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Community Church

Lent 2017

New ScheduleAgain :-) Game Night

We are now meeting in one service at 9:30AM on
Sundays, followed by an Adult Bible Study in the
auditorium / Young Marrieds Group in a classroom /
Childrens Worship Choir / and Nursery care.
Lent is a season of the year to reflect on our
relationship with God. For 40 days prior to celebrating
the Resurrection of Jesus, we humble ourselves and
recognize our need for His work on the cross. In
addition to Ash Wednesday, we will once again have a
Good Friday evening service, then all the celebration
that goes with Easter / Resurrection Sunday. Although
we typically spend more time and money during the
Christmas holidays, this deserves at least as much
emphasis in your own family traditions.

Worship Sundays 9:30am

10:45 Young Marrieds, Adults, Childrens Worship
Childrens Sunday School @ Half Time Sundays
Trivia Night

Nursery Volunteer Bri

Letters to Young Believers

On Sunday mornings we have just begun a new long-term
teaching series for 2017 from the letter called I Corinthians. I have
subtitled our series, Letters to Young Believers, because in terms
of church history, this was a very young church. The issues the Interim Youth Leader Ethan
letter address are basic to understanding our relationship with one
another (the Church) / with Christ / and with His Holy Spirit.
Womens Coffee Talk
Besides my own series, each class offered during our Christian
Education hour has its own focus for your enrichment. Hoping you
will choose to participate.
On Wednesday nights we continue to have Kingdom Kids meeting
with Jim / youth meeting with Ethan / little children meeting with
Jane / women having a Bible study in the nursery / and a coed
study in the auditorium.
Childrens Worship Class
Besides all this, there are numerous activities for various groups /
genders / and life stages where you can join in! - Pastor Randy

Young Marrieds Group

55540 Apple Rd @ McKinley

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