CH 16 Sec 1 and 2 Review

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Chapter 16 Section 1 and 2 Review

Section 1
1. What caused President Truman to propose the Truman Doctrine?
2. How did the Soviet Union support the creation of communist states in Eastern
3. How did the United States and its allies apply the containment policy in
4. How did the start of the Cold War resemble the start WWI?
5. Satellite state
6. Iron curtain
7. Marshall Plan
9. Warsaw Pact

Section 2
10.How did President Truman react to the North Korean invasion of South Korea?
11.How did General MacArthurs decision to advance toward the Yalu River
change the course of the Korean War?
12.Why did General MacArthur get dismissed as General of the Korean War?
13.What were the most important results of U.S. participation in the Korean War?
14.38th Parallel

Immediate Effects Long-Term Effects

Korean Wars Impact on America

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