Va. Poultry Federation ACP Support Letter

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20170227-0009 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 02/24/2017

P.O. Box 2277, Harrisonburg, VA 22801; 540-433-2451

January 20, 2017

OR1 t'l NIL
Kimberly Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
ggg First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426

Re: Docket CPI5-554Atlantic Coast Pipeline (Virginia)

Dear Ms. Bose:

On behalf of our members from various sectors of the poultry industry, I ask that you support the
proposal before you to approve the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project. Keeping energy costs low
and bettering our environment is a critical part of keeping farming communities strong. With
these communities strong, so too is our industry and thus Virginia's economy.

Agriculture is Virginia's largest industry by far, with an economic impact exceeding $52 billion
annually and providing nearly 311,000jobs in the Commonwealth. If you add forestry, the
economic impact expands to $70 billion and provides nearly 415,000 jobs in the Commonwealth.
In addition to the economic factors, agriculture provides many intangible benefits. These include
recreation, tourism, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, flood mitigation, improved water quality, and
soil stabilization.

I appreciate your organization's recent review of the environmental impact. We respect your
detailed review and making sure that this project can be done with minimal impacts to the
precious agriculture communities in Western Virginia. As you know our industry is a major user
of energy and it is important that we keep those costs low. As part of the new environmental
goals toward cleaner air and water, energy producers like Dominion are transitioning away from
burning coal to make electricity. We appreciate the efforts to improve the environment, but we
must have an alternative source. Natural gas is that source. It is abundant, reliable, and

This project impacts everyone from poultry producers to government contracts in Hampton
Roads are impacted. Affordable energy is mandatory for growing business and keeping jobs in
20170227-0009 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 02/24/2017

Virginia. So many support this project, including Governor McAuliffe, who called this project a
positive "game changer" for our economy.

With this all in mind, I ask that you approve this project and allow the beginning of construction
of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.


Hobey Bauhan, President

Virginia Poultry Federation


Senator Mark Warner

Senator Tim Kaine
20170227-0009 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 02/24/2017
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