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Business Plan


1.1 Business Ideas & Goals

Android E-menu Tablet (AET) is an interactive touch screen menu designed specifically
for the restaurant and hotel industries. AET uses the Android based tablet, in replacement of a
paper-based menu. This allows diners to view images and description of menu items and
customise their order in a simple and intuitive way. AET is an innovation to revolutionize the
way in which restaurant menus are being digitalized in order to attract more and more customers
for an unusual dining experience.

1.2 Marketing

Our companys product, AET functionally the Android based tablet which is replacement
of a paper-based menu that facilitate the customer to make an order. There are 28 million
populations in Malaysia and more than 60% are working. We create a potential marketplace for
each and every one of them. The distribution of product is mainly focus in urban area and well-
known public place which located in Cyberjaya, Selangor. As know, the place is industrial and
companies area that most of the employees are high position and educated people. Furthermore,
in that area, there are many high class restaurant and fast food restaurant that almost every day
the employees in the area will spend the money to buying the lunch at the restaurant. It renews
our vision and strategic focus which adding value to our target market segments and reinforcing
our ties with businesses in our local markets.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

1.3 Operations and Management

E-Menu Tech Sdn. Bhd. is a start-up company that has been inspired by six young
technopreneur who pursue the desire to become the great technopreneur and businessman as
well. The companys headquarter is located at Cyberjaya, Selangor and considered as good
potential area and high income profit in the early year of running the business and for the next
three years. Since our company involved with high technology tools and latest Android
application, necessarily we have make deal with well-known technology company to become our
suppliers in order to supply the equipments, machine, gear and even for transportation. In terms
of making the product, we have hired high experience specialist in order to provide the good and
high class product to the customers. We also will implement the quality control of product, both
during and after production. The company will lead by four of us and supported by fourteen
employees which is one engineer, designer, deliver, accountant, two from administration and
eight are normal workers.

1.4 Finance

By focusing on its strength, key customers and the underlying values they need, E-Menu
Tech Sdn. Bhd. will increase sales steadily in its first three years, while also maintaining the
gross margin on sale with a focus on cash management and working capital. Our company
mainly will focus on short-term income profit that cover for the early year of starting up the
company that include all the revenue such as earn money from the first sale of selling the product
and auto loans. That also will cover the expenses such as cost of goods sold, taxes and interest to
ensure that our companys profit for the next three years will maintain and grow high. Besides
that, the companies also focus on working capital and welfare employees such as bonus, growth
rate salary annually and appreciation. This is important part because without employees, the
company operation will stop and indirectly there is no incoming profit for the company.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan


Company Profile

Name of company : E-Menu TechSdn.Bhd.

Type of company : Technology and services.

Date of company register : 30 May 2015

Commencement date of business : 30 June 2015

Business address that registered : 32 ,Persiarana 1, 63000 , Cyberjaya Selangor.

Contact details :

- 03-84532588 (office number)

- 03-84532688(fax)
- (e-mail)

Business Activities : Manufacturing the Android e-menu tablet for restaurant

That needed Pre-Capital :RM300, 000

Name of shareholder :

- KhairulAzrin Bin Muhammad

- Muhammad Azli Bin Safian
- UmarHanif bin Jamalludin
- Muhammad Hafizuddin bin Hanif
- Syed Muhammad Syahir bin Syed Salim
- Muhammad Syahir Bin Mohmad Amin

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan


- Become the famous company in Malaysia and Abroad for quality of our products.


- Developing creative and innovative technologies in F&B industry on our products in order to
create diversify of market and gain high profit.

Philosophy of value creation value for stakeholder

- Your convenience.

2.2 Business goals of the project.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Product and Service

We are producing and representation our system which is Android E-menu Tablet. This
technology more specific for fast food restaurant because in Malaysia have more people like to
eat fast food. We can see now customer has to queue up to buy a food but with our product, they
just choose their food on the tablet. Therefore, these products can help the restaurant to solve
their problem about wrong order from their customer. This technology tablet can put at any
restaurant because this technology just provided for fast food restaurant.


Our companies use the raw materials from the factory that is taken from our supplier. We are
their regular customer that booked the raw materials from them. After the raw materials are sent
to us, the company starts to delegate work to the workers. In terms of process designs, our
company-inspired innovations to energize our next model, business, product or service. Our
business must be fuelled from the personal advisor that are us already choose. Our human-centric
scientific method paves the way for new approaches that create value for organizations and new
business models for innovative companies. We help our company to build an innovation strategy
today to accelerate our business tomorrow. Innovation is the best way to improve an existing
model in the near term, while also making smart decisions to prepare for medium to long-term


Our companies are target the anticipated profit that we want to target is MYR 1,000,000.00.
Our target is very higher because we know, now days many high-class restaurant will be buy our
product in the big total. Therefore, we know our profit target will achieve. We try to maintain our
sales from year to year and to get the higher profit. Our company will improve our products
followed the developments.


E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Our companies are using the high quality machines to make our products. Our machines
import from United Kingdom (UK). We believe that when use high quality machines us also can
produce the high quality products. Customers also believe to us and buy our product. Customers
are nowadays are prefer to buy a good quality with worth price. So we sale our products with the
middle price beside the other competitors. We are the new venture in this world business so we
must to attract our customer first.

3.1 Market Research

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

The Food and Beverage industry continues to face a demanding market environment that
requires companies to adjust and actively manage change that may impact sales and
performance. At the same time, advances in technology and in capturing and analysing data are
helping companies drive growth, streamline operations and engage better with consumers.

Technology are having a significant impact on food and beverage businesses as

consumers increasingly utilize these channels to aid in making buying decisions: from product
comparisons to price checks to recommendations and ratings from their virtual communities.
Thus, our company brings a new innovation for food and beverage industry in order to make it
have a smooth system by using our menu tablet.

We use variety of resources as our reference in create and developing this product. One of
our references is through online. We also had do some research at other companys product as
our references such as Elacarte, Touch Bistro and Cuscapi Bhd. In Malaysia, Cuscapi had start
distributed these product which known as REV at their major outlet in Kuala Lumpur. Thus, in
order to compete with had produced the product with more advances.

Besides that, we do our best to fulfil and follow customer requirement and trends in order
to update with the market. Our product had helped the consumer to cut down their operational
cost especially for the employers restaurant that has problem with their waiter/waitress. In
addition, the efficiency of the restaurant will increase and the mistake that make employee can be

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

3.2 Market Analysis

We had use concentration and total target approach for market segmentation. Below is list of all
potential consumers. Include individual buyers, as well as other businesses and middlemen who
re-sell our product to others:

2 stars restaurant and above
Fast food industry

We had developed marketing strategies for those grouping. These strategies allow us to focus
all our marketing plan and effort on single market segment. We had create our product criteria or
condition that state by customer based on our customer review in order to fulfil the demand and
desire of above group.

From the above potential customer we had segment our customer by split them up into
different groups of consumers such as establish and well known hotel, restaurant equipment
supplier, establish branding of fast food and owner of online shopping website

Our most potential customer is owner of the restaurant because our product gives a lot of
benefit to them. First of all, our product help to reduce mistake that make by human especially in
process of order. Besides that, we help to cut down their operational cost where the employer
doesnt need to hire waiter/ waitress. In addition, our product will the restaurants operational
become more efficient. Thus, it will give a better customer perceived value for the restaurant and
it will increase the profit for the restaurant.

Based on demographically method in our target market, the characteristic that we use is
annual income of the restaurant, the popularity and well known of restaurant, and the ranking or
level of the restaurant. Example, we will create the product that suitable for all restaurants from
the moderate ranking or level of restaurant until the higher ranking of the restaurant.

In the future we plan to have collaboration with fast food and F&B industry such as KFC,
McDonald, Starbucks, Marry Brown, Chicken Rice Shop and etc. Our company plan to have a
strategic alliance with them in aspect of service.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Our product benefit is relevant reports and data improve upper management strategies. This
is because the amounts of sell for whole day will be save in data to help the manager obtain the
accurate data. Those data will help the financial departments job more easy. Besides that,
Kitchen Display System provides an easy to use display that doesnt waste paper. This tablet can
help to substitute paper usage for take customers order. Next is, Clock in/out on tablet and time
card reports allows for labor tracking. We had install employees attendance in the tablet for
employers evaluation data. In addition, it is user friendly which took short-term training. Hence,
it had minimal training time.

The value add proposition in our product for our customer is cut paper costs with Kitchen
Display System (KDS) and ability to email receipts. This system can help the efficiency of the
restaurant will increase in manage the customers order. Moreover, device replacement is more
affordable than traditional POS and free software updates.

List of business competitors:

Touch Bistro
POS Lavu
Next Gen Dine
Hola media

SWOT Analysis

i. Affordable price

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

ii. Satisfaction quality

iii. High capital

i. No loyalty customer
ii. Location of business
iii. Low market share
iv. Employee lack of skill

i. Government funding
ii. Supply chain
iii. Increase sells in market
iv. Enlarge our market to ASEAN country
i. Economic decline
ii. New entrant in market share
iii. Product innovation from competitor
iv. Turnover worker

Seasonality issues:
Food Fair
IT Fair
1 Malaysia Mega Sale Carnival

3.3 Market Plan

Marketing Strategy
We give free trial for a month to the customer with term and condition
We advertise our product variety types of advertisement such as Mass media, social
media, and billboard.
Public relation

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

- We create a good relation through the social media to stay connect with customer and
get their review about our product.
- We also will do press release to market and introduce our product

Product Strategy
We will produce a few of our product for market testing before enter the market. This will
help us to obtain the customer review for the product. If any problem that occur due to
our product, we will repair and test it again.

We define our product in basis of comparison is specialty. This is because we create this product
for food and beverage industry only.

We will establish our brand through the marketing strategy.

We will give an elegant and interesting packaging in order to attract more customers to
buy our product compare to competitors.

Sales Strategy
Free 30days trial with T&C
Give voucher
Give service after sell

Pricing Strategy
Price penetration
We will give a promotion price at the beginner in order to gain market share
Psychological pricing
We will give price comparison with other product in market.
Discount pricing

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

We give discount to customer for temporary duration such as IT fair , Food fair and 1
Malaysia Mega Sale.

Place Strategy
Our supplier majority is from China because the prices that bargain with are very
reasonable. Thus, our purchase cost is low.
Our channel is direct to the consumer.
To avoid any breakdown due the supplier, we build a good relationship with them by
creating alliance.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

3.4 Evaluation of Marketing

Short term planning

Sent employee for training in order to increase the efficiency of employee
Make some innovation for the product
Give promotion price in certain event

Long term planning

We plan to joint venture with Manufacturer Company at Vietnam in order to cut the
operational cost.
We plan to have strategic alliance with Hola Media Sdn.Bhd in Research and
Development department.
Increase product line


E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

4.1 Business premises

Location of business

E- Menu TechSdn. Bhd are located at the centre of Cyberjaya that there is the between two main
road right in the best location with impotent building surrounding. Our business is operating near
with the shell, tm net, ibmhsbc most off the office worker can even walk to the shop. E-Menu
TechSdn. Bhd. is address at:

No. 32 Persiaran 1,
63000 Cyberjaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

Infrastructure Availability and Quality

Public utilities water, electricity, waste disposal, public service availability (police, safety and
security services):

Around the Cyberjaya area, there are many public utilities for the residence and business
purposes to keep the daily routine runs smoothly. Indah Water KonsortiumSdnBhd is the
company that is responsible for the water around the Cyberjaya area. While as for the electricity
supplies, the company that is responsible for the supply is Tenaga NasionalBerhad. For the waste
disposal of the area, Alam Flora SdnBhd is in-charge for collecting the waste disposal for the
whole area.

There is also numerous numbers of public services available throughout the area. Police
Station, telecommunication centers, bus station, and public phones.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Parking Facilities

Public parking, private parking, roadside parking, number of parking bays, condition and design
of parking area:

Persiaran 1 are provides various parking facilities around the area. Multi-storey car park is one of
the facilities they provide. This car-park area is located here to make it easier for the public to
park their car if its a rainy day. Customers can also park their car at the parking bay around the
shop-lot area but this parking facility is not a covered car park.

Area Population

Immediate vicinity, 4 km radius.

The area population around the Persiaran 1 Business Centre includes various types of
demographics profile which range from entrepreneur to housewives to students and employee to
employer. Here, our products are concentrate to the entrepreneurs that want open a new business
like fancy restaurant.

Examples of main activities at Persiaran 1 Business Centre are business sales such as
shell, TM net, IMB HSBC most off the office worker can even walk to the shop. Here are few
types of shops that are located here, boutique, pharmacy, retail stores, bookshop, fitness centre,
tuition centre, dental specialist, restaurant & cafe and major local and foreign banks. While for
examples for the main occupation for this area are as follow; entrepreneurs, office worker, bank
officers, F&B worker, students and homemakers.

Site map

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Business Plan

Arial view, and site map - measure to scale:

E-Menu Tech

This is our own building

Basic Amenities

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd electricity source is Tenaga NasionalBerhad

E- Menu Tech Sdn. Bhd. water source is JabatanBekalan

Air Selangor.

E- Menu Tech Sdn. Bhd. telephone line service

provider is from Telekom Malaysia

List of office equipment

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Item Quantity Price per unit (RM) Total (RM)

Telephone 4 100 400
Computer 7 1699 11683
Magazine Rack 3 70 210
Cash machine 1 2000 2000
Printer (all in one) 3 unit 1500 4500
Fax machine 1 unit 2000 2000
Machine 4 unit 12500 50000
Van 1 unit 20000 20000
Land and building 1 unit 993042 993042
Total 1,083,835

List of office furniture and fittings

Items Quantity Price per unit (RM) Total (RM)

Air conditioner 5 800.00 4000

Cabinet 3 80 240
Counter table 1 400 400
Sofa 2 Set 400 800

Manager desk 5 200 1000

Small shelf 3 31 93
Service board 1 50.00 50.00
Set table and 4 chair 1 set 200 200
Manager chair 5 189 945

Meeting table and 6 chair 1 set 1500 1500

Total 9228

List of office stationery

Items Quantity Price per unit (RM) Total (RM)

Pen 1 packet 3.00 3.00

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Calculator 5 unit 12.00 60.00

Receipt 6 units 4.00 24.00

Paper 1 box 80.00 80.00

Stapler 3 units 2.20 6.60

Cartridges 4 units 63 252

Files 10 units 4.00 40.00

Rulers 3 units 1.20 3.60

Erasers 3 units 0.60 1.80

Total 471

Other expenses

Items Quantity Price per unit (RM) Total (RM)

Fire extinguisher 3 100 300

First aid kit 4 50 200

Toiletries 2 100 200

Total 700

4.2 Production Process

Product and process design is at the heart of all the business activity and integration with
costing enables better decisions to be made and this help to reduce business risks especially the
company in technology field. The development of such a methodology requires effective

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

integration of the key variables and a user-friendly interface. Advance in computer systems and
software now allow us to attempt this and a research project was therefore undertaken to study
this possibility. Product planning remains complex due to the interactions involved between the
customers requirements and the products functional attributes.

4.2.1 Production process planning


Since Android E-menu Tablet using the Android based tablet, our specialist has to improve or
examine the testability of Android application through the techniques such as dependency
injection. This is to ensure each AET that we produced are in good quality and achieve
international standard operation (ISO) in smart tablet software. The diagrams below taken from
the Android developer docs, illustrate the activity lifecycle:

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

4.4.2 Design layout
Test on iPad / iPhone Retina

- Our menu system contains Retina Ready

icons and structure. We also use very
aesthetic panels at right and left side. We 21
E-Menu Tech SdnBhd have quick menu at the left, so the
customer can see the different categories
Business Plan

Switch Languages Easily

- Our right panel specially designed for

customers to be able to switch the
language easily. If restaurant, hotel or cafe
have tourist who speaks foreign language
they will be able to review the menu in
their language. They can change the


5 Predefined Colours

- Our menu system comes with 5

predefined layout colours. You can choose
the layout colours which suits best for
your company. You can also activate Sale
in Option and let your customers to send
orders with their mobile devices. You can


Search in Categories Easily

- You can review any product easily. With

our Quick menu panel, you can also make
quick search in categories. You start to
type, system will show the product in the
category. You can add it to your cart and
checkout easily. And you can share it on

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Business Plan



- You can add predefined

username/password for your menu system
and add this information to the tablets
with a QR Code. Your customers will be
able to login with their smart phones
easily and send their orders.


Physical and environmental characteristics.

Dimension 8.8 W x 5.7 H x 1.56 D

(225 mm W x 145 mm H x 39.8 mm D)
Display 7.0 (178 mm) diagonal widescreen
Weight 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) base configuration
Sealing IP 65 (water and dust) MIL- STD 810G
506.5 Procedure 1; 4 per hour, 40 psi for 10 minutes on all axes;
Unit is operating
Drop / shock Lightweight magnesium alloy for strength
Operating temperature -4 F to +140 F (-20C to +60C)
Storage temperature -60 F to +160 F (-51C to +71C)

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Humidity 5% - 95% non-condensing

Performance characteristics

Intel Atom N2600, 1.0 GHz or

Super-scalar 2.42 MHz
System Memory: 2GB DDR3 RAM 800 MHz
Hard Drive: Solid State Drive (mSATA), 32-128GB
1024 (W) x 600 (H) (WSVGA) Colour TFT
(supports 1024 x 768 mode XGA)
Touch Screen Standard, Digitizer optional
Sunlight viewable option
Standard: USB (1), Ethernet, Serial RS232
I/O Board Configuration:
or RS485
Hot swappable dual battery packs
High-capacity Lithium Ion packs
Battery System: Total: 10400mAh, 7.4V, 5.2Ah, 38Wh, 2S2P
Battery operation: 7-8 hours
External 2-pack Battery Charger (option)
5 Colour LEDs for noti_cation, power / charger
indicator, SSD activity, wireless
Audio: Intel HD audio, one 1.0W speaker, mic. array, headset, vibrator
Camera: Megapixel CSI-2

Wireless & GPS Network Characteristics

Wired 10/100/1000 Ethernet network (RJ45)
88W8787 Wi-Fi 802.11n
with Bluetooth 3.0 / FM Module
W 3G and 4G
WAN: Protective cover maintains seal/ruggedness
Global Positioning System
u-Blox 6 Receiver (optional)


E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

4.2.3 Materials requisition planning

The table below show raw materials consumed that include type of materials, quantity
and price. These materials are used to produce one Android E-menu Tablet.


(unit) (RM) (RM)
3G Baseband 1 55 55
MIPI CSI-2 Camera 1 80 80
USB 2.0 Host 3 15 45
USB 2.0 OTG 3 10 30
MIPI DSI 1 35 35
HDMI 1 30 30
SD / MMC Card 2 30 60
Speaker 1 20 20
Headset 1 15 15
Vibrator 1 45 45
Battery 2 20 40
1 GHZ CPU 1 40 40
FM Module 1 30 30
19 425 525

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

4.2.4 Supply Chain

E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd. is a start-up company. In order to maintain the quality of product
that we produce, the production directly from our factory and experimented from our laboratory.
The cycle diagram below show the supply chain management, starting from making the product
until to the customers hands.



E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan



4.2.5 Operation Costs

Each company that involved with high technology making product, their operational
process may be complex and complicated because the types of product that they produced and

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

directly will include all costs in the making of product. E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd also no exception.
Our company have to cover up all the costs for making one Android E-menu Tablet. The
diagrams below show the process and the costs for making the product.


= Assembly + Soldering + Testing + Finishing

= 250 + 250 + 250 + 250

= RM 2 000

4.5 Quality Control

ISO 9000 (International Standard Organization) and TQM (Total Quality Management)
are management program designed to help companies maintain process and quality control and

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

remain competitive in a global business environment. While business research and company
performance continually demonstrate the power and effectiveness of these structured
management control programs, the company can benefit from the potential of SOPs without the
added detail and development that these complete programs require.

4.5.1 ISO 9000 (International Standard Organization)

ISO 9000 is an international standard providing an assessment model for a Quality

Management System. E-Menu Tech Sd. Bhd. has been registered under this standard
organization as conforming to the standard by undergoing regular assessments by accredited
third party auditors. Its aims are to assure consistency in the quality of products and services
combined with continual improvement in customer satisfaction and error rates. It also demands
conformance to the relevant regulatory requirements. Since our companies are Start-up
Company, it is an excellent starting point to develop or improve our internal performance and
efficiency as well as satisfying customer requirements. This approach becomes an integral part
for company to manage the organization and achieve its commercial and technical objectives.
Under diagram below is model of a process, based on ISO 9000 that our companies use.

4.5.2 Total Quality Management

Total Quality Management is a set of procedures that are followed to ensure that the
deliverable produced by a team is fit for purpose. The start of the quality management process

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

involves setting quality targets, which are agreed with the customer. As part of this process, any
quality issues are identified and resolved quickly. E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd. has listed five benefits
that company gain from this quality management. The company will enhance set quality targets
that be met by our team. We also may define how those quality targets will be measured and take
the actions needed to measure the quality. This is also helping the company to identify quality
issues and improvements. Lastly, our team can prepare a report on the overall level of quality
achieved. The diagram below show our companys total quality management process that help to
enhance income profit and customers trustworthy.

4.5.3 Suppliers Engaged

E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd. is known as the high technology company that established in the
year of 2015. We specifically build the company to produce technology tool that convenience

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

people. The product is Android E-menu Tablet (AMT). Since our company involved in making
technology, we need to seek the suitable supplier in order to complete our business project. So
far, we have found two main suppliers to support our company in terms of budget, advice and
raw materials. The two main suppliers is Alibaba Group and Justron Technology Sdn. Bhd.

Alibaba Group was established in 1999 by 18 people led by Jack Ma, a former English
teacher from Hangzhou, China. From the outset, the companys founders shared a belief that the
Internet would level the playing field by enabling small enterprises to leverage innovation and
technology to grow and compete more effectively in the domestic and global economies. Today
the company and its related companies operate leading wholesale and retail online marketplaces
as well as Internet-based businesses offering advertising and marketing services, electronic
payment, cloud-based computing and network services and mobile solutions, among others.
Provide technology and services to enable consumers, merchants, and other participants to
conduct commerce in our ecosystem. Alibaba groups mission is to make it easy to do business

Justron Technology Sdn. Bhd. founded in early 199. Justron Technology SdnBhd was
originally known as Aditech Enterprise, located in prime business area in Johor Malaysia. They
offer wide variety of test and measurement equipment and valued solution to serve the needs.
The company is supplying quality Refurbished equipments that used instruments and
machineries for use in the engineering / manufacturing / R&D and so on. The test equipment
inventory includes: Spectrum Analyzer, Network / Logic Analyze, Oscilloscope, Signal
Generator / Pattern Generator, Audio Analyzer, AC / DC Power Supplies, Calibration standard
and others. We are major in the TV, Audio & Video, Radio Communication, Computer and
Electronic Industries. Justron Technology and our affiliates offer a unique Test Equipments
Solution through a variety of services including Test equipment calibration, repair and surplus
asset investment recovery and even buy back.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

4.5.4 Contract Terms

This defines the terms and conditions of our working relationship. All projects or services
that DESIGNER may be contracted to produce or provide for CLIENT will be subject to the

WORKING BILLING PHASES: Based on our experience with short-term design

communication projects, we have found that it is mutually advantageous to handle each project
in logical working billing phases.


precautions to safeguard the property you entrant to us. In the absence of negligence on our part,
however, we are not responsible for loss, destruction or damage or unauthorized use by others of
such property. We will use our best efforts to ensure quality and timely delivery product.
Although we may use our best efforts to guard against any loss to you through the failure of our
vendors, media or others to perform in accordance with their commitments, DESIGNER is not
responsible for failure on their part.

PAYMENTS/ESTIMATE: CLIENT agrees to pay DESIGNER in accordance with the term

specified in each proposal/estimate. On accounts that have not submitted a credit application and
been approved by our financial department, will be required to pay 25% of the project cost
before work may begin.

4.6 Risks and contingency

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Our customers are having a critical risk like not have a loyalty customer. That is because we a
new venture in this world business. Therefore, we not have a customer. We must to attract the
customer to buy our products. We also not have an actual location of business. That is maybe our
location is far from the customers. Therefore, they do know how to come to our factory. We are
low in a market share. That is a one of the risk, so have to find a new market share to improve
our business. Lastly, we have an employee are lack of skill. That is maybe we have to take that
employee to work at our factory because we not have the workers. So we have to teach them one
by one until they are pro in their work.

The strategies that we make it are as we try to attract the customer to buy our customer. We give
make a promotion or something else to them, to they believe about our products. We can make a
big banner or flyer to our customer to promote our product and our factory. They will be
knowing our business location. Our company will be find a new market share to improve our
profit. We will sent our employee to the industry practical to improve their skill before work in
our factory.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan


5.1 Management Profile

For this organizational chart, only four of us will lead this business. There is General Manager,
Operating Manager, Marketing Manager, and Financial Manager. For the General Manager are
leads for the higher of manager. For the higher manager we have three managers. After the
higher manager, we divide the worker into three departments. The work can be carried out

General Manager

Job position Salary Job specification Future projection

Operation 5500 Improve the operational systems, processes Attend more training in
Operating Manager
and policies in support of organizations order to increase the
Marketing Manager Financial Manager
mission- specifically, support better efficiency of operation
management reporting, information flow and department
management, business process and Involve with R&D in

organizational planning. order to make some

improvement with the
Accountant product.
Engineer 2500 Solve technical problems in research and Increase the manpower
Two Workers
development.Perform agency testing inTwo Admin
order to increase the
(domestic and International) in line with quality of productivity
Two Workers
Two workers
E-Menu TechTwo workers
Business Plan

The gain more

federal and international standards. Perform innovative idea that can
testing prescribed and or monitored by emphasize into product.
engineers. Analyze, repair and build devices. Provide insurance and
medical cost cover.
Working closely with engineers, model Sent to training in order
makers, sales and marketing staff and other to develop the creativity
skilled people .Understanding technology, of the designer
production methods and materials (such as
textiles, metals and plastics) .Working within
budgets. Researching similar products and
developing ideas. making sketches of ideas
by hand or computer, and developing the
most effective ideas into detailed drawings
Designer 2500 using specialist computer software .
Ordering samples or working models of
designs. Producing reports and presenting
their ideas to colleagues and clients at
various stages of the design process.
Modifying their ideas according to the
feedback they receive at these sessions
overseeing the testing of the chosen design
Involved in researching markets and
consumer trends.
Carry out market analysis Increase in term of
Marketing Analysis the trend salary or give
4500 Carry out market budget
Manager Analysis the potential partnership commission when the
Carry out marketing strategy sell is increasing.
Delivery the stock punctually and correct Provide insurance and
Delivery 1200 location. medical care
Responsible to the inventory Increase the salary
Financial 5000 The finance manager is responsible for Manage the financial

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

knowing how much the product is department with more

expected to cost and how much revenue elaborate.
it is expected to earn so that s/he can Provide benefits such as

invest the appropriate amount in the medical care.

The finance manager uses a number of
tools, such as setting the cost of
capital(the cost of money over time,
which will be explored in further depth
later on) to determine the cost
of financing.
The financial manager must not just be
an expert at financial projections; s/he
also must have a grasp of the accounting
systems in place and the strategy of the
business over the coming years.
An accountant has a responsibility to the Give a comfortable
company's management, investors, working palace
creditors, outside regulatory bodies, and Provide more facility

the integrity of the financial markets. such as own office

Accountant 1400 Accountants are responsible for the room.
validity of the financial statements they
work on, and must perform their duties
in accordance with all applicable
principles, standards and laws.
Admin 2400 supervise and coordinate activities of Increase the works
staff benefit such as medical
conduct orientation programs for new care, vacation and etc
Increase the salary.
Increase the manpower.
administer salaries and work out leave

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

be involved in staff training and

development, the preparation of job
descriptions, staff assessments and
prepare annual estimates of expenditure,
maintain budgetary and inventory
controls and make recommendations to
maintain management information
systems (manual or computerised)

General Manager

Name : Umar Hanif Bin Jamalludin

IC Number : 840127-06-5804
Permanent Address : No. 12300 TamanBaiduri Indah, Kuantan, Pahang
Correspondence : No. 12300 Taman Baiduri Indah, Kuantan, Pahang
Telephone Number : 017 5167747
Date of Birth : 27 JANUARY 1984
Age : 28 years old
Marital Status : Single
Academic Qualification : Bachelor of Business Management studies at UiTM
( Hons ) Bachelor of Management studies at GMI
( German Malaysian Institute )
Courses attended : Managerial course.
Manager training course.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Skills : Excellent in Managing and Leadership skill.

Excellent in Communication skill.
Expertise in technology used.
Experience : 3 years working as Manager at Sapura Holding Sdn.
2 years working as Administration Manager at
Commerce Investment Merchant Bank ( CIMB )

Present Occupation : Manager at Sapura Holding Sdn. Bhd.

Financial Manager

Name : KhairulAzrin Bin Muhammad

IC Number : 931126-14-6511
Permanent Address : A 3-6 Puncak Athenaeum Bukit Antarabangsa,68000
Ampang, Selangor
Correspondence : A 3-6 Puncak Athenaeum Bukit Antarabangsa,68000
AddressAmpang, Selangor
Telephone Number : 017-3263474
Date of Birth : 15 AUGUST 1986
Age : 26 years old
Marital Status : Single
Academic Qualification : Bachelor in Finance in UNITEN
AC220 - Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons) in UiTM

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Courses attended : Financial training

Training in develop marketing strategy
Skills : Excellent in manage a business
Excellent in financial audit
Experience : Being a Financial Manager for Air Asia 2 years
Being a HR Manager at Astro Holdings 1year
Present Occupation : Financial Manager at Bank Islam

Marketing Manager

Name : Muhammad Syahir Bin Mohmad Amin

IC Number : 850727-04-5333
Permanent Address : No. 10047 Taman Sri Pandan 2, 24000, Kemaman,
Correspondence : No. 10047 Taman Sri Pandan 2, 24000, Kemaman,
Address Terengganu
Telephone Number : 017 243 0032
Date of Birth : 27 JULY 1985
Age : 27 years old
Marital Status : Single

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Academic Qualification : Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons)

in Marketing at UNITEN
Courses attended : Talk for marketing strategy, training in marketing strategy
Skills : Good in marketing and management for any business
Experience : Have an experience as marketing planner and manage
marketing business for other company
Present Occupation : Marketing Managerat Sapura Holding

Administration Manager

Name : Muhammad Hafizuddin Bin Hanif

IC Number : 870515-14-5536
Permanent Address : 18-19-03 Serina Bay, Hilir Sg. Pinang, 11600 Pulau Pinang
Correspondence :18-19-03 Serina Bay, Hilir Sg. Pinang, 11600 Pulau Pinang
Telephone Number : 017-4795530
Date of Birth : 15 MAY 1987
Age : 25 years old
Marital Status : Engaged

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Academic Qualification : - Foundation in Business Administration at UNITEN

- Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Human
Resource Management at UNITEN
Courses attended : Seminar in Business Management
Skills : Excellent in using Microsoft
Good in using computer
Experience : Working as Human Resources Manager at Sony
Company for 3 years
Present Occupation : Administration Manager at Samsung Malaysia

Operation Manager

Name : Muhammad Azli Bin Safian

IC Number : 870308-03-6421
Permanent Address : 41500 JalanSerai 2, GuaMusang, Kelantan
Correspondence : 41500 JalanSerai 2, GuaMusang, Kelantan
Telephone Number : 017 455 9328
Date of Birth : 8 MARCH 1987
Age : 25

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Marital Status : Engaged

Academic Qualification : Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in
Entrepreneur Development at UNITEN
Courses attended : Training in Operation management
Skills : Able work in group
Finish the job in the right time
Experience : Operation Manager at Axiata Company
Present Occupation : Operation Manager at Sony Company

Designer Manager

Name : Syed Muhammad Syahir Bin syedhalim

IC Number : 880806-11-6720
Permanent Address : No. 2040 Taman Exora, 24000 Kemaman Terengganu
Correspondence : No. 2040 Taman Exora, 24000 Kemaman Terengganu
Telephone Number : 014 511 9889
Date of Birth : 8 AUGUST 1988
Age : 24
Marital Status : Engaged

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Academic Qualification : Bachelor of Graphic Design (Hons)

Courses attended : Training in Design and Development
Skills : Able work in group
Finish the job in the right time
Experience : Graphic Designer at Samsung Company
Present Occupation : Graphic Designer at Samsung Company


Job descriptions and specifications:

Employees must face the stress of working in close range, standing for hours at a time, to
produce quality products. Therefore, they must struggle when making their work to give the best
product to the customers.

General Manager:

General Manager is monitoring the higher manager to achieve their goal. Duties may also
include creating supply orders, dealing with shift scheduling, and seasonal adjustments of
personnel, products, and display. General Manager also cares about their workers problem.

Operating Manager:

Decisions and responsibilities of managing the resources, which are dedicated to the production
and delivery of products and services. They also responsible for fulfilling customer requests
through the production and delivery of products and services.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Finance Manager:

Managing and developing accounts, to maximize turnover and profit. Hitting personal targets
and contributing to overall profitability, success and positive image of the company in the

Marketing Manager: To develop, establish and maintain marketing strategies to meet

organizational objectives. An effective management of marketing, advertising and promotional
activities of the organization.

Employees staff: they must provide good service to customers, friendly customer, always
perform well. They must work according to their daily work schedule and job duties


Position Number of staff

General Manager 1
Operating Manager 1
Marketing Manager 1
Financial Manager 1
Engineer 1
Designer 1
Delivery 1
Accountant 1
Admin 2
Normal workers 8
Total 18

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan


Position No Monthly Salary EPF Contribution SOCSO Total (RM)

(RM) (12%) (RM) (2%)
General 1 6000 729 120 6849
Operating 1 5500 660 110 6270
Marketing 1 4500 540 90 5130
Financial 1 5000 600 100 5700
Engineer 1 2500 300 50 2850
Designer 1 2500 300 50 2850
Delivery 1 1200 144 24 1368
Accountant 1 1400 168 28 1596
Admin 1 2400 288 48 2736
Normal 8 6400 768 128 7296
Total 42645

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Compensation and benefits to workers

Compensation and benefits are given to workers who work in E-MenuTechSdn. Bhd. to improve
their performance and job satisfaction. This is the reason why labor incentives are provided for
every worker in the company. This reward system is to motivate employees in an organization.
The benefits are as follows:

Annual leave, sick leave, and maternity leave

o Each worker will be given annual leave of 16 days. In terms of sick leave, the
medical certificate has to be approved by a registered medical practitioner. If an
employee is hospitalized, he/she is entitled to 60 days of sick leave whereby
his/her wages will still be paid. But if the employee is hospitalized more than 60
days, his/her wages will not be paid. Meanwhile, maternity leave will be given to
female employees as 44 days from the expected due date.

EPF and SOCSO contributions

o EPF Contributions will be deducted from all workers salaries. The company will
also contribute which is 2% of the worker basic salary.
o Bonus will be paid depending on the workers job performance.

Working hours
o Every employee who works in E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd. has to work for 8 hours a
day, starting from 8.00 am until 5.00pm every Monday to Saturday. A lunch hour
is to be 12.30pm until 1.30pm.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Wages and salary

o Basic wage or salary will be paid in cash as stipulated in the employment
contract. Wages will be paid once a month. Usually, their salary will be debited to
their account on the 29th of every month; any increment in wages will depend on
top level management. Salaries will be given to all employees based on their
qualification and working experience.

Rest day
o All workers are entitled to have at least one rest day that is on Wednesday every

Maternity protection
o Female employees are entitled to 60 days maternity leave for every confinement
period. Allowance is not given to employees who have more than five surviving

o Insurance coverage will be given to all workers, the premises or buildings bought
or rented as well as all means of transportation.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Hafiz & Associates

Address :PS-08-05, Wisma PJ5 SOHO, No. 4B, Jalan SS5D/6, Kelana Jaya,
47301 PetalingJaya, Selangor, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Office number:03-7805 4200
Phone number:012-3411 343
Fax : 03-7803 5200
See more at

Professional Liability Insurance for Tech, Software, Internet, and IT:

Even the most cautious business owner may be subject to an errors and omissions lawsuit at
some point. Mistakes happen that every company is at risk at some point. E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd.
are choosing the proper insurance like professional liability insurance company because
coverage from the right is the most important decision that our company make to protect our
business and our professional reputation. Insure Cast, a division of Gaston & Associates, Inc.
provides a wide range of professional liability insurance products to the technology and IT

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan


Business operation:

E-Menu Tech is registered on 30 May 2015. After one month, our company are approved by
Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM). Therefore, E- Menu Tech Sdn. Bhd. is operating 30 June
2015. Type of our company is technology and services. We focus on make the tablet and install
the software that customers want.

Share holder and shareholding breakdown:

Name Of Partner Capital % Share

Khairul RM 75000 25%
Umar RM 45000 15%
Azli RM 45000 15%
Syahir RM 45000 15%
Hafiz RM 45000 15%
Syahir Amin RM 45000 15%
Total RM 300 000

Apply for a License:

E-Menu TechSdn. Bhd. is applying the license at NASA. That is because NASA has owns over
1,000 patents and patent applications that protect inventions in hundreds of different subject
matter categories. NASA makes these inventions available to industry through its Patent
Licensing Program, which is administered by the NASA Office of General Counsel, NASA
Headquarters, Washington, D.C.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Legal Requirements:

E-Menu Tech Sdn. Bhd. must also follow the law that NASA set to our company. NASA has the
authority to grant licenses on its domestic and foreign patents and patent applications pursuant to
35 USC 207-209. NASA has implemented this authority by means of the NASA Patent
Licensing Regulations, 14CFR 1245.200 ET. Seq. All NASA licenses are individually negotiated
with the prospective licensee, and each license contains terms concerning transfer (practical
application), license duration, royalties, and periodic reporting. NASA patent licenses may be
exclusive, partially exclusive, or nonexclusive.

Legal and Professional adviser:

Our company follows that legal:

Incorporate a company under the companies ACT, 1965.

Under the Service Tax ACT, 1975 and the Service Tax Regulations, 1975, companies that
provide management consultancy services in the ICT industry and generate a total annual
sales turnover of RM150, 000 or more are required to obtain a Service Tax License.

That is our Professional Advisor for our company. We choose them as our advisor because they
have more experience from another company. Actually, they are good listener and easy to

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan


6.1 Financial Planning

How the revenue and expenses derived

Normally revenue of company is getting from the discount received, commission received and
interest received. All this revenue are going to using in operating expenses of company that
necessary in monthly such as salary and wages for the worker . Other than this, company also
need to expense their money in insurance, insurance can help company have a secure. By the
way sure company need to pay rental expenses monthly for their owner. In addition, our
company sure have our own buyer , in order to encourage the buyer to make prompt payment ,
company can offer discount allowed to them. . So they can pay us in a faster way. Other than
this, printing and stationery also is necessary in a company. So it also one of expenses of our
company need to spent.

Sources of capital fund


a) Personal Saving

Normally we cant get from others resources to finance our business 100 present. First

resources normally we can get is from our own self . By the way ,we no need pay interest

for it.

b) Friend and Family

If we cant get resources from our own , we can consider that we borrow the money from

friend and family. Normally the loan that from friend and family is no interest loan, but

better we need to have some written agreement to show how much the amount we borrow

in order no conflict is created between family and us.

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Business Plan


Bank also can finance us for the business but must make sure that we have good credit

history. If we still not yet pay back to bank , we must settle up the credit history first.

After settle it only they consider to borrow it or not.

Investor Expectation

Investor invest their money on their business sure hope the business have a good future prospects
and give them a good return such as they get higher dividend . They sure will bring some
strategy to expand their business to get more income for the business.

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E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
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E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
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E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
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E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
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E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
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E-Menu Tech SdnBhd
Business Plan

Financial Risk and way to overcome

Risk that we will having in our financial is if company give customer owe first and pay later
since the customer always buy the e-menu android tablet with us but the customer not pay back
to us in the end ,so it will make our company having loss. Other than this , company will having
financial risk when economic in recession .It is because when economic in a recession time ,
company will supply android e-menu tablet less compare to normal to restaurant. So it will
decreases company sales and profit too.

Way to overcome our financial risk is company should evaluate the customer characteristics first
before giving them owe the balance and if want to giving them owe the balance , it must be
according to term and condition that company set. So it will make our company in a secure way
without facing risk. Others that this , company should always doing sales promotion for customer
in order to attract more customer and increase the income of company . So by this , it can cover
the sales when the economy in recession time.

E-Menu Tech SdnBhd

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