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Acta Psychologica 170 (2016) 163167

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Representations of temporal information in short-term memory: Are

they modality-specic?
Daniel Bratzke , Katrina R. Quinn, Rolf Ulrich, Karin M. Bausenhart
University of Tbingen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Rattat and Picard (2012) reported that the coding of temporal information in short-term memory is modality-
Received 17 November 2015 specic, that is, temporal information received via the visual (auditory) modality is stored as a visual (auditory)
Received in revised form 22 July 2016 code. This conclusion was supported by modality-specic interference effects on visual and auditory duration
Accepted 3 August 2016
discrimination, which were induced by secondary tasks (visual tracking or articulatory suppression), presented
Available online 9 August 2016
during a retention interval. The present study assessed the stability of these modality-specic interference effects.
Our study did not replicate the selective interference pattern but rather indicated that articulatory suppression
Short-term memory not only impairs short-term memory for auditory but also for visual durations. This result pattern supports a
Temporal information crossmodal or an abstract view of temporal encoding.
Temporal discrimination 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sensory modalities

1. Introduction 2005; Kanai, Lloyd, Bueti, & Walsh, 2011). This view assumes that irre-
spective of input modality, temporal information is stored as an audito-
Processing of temporal information is an important function of ry representation because the auditory system is especially suited for
the cognitive system. Temporal information is required in many pro- temporal processing (Welch & Warren, 1980). Third, another recent
cesses such as anticipating and estimating the duration of events, view holds that the representation of temporal information is specic
and initializing coordinative behavior. Even basic learning processes to the sensory input modality. This view is implied by intrinsic timing
like classical conditioning would be impossible without temporal models which assume that temporal processing is an inherent feature
processing. In order to utilize temporal information, this information of early sensory processing (Buonomano & Karmarkar, 2002; Ivry &
needs to be maintained within the organism at least for short periods Schlerf, 2008).
of time. Therefore it is important to understand how temporal infor- There is evidence for each of these views. First, an amodal view
mation is encoded and maintained in short-term memory. There are appears plausible because it is possible to compare short durations
at least three different views regarding this matter. not only within the same modality but also across modalities.
First, it has often been suggested that the memory representation of Moreover, differences in discrimination of visual and auditory du-
temporal information is based on accumulation of internal signals like rations are consistent with the amodal view if one assumes that
neural pulses or ticks elicited by an internal pacemaker (Creelman, the pacemaker runs faster for auditory than for visual input
1962; Gibbon, Church, & Meck, 1984; Treisman, 1963). Within the (Ulrich, Nitschke, & Rammsayer, 2006; Wearden, Edwards, Fakhri,
framework of such pacemaker-accumulator models, the number of ac- & Percival, 1998). Second, the crossmodal view receives support
cumulated pulses represents the duration of an interval as an abstract from transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies showing
amodal code (Rammsayer & Ulrich, 2005; Wearden, Todd, & Jones, that disruption of the primary auditory cortex not only impairs dis-
2006). Second and more recently, it has been suggested that temporal crimination of auditory but also of visual (Kanai et al., 2011) and
information is primarily encoded in the auditory system (crossmodal tactile durations (Bolognini, Papagno, Moroni, & Maravita, 2010).
encoding; Bratzke, Seifried, & Ulrich, 2012; Guttman, Gilroy, & Blake, In addition, incongruent information impairs visual rhythm dis-
crimination more strongly if it is presented in the auditory rather
than in the visual modality (Guttman et al., 2005). Similarly, dura-
tion perception of visual intervals is much more strongly impaired
We thank Julia Feyerabend and Laura Schneider for assistance with data collection. by irrelevant auditory information than vice versa (Bausenhart, de
This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (UL 116/14-1 and la Rosa, & Ulrich, 2014). Moreover, Bratzke et al. (2012) found
BA 4110/3-2).
Corresponding author at: Fachbereich Psychologie, Universitt Tbingen,
that perceptual learning of temporal discrimination transfers
Schleichstrasse 4, 72076 Tbingen, Germany. from the auditory to the visual modality but not vice versa. Third,
E-mail address: (D. Bratzke). one piece of evidence supporting the modality-specic view is the
0001-6918/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
164 D. Bratzke et al. / Acta Psychologica 170 (2016) 163167

nding of modality-specic subjective shortening effects. That is, 2.2. Apparatus and stimuli
Takahashi and Watanabe (2012) reported subjective shortening
of perceived duration with increasing delay between a standard The experiment was implemented in Matlab using the Psychophys-
and a comparison duration, when the comparison was visual but ics Toolbox extension (Brainard, 1997; Kleiner, Brainard, & Pelli, 2007).
not when it was auditory (but see Wearden, Goodson, & Foran, Participants sat in front of a computer screen with a viewing distance of
2007, for subjective shortening also in the auditory modality). approximately 70 cm. All auditory stimuli were presented binaurally via
Even more direct evidence for the modality-specic view is provid- headphones. A 500 Hz sinewave tone with a peak amplitude of 65 dB(A)
ed by a recent study by Rattat and Picard (2012), which forms the SPL and rise and fall times of 5 ms served as the auditory duration stim-
basis for the present research. ulus. There were six different durations of this stimulus: 400, 440, 480,
In their study, Rattat and Picard (2012) used an interference par- 520, 560, and 600 ms. Also, recordings of ten German syllables (ar,
adigm to investigate short-term memory for visual, auditory and vi- en, ip, ot, uk, be, to, su, li, and ke), spoken by a female voice,
sual-auditory durations ranging from 400 to 600 ms. Participants were each presented with a peak amplitude of 72 dB SPL and served
were asked to discriminate between two durations separated by a as stimuli for the articulatory suppression task.
retention interval of 8 s. During the retention interval they per- All visual stimuli were presented on a white background (81 cd/m2)
formed either an articulatory suppression task, a visuo-spatial track- on a 17-in. CRT monitor (1024 768 pixels) running at 100 Hz. Visual
ing task, or no task at all. The results revealed a selective interference stimuli consisted of a black xation dot (b1 cd/m2, 1 mm diameter), a
pattern: articulatory suppression impaired discrimination of audito- black question mark (3 5 mm) which served as response prompt,
ry but not of visual and bimodal durations, and visual tracking im- and a blue square (7.7 cd/m2, 44 44 mm) which served as the visual
paired discrimination of visual but not of auditory and bimodal duration stimulus. All these visual stimuli were presented at the center
durations. This pattern of results strongly supports the modality- of the screen. There were six different durations of the visual duration
specic view. A similar interference effect of articulatory suppres- stimulus: 320, 380, 440, 560, 620, and 680 ms. These visual durations
sion on auditory temporal short-term memory has been reported span a wider range than the auditory durations (400600 ms)
by Franssen, Vandierendonck, and Van Hiel (2006). Additionally, employed in the present study, and also than the visual durations
Rammsayer and Ulrich (2005) also found no interference effect of a employed in Rattat and Picard's (2012) original study. We chose these
visuo-spatial secondary task (pattern recognition) on temporal dis- duration ranges in order to compensate for the typically observed larger
crimination of auditory stimuli. However, regarded in isolation, discrimination thresholds for visual than auditory durations (e.g.,
these types of interference would also be consistent with both the Grondin, 1993; Ulrich et al., 2006), such that comparable performance
amodal and the crossmodal view of temporal short-term memory levels would be obtained for the two modalities. In addition, 9 different
as described above. Thus, Rattat and Picard's nding of an interfer- black shapes (circle, triangle, diamond, cross, pentagon, trapezoid, kite,
ence effect induced by visuo-spatial tracking on the memory repre- parallelogram, hexagon, and quadrilobe, all with a diameter of approx-
sentation of visual but not of auditory temporal information is imately 17 mm) served as stimuli for the visual tracking task. Responses
especially important for their conclusion in favor of the modality- were collected using the x and m keys on a standard German
specic view. Yet, this particular nding appears to be isolated in keyboard.
the literature so far.
Therefore, the present study aimed to provide a further evaluation of 2.3. Procedure
the three encoding views. To this end, we employed Rattat and Picard's
(2012) interference design but excluded the bimodal condition because Each participant took part in two experimental sessions, an auditory
this condition is not diagnostic for the distinction between the different discrimination session and a visual discrimination session (with a max-
memory views. In order to increase statistical power, we used a within- imum separation of 8 days between the two sessions).
subject instead of a between-subject design with the same overall num- The time course of each trial was as follows: Each trial started
ber of participants as in their study. According to the modality-specic with the presentation of the xation point at the center of the screen.
view, we would expect a selective interference pattern as observed in After 750 ms, the rst duration stimulus was presented, chosen ran-
Rattat and Picard's study. That is, articulatory suppression should impair domly with equal probability from the six possible durations. In au-
discrimination of auditory but not of visual durations whereas visual ditory trials, the xation point remained on the screen during this
tracking should impair discrimination of visual but not of auditory dura- duration. At the end of the rst duration, the 8 s retention interval
tions. Under the crossmodal view, articulatory suppression should im- started with a blank screen. 1000 ms before the end of the retention
pair discrimination of both auditory and visual durations whereas interval the xation point reappeared and remained at the center of
visual tracking should not impair discrimination in either modality. the screen during presentation of the second duration (only in audi-
For the amodal view, at least two outcomes are conceivable. First, it is tory trials) and for another 1000 ms thereafter (in all trials). The sec-
possible that the abstract time information is stored at an amodal mem- ond duration was presented immediately after the end of the
ory level, as for example in the episodic buffer (Baddeley, 2012). Ac- retention interval. It was either equal to the rst duration (50%
cording to this possibility, neither visual nor auditory discrimination same trials) or it differed from the rst duration (50% different
performance should be affected by any of the interference tasks. Second, trials). In different trials, when the rst duration was shorter
the abstract time information might be retained in the phonological than 500 ms, the second duration was 120 (240) ms longer in audi-
loop and thus the predictions would resemble those of the crossmodal tory (visual) trials. By contrast, when the rst duration was longer
view. than 500 ms, the second one was 120 (240) ms shorter in auditory
(visual) trials. 1000 ms after the end of the second duration, the x-
ation point was replaced by a question mark, which prompted par-
2. Method ticipants to indicate whether they perceived the two durations as
being equal or different. As soon as a key press was registered, the re-
2.1. Participants sponse prompt disappeared, and the next trial started after another
750 ms.
36 participants (31 women) with a mean age of 22.94 (SD = 6.81) Within each modality session, participants completed three blocks
years volunteered to take part in two separate sessions of the experi- of trials, each differing in the nature of the interference task presented
ment. They received either course credit or payment for their during the retention interval. In no interference blocks, the screen
participation. remained empty during the rst 7 s of the retention interval. In visual
D. Bratzke et al. / Acta Psychologica 170 (2016) 163167 165

tracking blocks, one of the ten different shapes, picked at random, ap-
peared 250 ms after the start of the retention interval at the center of
the screen. It moved around the screen until the xation point
reappeared, following a different trajectory in each trial, which included
random and unpredictable changes of direction and movement speed.1
Participants had to track these stimuli with their eyes as long as they
were present on the screen. In articulatory suppression blocks, one
of the ten syllables, picked at random, was presented 150 ms after the
start of the retention interval. Participants then repeated this syllable
aloud until the xation point reappeared. Participants' adherence to
the visual tracking and to the articulatory suppression task was moni-
tored by the experimenter outside the experimental booth via a cam-
era-and-microphone setup.
For each of the combinations of duration modality (visual, auditory)
and interference task (no interference, visual tracking, and articulatory
suppression), participants completed 3 practice trials (randomly chosen
from all possible trials within each factorial combination) and 4 exper-
imental blocks of 12 trials each (one same and one different trial
for each of the possible 6 durations). Within each of these experimental
blocks, all durations were thus presented equally often and the order of
trials was randomized. After each experimental block, participants re-
ceived feedback about the percentage of correct responses in the cur-
rent block and could take a self-terminated break. Duration modality
was varied between sessions, and interference task was varied
blockwise within each session. The order of modality sessions and inter-
ference tasks was completely balanced across participants. The re-
sponse-to-key assignment was also balanced across participants.

3. Results

As in Rattat and Picard (2012), the dependent variables were the

nonparametric indices A and B for sensitivity and bias, respectively.
These were calculated separately for each participant and each condi-
tion according to the formulas provided by Grier (1971) with the cor-
rection for below chance performance proposed by Aaronson and
Watts (1987). Accordingly, with h denoting the hit rate and f the false
alarm rate, these indices are given by
8 Fig. 1. Mean sensitivity A (upper panel) and mean bias B (lower panel) as a function of
> hf  1 h f
< 0:5 if h f interference task and duration modality. Error bars represent 1 within-subject subject
0 4  h  1 f error according to Morey (2008). Asterisks indicate signicant post-hoc Tukey contrasts
A 1:1
> f h  1 f h for the main effect of interference task (** p b 0.001).
: 0:5 if hbf ;
4  f  1h

articulatory suppression) were conducted for A and also for B. The
8 Greenhouse-Geisser correction was used to adjust p-values where
> h  1hf  1 f
< if h f appropriate.
h  1h f  1 f
B 1:2
> f  1f h  1h Fig. 1 (upper panel) depicts mean A values as a function of duration
: if hbf :
h  1h f  1 f modality and interference task. Note that A can range from 0 to 1, with
A = 0.5 indicating chance level, and A = 1 representing perfect dis-
Prior to calculation of these indices, trials with RTs exceeding 5 s crimination performance. In the present study, the overall level of
were classied as lapses and discarded (0.7% of all trials). ANOVAs discrimination performance was somewhat higher than the one ob-
with the within-subjects factors duration modality (visual vs. audi- served by Rattat and Picard (2012), and mean A values differed
tory) and interference task (no interference, visual tracking, and less between conditions than in their study. Yet, an ANOVA revealed
a signicant main effect of interference task, F(2, 70) = 18.57,
p b 0.001, 2p = 0.35. Post-hoc Tukey contrasts indicated a reliable
difference between articulatory suppression and the no interference
condition, p b 0.001, a signicant difference between articulatory
In each trial, the to-be-tracked shape always appeared at the screen center. Then, its
suppression and visual tracking, p b 0.001, and no signicant differ-
position changed with each refresh of the monitor (i.e., after each 10 ms). Specically,
for each refresh, the target moved between 12 and +12 pixels in the horizontal and/
ence between visual tracking and the no interference condition,
or the vertical direction, with the restriction to move at least two pixels in at least one di- p = 0.552. This nding suggests that only the articulatory suppres-
rection and to remain within the screen boundaries. Direction and velocity of this move- sion task interfered with short-term memory of temporal informa-
ment remained constant between frames with a probability of ~ 38%. Otherwise, tion. The main effect of duration modality only approached
movement direction and velocity changed randomly by a small amount, with smaller
signicance, F(1, 35) = 3.60, p = 0.066, 2p = 0.09. Most crucially,
changes (e.g. 2 pixels in one of the directions per frame) being more likely than larger
changes, resulting in a coarsely continuous yet unpredictable trajectory with a velocity the interaction of duration modality and interference task was not
varying between 5.5 and 44.4 of visual angle/s. signicant, F(2, 70) = 0.16, p = 0.852, 2p b 0.01. Thus, in contrast
166 D. Bratzke et al. / Acta Psychologica 170 (2016) 163167

to the ndings of Rattat and Picard, the present results do not indi- (Baddeley & Hitch, 1974) were not yet developed when this model
cate that visual tracking and articulatory suppression selectively in- was formulated (Creelman, 1962; Treisman, 1963). Only recently, re-
terfere with temporal discrimination of visual and auditory stimuli.2 searchers have considered the role of working memory components
Fig. 1 (lower panel) depicts mean B as a function of duration modal- (e.g., the phonological loop) in the processing of temporal information
ity and interference task. This measure is scaled to range from 1 to within the context of internal clock models (see e.g. Franssen et al.,
+1, with negative B values indicating a bias towards same responses 2006).
and positive ones indicating a bias towards different responses. In In contrast to Rattat and Picard (2012), we did not observe any inter-
general, mean B values were slightly negative, revealing a small bias to- ference effect of the visual tracking task on discrimination performance.
wards same responses. This nding is consistent with the one report- One could argue that the visual tracking task in the present study was
ed by Rattat and Picard (2012). There was neither a main effect of perhaps not difcult enough to produce an interference effect. However,
duration modality, F(1, 35) = 0.33, p = 0.567, 2p b 0.01, nor of interfer- our visual tracking task was similar to the one used by Rattat and Picard
ence task, F(2, 70) = 0.15, p = 0.831, 2p b 0.01. The interaction was also (2012) and we additionally monitored participants while performing
not signicant, F(2, 70) = 0.53, p = 0.590, 2p = 0.01. the task. More importantly, even if the visual tracking task was not dif-
cult enough to produce an interference effect, our results nevertheless
4. Discussion provide evidence against a modality-specic view, because articulatory
suppression impaired not only retention of auditory information but
Rattat and Picard (2012) reported evidence for the notion that tem- also of visual information. This theoretically important nding is in
poral information is maintained in different modality-specic subsys- line with several other ndings concerning the coding of temporal in-
tems of short-term memory. They found that visual tracking and formation as mentioned above.
articulatory suppression selectively interfered with the maintenance There are a few methodological differences between our and Rattat
of temporal information conveyed either by the visual or the auditory and Picard's (2012) study which might have contributed to the discrep-
modality. Rattat and Picard's study was the rst and only report of ant results and therefore merit further discussion. In contrast to Rattat
such a selective interference effect so far and, as outlined in the Intro- and Picard's study, our experiment included (a) the presentation of a
duction, contrasts with several studies which suggest that temporal in- xation point during the last second of the retention interval, (b) perfor-
formation is primarily encoded in the auditory domain. We therefore mance feedback after each block, (c) a larger range of visual than audi-
aimed to assess the stability of this novel nding. tory durations, and (d) a within- instead of a between-subjects design.
The present results do not show the selective interference effect re- First, the xation point was employed to ensure that participants
ported by Rattat and Picard (2012). The results differ from their results could prepare for the second duration in a timely manner. That is, the
in two ways. First, only articulatory suppression but not visual tracking reappearance of the xation point enabled participants to redirect
interfered with the maintenance of temporal information. Second and their spatial attention to the central position and to stop repeating the
most importantly, articulatory suppression impaired duration discrimi- syllables, before the second duration was presented. Otherwise, visual
nation not only for auditory but also for visual durations. Therefore, the tracking could have selectively interfered with the encoding of the visu-
present results are not in favor of a modality-specic representation of al second duration, and ongoing vocalizations could have selectively in-
temporal information in short-term memory but rather suggest that terfered with the encoding of the auditory second duration, resulting in
the auditory subsystem of short-term memory (i.e., the phonological the interference pattern reported by Rattat and Picard (2012). For a
loop) plays a crucial role in maintaining temporal information irrespec- clear interpretation of our results, it was thus crucial to protect the
tive of input modality. This supports the notion of a common, modality- encoding of the second duration from such possible interferences by
unspecic representation of temporal information. One view consistent presenting the xation point. At the same time, however, this modica-
with this conclusion is the crossmodal view of temporal encoding tion slightly shortened the duration of the interference tasks, which
(Guttman et al., 2005; Kanai et al., 2011). This view holds that temporal might have reduced their effectiveness. It is unlikely, however, that
information is primarily encoded in the auditory system, and thus tem- this would have produced the discrepancy between our results and
poral information from other input modalities is obligatorily trans- the ones observed by Rattat and Picard. Specically, even though a re-
formed into an auditory representation. duced effectiveness might explain why we did not observe any interfer-
However, the present results can also be reconciled with the notion ence effect of the visual tracking task, it is certainly not in line with our
of an amodal, rather abstract encoding of temporal information, as is nding that articulatory suppression impaired not only auditory but
usually assumed in traditional pacemaker-accumulator models (e.g., also visual duration discrimination.
Rammsayer & Ulrich, 2005; Wearden et al., 2006). For example, it is con- A second difference to Rattat and Picard's (2012) study is the perfor-
ceivable that an abstract representation (e.g., the verbal code short or mance feedback that we provided after each block in order to promote
long) is sub-vocally rehearsed in the phonological loop during the re- the participants' motivation. It has been shown that knowledge of re-
tention interval, and thus interferes with articulatory suppression but sults can improve timing performance (e.g., Franssen &
not with visual-tracking. Thus, even though the crossmodal view ap- Vandierendonck, 2002). In contrast to our study, however, in these
pears to be an especially appealing account of the present results, the studies feedback is usually rather specic and provided after each trial.
abstract view provides a reasonable alternative explanation. It should Most importantly, in our experiment the same kind of blockwise feed-
be noted, however, that the original pacemaker-accumulator model back was provided in all conditions. Therefore, it is unlikely that our in-
lacks specic assumptions about the involvement of working memory clusion of feedback contributed to the observed differential result
simply because multi-component views about working memory pattern.
The third modication of Rattat and Picard's (2012) original design,
a larger duration range for the visual than for the auditory task, became
2 necessary because with a within-subject design and the original identi-
To investigate whether the order of the sessions (visual durations rst vs. auditory du-
rations rst) affected discrimination sensitivity, we conducted an ANOVA on B with the cal duration ranges for the two modalities, we were not able to achieve
additional between-subjects factor order. In addition to the signicant main effect of inter- comparable performance levels for the two duration modalities. Actual-
ference task, this ANOVA revealed only a signicant interaction between duration modal- ly, studies comparing visual and auditory duration perception often
ity and order, F(1, 34) = 6.06, p = 0.019, 2p = 0.15. This interaction indicated a practice compensate for modality-dependent differences in discrimination sen-
effect: Irrespective of duration modality, sensitivity was higher in the second session. Im-
portantly, the main effect of order and all other interactions including this factor were not
sitivity by employing larger duration differences between visual dura-
signicant (all ps N 0.05). Thus, the selective interference effect observed in this study was tion pairs than between auditory duration pairs (e.g., Bausenhart et al.,
independent of whether participants performed the visual or the auditory task rst. 2014; Grondin, 1993). Importantly, the results of the present study
D. Bratzke et al. / Acta Psychologica 170 (2016) 163167 167

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