Ativizva 5.0: Duration of STAGE 1 45 Minutes

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Protected: Round 1: MERA ILAAKA
Duration of STAGE 1 = 45
You will have to choose ONE region out of the given 6 regions
based on the case study provided to you.
You will be provided with an initial budget of 4000 crores to
purchase the region which is the best according to you and also to
make further addition of features.
Each region has a different cost, area, a fixed population and
skilled and unskilled labour present in the area.
Choose wisely because the further stages itself depend on your
decision in the first stage.


Region 1
The land area of the region is 2000 sq km. The total cost of
acquiring the area is Rupees 710 Cr. The total population of the area
is 100000.
Archaeological and historical evidence shows a continuous human
habitation of the area dating back to 100,000 years. This region, the
land of Kings drenched into royal grandeur and soaked into glorious
history, is one of the most charming and captivating region.
Endowed with natural beauty, the region attracts thousands of
tourists in India. Tourism makes up of eight percent of the states
domestic product. It is famous for the forts, temples and decorated
Havelis. Many old and neglected forts and palaces have been
converted into heritage hotels.. it has several tourist sights,
especially in ancient and medieval architecture.
It form an ethno-linguistic group that is distinct in its language,
history, cultural and religious practices, social structure, literature,
and art. However, there are many different castes and communities,
with diversified traditions of their own and this sometimes results in
clashes between these different groups. People here are a little
orthodox and they have up till now stayed with the earlier
technology .
Much the same as its geology, it witnesses changing atmosphere in
various urban communities. While the pre-storm season stretches
out from April to June, the Monsoon season acquires heavy rain in
June (for eastern areas) and mid-July (for western dry districts)\ and
extends till september. In a year, most of the time, this region has
hot climate. At times it reaches to 48 C.
Though the literacy rate of the region is 67.29% but the existence of
prominent established universities are a major source of attraction
for students from various countries. This is in turn makes the region
an attractive place for foreign investors. The total population of the
skilled labour is 35% and remaining being the unskilled. (Please
note that this percentage of skilled and unskilled labour is from the
age group 25-50 years only)
This region majorly comprises of elderly population. Here the people
are much into business and hence deal with huge amounts of cash.
The people earn more in their business hence got bored of doing all
their household stuffs manually. People travel more inside the city as
most of their business revolves around the city. They are interested
to travel in public transport but the government has failed to provide
them with an efficient transport system. This region is congested
and requires more efficient spaces for vehicle movements and
pedestrians are most affected because of it. Even though the region
has basic communication features, because of increasing new
business the people need more new technologies to improve their
communication. The hit and run rate is high in this region and the
local security systems find it difficult to identify and locate the
vehicles. The fuel availability is high. Also the region lacks in ground
Population Mix % of population
0-10 years 3%
10-18 Years 14%
18-25 Years 15%
25-50 Years 38%
50+ Years 30%

Region 2
The land area of the region is 2075 sq km. The total cost of
acquiring the area is Rupees 840 Cr. The total population of the area
is 105000.
This area from antiquated days till twentieth century filled in as an
extreme maker of rural items like cotton, peanuts, dates and so on.,
After the modern upset they began fabricating Industrial items like
bond and petrol. It is a home to staggering assorted qualities
because of its geographic and key area. this locale is arranged at
ground level in the middle of two noteworthy slope station, along
these lines making the area more windy. This is additionally the
reason which causes a low pressure air fields bringing on mass
devastation in the district.
This area comprise of all the more working and youth populace, and
the general population here affection traversing the world a great
deal. The street transport inside the city is great and all around grew
yet the recurrence is low henceforth individuals need to hold up a
ton and they locate the holding up too boring.
The district as of late began pulling in numerous corporate
organizations on account of the shoddy work, yet they are
discovering hard to oblige them. The Skilled work populace is 40% of
the aggregate work compel and Unskilled work populace is 60% of
the aggregate workforce.
In this district individuals dependably been extremely specific about
their well being and physique. The district has a long legacy of most
noteworthy future rate among different areas, yet of late this is
diminishing a result of approaching populace and absence of
The people here are tech geeks, they are fond of each and every
new technologies available in market. As they are welcoming
towards the new technologies they are expecting an equal level of
transmission and connection between people.
The region is posed to frequent drought situation lately and this has
drastically reduced the groundwater level in the recent times.
Population Mix % of population
0-10 years 5%
10-18 Years 10%
18-25 Years 25%
25-50 Years 35%
50+ Years 25%

The land area of the region is 2150 sq km. The total cost of
acquiring the area is Rupees 950 Cr. The total population of the area
is 110000.
The discovery of ancient artefacts in the recent past proved that
this regions history is dated back to 4000 BC. It was capital city of
many kingdoms in the past, thus this region is the home for many
ancient monuments and museums. At present, it is one of the most
populous cities in the world with majority of the population being in
the working age group. Out of this working population 53% is
Unskilled and 47% Skilled labours The region is rich with essential
radioactive minerals which have lasted as long as the Earth. The
topology of the region is generally flat, though the western parts of
the city are hilly. No major rivers run through the city, but many
artificial lakes were constructed to meet the citys water
requirements. The tectonic plate of this region was never stable.
This region is famous for the countrys largest amusement park with
diverse range of rides.
The region has low fuel availability, because of which people prefer
public transports.. The region is becoming too congested and
polluted in recent times, hence they are facing many issues in Intra
City transportation. The industries of the city has business link up
with cities across the country which makes travelling a frequent
practice, because of the increasing industries they find difficult to
accommodate the increasing travel requests.
The people here are more into work and failed to look into their
health and in recent time they are facing variety of health issues.
The obesity rate in this region is too high and people are getting lot
of obesity related issues in the recent times. Here People are dealing
with lot of money and they are in need of a new technology to
manage all the money. This region has grabbed the attention
globally and many foreign industries and institutions are willing to
collaborate with the institutions situated in this region.
This region has a moderate security system. Even though the people
are afraid of the strict laws against crimes, few burglary was
reported in recent times and cops find it difficult to identify the
thieves because of the moderate security systems. The people in
this region are famous for their trade from the ancient times. Few
top businessman of the country are from this region by origin. in the
recent times because of the developing technology they find it
difficult to cope up with the pace of other regions.
Population Mix % of population
0-10 years 3%
10-18 Years 20%
18-25 Years 25%
25-50 Years 35%
50+ Years 17%

Region 4
The land area of the region is 2250 sq km. The total cost of
acquiring the area is Rupees 1050 Cr. The total population of the
area is 115000.
The city has a pre-historic past. The regions Earths Crust is hot
usually being 90-100 degree Celsius, thus producing lot of natural
hot springs and hot baths. The weather is very pleasant in this area.
It is encompassed by shores and coastline and a great deal of warm
tropical water, having both positive and in addition negative impacts
on the economy of the district. This is the motivation behind why
individuals incline toward living at higher floors in this district.
Most of the population consist of young and vibrant population who
are technically sound and are keenly interested in leveraging the
perks of digitized era. The most extreme populace of this area are
torpid and lean toward an agreeable existence with every one of the
extravagances and effortlessly accessible stuff. The segregation of
skilled and unskilled labour force in this region is 60% and 40%
respectively. This region with its picturesque view and soothing
weather has always been a tourist spot with lots of people swarming
in the peak seasons.
It is one of the affluent society of the western world. The literacy
rate in the region is high and people are quite ambitious but it faces
the problem of brain drain which is a growing concern as many
people are willing to get international exposure. Government has
taken several steps to combat this problem but havent been
successful to that extent. Additionally, the infrastructure of the area
was lacking sufficient capacity and services to cater people who
were affected by the recent flu epidemic. The region is seeing a rise
in the crimes against women on a rise and the government over
there is trying to find a solution to curb this growing problem.
There is a deficiency of recreational activities in the region and the
people have to go to other cities to enjoy adventurous activities.
Individuals in this locale are regularly stressed on account of the
successive power cuts and the congested zones additionally mean
their hardships.
Population Mix % of population
0-10 years 8%
10-18 Years 20%
18-25 Years 30%
25-50 Years 32%
50+ Years 10%

Region 5
The land area of the region is 2350 sq km. The total cost of
acquiring the area is Rupees 1140 Cr. The total population of the
area is 120000.

The development of the town dates back to the mid-19th century,

when the colonial Kingdoms set up a sanatorium and a military
depot. It has seen a significant growth in its population, its decadal
growth rate being 47% between 1991 and 2001. Effective literacy
rate for the population older than 6 years is 69.17%. The region
contains natural beauty as it is situated at the bottom of a mountain
range. The region poses no. of rivers flowing across it so dividing the
region into numerous parts. Because of global warming the water
level in the dam situated in the region is increasing faster than
Here the peoples Marginal Propensities of Consumption is more and
hence all the products produced are for satisfying domestic demand.
Hence the cross border trading is extremely low.
As the internal trade is increasing in a rapid rate the existing road
transport system is not sufficient to transport things within the
region. Also by this huge movements within the city makes the
region hard for the kids and elderly persons in terms of breathing. As
this issue is recently developing it is high time for people to react on
this issue, but the realisation level of people on this issue is very
low. This is the reason, which necessitate the use of new sources of
The emergency response rate is very low in this region. In an
average, it takes 20 minutes for an ambulance to reach the accident
zone from the time the accident has happened. This is because of
the poor communication system prevailing in the region.
This region has a comparatively low working population with other
regions. And in that as well the Skilled workers are 58% and
Unskilled workers are 42%. Thus all the skilled workers move
towards high paid and corporate jobs, hence the shop owners find
difficult to identify the exact workforce they require.
The people here are more brand conscious, as they look for quality
more than the cost for all the durable goods they purchase. The
region has various brand stores in different and distant locations,
hence they find difficult to purchase the products in different shops
as they are looking for a variety in their shopping basket. The people
get stressed up often in their workplace as they involve in complex
working condition, hence they are in hunt of a stress free or stress
relieving working condition.
The people here are more friendly in nature and respects every
others time and work. They are also moving continuously because of
work purpose, hence they give very less importance to TV and other
entertainment stuffs. They solely rely on their mobiles for all the
information they require
Population Mix % of population
0-10 years 6%
10-18 Years 12%
18-25 Years 25%
25-50 Years 30%
50+ Years 27%

The land area of the region is 2475 sq km. The total cost of
acquiring the area is Rupees 1225 Cr. The total population of the
area is 125000.
According to the Archaeological Survey, this region was a megalithic
cultural establishment, and prehistoric communities resided in the
settlement. This region has served as an important administrative,
military, and economic centre for many centuries. This coastal
region is a major source of attraction for many foreign traders,
hence the region is engaged in a lot of trade and commerce with
other regions and countries for decades. It is one of the top 10
largest urban area by population in the world. This region is situated
near sea, and the sea was never placid. At times the sea water
retreats which makes the beach in the coastal region to expand and
at times the sea becomes so vibrant and turbulent causing high

This region is famous for its International level education. This

region is the centre of one of the worlds largest and oldest
Universities. People from many countries come here for their higher
education, but lately this is reduced because of lack of
improvements. The literacy rate is high compared to other regions,
hence the skilled population level is also high with 65% of the
workforce being skilled and the remaining is unskilled. Elderly
population is higher in this region.
Even though the literacy rate is high, there has been a significant
rise in the crime rate in the recent past ranging from small theft to
kidnapping and crime etc. The hit and run rate in this region has
been recorded at one of the highest levels in the country and the
cops find it difficult to track the culprits because of the poor security
system. As it is being the centre of attraction in many ways, terrorist
threats is also comparatively high.
Also, since the land area is large therefore a lot big companies use it
for their processing units and as a stockroom as well. And thus the
people of this area are interested in promoting business activities in
this area in order to flourish.
In recent times different organisations are trying to settle in this
region but the poor construction cannot accommodate the
corporates. The increasing population causes the elementary
transport system more congested and difficult for people to travel
Population is also major reason for the piling up of waste in many
places across the region.
Population Mix % of population
0-10 years 5%
10-18 Years 10%
18-25 Years 20%
25-50 Years 30%
50+ Years 35%
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