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Skills Redux; an assortment of options

for the Greatest Game in the World

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Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Skill Redux

n addition to the normal skills obtained at the Skill Point Allocation
beginning of the game through backgrounds and Skill Points
class selection, this process incorporates "skill Required Area of Expertise
points" a la older versions of D&D to further define 1 Trained Skill Increase / Read & Write Basic
your character. What you do with the skill points to Language
further define your character is up to you, but this at
least permits some fine-tuning. 2 Untrained Skill Increase / Apprentice Training
/ Speak Basic Language
The player receives their Intelligence modifier (minimum
of one) per level to assign to a trained skill, untrained skill, 3 Journeyman Training / Read & Write Exotic
artisan tool/kit, musical instrument or language. Each of the Language
afore-mentioned areas of expertise require a certain number 4 Expert Training / Speak Exotic Language
of skill points to increase, which are shown in the Skill Point
Allocation table. 5 Master Training
6 Grand Master Training
Level One Skill Points
At first level, the character chooses skills and backgrounds as DC rolls
normal. If they were able to choose an artisan tool, music When a skill mentioned below asks for a DC roll, refer to the
instrument or kit, this reflects an "apprentice" status, which is base DC listed on the Skills Redux chart. If the character is
still just basic proficiency with the kit or tool. an apprentice attempting to make something at their level,
After the character is created, they are then able to use then the DC should be 13. If the character is a grand master
their Intelligence modifier, with a minimum of one point, in attempting to make something at their level, then the DC
skill points to allocate as they see fit (refer to Skill Point should be 21. IF the same grand master is trying to make
Allocation chart for skill costs). With one skill point, the something at a lower level, use the lower level's DC.
character is able to put it towards a trained skill, thus Many times, the kits and tools listed below mention rolling
increasing their skill check with that trained skill by one. above the DC and having some sort of special reaction.
This reflects the specific change the character gets as they Regardless of what is rolled, a 1 is always a drastic failure
become more experienced. If they instead wanted to increase while a 20 is a success. A 20 can also be considered to be a
their ability in an untrained skill, it would require two skill "permanent" item, for those professions that have magic
points to increase that skill by one point. incorporated in to them. For further detail on the subject and
If the character instead decided to store their skill points to an example, let's look at a Master Brewer.
use towards learning a new tool, music instrument, kit or The Master Brewer is wanting to make some kick-ass stout
language, than they are able to do that until they are able to that can increase his strength by 4 for the 30 minutes he
obtain enough skill points to purchase what they desire. drinks it. He rolls on the DC chart, needing a 19 or higher. He
The most bonus points a character can ever have in a skill gets to add his basic proficiency (for apprentice), his
is equal to their proficiency modifier. Thus, at first level, they Constitution modifier (for journeyman), his proficiency
can only ever increase any of their skills by two points, since modifier again (for expert) and he gets advantage on the roll
their proficiency modifier is +2. At 5th level, they will be able (for being a master).
to increase their skills an additional point, to three. Unfortunately, he STILL rolls only a 17. He has made some
This is modified somewhat for the tools, music good stuff that gives a +3 to his strength, but it will go bad
instruments and kits characters can select. It costs two pretty quick (1 day), so he better drink it fast.
points to become an apprentice in a kit, musical instrument On the other hand, if he rolled a 23, he'd have a +4 strength
or tool, and you cannot become a journeyman until 5th level. brew that lasts 4 days before it goes bad (Rolled 23 - 19 DC =
Once you are able to become a journeyman, you must 4 days).
dedicate three skill points to increase your ability, and so on
and so forth.
Masterwork and Magic
Skill point modifications Item Alternative
If you would rather stick to the cost and day If characters would rather rely on a more basic method of
progression chart in the DMG, you can substitute training reflected through experience, you can instead base
250 days of training at 1 gold per day per training their proficiency bonus on their level of item creation. For
level. That way, someone who spends years example, a player with a +2 proficiency and trained in specific
perfecting their art can become a Grand Master, tools can create a common magic item, as long as they have
though I would probably limit them to Expert the specific magic-creation formula, raw components and kit
without them actually going out in to the world and
to create it.
learning new tricks or methods.

Skill Point Allocation

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Skills Redux
Proficiency Creation Max Skill Points in
Level Bonus Features DC Rarity Cost (+) Cap one skill
1st +2 Apprentice Level: Basic Proficiency 13 Common 100 gp Nothing 2
5th +3 Journeyman Level: Add one ability score 15 Uncommon 500 gp +1 Weapon 3
modifier (See Skills)
9th +4 Expert Level: Expertise in Proficiency 17 Rare 5,000 +2 Weapon / 4
gp +1 AC
13th +5 Master Level: Advantage on rolls 19 Very Rare 50,000 +3 Weapon / 5
gp +2 AC
17th +6 Grand Master Level: Tool specific bonus or 21 Legendary 500,000 +3 AC 6
spell gp

This can be done on their downtime at the cost of 25 gold per

day, per player that can contribute, as long as they have the Skill Specialization
same skills and kit training. This would reflect a "magic"
After a player has a total of 5 skill points in a specific skill,
quality of the item, through extensive training and being
they are able to "specialize" in one aspect of that skill. This is
specifically trained in creating that one item.
a reflection of the old-school 3.0 and 3.5 editions where there
You can also base the standard +1, +2 or +3 weapons and
were separate subsets of abilities that fell under the major
armor as not being magical, but superior examples of
abilities that survived to 5.0. For example, the Tumbling
masterwork items. If the player spends that much time
ability that probably fell under Acrobatics.
creating the weapon or armor, and as long as they have a high
Now, after having a total of 5 skill points in Acrobatics, the
enough proficiency, they can create a "non-magical" weapon
character can choose to become specialized in Tumbling,
or armor set that gives the +1 through +3 bonus, reflected in
which gives another benefit to that ability specifically, when it
the awesome quality and fitting of the item. For all intents
is used. If a character specifically "tumbles", then they get
and purposes, the weapons and armor wouldn't be "magical",
advantage on their roll.
which might cause some contention with your gaming group.
The creation of "subsets" is entirely up to the DM and the
I like the idea, personally.
player, but a list of them and their respective skills and
Refer to the Skills Redux chart to determine costs and
associated abilities is also included in this supplement.
proficiency needed.
Combining skill sets Subset Subset

When it comes down to whether a player knows Herbalism Carry Climb

or Alchemy, it's really just a matter of preference. If your DM Drag Jump
allows this set of alternate rules, you may find yourself able to Lift Push
know more than one profession, especially if you have a high
Intelligence. Swim
In that situation, certain skills play very well off of each
other and can actually compliment each other. Like the
example above, herbalism and alchemy can go hand-in-hand
with each other. When creating alchemical ingredients, the
character might have foraged using herbalism and can
increase his yield with what he found. Another good example
is the relationship between herbalism and poison-making, for
exactly the same reason.
How your respective DM wants to incorporate two or more
skill sets is up to them. A good way to combine the two is
with the Poisoner's Kit, which uses herbs you can find in the
wild to set the DC for poisons you want to make.

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Dexterity Intelligence
Subset Subset Subset Subset
Balance Disable Device Appraise Forgery
Escape Artist Fly Knowledge: Dungeoneering Knowledge: Engineering
Lock-Picking Move Silently Knowledge: Geography Knowledge: Local
Ride Use Rope Knowledge: Nobility Knowledge: The Planes

Subset Subset
Listen Spot
Feel Smell

Subset Subset
Concentration Forced March
Hold Breath Professional Drinking
Sleep Deprivation Survive without Food
Survive without Water

Subset Subset
Bluff Diplomacy
Disguise Voice Gather Information
Use Magic Device

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
They can also create white teas to increase intelligence and
Kits & Tools reduce strength, green teas to boost wisdom and lower
dexterity, and black teas to bolster charisma while decreasing
Alchemist's Kit constitution.
A player who desires to instill magic in to their draughts does Due to the dedication it takes to make a truly awesome
so by following Alchemy. A character can instill one spell brew, the character can only make 1d4 bottles of the stuff at a
level's worth of spells per tool kit level. The spell that the time, and it takes 1 day per point increase desired to make it
potion mimics must be "potionable", or with a range of self. along with 10 gold per day. So a +3 Strength brew would take
For instance, an apprentice can create potions that mimic 3 days and 30 gold to make.
first level spells like Cure Wounds, but not Arms of Hadar. A At Journeyman level, the character can add their
Grand Master can replicate up to 5th level spells. Constitution or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this
Refer to the Skills Redux chart for DC's and costs. It takes kit.
one day per level of the spell to create the potions, including Grand Masters can cast the spell Purify Food or Drink
the standard gold sink of 50 gold per level and 25 gold per once per long rest.
day. See Recipe Crafting for Consumables for more ideas.
The consequence of creating these spontaneous potions is
their shelf life. The potions last for one day for every number Calligraphy Kit
rolled above the DC. If the character rolls a natural 20, the
A player who uses a Calligraphy kit is able to scribe flowing
potion has no expiration date. If they roll a 1, the DM is able
symbols and elegant scripture on parchment and in books.
to decide what the end result is. As the character grows in
Any player who can cast spells can inscribe their spells as
experience, they are able to make weaker potions that last
scrolls, and if they are successful on the DC check, can
increase the power of their spells either by one spell slot, +1
At Journeyman level, the character can add their
to the DC save or +1 to the spell attack modifier.
Intelligence or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this
A character who is not a spell caster is able to create the
basic spell scrolls of protection. An Apprentice can make +1
Grand Masters can cut the time required to create potions
scrolls, an Expert can make +2 scrolls and a Grand Master
in half.
can make +3 scrolls.
See Recipe Crafting for Consumables for more ideas.
Either way, it requires one day per scroll to create at 25
gold per scroll or spell level, if creating spell scrolls.
The character's scrolls are not meant to hold in all the
magic they are imbued with. If the player is not a spell caster,
then their scrolls only last for one day per DC point rolled
above the minimum required.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Illusory Script once per
See Recipe Crafting for Consumables for more ideas.
Brewer's Kit
A player proficient in brewing is able to brew drafts that
increase one ability score, while decreasing another. Refer to
the DC list on the Skills Redux table to determine the
Succeeding on the DC to create a brew allows the creator
to make a draft that increases one ability score by one point
per tool level. An apprentice can create a +1 Strength cider
while a Grand Master can create a +5 Strength Dark Ale. The
brew has the side-effect of also reducing the opposing score
by the same amount. A +2 Strength brew is also a -2
Intelligence brew.
The creation lasts for one day per DC point rolled above
the minimum required. The duration of the concoction when
imbibed is 30 minutes, and benefits do not stack. Carpenter's Tools
The character chooses to create a strong ale or beer that A player who uses Carpenter's Tools aspires to build homes
increases strength but decreases intelligence, a wispy wine and domiciles. Any player who spends 10 minutes making
that increases dexterity but decreases wisdom, or a distilled modifications to a room they are residing in can recover max
spirit that increases constitution but decreases charisma. hit dice during another short or long rest. This benefit is also
conferred on each other person who attempts to regain hit
points, as long as the carpenter succeeds on a single DC
check according to the Skills Redux chart for each other
player based on the player's level as the DC.

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Carpenters who build during their downtime are able to build
homes and forts for less than it would cost to buy them
Climber's Kit
outright. A character can assist the building of a structure by A player who is skilled with a Climber's kit knows how to
contributing their experience, if they stay for the entire apply ropes and pulleys in the appropriate manner, enabling
duration to assist in building the structure. them to become pro-climbers. Obviously, a character who is
If they remain for the entire duration to assist in building a skilled with a Climber's Kit applies their proficiency modifier
structure, they can reduce the total price of the building by to checks involving climbing and doesn't fall more than 25'.
half their level in percentage. The other benefit to being proficient with a Climber's Kit
For example, a 10th level character stays on to help build a comes from the experience the climber has had climbing.
Guildhall, which costs 5,000 gp and takes 60 days to build. If Climbers inherently become immune to fear being at extreme
they remain there for the entire 60 days to help, they can heights. The character can choose to add their climbing skill
reduce the cost of the Guildhall by 5%, which would equate to modifier and skill benefit to any roll against being frightened,
250 gold saved. as opposed to their normal saving throw. So eventually, a
They are also able to reduce the number of days it takes to master will get advantage with bonuses to roll against being
build the structure by rolling a skill check using their tools. frightened.
Subtract the roll in percent from the total number of days The player is also able to confer these benefits to the rest of
required to determine how much time is saved. A 25 rolled is his party as well. The player makes a DC check with his
25% of the time, which would save 15 days on the total 60. benefits. Refer to the Skills Redux table to determine the
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength minimum DC to beat. If another character in the party is level
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit. 5, then the DC will be 15. The one roll the player makes
Grand Masters can cast the spell Mending once per long determines who in the party gets the same bonuses to the
rest. frightened roll as well. If the player's roll is above that 15, then
See Fortresses, Temples and Strongholds for more ideas. the level 5 character gets the benefits as well. If the character
rolled a 16 though, and there is a level 9 character in the
group, the level 9 character does not get the benefit.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength
or Charisma modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Grand Masters are able to cast Spider Climb once per long

Cobbler's Tools
A cobbler-trained character is very proficient at making
footwear and boots. He has an eye for proper tread and how
to create and mend the best moldings for his fellow players.
Cartographer's Tools With the proper products and the Cobbler's Tools, the player
can make works of art.
A player who uses Cartographer's Tools has a keen eye for A cobbler can roll against the DC of different levels to
making hand-drawn maps and remembering topography. Any create boots that greatly enhance the speed and constitution
player who uses their Cartography tools to actively keep track of the wearer. By spending a short rest with another player,
of a map of a dungeon instinctively knows how secret doors the Cobbler can create or mend their boots to different effect.
and traps would be set up and where they might be. Inside a The cobbler has to roll against the other player's level for the
dungeon or building after the character has charted its DC on the Skills Redux table. If successful, the Cobbler can
insides, roll against the DC level of the overall dungeon, negate a level of the player's exhaustion due to over-marching
referring to its average CR or level of difficulty and referring or fatigue.
to the Skills Redux chart. If the cobbler spends a long rest after examining another
Every number rolled above the DC opens up a specific player, the cobbler can create custom-made boots for the
mystery of the dungeon or building, determined by the DM. player that increase the player's speed and confers the
This can be rooms that the group missed, secret caches of cobbler's benefits against rolling for exhaustion against force-
money or treasure or secret doors or traps. marches or fatigue. Also, when the character takes the Dash
For use in the wilderness, a character gets to add their tool action, they can move an additional 5 feet per the cobbler's
modifier to not get lost when making a Survival check once skill with the kit. An apprentice will bestow +5 feet per dash
per long rest. while grand master-made boots will give a +25 feet per dash.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity The cobbler has to roll high enough on the DC table in order
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit. to make those specific types of boots.
Grand Masters are able to cast Find the Path once per day. At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Longstrider once per long

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Cook's Kit Fletcher's Kit
A cook might be one of the lesser-desirable professions in the Fletcher's are able to create ammunition from stock wood
adventuring life, but with the proper implements and a cook's found in nature. Normally, they can salvage other arrows and
kit, a player can make food that can enhance his companion's their attachments to use for their own creations. Doing this,
abilities. During a short rest, a cook can create snacks and they are basically able to have an endless supply of arrows if
spice up drinks to refresh the vitality of the group. The cook given ample time to search and restock in the wild.
makes one roll during the short rest. The number rolled is Additionally, they are able to make exquisite arrows if able
compared to the Skills Redux chart for each individual to find specific feathers, shafts of wood and arrow tips.
player in the group according to their level. If the number Depending on the materials found, arrows can be modified or
rolled by the cook exceeds the required number, than that created that create specific effects. Refer to the following
player gets to use an additional hit dice to heal for free chart for more details. The price is per arrow if it has a #
without having to go in to their own hit dice pool. symbol, otherwise the price is for 20 arrows.
During a long rest, the cook can make some awesome At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
foods or spice up other dishes. The player can confer his cook or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
kit bonuses to give to players on healing using hit dice (if you Grand Masters can cast the spell Cordon of Arrows once
play that way) or to checks to overcome diseases or poisons, per long rest.
as long as the cook beats the DC for his level. If he beats it by
5 or more, he also grants his group a bonus inspiration.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their A Fletching Good Time
Constitution or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with
this kit. Name Cost Features DC
Grand Master cooks can create works of art with food. Barbed 2gp Range: 30', Hit grapples enemy 13
They are able to spice up and flavor food to such an extent
and dress it up to look so appetizing that players Bleeding# 360gp Normal dmg, +1 HP/turn until 21
automatically feel enlightened and invigorated. The cook is
able to make food that mimics the spell abilities of Lesser Blunt 2gp Bludgeon damage, not piercing 13
Restoration once per long rest. Durable# 1gp Does not break 13
Dye# 1gp Marks a target with paint, no 13
Flight 2gp +50'/150' range, -1 to attack 13
Incendiary 10gp Action to light, -1 to attack, +1 15
damage, DC 15 DEX save to
avoid flammable items
catching fire
Lodestone# 10gp +4 to attack armored target 15
(magnetized), half damage
Pheromone# 15gp Attacks based on scent get +2 17
Disguise Kit against hit creature and can
A player skilled with the disguise kit is able to take on the
physical persona of other people. Through the use of Pronged 2gp -1 to attack/+1 dmg small and 13
makeups and wigs, along with other clothing, a disguised tiny
player can become the king or a common peasant. He Raining# 30gp -2 to attack, sprays holy water 19
becomes skilled with props as well, and can imitate the 5'
creation of items of extraordinary power. Slow Burn# 150gp -1 to attack, +1d6 fire dmg 1 21
A character using the disguise kit on other players gets to turn
confer their advantages to them as well in attempts to
deceive, and that final roll by the disguising player becomes Smoke# 10gp Trails smoke, smokes 5' radius 15
the DC that others observing the player have to beat. Splintercloud# 25gp Breaks apart, 5' burst of 1d3 19
Additionally, the character is able to dress up props to dmg
imitate the real thing. If the player has seen or handled an Tanglefoot# 20gp Half range, glued if hit, DC 10 17
object and wants to mimic it, he can attempt to do so. The DC DEX save to avoid, DC 12 STR
again is set at the roll, with observers having to beat it. to escape or 10 slashing dmg
The player is also VERY skilled at camouflage. On a short Thistle# 1gp Pain barb, Disadvantage to 15
rest, the character is able to disguise people in camouflage to saves for 1 round
give them the player's bonus to hide.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Trip# 25gp DC 10 DEX save to avoid 19
prone, no dmg
Intelligence or Charisma modifier to any roll made with this
kit. Whistling 2gp Heard within 500 feet 13
Grand Masters are able to cast the spell Disguise Self once
per long rest.

Fletcher's Kit
Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Refer to the following chart for DC's of different types of
Forgery Kit glass "bombs" that can be created. When creating these
A forger can create documents that allow others to pass for explosives, they are only good for a number of days equal to
anyone they might imagine. Whether it be official scrolls of the number rolled over the DC required. They all are thrown,
pedigree or papers to enter a country legally, they have an eye affect a 5 foot radius unless noted and have a range of 40
for detail and can trace even the most elegant script. They do feet. If the glassblower spends twice the money, increases the
not inherently write with a flair all their own; their ability DC by 4 and shortens the range to 20 feet, they can create
comes from mimicking the writing of others to pass off as larger versions of the below that affect a 10 foot radius.
their own. Additionally, while on downtime, the glassblower can
Their keen eye allows for a perception above and beyond contribute to the construction of structures that have
their peers. They can recognize a fake from a mile away and windows. As long as the building has windows and they
are able to pick up even the slightest variations from what remain there assisting in the construction of said building for
should be the "true" norm. They can very easily create fake the entire duration, they can reduce the cost of building it by
documents for the right cost, but their true ability lies in their 25% of their level in percentage.
perception. For example, a 12th level glassblower helping to build our
Because of their attention to detail, forgers are able to pick Guildhall the Carpenter is making helps out the whole time.
up even the slightest variation in something others have They can now reduce the cost of the building by another 3%.
created. They are able to add their skill set bonus to ascertain If it originally cost 5,000 gold to construct, they can reduce it
the answers to written riddles, the designs of glyphs, and by another 150 gold.
basically anything of the written word. As long as they can At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
look at the writing close enough, they are able to ascertain or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
clues about its origin, and possibly answers to its enigma, if Grand Masters can cast the spell Chromatic Orb once per
there is one. long rest.
Additionally, they are obviously able to make fake
documents. When creating a document, the player rolls a
d20, adding all of their relevant modifiers. That number,
much like a "stealth" check, is the number that is set in stone Glass with Class
to go against others and their Insight or Perception checks. Name Cost Features DC
Most importantly is their ability to "figure things out".
Acid 15gp 2d6 acid damage 13
Using the Skills Redux chart, if the player handles the
possibly magic item for a few minutes, they get to roll against Alchemist's 25gp 1d4 fire dmg until DC 10 DEX save 13
the DC for their proficiency against the rarity of the item. For Fire
instance, a Common item is equal to a +2 proficiency, which Dye 1gp Full of paint 13
on the chart is a DC 13. A Legendary item is equal to +6
proficiency, which would be a DC 21. If the player rolls above Explosive 15gp 1d4 damage and deafened 17
condition until DC 10 CON save
the DC, they learn something about the item, like how
powerful it is (common or legendary), what one of its powers Glass 1gp 1 dmg and stop moving unless DC 13
might be, etc. Caltrops 15 DEX save
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity Grease 5gp Prone unless DC 12 DEX save 17
or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Napalm 50gp 1d6 fire damage until DC 15 DEX 21
Grand Masters can cast the spell Identify once per long save
Oil 5sp +5 fire damage if lit 13
Glassblower's Tools Pepper 2gp Blinded condition for 3 rounds until 17
Spray DC 10 CON save
Glassblowers are one of the lesser-utilized professions, but
inherently have much value. Glassblowers are not only Poison Gas 10gp Poison condition for 3 rounds until 15
responsible for the windows in homes, but also for mason DC 10 CON save
jars, glass baubles, light fixtures and a whole plethora of Sleep Gas 25gp Unconscious unless DC 10 CON 19
everyday items that are taken for granted. save
While adventuring, glassblowers obviously have the ability
Smoke 10gp Heavy obscure 5' area 15
to create small amounts of glass containers, like potion
bottles. They can also create the small thrown implements Sticky 15gp Random body part becomes glued 19
like alchemist's fire, acid vials, and holy water containers. Foam until DC 12 STR save
Lastly, they can create glass or mirror-implements for use in Stink 1gp Smells; draws attention 15
spyglasses, compasses, magnifying glasses, lanterns, and
Tear Gas 20gp Incapacitated condition for 3 15
hourglasses. rounds until DC 10 CON save
The gasses that are created when materials are burned
and then molded in to a glass container can create surprising Water 1sp Wets area, can use holy water 13
side-effects, if those gases are trapped inside the glass
container that is created. For instance, everything from sleep
gas to smoke to poison can be trapped inside a small glass
bauble, just waiting to be thrown.

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
At Journeyman level, the character can add their
Healer's Kit Constitution or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this
A healer's kit use is common sense. As stated in the player's kit.
handbook on page 151, a healer's kit stabilizes a creature that Grand Masters are able to cast the spell Locate Animals or
has 0 hit points without the use of a medicine check. Plants once per long rest, but can only locate plants.
What a player trained in using the healer's kit can do is Refer to Recipe Crafting for Consumables for more
much different. A trained player can heal another player once information.
per long rest with 1d4 hit points per training level per use of
the kit. An apprentice can heal a character with one use of
the kit for 1d4 hit points while a grand master with 5 uses of
the kit can heal 5d4 hit points to that same character.
Additionally, whenever a DC is required to treat a disease
or poison, the character can add their healer's kit modifier to
the roll to treat it.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their
Constitution or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this
Grand Masters can cast the spell Cure Wounds once per
long rest.

Hunter's Kit
A hunter's kit consists the basics for concealment,
camouflage and containment. Hunters spend all night staying
perfectly still waiting for the perfect opportunity to catch their
Herbalism Kit prey. In game terms, a hunter can add their kit bonus to any
Players skilled in using an herbalism kit are able to extract checks made to find and kill game for food.
the juices and resin of herbs they find in the wilderness. In Additionally, because they are so stealthy, they get
addition, they are able to dry them to use in pipes and advantage while in the wilderness to their hide rolls. If they
compact them to be used like chew. have advantage on their hide rolls and attack, they can add
Much like brewery, whenever a player creates something their kit proficiency to their first attack as well and if they hit,
with the herbalism kit, they can only create up to their tool automatically do critical damage.
training level. An apprentice can create an herbal supplement At Journeyman level, the character can add their Wisdom
that grants a +1 to only ability checks in a certain ability or Dexterity modifier to any roll made with this kit.
score while a grand master can create a +5. Grand Masters are able to cast the spell Hunter's Mark
The creation lasts for a number of days equal to the once per long rest.
number rolled above the DC for their training level. A player
skilled with the herbalism kit can attempt to "create" two Jeweler's Tools
herbal concoctions per long rest. When the herb is used to
confer the bonus, the bonus remains with the character for Characters proficient with jeweler's tools are skilled at
30 minutes. Bonuses do not stack and using more than one refining, shaping and molding crystals and gems in to
herb at the same time results in the poisoned condition for 30 magnificent works of art. Not only that, they can set those
minutes instead. stones in to pre-made jewelry and make exquisite necklaces,
When herbs are chewed on, they confer a bonus to bracelets and rings. They can tell how much a gem might cost
Strength checks. When herbs are powdered and then just by holding it, and how antique your favorite bauble might
inhaled, they confer a bonus to Dexterity checks. When herbs be.
are dried out and turned in to supplements, they confer a When it comes to the adventuring life, jewelers obviously
bonus to Constitution checks. When herbs are used for their come in handy being able to tell how much treasure might be
resin and sucked on like a lozenge, they confer a bonus to to sell. They can also negotiate with other jewelers in town to
Intelligence checks. When herbs are dried out and put in to fetch a better price. They can typically get 10% more if they
drinks, they confer a bonus to Wisdom checks. When herbs act as the go-between selling the group's booty.
are dried out and smoked, they confer a bonus to Charisma

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Additionally, they are able to innately tell if gems, jewels,
crystals or stones are magic. There are many magical items
Leatherworker's Tools
in the world that other players don't necessarily know are A leatherworker can create leather, hide and scale armors
magic. Crystals, gems and stones have a magic all unto from the skins of dead animals. As normal, they can create 25
themselves that need to be unlocked to unleash their gold per day worth of material. Making a standard set of
potential. armor is quite easy with the proper materials. Leather only
These gems, crystals, stones and jewels are known as costs 10 gp to buy, so a player can technically make 2 sets per
"foci", or focus in the singular. Normally, they are pretty and day if they have the adequate skins.
can be shaped to fit jewelry. A skilled jeweler, or someone Regardless of the type obtained from a creature, the player
attuned to nature, can handle a foci and understand that can only attempt to make a suit of armor from the skin if they
there is something deeper to it than just its looks. meet the skill level for the armor. To determine this, take the
If they are able to unlock its powers, then just having the proficiency modifier of the trained skill, for instance, +2 for
foci on their person instills in them benefits and abilities. apprentice. That player can make a max armor of the normal
Treat these foci just like any other magic item, as well as their type of armor +2. For instance, leather armor is 11 AC. An
creation cost. A foci takes time and patience to decipher its apprentice can make a suit of leather armor with max AC of
facets and create magical. The following charts are basic 13. Scale male confers a 14 AC. An apprentice can make a
(kind of!) lists of foci ranging from minor to legendary. They max AC of 16 from scales.
were originally created to be used with the Akashic Sensitive A specific-sized animal can provide enough leather for a
Prestige Class ( Jedi) class I created, so look that up for more specific-sized set of leather armor. Medium creature for
information. medium armor. If a player acquires the hide of another
The best part of unlocking a magic foci is just spending animal and wants to try to keep the benefits the hide
time with it. A player still needs to spend the allotted money bestowed on the creature originally, the player has to roll
to buy the foci or find it in their adventures. Not every stone is higher than the DC according to the creature's CR on the
a foci, and a player needs to roll above the DC for the rarity of Skills Redux table.
the stone to be able to determine if it can be "unlocked". If so, If successful, they retain one quality of the hide's original
they can only dedicate their concentration to one foci at a power. For instance, a creature that had a natural AC of 13
time, and it takes the prescribed amount of time to create an and resistance to lightning can keep one of those qualities.
equal magic item. The creation takes 10 days to create at 25 gold per day, no
For instance, if a player finds a "very rare" Emerald, they matter who helps.
can try to make it magic. A very rare magic item creation If the player takes the scales of a creature, a specific-sized
requires a +5 proficiency bonus according to the Skills animal can provide enough scales to create a set of armor for
Redux table, which requires a Master jewel crafter. The a creature one size smaller. A large creature is required to
inherent DC to determine if it is magical or not and can be make medium-sized armor. Use the same rules as above to
made magical is 19, according to the same table. If the create the scale mail, rolling against the CR of the creature.
character rolls high enough and spends enough time to invest If successful, the player makes a suit of scale mail that also
in 5,000 gold "magic item creation" cost, then they can unlock keeps one property of the original creature. This creation
the emerald's "+1d8 to healing spells, Calm Emotions at will, takes 30 days to create at 25 gold per day, no matter who
Revivify per short rest" very rare ability. helps. This will most likely come in to play regarding Dragons
Normally, players can only invest 25 gold per day in the and their scales. Here is an example of a 10th level Expert
creation of magic items. With jewelers, because its so hard to leatherworker fighting a large young red dragon:
really share with other jewelers, they are able to pay to have The young dragon has natural armor of 18 and immunity
more of the creation cost knocked off. This is done by refining to fire damage. Because it's large, it provides enough scales
the gem and placing it into jewelry. If they purchase and/or for a medium-sized set of scale mail armor. The expert
create a beautiful gold ring for 500 gold with a setting for leatherworker has a +4 proficiency bonus, which means it
their emerald, then they can reduce the total cost and time by can make the red scale mail at AC 18 (Scale AC 14 + 4
the 500 gold. proficiency mod) or it can make AC 14 scale with fire
The minimum to create the magic item though is always at resistance. Either way, it has to roll against the young
least 50% of the original cost's time. So even if you reduce dragon's CR of 10 on the skills redux chart, which is a DC of
the 5,000 emerald to nothing, it will still require 100 days to 17.
create, since 100 days is 50% of the original 200 days At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength
originally required to make it. or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity Grand Masters can cast the spell Animal Friendship once
or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit. per long rest.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Color Spray once per
long rest.

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Minor Foci (50 gp)
Minor Foci (50 gp)
Name Color Power
Agate, Blue Lace Blue +1 on Performance checks
Agate, Dendritic Colorless, white or gray +1 on Concentration checks
Agate, Fire Deep brown with flashes of orange, red, green or gold Fire Bolt at will
Agate, Holly Blue Blue-violet +1 ki per day
Agate, Moss Moss-colored green Gust at will
Agate, Purple Sage Pale lavender to purple-black Guidance at will
Agate, Waterdeep Blue Pale sky blue to deep blue-violet Message at will
Albite Colorless, white, brown, red or blue +1 on History checks
Apatite Blue, green or gold +1d4 on healing spells
Aventurine Green, blue or red +1 on Investigation checks
Azurite Deep blue +1 on Insight checks
Blue Quartz Pale blue +1 against fear and charm effects
Calcite Blue, colorless, green, orange, pink or red +1 on Performance checks
Calcite, Honey Golden-brown +1 on Arcana checks
Calcite, Merkabite White True Strike at will
Calcite, Stellar Beam Amber or yellow +1 on Religion checks
Diaspore Pink, purple, brown, green, yellow, white, colorless or gray +1 on Intelligence checks
Eye Agate Gray, white, brown, blue or green Mage Hand at will
Goethite Black, yellow or red-brown +1 spell
Hematite Gray-black ADV to see through illusions
Hemimorphite Turquoise-blue Friends at will
Heulandite Colorless, pink, red, white, green or yellow +1 Akashic buff/de-buff per short rest
Lapis Lazuli Light and dark blue with yellow flecks +1 on Perception checks
Lilac Lepidolite Rich lavender +1 on Medicine checks
Malachite Light or dark green Hidden from Divination magic
Marcasite Brassy yellow to silver-yellow +1 on Death Saves
Obsidian, Black Black Resist psychic damage
Obsidian, Gold Sheen Golden black +1 on Deception checks
Obsidian, Mahogany Jet black or red-brown Control Flames at will
Obsidian, Peacock Undulating red, gold, green, violet, orange and/or blue Mold Earth at will
Obsidian, Rainbow Iridescent -2 to attack, +5 to damage
Obsidian, Snowflake Black with light patches +1 on Charisma checks
Pyrite Yellow +1 on Strength checks
Rhodochrosite Light pink ADV on Healing with HD
Rhodonite Rose-red ADV on profession checks
Sodalite Blue or gray +1 on Wisdom checks
Tiger Eye Brown with golden center +1 on Dexterity checks
Topaz Sky blue, golden or white +1 on Persuasion checks
Turquoise Light blue-green +1 HP per level

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Common Foci (100 gp)
Common Foci (100 gp)
Name Color Power
Angelite Soft blue Shield prof mod/day
Carnelian Orange to red-brown Charm Person per short rest
Chalcedony Blue or purple Identify at will
Chrysoprase Green ADV on Nature checks
Citrine Pale yellow to deep amber Silent Image at will
Clinochlore Green Cure Wounds prof mod/day
Cuprite Brown or black red to pure crimson Detect Poison and Disease at will
Danburite Colorless or white Shield of Faith per short rest
Dioptase Emerald to deep blue-green Compelled Duel per short rest
Dolomite White, gray, green, brown or pink +2 to Concentration checks
Elestial Quartz Smoky or colorless ADV on History checks
Epidote Black, dark or yellow green Detect Evil/Good at will
Fluorite Colorless, green, purple, white, yellow, red, pink or black Akashic Immunity at will
Galena Lead-colored +1 to all skill checks
Goshenite Colorless Wrathful Smite per short rest
Halite Colorless, white, purple, blue, yellow, red, black or pink +1 Ki
Heliodor Golden yellow +1 to Wisdom
Iolite Violet +1d6 to healing spells
Jasper, Red Red +1 to Constitution
Jasper, Rainforest Green ADV on Survival checks
Jasper, Mook Purple and yellow Feather Fall at will
Jasper, Fancy Multi-colored ADV on Medicine checks
Jasper, Picture Gray and brown ADV on Arcana checks
Jasper, Unakite Pink and green Healing Word per short rest
Lazulite Rich azure to pale blue +1 to Intelligence
Moonstone White with pale blue glow, gray or peach ADV on Insight checks
Moonstone, Prismatic +1 to AC
Onyx Bands of pure black and white +1 to Strength
Petalite White, colorless, gray, pink or yellow Chromatic Orb per short rest
Quartz White, smoky gray or yellow Store a 1st lvl spell to be cast per
short rest
Sardonyx Bands of red and white Gain proficiency in one skill
Selenite Colorless, gray, white, green or golden brown Thunderwave per short rest
Serpentine Pale yellow-green to deep forest green Crown of Madness per short rest
Shattuckite Light to deep blue +2 on CHA skill checks
Smithsonite Blue, pink, purple, green, yellow, white, gray or brown Immune to being charmed
Smoky Quartz Very pale tan to deep chocolate brown Resistance to Necrotic damage
Star rose quartz Rosy stone with white star-shaped center Gain proficiency in one trade
Stilbite White, pink, gray, yellow, red, orange or brown ADV on Stealth checks
Sunstone Orange to red-brown Searing Smite at will
Zircon Pale blue-green Thunderous Smite at will
Zoisite Shades of green, gray, white, green, brown, colorless, blue, purple, Heroism per short rest
yellow or pink

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Uncommon Foci (500 gp)
Uncommon Foci (500 gp)
Name Color Power
Adamite Bright yellow-green CHA becomes 19
Amethyst Deep purple +1 to AC and saves
Ametrine Yellow and gold ADV on Initiative and Perception rolls
Andalusite Brown and black Removes one level of Exhaustion per day
Angel Wing Blue Anhydrite Soft blue +1d8 to healing spells
Aragonite Soft blue Immune to Mind Reading
Aragonite Star Clusters Red ADV on Concentration checks
Astrophyllite Coppery bronze to golden yellow Astral Projection on self 1/day
Axinite Brown CON becomes 19
Barite Colorless, white, light blue, green, yellow or red-brown +1 to attack/damage, returns if thrown
Bloodstone Dark green with red spots Removes one condition 1/day
Brookite Darg grey or black Comprehend Languages at will
Cathedral Quartz Colorless or white Detect Magic per short rest
Cerussite Colorless, gray or brown with an adamantine luster Resist poison and disease
Chrysoberyl Green or golden Can't be surprised
Chrysocolla Green, blue, or blue-green Make no sound, ADV on surprise
Datolite Colorless, white, pale yellow or pale green INT becomes 19
Garnet, Almandine Orange-red to purple-red STR becomes 19
Garnet, Grossular Light green +10% coins
Garnet, Rhodolite Rose red to pale violet Charm Person at will
Garnet, Spessartine Yellow-Orange Disguise Self at will
Garnet, Uvarovite Deep green +10% Experience
Healer's Gold Black and gold Double HD when healing
Infinite Green or gray-green Blindsight 30'
Jade Black, blue, green, lavender, purple or red +1 STR, no exhaustion from death
Jet Deep black +1 to AC and saves
Kyanite Blue, indigo, green or black Detect Thoughts at will
Labradorite Flashes of green, blue, gold, orange, red or violet +2 Ki
Lepidolite Pink, purple or lavender Suggestion per short rest
Magnetite Gray metallic Levitate at will
Morganite Pink, peach or purple Lesser Restoration per short rest
Muscovite White, gray or colorless Enhance Ability per short rest
Natrolite Colorless, white, yellow or gray Calm Emotions at will
Pearl Lustrous white, yellow or pink +1 to attack
Prehnite Yellow-green See Invisibility at will
Pyromorphite Pea-green Eat, drink and sleep half as much
Scapolite White, gray, light green, blue, yellow or red +1 to all ability checks
Spinel Red, red-brown or deep green Max HD when healing
Staurolite Red-brown, dark brown or brown-black Locate Animals or Plants at will
Strontianite White, yellow, green, gray, brown, red or colorless +10 to speed
Tourmaline Black, brown, green, pink or red Heat Metal at will
Tourmaline, Watermelon Pink center with green around outside Prayer of Healing per short rest

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Rare Foci (1,000 gp)
Rare Foci (1,000 gp)
Name Color Power
Aegirine Black, green or brown-black +2 Ki, +1 AC
Ajoite Blue or blue-green Immune to fear, +1d8 to healing spells
Alexandrite Green or blue-green WIS becomes 19
Amblygonite Pale yellow Immune to Madness
Apophyllite Green or colorless Speak with Plants at will and Plant Growth per short rest
Aqua Lemuria Blue-green DIS on attacks against you until one hits
Aquamarine Pale blue-green Resist fire, Tongues at will
Black pearl Pure black Deals 1d6 necrotic damage on hit
Blizzard Stone Black with flecks of white +2 to attack/damage, returns if thrown
Blue spinel Deep blue Stores up to 5 levels in spells
Bustamite Light to brown-red CHA becomes 19, ADV on Persuasion checks
Cavansite Blue to blue-green +3 ki
Celestial Quartz White or red INT becomes 19, ADV on History checks
Celestite Colorless, blue, or green Legendary save per short rest
Charoite Pale lilac to deep purple +1 AC, +1d8 to healing spells
Chlorite Phantom Green Aura of Vitality per short rest
Crocoite Red or red-orange Constitution +2, ADV against and resist poison
Diopside White to light green Slow per short rest
Dream Quartz Green to blue-green Astral Projection self 1/day, Major Image per short rest
Eudialyte Pink, red or red-brown Mass Healing Word per short rest
Fulgurite Tan Lightning Bolt per short rest
Garnet, Andradite Glossy black +1 AC, Erupting Earth per short rest
Gel Lithium Silica Very dark to pale magenta Beacon of Hope per short rest
Golden Labradorite Golden yellow Fireball per short rest
Hanksite Colorless, gray or pale yellow INT becomes 19, advantage against illusion
Kunzite Pink to violet Protection from Energy per short rest
Larimar Blue, blue-green and white Command at will, Cone of Fear per short rest
Magnesite White Clairvoyance per short rest
Ocean Jasper White, green, pink, red or black Fly at will
Peridot Rich olive green ADV on skill check per short rest, +10% coins
Pietersite Gold, brown, gray, blue-gray or black ADV on Insight checks, cannot be surprised
Proustite Deep scarlet red Invisible in dim light or darkness
Purpurite Vivid purple Lesser Restoration per short rest, ADV on Insight
Rhodizite Colorless, white or yellow Double range, damage, duration or other benefit of a focus 1/day
Rose Quartz Very pale pink to deep reddish pink Knock at will
Rutilated Quartz Gold, silver or copper colored Store up to 3 levels in spells, ADV on spells cast against you
Rutile Gold-yellow, red-brown, red or black +2 Ki, +2 to attack/damage
Scolecite Colorless, white or yellow Do not need to eat or drink
Sphene Light brown to golden yellow INT +2, learn new skills and professions twice as fast
Stibnite Metallic gray to black Speak with Dead at will, Vampiric Touch per short rest
Tangerine Quartz Orange +2d6 damage to one creature type (choose when found)
Thulite Pale to deep red-pink CHA +2, ADV to CHA checks
Tourmalined Quartz Clear with black running through it Remove any ailment or heal to full HP, self 1/day
Tremolite White, gray, pink, green or brown Truesight to 30' (or plus 30')

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Very Rare Foci (5,000 gp)
Very Rare Foci (5,000 gp)
Name Color Power
Adularia Clear, with a blue-white flash Telekinesis at will
Benitoite light to dark blue Arcane Eye at will
Beryllonite Colorless, white or pale yellow +3 to attack/damage, Darkness per short rest
Cacoxenite Gold, yellow or brown Regenerate 1d6 HP per 10 min
Calim Gold Glassy yellow WIS +2, ADV on WIS checks
Cassiterite Metallic red brown to brown black +2 to attack/damage, crit against enemy <100 HP, DC 15
or slay
Chultite Yellow to yellow-green Phantasmal Killer per short rest
Cinnabar Vermillion red Instills training and expertise in Alchemy
Covellite Deep blue to black Death Ward per short rest
Creedite White, colorless or orange +4 ki
Emerald Deep bright green +1d8 to healing spells, Calm Emotions at will, Revivify per
short rest
Euclase Colorless, blue, pale blue or blue-green STR of 23
Faden Quartz Clear with a smoky line down the center +1d8 to healing spells, store 10 levels of healing spells
Fairy Wand Milky Restore max HD at meditation instead of short rest
Herderite Colorless, pale yellow, green, brown or gray INT +2, ADV on INT checks
Hiddenite Yellow-green or emerald green CHA +2, ADV on CHA checks
Lepidocrocite Reddish brown to deep red +2 AC, immune to disease
Nuummite Charcoal gray or black with iridescence ADV with spells and enemy has DIS against your spells
Opal, Black Black with iridescence Reaction: cancel <4th lvl spells up to 20 lvls per day
Opal, Common White, pink, blue brown or black +1 AC, resist one element
Opal, Dale Clear with bluish tinge Hallucinatory Terrain at will
Opal, Fire Vivid orange Compulsion per short rest
Opal, Reghed Rich blue Akashic Immunity at will, immune to fear, Bigby's Hand at
Blue will
Opal, White White with iridescence Reckless Attack at will
Phenacite Prismatic Scrying at will
Sapphire, Blue Blue, pink, white, or yellow +2 to attack/damage, bonus attack with main hand
Sapphire, Orange +3 to attack/damage, can throw and return to hand
Sapphire, Star Blue sapphire w/ white star-shaped center DEX +2, ADV on Iniative
Sichuan Quartz White or black ADV on Iniative, Can't be surprised, see invisible
Sphalerite Red, black, brown, yellow, green, gray, white or STR +2, CON +2
Spider Jasper Black with red-orange swirling Resist one element, weapon +1d6 dmg of element
Stichtite Pink-purple Max dmg to objects, +2 attack/damage, +2d6 dmg nat 20
Strombolite Gray to deep purple Charm Person at will, target has DIS on charm saves
Sugilite Pale lilac to deep purple Dream at will
Tiger Iron Gold, red and silver-gray STR 19, CON 19, immune to fear
Tugtupite Rich pink Summon Fire Elemental 1/day
Ulexite White or colorlesss Rary's Telepathic Bond at will
Vanadinite Red, orange-red, brown-red, brown or yellow ADV on concentrationc checks, Immune to charm/fear
Variscite Varying shades of green While meditating, heal 2x HD and Commune with Nature
Vaasan Red Deep orange-red CHA +2, ADV on death saves
Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Legendary Foci (50,000 gp)
Legendary Foci (50,000 gp)
Name Color Power
Amegreen Purple, green or white Telepathy at will
Angel Aura Quartz Iridescent and silver +5 ki
Angel Phantom Quartz White, yellow or red-orange +1 to proficiency mod
Aqua Aura Quartz Blue with flashes of iridescence Immune to psychic attack, +3 to attack/damage
Azeztulite Colorless or white Truesight 120'
Bixbite Raspberry red No max on CON, CON +2
Black Phantom Quartz Prismatic black Greater Invisibility per short rest
Black sapphire Lustrous black with glowing highlights +3 to attack/damage, can transfer plusses to AC
Celestite, Shaar Gray, whitish or blue-gray When taking 20, take 25
Chrysanthemum Stone Black and white +10% XP and coins
Diamond Blue-white, canary, pink, brown or blue No max on INT, INT +2
Gem Silica Blue green to deep turquoise Telepathy and Clairvoyance at will
Herkimer Quartz 'Diamond' Smoky or colorless Programmed Illusion and Heal per day
Hotenowanite Green, purple, red, white, brown or yellow Investiture of Flame at will
Iolite-Sunstone Sparkling orange to red-brown No max on WIS, WIS +2
Jacinth Fiery orange Any Bigby spell at will
Lemurian Jade Gray-green or black Bones of the Earth at will
Lemurian Seed Crystals Colorless Succeed on any one ability/skill check per short rest
Lithium Quartz Prismatic, lavender or pink-gray Double and max HD when meditating
Maztican Tears Black-brown +3 to AC and saves
Moldavite Deep forest to pale green +1 to EVERY ROLL and AC
Mystranite Black and white +2 attack, absorb/recast spell cast at you if save
Nebula Stone Black with green spots ADV on Initiative, no surprise, +2 to attack/damage
Papagoite Copper-base with rich blue Investiture of Wind at will
Pink Lazurine Rich pink to lavender purple No max on CHA, CHA +2
Prasiolite leek-green Find the Path at will
Prophecy Stone Brown or black Foresight per day
Reghed Blue Quartz Blue Mind Blank at will
Ruby Clear red to deep crimson STR of 27, immune to fear and charm
Satyaloka Quartz White, inclusions of red-brown and gray Antipathy/Sympathy per day
Seraphinite Deep green, laced with silver Regenerate per day
Seriphos Green Quartz Lettuce green to deep spinach green Etherealness per day
Spirit Quartz Purple +2 AC, ADV with all saves
Star ruby Ruby with white star-shaped center ki-infused; each ki used, +1 to attack or damage die
Tathite Dark green +3 to attack/damage, nat 20 cut limb/extra 6d8
Thayanite Blue to blue-violet +3 AC, immmune to necrotic
Titanium Quartz Iridescent Regenerate 15 HP per hour, CON +2
Shouan Black Quartz Clear with black inclusions Meditation takes 15 min and equals a full short rest
Shiva Lingam Gray or tan with red stripes Resurrection per day
Vivianite Colorless, blue-green or deep blue Pick 5 spell levels in spells to know as bonus spells
White Phantom Quartz Various colors w/ ghost image of quartz Legend Lore at will
Willemite Orange-red Astral Projection at will
Wulfenite Orange or yellow Primordial Ward per short rest
Zincite Red to orange-yellow Project Image per short rest

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Miscellaneous Foci (DM Determines rarity)
Miscellaneous Foci (DM Determines rarity)
Name Color Power
Amber Watery gold to rich gold ADV with air spells
Coral Crimson ADV with water spells
Flint Black, brown or tan ADV with fire spells
Gaia Stone Green-glassy ADV with earth spells
Metals, Copper Copper ADV with Necromancy spells
Metals, Electrum Dark silver ADV with Conjuration spells
Metals, Gold Gold ADV with Transmutation spells
Metals, Mithral Mithral ADV with Enchantment spells
Metals, Niobium Eridescent ADV with Divination spells
Metals, Platinum Platinum ADV with Evocation spells
Metals, Silver Silver ADV with Illusion spells
Metals, Titanium Titanium ADV with Abjuration spells
Meteorite Brown or black ADV with defensive spells
Petrified Wood Brown or gray ADV with nature spells
Shaman Stone Medium brown ADV with healing spells
Tektite Black or brown-black ADV with offensive spells

Mason's Tools Navigator's Tools

A mason specifically deals with the building of foundations A navigator, unlike a cartographer, is one who is skilled with
for structures. Where the carpenter might make the walls observing the planetary bodies in the sky and being able to
and roof, the mason is responsible for being able to support direct vessels in the correct direction. Specifically, water-
all that. In addition, some buildings were made entirely out of borne vessels and by using the stars in the heavens.
masonry, like castles and keeps. In those instances, the A navigator can inherently tell what time it is, just by
mason was also responsible for exact measurements and looking at the sky. While out on the ocean, the navigating
fittings for every piece of the giant puzzle. player is key to finding the right heading and getting across
In the adventuring life, much like carpenters, masons don't the boundless track that is water on every horizon. When
really have a lot to offer. At least, not at first glance. Masons making skill checks to not get lost while out at sea, a
are the central-point to community and building navigating player gets to add their bonuses from these tools.
relationships. Without their knowledge and expertise, the The navigator's tools are not just valuable out at sea
coordination to create a city would take an eternity. Masons though. The player skilled with these tools also gets to use
inherently have an ability to find the right people to fill the them to add to their chances of not being lost on land, as long
jobs needed. as they can see the night sky. During the day, it is not as
On the road, this equates to professional experience helpful, and they get half their bonus.
negotiating with merchants and the like. Normally, they Their prolonged experiences with the stars though have
automatically get a 10% discount just by small-talk. They do been able to teach these players about certain phenomena.
this by coordinating with the merchant for other wares they Much like diviners who rely on the stars for horoscopes and
might be interested in. Almost like a used-car salesman. As the like, players who have stared out in to the deep dark
long as the mason spends an extra hour at the end of the day nothing know that things stare back. Knowledge in that can
fulfilling his part of any kind of negotiating, they continue to help guide the player and his group to avoid danger, or to seek
get this bonus. it out.
When the mason wants to try to really negotiate for some The navigating player is able to foretell disastrous events or
reduced prices, the character can make a skill check using encounters if he can spend an hour gazing skywards at night.
their proficiency with their tools. Whatever number they roll After the player rolls with his proficiency in his tools,
is the percent off the total price they can negotiate for. When depending on how high he rolls determines what the DM
the items start getting pricey or magical is when a DC check might warn them about. Everything from bad weather to an
is needed. The player has to pass a DC check for the level of army on the move can be at their fingertips.
rarity of the item using the Skills Redux table. At Journeyman level, the character can add their
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength Intelligence or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit. kit.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Hallow once per week. Grand Masters can cast the spell Gust of Wind once per
long rest.

Navigator's Tools
Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Painter's Supplies
Painters are proficient in making bland buildings fabulous! Arsenic and Old Lace
Not only that, they are able to bring 2D images to life on the
Name Type Cost DC
canvass. They have an eye for the artistic quality in life and in
nature, and are able to transcribe it to the blank slate. Assassin's Blood Ingested 150 gp 13
As an adventurer, they have an exquisite eye for detail. They Burnt Othur Fumes Inhaled 500 gp 17
can pick up the slightest irregularities and note the smallest
changes from something they are looking at to something Drow Poison Injury 200 gp 15
they are trying to create. In game terms, they have advantage Essence of Ether Inhaled 300 gp 15
on perception checks made with sight.
Malice Inhaled 250 gp 15
When it comes to downtime, the painting character can
make artistic renditions of almost life-like quality. By referring Midnight Tears Ingested 1500 gp 19
to the Skills Redux table and rolling against the "rarity", a Oil of Taggit Contact 400 gp 17
character can create everything from the "common" painting
of a hill on the horizon, to "legendary" feats like a cascading Pale Tincture Ingested 250 gp 15
waterfall with some little trees here and thousands of Torpor Ingested 600 gp 17
detailed rocks there with an exquisite half-elf bard playing the
Truth Serum Ingested 150 gp 13
pedal harp in the foreground.
For monetary purposes, the DM can decide how much a
work of art can sell for, and to which audience might find it
more desirable. It is when the character gets to the level of
grand master that their paintings take on an almost life-like
In the case of creating poisons from scratch, the character
quality, jumping from the canvass.
must roll higher than the following DC's for the poisons listed
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
in the DMG. It still takes 25 gp per day to create these
or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
poisons, and when the player is successful, they create 1d4 +
Grand Masters can cast the spell Silent Image once per
their proficiency modifier in vials of it. If they fail the roll by 5
long rest.
or more, they become poisoned by their own creation.
If you're interested in making your own brand of poisons
based on what you can gather while out and about, refer to
the Poisoner's Kit. If you are interested in creating new kinds
of poisons and oils, refer to Recipe Crafting for Consumables.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Protection from Poison
once per short rest.

Potter's Tools
Blimey Harry, you're a Potter! Pottery is another of the oft-not
used professions and tools that doesn't get a lot of love. Like
the glassblower, the potters are able to create containers for
things that are easily breakable, except they are made out of
clay instead of glass.
Poison Kit In their downtime, potters are able to make beautiful works
A player who uses a Poison Kit is obviously one who intends of art that can fetch a high price. Depending on the
to either extract, or use, poison. In the wide world of complexity and decoration, a potter can become very well
adventuring, there are many creatures who have poison in known in the world and make his living off it.
their blood. A character can become wise to this fact one of The adventurer though, brings their pottery skills in to play
two ways; being poisoned by the creature or succeeding on a by utilizing their keen investigative skills that they acquire by
nature roll. In the case of using a nature roll to determine if a constantly working with their clay. Able to see a weakness in
creature is poisonous, the hero who is skilled with a poison the final mold of a product, that investigative power is
kit can use their poison kit modifier in place of their nature transferred over to the everyday mercenary life of an
modifier. adventurer by getting advantage with Investigation checks.
To attempt to withdraw poison from a creature, the player Being unsatisfied with their final creation is where you get to
must succeed on a DC roll equal to 10 plus the creature's CR see the destructive power behind a potter, reflected in their
level. If the player fails, no big deal. If the player fails by 5 or Grand Master ability, like a Bull in a China shop.
more, they in turn become poisoned by the creature. At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
If successful, the player can withdraw 1d4 plus their or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
proficiency modifier in vials of poison. Grand Masters can cast the spell Thunderstrike once per
long rest.

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Smith's Tools Tacklebox (Fisherman's Kit)
A smithy is able to use anvils and forges to create armor and A professional fisherman with his tackle box is ready to hook
weapons. That in and of itself would be a boon to the average up the biggest bait to catch the craziest fish. In their
adventuring group. At the cost of 25 gp per day, the character downtime, a fisherman can obviously provide for himself and
can create anything he might have seen or wielded before. In sell any extra fish to market. It's not the savviest lifestyle to
reference to the ability of a character to create something a survive on, but it'll do. In some cities, depending on the roll
little more extraordinary, refer to the section above talking the player gets, he might be able to fish up some rare
about masterwork items. exquisite fish that bring in a little more cash.
Depending on how much extra time and energy the In the adventuring life, a fisherman can bring in some extra
character puts in to creating a weapon or piece of armor, they food for when the group is near a body of water. Rolling with
can make it a +1 to +3. Referring to the Skills Redux chart, a their tackle box proficiency determines how many fish they
journeyman smith can make a +1 weapon after spending 500 can catch in a day that are edible. Each fish is able to provide
gp to make it and passing on a DC 15 smith tools check. It is at least one meal for one player.
not a magical weapon, but a masterwork weapon crafted with To be a successful fisherman requires patience and silence.
care and precision. If the player spends a long time standing still in the water, or
The same can be said for armor. At 9th level when the moving slowly through the current with a net to catch the
character becomes an expert, they can spend 5000 gp to biggest group, they eventually learn how to not interrupt the
make a +2 weapon or +1 armor. That special armor is not flow of the water and how to be deathly quiet. These players
magical, but fitted so perfectly that it creates a bonus. don't inherently know how to hide better, but they are
Those are all things that a character can do in their definitely much stealthier.
downtime. When the player is out and about in the A player skilled in fishing can choose to use their kit
wilderness, they are able to make quick repairs to weapons proficiency bonus to stealth checks, as opposed to what their
and armor, and sometimes increase the damage and AC of stealth might be, especially so while in the water. While in the
them as well. When a player's weapon or armor takes a water, they are so stealthy they get to add their kit proficiency
penalty for some reason, a smith player can decrease that to their normal stealth checks as well.
penalty by one, until they are able to get back to a smithy and At journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
repair it fully. of Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Additionally, if the smith spends a short rest with another Grand Masters can cast the spell *Silence" once per long
player, he can increase the damage of their weapons by +1 by rest.
attaching counter-balances, sharpening blades and just
making the weapon more deadly. This adjustment is only Tailor's Kit
good for one day and only one weapon can be worked on per
Tailor's swift ability to make clothing can definitely provide
short rest.
for them while on their downtime. Depending on how skilled
If the smith spends a short rest with another player's
the tailor becomes determines the quality of their clothing
armor, the smith is able to make the armor quieter to negate
and how much a price they can fetch. Exotic materials add to
the disadvantage imposed on stealth checks for 1 hour. The
the desirability of the player's clothing line, and that can be
smith can also increase a player's armor class by 1 until they
where the adventuring life began.
are struck in combat, where they lose the bonus AC.
Adventuring tailors are able to make bags for their
Refer to Crafting and Magic Items for more details on
companions, in addition to clothing. The player can make 25
different materials a player can use when crafting weapons
gp per day in items. In addition, the bags are usually always
and armor.
custom-made for their friends and can hold just a bit more
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength
than the standard bags.
or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Where they come in most handy is how tailors are able to
Grand Masters can cast the spell Magic Weapon once per
somehow tap in to the Weave that is the source of all magic.
long rest.
Tailors are able to sew designs that are actually glyphs or
runes that can be added to player's clothing, much like a
tabard or sigil. For spell casters, this equates to regaining one
spell slot per skill level. If the tailor player rolls above the DC
for their profession level, they can create one of these sigils
per day that lasts a number of days equal to the number they
rolled above their DC. They are able to create one per day
that restores a number of spell slots equal to their profession
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Grand Masters can cast the Mage Armor spell once per
long rest.

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
An awesome reference for gadgets is included in Recipe
Thieves' Tools Crafting for Consumables.
The bonuses to using thieves' tools are obvious; open stuff up. At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
What most people don't know is how delicate and focused a or Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
player has to be to really unlock some masterful locks. Being Grand Masters can cast the spell Grease once per long
able to hear the clicking of the cogs or the set of the switch in rest.
order to lay the pick just right is an art all unto itself. The
player must be focused and determined, and have hearing on Trapper's Tools
an almost subconscious level.
Because of that, the additional benefit to using thieves' Trapper's tools consist of the basic materials to set up snares,
tools is that the player has advantage on their perception concealment and basic trips. Most often used in the
checks based on hearing. wilderness, the player who uses his tools against a specific
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity enemy can create booby traps, pitfalls, nooses and nets to
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit. counter the skill set of his chosen prey.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Knock once per long rest. If the player who uses trapper's tools knows the type of
enemy he is going up against and decides to create a trap, roll
against the DC of the creature's CR, referring to the Skills
Redux chart. They must first know the creature's daily
routine, eating habits, normal route, etc. If successful, they
can add the points rolled above the DC to the "hide" number
of the trap, which is 10 + the number rolled above the DC.
If the creature follows its normal routine, then use its
passive perception to see if it notices the trap laid out for it. If
it fails, then depending on the type of trap the character
created, the creature triggers it and the results occur.
Since there are so many different ways a character can
devise a specific trap for a specific enemy, the details are left
to them. Time constraints, materials and location all pose a
very relevant hurdle to any good hunter, as well as the size
and intelligence of the enemy. A pit might be great to catch a
tiger, but not a blink dog.
Tinker's Tools Other than the standard imagination of the player, those
A tinker is educated and, some say, crazy enough, to invest in skilled with trapper's tools also inherently know how to set
the unknown. To create little toys or machines that replicate up booby traps in the wild that can impede, injure or confuse
everything from a child's doll to a miniature box that brings others. Using the same technique above, the trapper can
fire to life inside it. Whatever their predication, they dive in to create spiked logs to hit many enemies or pits (with tigers!).
scrap heaps and salvage every piece of anything they can get At journeyman level, the character can add their Wisdom or
their hands on. Notorious hoarders, tinkers use the materials Intelligence modifier to any roll made with this kit.
they find to create oddities that they come to love. Grand Masters can cast the spell Find Traps once per long
In their downtime, tinkers spend most of their time... rest.
tinkering. They are able to make plenty of items that mimic
other things, from magic to other skills and kits. One day, Weaver's Tools
they might have a little doll that breathes fire like the cantrip A weaver, as opposed to a tailor, can create tapestries and
Fire Bolt. The next day, they might have a device that has a heavier stock clothing. Anything that incorporates a "weave"
thousand attachments that you can just stick in to a lock that in it can be created. Rugs, carpets, and curtains, but more
picks it for you. Either way, the creations are all mechanical importantly, cloaks, blankets and robes. Weavers tend to
and not magical. make the cloth that tailors tend to fashion.
Ultimately, the tinkerer can only fully assemble and Much as the tailor, the weaver can spend their downtime
maintain gadgets equal to their proficiency modifier. They can working on material to sell that will provide a meager living.
constantly be creating other ones, which is why it only takes When it comes to the adventuring life, weavers can make
one day to create a new gadget. The gadgets and what they do insulated clothing for colder climates and can repair road-
are determined by the player, but the DC and level required to clothes much as a tailor might be able to do. Their skill
make them are decided by the DM. Refer to the Skills Redux comes in large items though.
table to determine difficulty and minimum requirements. Their expertise in regards to the travelling group they are
Regardless of the difficulty, it takes 50 gold in other costs to with comes in when the weaver knits or weaves together a
create each gadget, whether that's from getting schematics or standard for the group. It may be a flag, tabard or
specific materials not found in scrap heaps. handkerchief. Either way, when it is shown, it boosts the
An example could be creating a special ammunition loader morale of the party to an extent that all players within sight of
for a crossbow. Increasing the attacks of a crossbow would be it receive 10% more experience from the creatures they kill
on par with a rare magic item, which would require level 9 or quests that are completed.
and being an expert tinkerer. Unless you only wanted the
crossbow to fire off one extra bolt per short rest. Then it
could be modified to the apprentice level. It all depends...

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
In order for this boost to have an effect, the weaver rolls
against his skill in the tool set and compares every member
of the party's level to the Skills Redux chart. If the roll That's a lot of wood
exceeds the DC for the other character's level (each
Name Features DC
individually), then that character gets the boost until the next
short rest. So higher level players in sight of the standard Alder +1 spell slot for rituals 15
might not be as impressed as lower level players. Apple +1 to arcane skill checks 15
For example, a 9th level expert tailor brandishes the
League of Awesome People standard just before a fight. He Ash +1 to skill checks 17
rolls his skill set, including basic proficiency (apprentice), his Basswood +1 to enchantment spells 13
wisdom mod (journeyman), and then his proficiency again
Beech +1 to divination spells 13
(expert) and gets a 16. Not a good roll. Any other players in
the group above 9th level are not going to be impressed, and Birch +1 to concentration checks 13
will not get the XP boost. Anyone below 9th level though will. Black Walnut +1 to transmutation spells 13
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit. Cedar +1 to conjuration spells 13
Grand Masters can cast the cantrip Mending once per Cherry +1 to druid spells 19
short rest.
Cypress +1 to nature spells 17
Woodcarver's Tools Dark +1 to ability checks 19
A woodcarver is able to make and repair any items that might Elder +1 to abjuration spells 13
be made out of wood. At the normal cost of 25 gold per day, Elm +1 to necromancy spells 13
they are able to whittle away staves, bows and shields. If you
Fir +1 to offensive spells 15
follow the masterwork item creation philosophy, the design
and composition of those masterwork weapons or shields is Hawthorn +1 to DC of spells 17
so astounding as to give natural bonuses to attack and Hazel +1 spell slot 17
damage. Just follow the basic magic item creation table, even
though the items aren't inherently magic. Hickory +1 to transmutation spells 13
Working on gear is good to do in the woodcarver's Honey Locust +1 to defensive spells 15
downtime. When the player who whittles away his time joins
Holly Wood +1 to evocation spells 13
a travelling mercenary group, they bring to the table their
ability to repair wooden items and provide materials for some Ivy +1 to elemental spells 15
of the other professions, like fletchers and carpenters. Lilac +1 to illusion spells 13
Woodcarvers are even more adept than herbalists in locating
and using stronger woods for their projects, which is why Mahogany +1 to wizard spells 19
woodcarvers are better enabled to make better items. Maple +1 to healing spells 15
When a woodcarver searches for a specific piece of wood,
Oak +1 to all spells 19
they roll on their profession against a DC on the following
chart. Depending on how the woodcarver implements the Osage Orange +1 to cleric spells 19
wood in their design determines how the "feature" comes out Pine +1 to bard spells 19
in the end item. Regardless, the items that the woodcarver
creates that exhibit magic qualities are only good for a Poplar +1 to evocation spells 13
number of days equal to the number rolled over the DC, then Redwood +1 to sorcerer spells 19
the wood reverts to normal. If the wood is used in a "non-
Sassafras +1 to paladin spells 19
magical" way, or as an arcane focus, then the final product
can be retained as such, at the discretion of the DM. The Treantwood +1 to warlock spells 19
woodcarver is generally able to find 1 piece of really good Vine +1 to ranger spells 19
wood per successful check, and most obviously be in an area
where the wood can be found. Willow +1 to all spell DCs and attacks 21
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Dexterity
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Shillelagh once per long

Miscellaneous Professions
In creating this guide, I came across some other professions
that I wanted to incorporate, but just seemed like they were
full-time types.
Gardening (herbalism), being a barber, writing (calligraphy),
baking (cooking), physician, midwife, dentistry and milling.
Like the ones listed in parenthesis, the other ones can
probably be covered by another skill or profession.

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Gaming Set Musical Instruments
There are a plethora of games available for the average Much like gaming sets, musical instruments have more to
gamer to play. Specialty in a game set infers the same them then they appear. Specialty in a musical instrument also
benefits as being skilled in a set of tools or kit. When playing infers the same benefits as being skilled in a set or tools.
the specific game, the player can roll their game set modifier When playing the specific instrument, the player can roll their
as opposed to a straight roll. musical instrument modifier as opposed to a straight roll.
Any player skilled in a game set can also use their game set Any player skilled with a musical instrument can use their
skill check in place of a sleight of hand skill check while instrument proficiency in place of a performance check, as
playing that game. The player can also obviously use their long as they are playing their instrument.
skill set in their down time to gamble and make money, as The player can also specifically play the instrument in a
well as on the road while adventuring. band or travelling group to make money in their down time,
At journeyman level, the character can add one of their as well as on the road while adventuring.
ability skill modifiers to this set, depending on the following At journeyman level, the character can add one of their
table. ability skill modifiers to this set, depending on the following
The Gamer
Game Skill Set Musical Fruit
Backgammon Intelligence or Wisdom Instrument Skill Set

Chess Wisdom or Intelligence Bagpipes Constitution or Strength

Dice Dexterity or Charisma Drum Constitution or Dexterity

Dominoes Intelligence or Wisdom Dulcimer Dexterity or Charisma

Dragonchess Intelligence or Wisdom Flute Dexterity or Charisma

Draughts (Checkers) Intelligence or Wisdom Horn Constitution or Charisma

Go Intelligence or Wisdom Lute Dexterity or Charisma

Mancala Intelligence or Wisdom Lyre Dexterity or Charisma

Patolli Dexterity or Wisdom Pan Flute Dexterity or Charisma

Playing Cards Dexterity or Wisdom Shawm Dexterity or Charisma

Senet Dexterity or Wisdom Viol Dexterity or Charisma

Three-Dragon Ante Dexterity or Intelligence

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)
Vehicles References
Land Vehicles All of these references are awesome and lent a lot of
inspiration to my design. Check them out!
Characters who are trained in being able to navigate land I am DM-Bahamut, and I credit all of my work to my
vehicles can control horse-driven carts, carriages and awesome D&D group and my crazy imagination. :)
chariots. Whenever a check requires a successful roll to For Alchemy, Brewing, Calligraphy, Tinker Tools,
control the land vehicle, a player can use this skill set Herbalism and Poison, refer to Recipe Crafting for
modifier in place of a normal roll. Consumables by SalmonSquire and Artisan_Mechanicum.
As the character grows in experience, they get naturally For some new specific poison making, refer to the
accostumed to land animals as well. Whenever a character Poisoner's Kit by Shylocv.
makes an animal handling check with a land animal, he can For creating magic items, see Crafting and Magic Items
use this skill set in place of their normal animal handling by Matt Katzenberger and Dalagrath for some more
check. inspiration.
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength For building things, I referenced Fortresses, Temples and
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit. Strongholds by the Warlock Homebrew.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Find Steed once per long I also recently came to acquire some new equipment ideas,
rest. which included the Fletcher's Kit, Tailor's Kit and some more
games. Refer to Faolyn's Equipment List for more details.
For creating base Masterwork items, I referred to
Mastercraft by Ryan Robinson and for further direction, I
referred to Christopher Delvo's blog Loot the Body,
specifically the article How to make Masterwork Items in
5th Edition D&D.
For fletching, I referred to some ammunition examples

Water Vehicles
Characters who are trained in being able to navigate water
vehicles can control ships, boats and other water-borne
vessels. Whenever a check requires a successful roll to
control the vehicle, a player can use this skill set modifier in
place of a normal roll.
As the character grows in experience, they get naturally
accostumed to water animals as well. Whenever a character
makes an animal handling check with a water animal, he can
use this skill set in place of their normal animal handling
At Journeyman level, the character can add their Strength
or Wisdom modifier to any roll made with this kit.
Grand Masters can cast the spell Water Walk once per long

Andrew Collas (Order #10929123)

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