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Teaching Responsibility: Better Solutions for Addressing Alcohol Abuse in Higher Education

By: Jason Hayward

Program Goal: This program will explore the increasing problem of alcohol abuse on college
campuses nationwide. It will address why current strategies to address alcohol abuse in college
are either failing or have had minimal success, and it will provide new strategies for reducing the
culture of binge drinking that exists on many college campuses today.
Program Objectives:
Students will listen to the presenter speak on the issue of alcohol abuse in college.
Students will be invited to share their opinions on the issue of alcohol abuse in college.
Students will be invited to share their opinions on the legal drinking age in the United
Students will participate in a Q & A on the issue of alcohol abuse in college.
Students will be invited to sign a petition for amending the drinking age in the United
Program Outcomes:
Students will be able to more fully understand the issue of alcohol abuse in college.
Students will be able to choose to participate in the democratic process of petitioning for
governmental change on an issue that effects millions of lives.
Program Outline:
1. Introduction (10 minutes):
The presenter will introduce himself/herself, and he/she will invite the audience to
go around the room and introduce themselves (Where are you from? What is your
major? Etc.)
2. Presentation (30 minutes):
The presenter will present a PowerPoint (see attached) that addresses the issue of
alcohol abuse on college campuses.
3. Question & Answers (10 minutes):
The presenter will lead the students through a Q&A session about the issue of
alcohol abuse on college campuses. Students will be invited to share their
opinions and experiences of the issue of alcohol abuse in college. Students will be
invited to share their opinions of the legal drinking age in the United States.
4. Petition Opportunity (10 minutes):
Students will be invited to participate in the democratic opportunity of supporting
the Amethyst Initiative and petitioning their state and federal governments to
amend the drinking age, in order to create a culture of better supervised and more
responsible alcohol consumption by young adults.

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