics solutions.
Adaptive meshing automates the lengthy
This initial release of the multiphysics envi-
and repetitive process of running multiple
ronment provides the ability to solve
finite element analyses (FEA) with different
thermo-mechanical problems in loosely
mesh densities. The mesh refinement is
(one-way) or tightly-coupled (two-way)
determined by stress, strain and tempera-
modes. Coupled thermal-structural analysis
ture error estimates associated with

element stress and strain discontinuities. Integrated vibro-acoustic analysis New

Based on these error estimates, the soft- capabilities in NX CAE 10 for simulation
ware identifies critical regions on the modeling and postprocessing mean you
model that become the target for further can now perform an integrated, end-to-end
refinement of the mesh in subsequent vibro-acoustic workflow to increase produc-
iterations. tivity for automotive noise, vibration and
harshness (NVH) analysis. In NX CAE 10,
you can:
Easily create the cavity mesh starting
from just a structural finite element mesh
of the outside structure
Create load recipes to define loads from
external sources, such as measurement
Set up and run an NX Nastran vibro-
acoustic solution that can include
coupling, panels for contribution analysis
and absorbent panels
Adaptive meshing leads to better convergence and
accuracy of structural, thermal and multiphysics Postprocess results for sound pressure
solutions. levels and panel contributions

Structural analysis
Extended composites simulation capabil-
ities NX CAE 10 extends its modeling and
simulation capabilities for parts made with
laminate composite materials. NX Laminate
Composites has enhanced data exchange
capabilities with Fibersim software so it
can be used to import zones onto polygon
faces or 2D elements. Additional new
enhancements include an interface to
CATIA Composite Product Design (CPD),
support for the new NX expressions capa-
bilities and the ability to edit multiple
laminate physical properties in a single
operation. NX Laminate Composites also
supports the new NX CAE environment for
the LMS Samtech Samcef Solver Suite
software, which is being introduced in NX
10, and enables you to create cohesive
layers between extruded plies to model An integrated vibro-acoustic workflow increases
delamination. productivity for automotive NVH analysis.

In addition, enhancements in this release New LMS Samcef Solver Suite environ-
for the NX Response Simulation module ment NX CAE 10 introduces a new
allow you to recover ply stresses for lami- environment for LMS Samcef Solver Suite,
Simulation of laminate composite nate composites for random vibration which offers a nonlinear finite element
material showing delamination. analyses. solver for structural analysis covering a
wide range of applications in the aero-
space, defense and automotive industries.

With LMS Samcef Solver Suite, you can run Adaptive time stepping scheme The new
linear and nonlinear static analyses, as well adaptive time stepping scheme introduced
as modal and buckling analyses. The solver in NX CAE 10 handles sharp changes in
includes unique capabilities for the predic- temperature at boundary conditions. When
tion of complex, nonlinear phenomena like there are no abrupt changes in boundary
progressive damage in the unidirectional conditions, the new adaptive time scheme
and woven fabric plies of a laminated accelerates the speed of the simulation
composite structure, as well as delamina- without losing accuracy.
tion with coupling to the damage inside
Flow analysis
the plies.
Boundary layer meshing in the FEM In NX
CAE 10, it is possible to create a boundary
layer mesh in the finite element model
(FEM) file with the NX Advanced Fluid
Modeling module. Creating the boundary
layer in the FEM file gives you greater
control over boundary layer mesh because
you can visualize it and use all the mesh
controls and quality checks you normally
would with any FE mesh. This also makes
the boundary layer mesh available for other
The new LMS Samcef Solver Suite environment can
applications in addition to computational
be used to simulate complex, nonlinear
phenomena in composites in addition to linear
fluid dynamics (CFD), such as for acoustics
static, modal and buckling behaviors. applications. You can take advantage of the
NX CAE geometry and mesh preprocessing
Thermal analysis speed for use with external CFD solvers by Create and control the boundary
Solver-evaluated expressions NX Thermal exporting the boundary layer mesh to a layer mesh directly in the FEM for
and NX Advanced Thermal modules can be CFD general notation system (CGNS) file. CFD and acoustics applications.
used to leverage the new expression capa-
Mesh wrapping capability Analysts often
bilities introduced in this release to model
need to start their simulations from legacy
interdependencies between boundary
finite element mesh data, meaning no
conditions. This allows you to define
surface geometry is available. This poses a
boundary conditions with symbolic expres-
difficult challenge for CFD analysts who
sions containing quantities that can only be
need to create the fluid domain mesh for
evaluated at solve time and updated as
the cavity inside the part. NX CAE 10 intro-
needed during the solution sequence.
duces a new mesh wrapping capability that
Printed circuit board components for solves this problem by allowing you to
spacecraft The NX 10 release of the NX generate fluid bodies from models for
Space System Thermal module includes the which you have mesh data but no
functionality to create printed circuit geometry.
boards (PCBs) and PCB component simula-
tion objects. These new features let you
easily define the thermal resistor models
for PCBs and electronic components
commonly used in spacecraft, which
operate under severe thermal conditions
over the course of a mission.

Generate fluid body models when you have mesh

data but no geometry for your part or assembly.

Extensions to parallel flow solver The NX journals to develop NX Open applications in

Flow parallel solver enables successful Python. These applications can use any
speeding of large, complex CFD simula- features of the Python programming
tions. NX CAE 10 allows you to take language, including classes, looping
advantage of the parallel flow solver for constructs, control statements and call-
even more CFD applications, such as: backs. Python journals can be recorded and
replayed on Windows and Linux.
Two-phase flow
Homogeneous gas mixture and tracer NX for manufacturing productivity
High-speed flows
New industry-specific capabilities in NX
Shear stress transport (SST) and K-omega CAM 10 help you program faster and
Speed simulation time for even turbulence models machine better quality parts.
more CFD applications using the
parallel flow solver. Non-Newtonian fluids Efficient cutting with adaptive roughing
strategies for mold and die machining,
Two-phase, immiscible fluid simulation streamlined programming of prismatic
enhancements features and high-quality surface finish of
With the NX CAE 10 release, enhancements complex parts can increase your overall
to two-phase immiscible fluid simulation manufacturing productivity.
capabilities expand the types of applica-
tions you can evaluate. You can now Mold and die machining
simulate fluid flow problems for a mixture Optimized roughing You can achieve more
of any two immiscible fluid constituents, consistent tool load, minimize tool wear
meaning you can specify two liquids or and extend tool life with the new roughing
gases as long as the two fluids are immis- strategy in NX. This capability is especially
cible. Additionally, you can simulate open useful for more complex parts that require
volume enclosures, such as the filling or different cutting strategies for different
emptying of a tank. regions. NX applies inward or outward
Simulate open volume enclosures, cutting direction, finds the best available
such as the filling or emptying of Simulation process automation start location and uses the right engage-
a tank. Python programming language support ment type to enter the material. This
in NX Open The Python programming automated process is performed region-by-
language is added as a language binding region and level-by-level, ensuring
for NX Open in NX 10. This allows NX CAE improved cutting conditions in each
users to record and replay simulation work- machined area. For certain types of molds
flows in the Python language. Advanced and dies, the programming time can be
users can create or extend NX Open Python significantly reduced.

NX automatically applies best roughing strategies

for different regions of the machined part.

Cut region control for rest milling NX 10 reversing the cutting direction, thus
provides enhanced rest machining capabili- further maximizing performance of the
ties that offer better tool life and higher machine tool.
quality surface finish. The interactive cut
region control functions have been
extended to cover Flowcut, the valley rest-
milling operation, and specify a range of
cut patterns for steep, shallow and flat
areas. To ensure that the best cutting
method is used for each area, you can
Cut region control enables precise control
of rest milling tool paths. preview, change and reorder the regions
before generating tool paths. With the new
cut region control for Flowcut, you can
quickly and reliably program even the most
complex mold and dies. The optimized Minimize tool travel and improve machining accu-
machining of the corners and valleys can racy with optimized drilling patterns.
extend tool life and improve surface finish.
Group features With NX 10, you can mini-
Prismatic part machining
mize the number of operations needed to
Chamfer milling of holes The new cham-
machine parts with many holes. Using
fering operation applies the powerful
feature-based machining, holes are identi-
hole-milling approach to a common feature
fied, filtered and grouped automatically.
with a minimum programming input. NX
Holes sharing similar attributes are
10 enables you to automatically calculate
programmed together so that they share
the correct tool offset for chamfering holes
tools. On the shop floor, the optimized
and generating a circular milling tool path
machining process can reduce tool
using the familiar hole-making method-
changes, shorten travel distance and
ology. You can reduce programming and
Shown is the automated chamfer milling increase drilling accuracy.
of holes with different orientations and machining time by chamfering multiple
sizes. holes with one operation, even when the
holes have different orientations. And you
can use a single tool to machine chamfers
of different sizes that save you even more
programming time. The in-process visual-
ization displays uncut material after each

Efficient drilling paths Minimizing the

travel and improving the machining accu-
racy can be critical when drilling a large
In-process visualization displays uncut
number of holes. The new optimized
material for reliable programming. Flexible grouping capabilities enable faster
sequencing in NX enables you to improve
programming and more efficient machining of
drilling operations by specifying the desired
similar holes.
drilling pattern and selecting the best
start position. The subsequent operation
can start where the previous one ended,

Complex part machining

Swarf cutting of blades Exact alignment
of the tool with the blade geometry can be
achieved with the enhanced swarfing in
the NX Turbomachinery Milling module.
Complex blades can be finished with a
single pass using the entire length of the
tool, which can produce a high-quality
surface finish. The gradual engagement of
the tool with the material ensures
machining with reduced vibrations that
further improve the surface quality. Flat,
Simplified programming of complex rotary parts
bullnose and tapered end mills can be lets you quickly generate 5-axis tool paths.
used to generate a swarfing tool path
that machines the entire blade with a This style of rotary cutting performs best
single pass. when the tool engages material on its
leading edge. NX provides control over the
contact point and offers options for tool
shifts in order to optimize the cutting
conditions. This results in better material
removal rates, tool life and surface finish.

NX CMM inspection programming

The automated inspection programming
capabilities in NX CMM 10 lets you create Accurate control of the contact
accurate and safe inspection paths. The point can optimize cutting
results analysis module enables you to
import and compare multiple results sets to
Machining high-quality impellers using a swarf improve the quality control process.
operation enables precise alignment of the tool
with blade geometry. Automatic collision avoidance
5-axis machining of rotary parts The NX CMM makes it easy to program
enhanced strategies in NX 10 make it measurement sequences across faces and
simple to create efficient 5-axis machining features, creating safe transfer moves. The
operations for large rotary parts, such as system monitors each motion for possible
aircraft engine casings. Select a single edge interferences, then adjusts the approach
and NX will generate all the necessary vector or tool axis as needed to keep the
operations to machine cylindrical faces. program collision-free.
The lateral tool offset option enables you to NX CMM 10 expands these automated colli-
easily create accurate, collision-free 5-axis sion avoidance methods to include
multiple passes. For some rotary parts, this movement of the measurement point. For
method can save you hours of geometry example, a point positioned too close to
creation and model preparation. another surface will be automatically NX CMM automatically adjusts
Also, 5-axis chamfering and deburring moved far enough to avoid any inspection paths to prevent interfer-
operations can be easily generated using interference. ence with adjacent part features.
this cutting strategy.

Another new option in NX 10 enables you

to remove measurement points that cause
interference conditions. Arrays and scan-
ning patterns can be applied quickly; then
only the points that can actually be
measured safely are kept for the final
Scanning paths automated with link
to PMI
The NX CMM link to PMI uses the solid
NX CMM lets you save and analyze multiple results
models product manufacturing informa-
sets for improved quality control.
tion to automatically program
measurements against the provided posi- Machine-specific output
tioning and tolerance information. The NX CMM uses the same proven, flexible
programming automation of the link to PMI postprocessor as NX CAM in order to
has been enhanced to provide scanning provide production-ready output to the
operations in addition to touch points. This wide variety of measurement machines
greatly increases application opportunities found in industry. With NX CMM 10, inspec-
for this powerful automation method tion programs may include user-defined
because scanning measurements are being events (UDEs) to make postprocessors even
used more frequently. UDEs help you generate inspection
more flexible and provide machine-specific programs with application-specific
features. Several UDEs are provided as a instructions.
starting point, but users can create UDEs
for their specific application.

Line Designer
Design complete production layouts on a
single platform
NX 10 introduces Line Designer, an
advanced solution to design and visualize
layouts of product lines. The integrated
Siemens PLM Software platform enables
you to easily associate the designed layout
to manufacturing planning.
Scanning inspection paths can be automatically This close integration with planning allows
created by using the embedded PMI data. you to efficiently manage the entire manu-
facturing process. You can easily optimize
Saved analysis results
the process by specifying each production
NX CMM can be used to analyze measured
step down to managing a single manufac-
results by bringing them back into the
turing resource, such as a robot or a Design and visualize layouts of
graphics system to compare against the
fixture. production lines with Line Designer.
as-modeled geometry. In NX CMM 10,
these measured results can be stored in the You can perform accurate impact analysis
NX part file for further analysis. NX and drive efficient change management by
measurement tools can be used to display using the parametric resources that are
deviations and create annotations for associated with the manufacturing plan.
reports. Subsequent measurements can be
Having a complete solution for line-level
compared against previous measurements
design that is integrated with manufac-
as manufacturing processes are refined and
turing planning is essential to define
quality is improved over time.
optimized production processes.

Lay out the production concept in NX The fully classified equipment library is
Line Designer is a complete production managed by using Teamcenter, a complete
layout solution for manufacturing system for data and process management.
engineers. The solution connectivity allows manufac-
turing engineers to connect to the library.
The parametric engine in NX enables you to
By connecting to the Teamcenter library
efficiently work manufacturing compo-
environment, you can utilize the powerful
nents and to easily accommodate any
search, view and retrieval capabilities
changes. When adjusting the size of indi-
across a fully classified library directly
vidual components or modifying the layout,
from NX.
the entire production line automatically
updates. To efficiently handle a large amount of
complex data, NX provides advanced tech-
nology such as fourth-generation design
(4GD) and JT. The component-based 4GD
approach enables concurrent design in
multiple configurations, and is scalable to
layouts with a large number of compo-
nents. JT is a lightweight data technology Share the same library equipment
that provides high-performance visualiza- with the Siemens PLM Software
tion and collaboration capabilities. suite of applications.

Define the complete production process

in one integrated solution
Define smart components with NX parametric Siemens PLM Software provides a unified
modeling. platform for product, tool and production
system design. It supports the entire work-
For each phase of the layout design, you flow from product and line design to
can use the right digital representation of virtual commissioning.
the manufacturing components:

2D representation: quickly
position the components
Product Process Line Process Virtual
and generate drawings.
design planning design simulation comissioning

Simplified representation:
design the 3D layout with a Pictured is the factory layout design and manufac-
minimum number of turing planning workflow.
The layout designed with Line Designer can
be used to validate the manufacturing
process using Tecnomatix software for
digital manufacturing. Using the Process
Detailed representation:
simulate and detect Simulate application, you can validate a
interferences by using all wide range of robotic applications allowing
the equipments details. you to simulate complete production
systems, including cell validation and robot
placement optimization. By simulating
production processes, you can define the
optimum manufacturing process.

With Tecnomatix virtual commissioning Visual reports can be managed and distrib-
solutions, you can correct your program- uted to benefit the entire enterprise.
mable logic controller (PLC) codes in a
virtual environment before using them on
real equipment. By simulating and vali-
dating your automation equipment
virtually, you can ensure proper operation
and significantly reduce system startup

Directly access and display the component proper-

ties using NX Visual Reporting.

Tooling design in NX 10 contains a large
number of incremental changes designed
Validate the designed production lines with Process
to make it easier to simulate your manufac-
turing processes.
Using the Siemens PLM Software unified The create box command is used to create
platform provides efficient change manage- a block or cylinder around a group of
ment and direct access to a shared library objects that you select. In NX 10, this
of manufacturing assets. Re-usable best command creates associative features for
practices can be synchronized across the easy tracking and modification. You have
solution. You can further expand the solu- full control over the creation method,
tion to efficiently work with suppliers and shape and references of the box. These
system integrators. enhancements automate a significant
Visual reporting and documentation portion of the mold design process and
You can use Line Designer to directly access simplify workflows.
a layouts PLM information in Teamcenter. Its quicker and easier to find the standard
Line Designer can display relevant informa- parts you need in NX 10 because you can
tion about each component, including define a search-and-save-it in the Re-use
type, design changes, suppliers, investment Library. You can even place the search
cost and build dates. directly on the NX ribbon bar for quick
With high-definition 3D (HD3D) NX Visual access.
Reporting, you can browse product lifecycle It is simpler to create parting surfaces with
management (PLM) data and view details the new guided extension option. This lets
in an interactive navigator. Visual reports you create an associative parting surface
can be configured to display color-coded based on a set of connected curves or
information on manufacturing equipment edges. With guided extension, you can
models based on its values and properties. create parting surfaces in areas where
So you can quickly and intuitively visualize other methods cannot.
components in make-or-buy categories,
identify long-lead items or identify all
suppliers of a full line of equipment.

Progressive die design has a large number

of customer-driven enhancements in NX
10. Functionality improvements in the
areas of prebending and unbending, shim
design, burring and pad creation help simu-
late actual manufacturing processes as well
as provide methods for correcting die
issues. Together they make it easier to
create large progressive die shapes.
You have more control over tool motion
simulation than ever in NX 10. Kinematic
models can be easily changed, as can
control data. There is support for more cam
types and lifters as well. You can also
create user-defined motions such as linear
movement along a vector, or angular
movement along an axis. With these
options, you can validate your mold and die
assemblies more quickly and accurately.

Guided extension simplifies the creation of

parting lines.

Siemens PLM Software
Americas +1 314 264 8499
Europe +44 (0) 1276 413200
Asia-Pacific +852 2230 3308

2014 Siemens Product Lifecycle

Management Software Inc. Siemens
and the Siemens logo are registered
trademarks of Siemens AG. D-Cubed,
Femap, Fibersim, Geolus, GO PLM,
I-deas, JT, NX, Parasolid, Solid Edge,
Syncrofit, Teamcenter and
Tecnomatix are trademarks or regis-
tered trademarks of Siemens Product
Lifecycle Management Software Inc.
or its subsidiaries in the United States
and in other countries. All other
logos, trademarks, registered trade-
marks or service marks belong to
their respective holders.
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