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Modules 14-17 Test A

A. Classical conditioning AB. Law of effect BC. Observational

B. Generalization AC. Shaping learning
C. Discrimination AD. Latent learning BD. Vicarious learning
D. Behaviorism AE. Overjustification BE. Mirror neurons
E. Operant conditioning effect CD. Phoneme
CE. Morpheme
DE. Overgeneralization

1. Recognizing the difference between stimuli and producing a different response

2. These activate when a person does certain behaviors or sees others doing those behaviors
3. Smallest unit that has meaning
4. The same response is produced for two different stimuli
5. Behaviors with good consequences occur more than behaviors with bad consequences
6. Broadly applying a grammar rule
7. When a reward replaces a persons natural motivation
8. When a stimulus gains the power to cause a response
9. Psychologists that study behavior instead of mental processes
10. Smallest unit of sound
11. When the behavior depends on the consequence that follows it
12. Altering behaviors based on observing others
13. Learning that has occurred, but the leaner doesnt realize until they need it
14. Reinforcing behaviors that are increasingly closer to the desired behavior
15. Seeing the consequences another person receives for a behavior and adjusting your behavior

16. Behaviorists define learning as course, the accident made her feel anxious. Now,
a. A relatively permanent change in behavior whenever she hears that song, she feels anxious.
caused by practice The accident is
b. Memorizing and recalling specific a. An unconditioned stimulus
information b. A conditioned stimulus
c. What happens when you remember how c. An unconditioned response
to perform a certain action or skill d. A conditioned response
d. When you understand something 23. To become a CS, a stimulus must be _______
17. While playing in the yard, little Amanda was stung before conditioning trials begin.
by a bee. The sting made her cry. The sting was a a. Positive
a. Response b. Negative
b. Stimulus c. Neutral
c. Discriminator d. Operant
d. Reinforcer 24. During acquisition, the _____ is paired with a
18. In the situation above about Amanda, crying was _______.
a.. a. CS; US
a. Reinforcement b. CS; UR
b. Stimulus c. US; CS
c. Response d. US; UR
d. Cognition 25. If a dog salivated only to a tuning fork but not to a
19. In classical conditioning a(n) _______ stimulus bell or a buzzer, we can say that _____ has taken
becomes a(n) _____ stimulus. place.
a. Conditioned; unconditioned a. Discrimination
b. Neutral; conditioned b. Spontaneous recovery
c. Conditioned; neutral c. Acquisition
d. Unconditioned; conditioned d. Generalization
20. 26. In Pavlovs demonstration of classical
21. conditioned, the tuning fork became the
22. While driving along and listening to her favorite conditioned stimulus because
song on the radio, Carla was hit from behind. Of a. It came after the meat
b. It reliably predicted the unconditioned 34. It is against school rules to use a cell phone in
response class, but you do it anyway. After you are caught
c. It produced the response of salivation after by Mrs. Eldridge using your phone, you are given
being paired with the unconditioned a detention and as a result are careful to never use
stimulus your phone again during class. The detention you
d. It produced the salivation response after received is a(n)
being paired with the unconditioned a. Conditioned stimulus
response b. Unconditioned response
27. In Watsons famous research with Little Albert, c. Reinforcement
the conditioned stimulus was d. Punishment
a. The rat 35. In what was is positive reinforcement different
b. The loud noise from negative reinforcement?
c. Fear of the rat a. Both are types of rewards, but negative
d. Fear of the loud noise reinforcement refers to rewards that an
28. In the little Albert experiment, Watson was most organism doesnt like
interested in showing b. Positive reinforcement involves adding a
a. That fear responses of children are stimulus, and negative reinforcement
produced by loud noises involves taking a stimulus away
b. That fears can be classically conditioned c. Positive reinforcement is like a reward and
c. The natural fear children have of rats negative reinforcement is like a
d. The unconscious nature of phobias punishment
29. When advertisers show scenes of teenagers having d. Positive reinforcement is used with
fun snowboarding and laughing with friends while humans and negative reinforcement is
drinking Mountain Dew, they are attempting to used with animals
use classical conditioning. In this scenario the 36. Secondary reinforcers are reinforcing because
Mountain Dew is the a. Getting two reinforcers changes behavior
a. Unconditioned stimulus more quickly
b. Unconditioned response b. Most people think about them in favorable
c. Conditioned stimulus ways
d. Conditioned response c. They occur after an event so we associate
30. Operant Conditioning is them with specific stimuli
a. A type of learning in which the frequency d. We learned to pair them with primary
of responding depends on consequences reinforcers
b. A way to describe certain thoughts or 37. Taking away something desirable following a
cognitions about operations, like problem behavior is
solving a. Positive reinforcement
c. Conditioned that involved pairing b. Negative reinforcement
unconditioned and conditioned stimuli c. Shaping
d. Learning by observing the operations of d. Punishment
other people 38. Reinforcement will lead to ______ change in
31. When Simon wore the blue flowered shirt that his behavior than punishment.
aunt got him, the other students laughed and a. A more gradual
made fun of him. The ______ of his wardrobe b. Faster
selection ______the likelihood that he will wear c. Unpredictable
that shirt again. d. A less permanent
a. Consequences; decreases 39.
b. Consequences; increases 40.
c. Color; decreases 41.
d. Color; increases 42. Which schedule of reinforcement produces a very
high rate of response?
32. a. Continuous
b. Variable ratio
33. We can only know if a response is a reinforcement
c. Fixed interval
by observing if it
d. Variable interval
a. Strengthens a behavior
43. Which type of reinforcement schedules requires
b. Weakens a behavior
the learner to wait a period of time after a correct
c. Has little effect on a behavior
d. Fits the predetermined definition response for reinforcement?
a. Interval schedules
b. Continuous reinforcement schedules a. Banduras Bobo doll study
c. Partial reinforcement schedules b. Freuds TV study
d. Ratio schedules c. Skinners pigeon studies
44. Which schedule of reinforcement is the most d. Watsons Little Albert Study
resistant to extinction?
a. Continuous 48.
b. Variable ratio 49.
c. Fixed ratio
d. Fixed interval 50. An example of prosocial behavior is
45. Learning by imitating others behaviors is called a. A teacher getting to school late
_____ learning. The researcher best known for b. Friends collecting food for a food bank
studying this type of learning is _______. c. Your father yelling at the family dog
a. Observational; Watson d. A group of friends gathering to watch a
b. Secondary; Pavlov football game
c. Observational; Bandura 51. The American Psychological Associations
d. Secondary; Skinner Commission on Violence and Youth found that
46. What is the main difference between violence on TV
observational learning and operant conditioning? a. Occurs more often in animated cartoons
a. In operant conditioning, the organism than on live action shows
itself must receive a stimulus in the form b. Is correlated with increased aggressive
of a reinforcement or punishment. In behavior
observational learning, the organism can c. Is harmful to older children but not to
learn by watching others. younger children
b. Observational learning involves the d. Is not harmful in any circumstance
pairing of two different stimuli, but 52. Which of the following is both a phoneme and a
operant conditioning involves stimuli used morpheme?
as rewards and punishments. a. Ed
c. Only humans can be operantly b. Ing
conditioned, but both humans and c. K
animals learn through observational d. A
learning. 53. Which of the following researchers believed that
d. Only animals can be operantly we learn language through association, imitation,
conditioned, but humans and animals can and reinforcement?
learn through observational learning a. B.F. Skinner
47. You get in a debate about the effects of TV b. Daniel Kahneman
violence. Which of the following studies would be c. Noam Chomsky
the most helpful when arguing that TV violence d. Abraham Maslow
increases the likelihood of aggressive behaviors?

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