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A 5,5-m-high highway embankment is to be constructed over a

landfill that has a fine-grained soil cover underlain by a soil mixture
with the total thickness ranging from 5.0 to 8.2 m. This soil mixture
includes primarily silts and clays with construction waste (concrete
blocks, brick fragments, etc.). At certain locations, there are voids
and loose pockets within the landfill. Standard penetration tests
performed prior to ground improvement indicate SPT values ranging
from about 5 to 20 with an average of 10. The predicted settlement
ranged from 140 to 274 mm.
Dynamic compaction is selected to reduce the anticipated total and
differential settlements.
The required SPT N value after improvement should be at least 20.
The surface of the landfill is strong enough to support the dynamic
compaction equipment. Leachate inside the landfill was at a
relatively shallow depth (approximately 2.5 m from the existing
surface). To minimize the generation of excess pore water pressure,
multiple pass construction may be needed.
The contractor has an 15-ton tamper that has the diameter of 1.3 m
and the height of 1.5 m. You are requested to provide a preliminary
design for the dynamic compaction project and estimate the
settlement after compaction.

Considering the thickness of the landfill typically ranging from 5.0 to
8.2 m, the depth of improvement is selected as 8 m. Based on the
composition of the landfill, it can be considered as a Previous Soil.
Since the landfill has a high degree of saturation, the nc value is
selected as 0.5 (refer to the Recommended nc Value Table).

1 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
As a result, the required energy per blow can be computed as
nc = 0,38 ; Di = 8 m

8 m=0, 38 W t H d

21,0526= W t H d

W t H d =443,213 ton. m

Hence WtHd = 443,213 t.m

The contractor provided an 15 t tamper, therefore, the required drop

height is :


H d =

Hd= 26,86 m 26,9 m

2 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
Based on the applied energy guidelines, the unit applied energy for
landfills ranges from 600 to 1100 kJ/m3

The average unit applied energy is 850 kJ/m3, therefore, the

required total applied energy is :

AETotal = 850 kJ/m3 8 m = 6800 kJ/m2 = 6.8 MJ/m2.

Ironing passes are typically used to compact the ground near the
surface, which is close to the depth of the craters. Typically, the
crater depth ranges from 1.0 to 1.5 m. The ground above the landfill
is most likely fine grained. Since the ground near the surface is
above the groundwater table, the unit applied energy for the
semipervious fine-grained soils of 300 kJ/m3 (refer to the Required
Energy Table) may be used for the ironing passes.

3 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
assume crater depth : 1.3 m
Therefore, the required total applied energy for ironing passes is

AEIP = 300 kJ/m3 1.3 m = 390 kJ/m2 = 0.39 MJ/m2.

The required total applied energy for high-energy compaction is :
= 6.8 MJ/m2 0.39 MJ/m2
= 6.41 MJ/m2.
To allow for pore water pressure dissipation during energy
application, multiple passes are needed. Assume two passes are
adopted (Np = 2). The required applied energy for each pass is :
AEHEP Np = 6.41 MJ/m2,
AEHEP = 6.41/ 2 = 3.205 MJ/m2 = 3205 kJ/m2.
Typical drop spacing is 1,5 2,5 times the tamper diameter. The
factor of 2.0 is selected for this site, that is, drop spacing, s = 2.0
1.3 m = 2.6 m (assuming a square pattern). The number of drops at
each specific drop point location can be computed by :

4 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
Ae = s2 = 2,62 = 6,76 m2
AE = AEHEP = 3205 kJ/m2 ;
Wt = 15 t ; Hd = 26,9 m
Wt Hd

3205 x 6,76
Nd= 2
=5,36 6
26,9 x 1 5 x 10 m/s

For the number of drops at one location at 6 for each pass, the
crater depth can be estimated as follows:

dcd = 0,028 x 60,55 x (15 x 26,9)0,5 = 1,51 m

The allowable crater depth for construction is 1.3 + 0.3 = 1.6 m,
which is the same as the estimated crater depth expected in the
field; therefore, it is OK.

Based on the FHWA guidelines, the upper bound of SPT N value after
dynamic compaction ranges from 20 to 40 (refer to the Upper Bound
Test Values after Dynamic Compaction Table for Landfills).

5 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
The induced settlement for uncontrolled fill ranges from 5 to 20%
(refer to the Approximate Induced Settlement as Percent of
Improvement Depth Table for Uncontrolled Fills). If the average
percentage (i.e., 13%) is considered, the possible induced
settlement is :
S = 0.13 8 m = 1.04 m.

However, based on the estimated crater depth, the expected

settlement may be estimated as follows (assume the crater
diameter is the same as the tamper diameter and no heave). The
area ratio of improvement, defined as the area of each crater to the
influence area of each tamping point, is:



6 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
3,14 x( )
Area Ratioof Improvement= =0,196

The induced settlement by two passes of dynamic compaction is :

S = Np x Area of Ratio of Improvement x dcd = 2 0.196 1,51 =
0.592675 m.

7 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
8 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H
9 | M E T O D E P E R B A I K A N TA N A H

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