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Script of role play

Sandy : Hi! Michelle. Long time no see..

Michelle : HI! Sandy. Me too. What are you finding for?

Sandy : Im looking reference data for my Biology assignment. What are you
searching for?

Michelle : I cannot explain all that in just a few words.

Sandy : What's happening? Anything I can do for you?

Michelle : Erm...I am writing an essay about 21st Century Education. Since I have
not idea to write the essay, so I need to read some articles by others.

Sandy : Ive heard about that before. What Im understand is the structure of
21st century curriculum has certain critical attributes. It is
interdisciplinary, project-based, and research-driven. It is connected to
the community local, state, national and global. Sometimes students
are collaborating with people around the world in various projects. The
curriculum incorporates higher order thinking skills, multiple
intelligences, technology and multimedia, the multiple literacies of the
21st century, and authentic assessments. Service learning is an
important component.

Michelle : Thats right. The classroom is expanded to include the greater

community. Students are self-directed, and work both independently
and interdependently. The curriculum and instruction are designed to
challenge all students, and provides for differentiation. Besides,in this
curriculum system there is not textbook-driven or fragmented, but is
thematic, project-based and integrated. Skills and content are not
taught as an end in themselves, but students learn them through their
research and application in their projects.
Sandy : Knowledge is not memorization of facts and figures, but is constructed
through research and application, and connected to previous
knowledge, personal experience, interests, talents and passions. The skills
and content become relevant and needed as students require this
information to complete their projects. The content and basic
skills are applied within the context of the curriculum, and are not ends
in themselves. Assessment moves from regurgitation of
memorized facts and disconnected processes to demonstration of
understanding through application in a variety of contexts. Real-world
audiences are an important part of the assessment process, as
is self-assessment.

Michelle : Why do you know very well about this topic?

Sandy : Thats nothing to speak of.I just focus on current events. Have you ever
listen the Master Seven Survival Skills that help students to thrive in
the new world of work in the 21st century?

Michelle : Are you talking about the skill of critical thinking and problem solving,
collaboration and leadership, agility and adaptability, initiative and
entrepreneurialism, effective oral and written communication,
accessing and analyzing information and the last one curiosity and

Sandy : You are right. All these skills are enable students to become productive
citizens who contribute to solving some of the most pressing issues
they face in the 21st century. Now Michelle,do you know why students
need 21st century skills?

Michelle : This is becouse students need to learn how and why to be engaged
citizens who think criticallyso that they can, analyze news items,
identify biases, and vote in an educated way. They need to be able to
solve problems so they can propose or review policies to address
social challenges. Besides,they need to be able to work with others if
they are to effectively serve as jurors or participate in political

Sandy : Futhermore, if they able to communicate effectively orally and in

writing, they will not facing problem to share their opinions publicly,
defend their rights, propose new policy, etc. Massive global migration,
the Internet, interdependent international markets, climate instability,
international wars, and other factors remind us daily that countries,
states, and individuals are part of a globally interconnected economy,
ecosystem, and political network and that people are part of the global
community. This interconnectedness makes it even more urgent for
students around the world to learn how to communicate, collaborate,
and solve problems with people beyond national boundaries.

Michelle : I had read an article, the authors say Creativity is prized in the
economic, civic, and global spheres because it sparks innovations that
can create jobs, address challenges, and motivate social and individual
progress. Teachers should directly enhance studentscreativity by
encouraging, identifying, and fostering it. Encouragement helps
students to develop positive mental models about their ability to
develop their creativity. Identifying creativity can help students to recognize
their own creative capacities.

Sandy : Congrat to you, Michelle. Through our conversation, I think you have
no problem to write you article now.

Michellel : Sorry to say, I still lack of confidence to do the work. By the way, I want
to thank you on helping me organize thoughts. Oops! I took up too
much of your time.

Sandy : Its okay. Hope you can do well. God bless you.

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