Case 6 - Walmart's Women

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Should Kroger Pay Now for What a Ralphss Employee Did in the Past

Imanda Mulia Rahman 361168

1. The lawsuit would definitely bring a bad image on Wal-Mart. It caused public
reaction against Wal-Mart by boycotting its products in which would lead to a
change in market conditions. Wal-Mart could face billions of dollars in demands for
pay back and punitive damages, because it is gradually forcing down the wages and
living standards of retail workers who arent employed by Wal-Mart. The problems
would mainly involve consumers and cost-efficient producers against traditional
retailers, organize labor and, and community activists.
Yes, the women deserve to win their lawsuit because they do have a right as a
worker or employee. They do have the same right as the male workers and
employees. It is unethical and illegal to discriminate against a particular sex, in this
case female employees, at any stage of employment. All have equal rights to
promotion, vacation leave and other benefits by the employer or company.
Wal-Mart will face a problem involving their shareholders. It will lose the trust its
Shareholders have been giving and even lost money to pay them back. Moreover,
Wal-Mart will also face a decrease in profit because it does not have enough workers
to run the business properly since it lies off thousand of its workers.

2. The major complaints of the females suing Wal-Mart is the discrimination against
female employees in promotions, pay, management training and job assignment,
details as follows:
Female employees receive fewer and wait longer for promotion to in-store
management position than men.
Female employees are paid less than men in comparable positions, despite
having higher performance ratings.
Unequal distribution of management training among female and male
Male employees are allocated a better job assignment compare to women
employees with equally qualified and experienced.
Yes, I believe these complaints are justified, because it is clearly showed by the
points above that the female employees in Wal-Mart were not treated fairly and

3. The factors that might account for the discrepancies the Drogin report uncovered
are wrong perception of higher level between men and women employees,
subjective analysis of performance and job experience, and wage and promotion
discrepancies. First about the perception of higher level between men and women,
Drogin report said that women employees would leave their jobs more than men
because perhaps to raise children or for some other reasons which shows that most
of the women employees were hired at the lower level compared to men
employees. Second point about subjective analysis of performance and job
experience, women are seen to give higher turnover rate and that the women
employee is not suitable going to Salaried managers because of most of the
salaried manager must be ready with more challenging in their work such as had to
be willing to relocate. Last point about wage and promotion discrepancies, on
average women had higher performance ratings than men, however women hired
the same position as the men paid less than the men.
4. Wal-Mart should make opportunity for women employees to advance in the
organization. The women employees are also able to manage and develop an
organization to successfully based on the skills, knowledge, and talent found within
them. There should not be a pay difference between male and female, and any kind
of glass ceiling should be eliminated.
I dont think that the company should institute an affirmative action promotion
program for female employees. There should be no favoritism towards any sex.
Everyone should be treated fairly and equally based on their skills, knowledge and
talent; not on whether they are male or female.

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