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Catalogue of Siddha Anti-

Malarial Herbs.
Allimuthu M *, Vennila M**

Siddha system is one of the oldest systems of medicine in India.The

term Siddha means achievement and the Siddhars were saintly figures who
achieved results in medicine through the practice of Yoga. This system
considers the human body as a conglomeration of three humours known as
Vatha, Pitha and Kabha. Equilibrium between the three is necessary to maintain
good health. If any of the humours are increased or decreased, it will result in

Malaria is known as Kulir Suram in Siddha. It is known as Visha Suram in

Ayurveda. This catalogue is aimed at compiling herbs effective against this Kulir
Suram. The catalogue has headings that deal with the Botanical and common
names, parts used, the chemical constituents, action and uses of the herb and
finally a column known as Alleviating humor. According to Siddha, fever is due
to the elevation of Pitha. If herbs having Vatha property is given, it neutralizes
the aggravated Pitha and thereby relieves fever.

Botanical Comm Parts Constituen Action Uses Alleviat

name on used -ts ing
name humors
Andrographis Malarial attacks,
paniculata, nees Antipyretic, intermittent,
The creat Whole Andrographolid alterative, remittent &
herb kalmeghin, Anthelmintic, influenza fevers. Vatha
Chlorophylls febrifuge& Dyspepsia,
Cholagogue. dysentery.

Head of the Department, Dept. of Pharmacology, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, T.N.,
** Siddha Consultant, Palani, T.N., India.
indica, A.juss.
Neem Leaves, Margosine, Antiperiodic, Intermittent and Vatha
bark, seed, Vermifuge, other paroxysmal
oil. Tonic fever.

Brassica juncea
-h.k f.t Aperient, tonic,
Brown Seeds & Stimulant, Dengue fever, Vatha
mustard oils. Essential oil counter irritant Stiff neck,
and externally,
Emmenogogue. stimulant.

Carum copticum

Bishops Seed Essential oil, Antipyretic Malaria, Vatha

weed thymol Anthelmintic, Abdominal pain. pitham.
Antiseptic, &

coronarium, Linn

Flower Adenine,& Antipyretic Malaria, Vatha

- chlorine

alsinoides, Linn
Antipyretic Fevers like
Vishnugan Neutral fat, Stomachic, Malaria, nervous
dhi Whole organic acid tonic, febrifuge, debility & loss of Vatha
plant &organic acid. & memory.
indica, Linn.

Indian Root and Anti-periodic, Intermittent fever,

birthwort rhizome Aromatic oil Stimulant, Anti- cholera, dropsy, Vatha
&leaves. arthritic. diarrhoea.

citrates, Stapf

True Essential Citrol, Ionone. Stimulant, Anti Fever, diarrhea, Vatha

lemon oil & herb spasmodic& Dysmenorrhea pitha
grass diaphoretic.

rotundus, Linn.
Tuber & Fat, sugar, gum, Diaphoretic, Recurrent& Kabha
Nut grass bulbous starch, fibre, & stimulant, relapsing fever,
root. ash. demulcent. long standing

cerviana, Ser.
Fever Whole Diaphoretic, Alkaline Malaria and other Vatha
plant plant antiseptic, nitrates, resin, fevers, gouty &
febrifuge. ash. rheumatic

vulgaris, Ser. Bitter Seeds, seed Saponins, Purgative, anti Fevers, headache,
bottle oil, pulp, woody fibre, dote, nutritive night blindness,&
gourd, fruit. albuminoids, & & diuretic. Jaundice Vatha
white ash.
Mesua ferrea,
Linn. Cobras Flowers, Tannin, Sudorific, Severe fever and Vatha
Saffron. fruit, seed, essential oil. demulcent, cold, sores, pitha
root, bark stomachic & scabies,
& oil. carminative. &bleeding piles.

jatamansi, Dc.

Musk root Rhizome Oleum Aromatic, Epilepsy, Vatha

&oil. jatamansi, resin, diuretic, hysteria, general
sugar. Emmenogogue, debility, &
nerve sedative. tuberculous

Piper nigrum,
Linn Dried Piperine, Antipyretic, Intermittent fever, Vatha
Black unripe proteids, ash. Antiperiodic, anemia, asthma, pitha
pepper. fruit(Black Rubefacient cholera.

Vitex negundo,
Linn. Catarrhal fever,
Five Root, fruit, Malic acid, Febrifuge, splenic Vatha
leaved flowers, organic acid, expectorant, enlargement,
chaste tree leaves, and resin. vermifuge, dyspepsia,
bark. &antiparasitic. heaviness.
Santalum album,
Linn White Wood & Santalol, Disinfectant, Fever & thirst, Vatha
Sandalwo volatile oil. santonone, expectorant, pruritis, cystitis,
od tree isovaleric &diuretic. gleet, &urethral
aldehyde, hemorrhage.
esters, & free

grandiflora, Pers.
Bark, Astringent, Jaundice, small Vatha
Agathi leaves, Tannin. tonic, pox, &other
flowers, expectorant, eruptive fever.
gum, fruits. &aperient.

cordifolia, Miers
Guduchi Stem Berberine Antiperiodic, Intermittent Vatha
&root. alterative, fever& dyspepsia.

Linn. Patola Whole Antiperiodic, Bilious & Vatha
plant - antifebrile remittent fever.
Purgative, tonic,

officinale, Roe.
Ginger Scraped & Gingerol, Aromatic, Fever, cold, Vatha
dried phellandrene, Carminative, cough, asthma. pitham
rhizomes camphene, stimulant, & Dyspepsia
cineol, Sialogogue. &indigestion.


1. Indian Materia Medica Vol: 1 by, Dr. K.M. Nadkarani, Publisher:

Popular Prakash, Mumbai.

2. The Wealth of India Vol 1- 12, Publisher Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research (C.S.I.R), New Delhi.

3. Siddha Materia Medica (Medicinal Plants Division) by Murugesa

Mudaliar, Published by The Directorate of Indian Medicine &
Homeopathy, Chennai, India.

4. Formulary of Siddha Medicines (Siddha Vaithiya Thirattu in Tamil) by

Dr. K.N. Kuppusamy Muthaliar and Dr. K.S. Uthamarayan, Published by
Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Department, Chennai 600 106, India.

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