Bad Luck

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Bad Luck

Written by,
Ian Toomey

I entered the code for the garage and it opened. I went in for my bike-a blue
26" 21 Speed Mountain Bike. The bus never comes out to where I live, and mom
cant take me since shes almost always at work. I ride to and from school every
I rolled my bike out of the garage and grabbed my helmet, putting it on my
head snugly and clipping it securely to my noggin. I closed the garage and headed
towards school. My school is four miles away from my house, and it takes me about
an hour to ride there It was still dark out, and I hoped people would see the little red
flashing light on the back of my bike and the white flashing light in front. Even this
early in the morning, it was still dark out. I also had a bright yellow reflective vest
on over my shirt so people could see me. My helmet has a small red blinky light on
the back of it that flashes every second.
My legs burned as I peddled. I was already breathing hard, and I was only half
a mile from home still. This was going to take forever! I kept going slowly. When I
got to an intersection I turned and waited for the crossing light to turn.
Finally, the light turned and I started to go. I heard a horn behind me. I
stopped before my tire even hit the crosswalk. I watched as a red sedan turned
right, then I started across the crosswalk. When I got to the other side, my bike slid
and I fell.
I landed on my side in a heap. I got back up and walked my bike up onto the
sidewalk, then I got back on and peddled on. I was still three miles from school, and
I was exhausted.
About two miles from school, the same red sedan that turned in front of me
earlier got behind me. He got really close to my tire, even though I was riding on the
side of the road. I moved off and tried to let him pass, but he honked at me.
What? What do you want me to do?
He honked again, and I pedaled on, the man in the car riding my tail super-
duper close. I hit a rock, and stopped almost instantly. The sedan bumped my back
tire, causing me to fall on the ground.
Idiot! the man screamed jumping out of his car and coming towards me
with his fist raised.
I stood up quickly.
Youre the idiot! Your following me to closely on THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!
Why dont you get on the ACTUAL road and drive like a normal person, huh? I
yelled, shouting at some points. I was mad. Really mad.

Youre riding to slow! the man retorted in ignorantly.
THEN PASS ME! I screamed.
The man lunged at me and knocked me over, punching me anywhere he
could get to.
Please! Stop! Im sorry! Stop! Please! I repeated over and over again.
The next minute I dont remember much of. I was knocked uncounciness by
the assault, and the man was loading my bike into his car when an officer came
around the corner. She slammed on her brakes.
She jumped out of her car and came over to us.
Put the kids bike down, and step away from the car, sir. She said, sizing up
the scene quickly.
The man dropped my bike and stepped back.
He was riding to slow! I was going to be late to work! the man exclaimed in
feigned innocence.
I whimpered in pain, not moving.
Shut it. the officer spat.
She led the man to her car and put him in the backseat, and shut the door.
Then she came over to me. She knelt next to me.
Hey, kid, you okay?
I nodded feebly. I felt sore all over my body. The officer helped me sit up.
What happened to you, buddy?
I told her what happened, wincing at the pain in my arms and face.
Do you want to get looked at by a medic?
I shook my head.
I dont know what his problem was. He turned in front of me earlier when I
had to crosswalk light, then he knocked me off my bike. I just want to get away from
Im sure. Im going to go talk to him, then well go from there. Stay here by
your bike.
I nodded, wrapping my arms around my legs.
The officer stood up and went around her car. She opened the back door and
talked to the man for a minute, and by his tone of voice, he sounded angry.
The officer shut the door and came back to me, kneeling next to me and

You sure youre okay?
I nodded.
Yeah. Gotten hurt worse than this.
You riding to school?
I nodded.
Well, you can go on. Ill deal with this guy.
Okay. Thanks for saving me.
Youre welcome, buddy. Have a better day, okay?
The officer helped me stand up and I got on my bike, slinging my dirty
backpack over my shoulders. My bike was still okay, even after being hit by the red
After a painful two miles, I finally reached the school, about ten minutes after
class started. I locked my bike to the rack, then raced inside. I told my teacher what
happened, and she excused my tardy. I took my seat, and the day began.
Later, I had to get from the fourth floor to the basement quickly, so I used the
elevator. Oliver, a kid from my class who is also my best friend, got in with me.
Hey, whats up, Caleb? Oliver said happily as the door slid shut.
Nothin, you?
We both had to go to the fourth floor. I hit the button, and the elevator door
slid closed. We started ascending, but about a second later the elevator stopped,
and there were several loud crashes, before everything went deathly silent.
I looked around the tiny box. I hit the button again, but nothing happened.
Uh oh.
The lights went out. I took a deep breath, held it in, then let it go. We tried
hitting buttons, and prying open the door, but nothing worked.
Oh, boy. This isnt good.
Oliver took out his cell phone and activated the flashlight, then hit the
intercom button. It didnt beep, it didnt click, nothing. The little red light didnt even
turn on. Oliver checked his phone and discovered with dismay that he didnt have
any service. I pounded on the door and walls, screaming for help, but no one heard
me. We tried everything to get out, hitting every single button available, but
nothing happened.
Its just our luck that this happens, right, Caleb?

For real.
Oliver and I always seem to always get into trouble together. Were both
friends, and we like to do things together.
I heard a loud bang on top of the elevator, and I jumped.
What was that? I asked in fear.
I dont know, but I hope it doesnt crush us. Oliver breathed worriedly.
Me too.
I sat down and curled up into a ball. I was starting to get a little cold.
Wait a second. Isnt there an escape hatch in the top? Oliver asked, peering
up at the roof of the elevator.
Yeah, I bet there is, but I dont think we can get through it; I think someone
on the outside has to unlock it. Plus, the door is stuck.
Oh, right. I didnt think about that.
We sat in silence for a moment.
Hey, you got any music to listen to? I asked.
Oh, um, yeah. Whatcha like? Oliver replied, pulling out his I-Pod from his
backpack and turning it on.
Anything but rap, classical, and opera.
Oliver smiled. Same here.
How about fireflies?
Owl City?
Oliver turned on the song and the music eradicated the eerie silence.
This reminds me of Middle School. This was my jam in 6 th grade. I said.
Really? Me too. Thats awesome.
We listened to the song, laughing about sixth grade and enjoying the music.
This was great! Its not every day we can just sit in an elevator in school and listen
to music and not have to do anything.
How long have we been in here?
I checked the time.
Id guess about a half hour or so.

I sighed.
Seems like forever.
It sure does.
We never get to do this. Just sit here and listen to music in the dark at
school. I kinda like this.
I chuckled.
I do too. The only thing is, Im starving. I hope we get food after this.
I wonder what theyre doing out there right now. Oliver queered.
Outside the junior high school was like a beehive. Firefighters, construction
workers, cops, medics, and students mingled around in mild confusion. Backhoes
and excavators carefully dug out around the wreckage, looking for missing kids and
teachers. The school and the elevator shaft had suddenly and catastrophically
collapsed after a sink hole formed under the school, causing a freak collapse of the
middle of the school.
The construction workers wouldve loved to just tear down the school
demolition-style, but with kids being trapped in the wreckage, they didnt want to
take any chances. They were being very careful and using their equipment lightly.
They moved a big chunk of wall and found three students huddling together,
clinging to each other for dear life. Teachers rushed in and helped the students out
from the wreckage, comforting them. They were brought to medics to be checked
Ken, the man operating the excavator, took hold of the controls. Just then he
saw a hand reach out and start to wave, deep down in the sink hole under a pile of
metal and bricks that was stacked up. It looked too heavy for the kid to lift.
I see ya, buddy. I see ya. Stay right there. He muttered to himself.
He moved the excavator closer to the edge, then lowered the boom arm
down. He was going to scoop the boy up in the bucket, bring him to the surface,
then set him down in the safety of the school yard. He gently pushed debris off
where the boy was, then put the bucket next to the boy. He pointed at the boy, then
at the bucket. The boy hesitated, then tentatively got into the bucket. The man
slowly and gently raised the bucket up to the top, and swung it over to safety,
watching and making sure the boy was hanging on to the scoop and wasnt trying to
escape or anything while he was in the air. Once over safety, he gently set it down,
thus allowing the terrified kid to hop out to safety. The boy turned and waved, and
Ken waved back.
One more kid saved. Lots more to go.
The search for missing kids stretched into the night, with crews bringing in
bright powerful lights to light up the area so the search could continue. They were

finding kids very easily, but the debris on top of them proved to be the issue. It was
so heavy, that only heavy machinery could lift it, and the medics were struggling to
keep up with the flow of kids needed to be checked out. Parents were standing
around looking for their lost youngsters, and crews were sifting through the
wreckage, hoping they found them alive.
I am so starving! I could eat a whole cow! Oliver breathed.
I know. What time is it?
Um, about eight-thirty. Weve been in here for a long time. Im surprised no
one has noticed.
I know. I thought someone would notice the elevator wasnt working after a
little while.
Yeah, I did too.
I stood up and started banging on the wall, hoping someone outside would
I heard a bang outside, someone knocking on the window. There were three
knocks. I knocked twice back. Then two knocks returned.
Someone knows were in here! Were gonna get rescued!
We heard voices yelling, then metal scraping against metal. The doors
creaked open, and Oliver and I blinked in the sudden light.
A firefighter slipped in and knelt next to me.
You two okay?
I nodded.
Come here.
He pulled Oliver and I into a hug, and I was glad to finally be out of the
elevator. The fire fighter let us go, then helped us out of the elevator and up the
side of a giant sinkhole that had swallowed the school like a black hole. We were led
to an ambulance. My legs were shaky from being so weak from hunger. Once in the
ambulance, I was given an IV and told to lay down and relax for a while. I laid down
on the padded bench next to the stretcher, and Oliver rested on the stretcher next
to me.
We made it out alive, Oliver. We did it this time.
Took us long enough, huh? Were not getting yelled at currently. This should
be like a new record for us or something.
Yeah, I think it is.

All I wanted right now was to see mom. It was nearly nine oclock at night,
and I havent been home since seven-thirty this morning. Some food would be nice,
too. The IV was helping me feel better, and so was the oxygen I was breathing in
through the tube in my nose.
I just felt relaxed. Two medics checked both of us, and said we were good to
go. They took the IVs out, and removed the oxygen masks from our faces, then we
were free to go.
I stood up and, together, Oliver and I left the ambulance. Two police officers
led us to a pair of teachers I knew. One was Mr. Richter, a science teacher, and the
other was Mrs. Kelly, my English teacher. I liked them both well enough, I guess.
They took us and told us to stay with them until our parents arrived. Mom and dad
werent gonna get here for a while. They worked up until late at night, and they left
early in the morning. I sometimes didnt see them for a couple days.
Mrs. Kelly? I timidly said.
Yes, Caleb?
Uh, my parents probably wont be here until at least midnight or so. They
work late. Could I go home with Oliver and his mom?
Well have to see what they say. Where do your parents work?
Some lawyer job. I dont really know. I dont know where their office is.
Thats alright. Well talk to Olivers parents when they get here.
I nodded, starting to shiver. My shorts and tee-shirt didnt provide much
protection from the cold. Although, I must say, after it being sweltering this
morning, the coolness felt nice and refreshing.
Ten minutes later, Olivers mom arrived. I asked if I could go with her, and she
said yes. She led Owen and I over to her car, a tiny Miata. She had us sit next to
each other in the passenger seat, and we both buckled into the same seat. She got
in, and we drove home. I got dropped off at my house, and Owen and his mom went
to theirs. I went inside and got some dinner, and sat down to watch TV and eat it.
Mom and dad got home a little while later, but I was already in bed. I was
exhausted and just wanted the day to end. I hoped tomorrow would be better.
Tomorrow was Saturday, so at least I dont have to go to school.
I went to my bike, put my helmet on, and got on. I was going for a quiet ride
to clear my head. I needed to think. My day hasnt been going well. I fell down the
stairs this morning, burnt myself on the stove whilst trying to make pancakes, and
spilled my milk, all before noon. Now, I just wanted to go out and ride around in the
fresh air and clear my head.
A little while later, as I was riding through town, a car drove right in front of
me, causing me to squeeze my brakes tightly and skid to a stop, stopping just short

of the car. Two men got out and pointed pistols at me. I put my hands up, not
wanting to get shot. The driver put his pistol away and grabbed me by the hair,
pulling me into the alleyway. I screamed.
Shut it!
He hit me in the side with his gun. It hurt a lot, but I stayed silent.
He shoved me forward towards the black sedan in front of me. My scalp
ached from my hair being pulled, and I whimpered again. The man tugged harder
on my hair, and I cried out. Angrily, he shoved me into the backseat.
Kid! Stay quiet, and stay seated. Dont try any funny business, or you wont
see mommy and daddy again. Sit down, and shut up! The man in the passenger
seat yelled to me as we backed out at a million miles per hour, hitting a vans side,
then taking off down the road recklessly. I put my seatbelt on just as we barreled
through an intersection, narrowly avoiding t-boning a tractor-trailer.
We drove out of the city on the highway, then we suddenly stopped and
turned onto a dirt path between two corn fields. We accelerated to well over one
hundred miles per hour on the dirt, and I swear the accord would fall apart any
moment. The whole car was rattling around. We hit a small berm, and the car went
airborne, sideways. We flew fifty feet up in the air, dukes of hazard style, then
landed on our roof with a deafening crunch. We rolled over and over multiple times
before coming to a stop. The men in the front were both uncounciness.
Remarkably unscathed, I took this opportunity to kick out the back window
and crawl out of it, standing up and sprinting away. I ran blindly through the corn
stocks. Just then a dog ran up to me and leaped up at me, knocking me down.
Trevor, friendly! a man yelled at the snarling down that was licking my face
and barking incessantly.
The dog obediently stopped and stepped back. The man told the dog to sit
and stay and the dog obeyed.
Phew! I breathed, sitting up and dusting myself off.
Now that I got a better look at the dog, I realized it was a beautiful golden
retriever with golden hair and a proud snout.
You okay, kid? the man asked.
I looked up him.
Yeah. I said, nodding. That just scared me, thats all. I gotta split! Ive been
kidnapped. I was in a car crash. The car, it, um, flew in the air and crashed. The
guys that grabbed me are uncounciness. I broke the back window and took off. I
dont know if they are looking for me right now. I quickly explained.
Follow me.

The man helped me up, and we hurried down the row of corn, getting further
and further away from the mangled wreck.
Whats your name? the man asked.
Cool. Im Rick. Thats Trevor. He gets a bit excited when he sees someone
running. Sorry about that.
Its okay.
The man led me to an older style country house and we went in.
Hon, did you take cows around? a woman asked from a back room as soon
as we entered.
Uh, no. Not yet, babe.
I heard a loud sigh, and a bustling woman came in to the room. Her dress was
old and tattered, and her hair was frazzled.
Whats the story here?
Rick quickly explained what happened, then I told my side of the story.
Oh. Whats your name, kid?
Are you hurt?
Um, no, I dont think so.
Lucky. A wreck like that could kill a kid like you. Youre lucky to be alive,
honestly. Come on in and Ill call the Sheriff. Im sure hed like to know youre okay.
Should I take my shoes off? Theyre kinda muddy.
Nah, its dirty enough in here already. It wont make no difference.
I followed the woman into the kitchen and sat up to the counter. The lady
leaned up against the counter in front of me and sighed.
Its sure been a dry year, I tell you what. You from round here?
I live more in the city. Its been a long day today. I said, resting my chin on
my hands on the counter.
Yeah? Well, just relax now. Ill call the Sheriff and tell him youre okay. How
old are ya, bud?
Dang, you too young to be wrapped up in this, kid.
Believe me, it aint by choice.

The lady picked up the receiver for a wall phone and dialed 911. She held the
phone up to her ear and a moment later someone answered.
Yeah, hi, this is Mary out on the ol reddy ranch. Ive got this boy here, said
he was kidnapped. I just wanted to tell the sheriff hes okay. Sounds like he was in a
car wreck nearby.
She listened for a moment.
Yes, his name is Caleb. Is he the one youre lookin for?
Listening again.
Alrighty, Ill have him stay here. Hes safe with me, maam. Thank ya much.
The lady hung up the phone and sighed.
The sheriffs comin to get ya. Just hang out here till he gets here.
I sighed, and suddenly started to cry. I buried my face in my arms, and let the
sobs rack my body.
Hey, whats wrong, buddy? Mary asked.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I just want to go home! I spluttered.
I know, bud. The sheriffs comin to get ya. Youll be home before ya know
it. Mary consoled, squeezing my shoulder lightly. I know youre stressed. But
youre in good hands. I wont let nothin get to ya. Nothin.
About ten minutes later, after I had calmed down, there was a knock on the
front door, and Mary stood up to go answer it. I wiped my tears away, and stood up,
taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down.
Hi, sheriff. Come on in.
Thank you kindly.
A tall man in a tan uniform shirt with a gold star badge on his chest and gun
on his hip stepped in. He had a cowboy hat on, and he smiled at me.
Hi, you must be Caleb. He said kindly when he saw me.
I nodded. The Sheriff bent down so he and I were eye level with each other.
Im Sheriff Matthew. You can call me Matt. How ya doin?
Sounds like youve had a rough day today, huh?
I nodded.
I just want to get home.

I turned to Mary and Rick. They were standing next to each other.
Thank you, for saving me. It means a lot to me, really.
Youre more than welcome, Caleb. Im glad we met. Come back anytime.
Ill keep that in mind. Thanks.
Have a better day there, youngster. Remember, it can always get better.
Rick said.
I shook hands with both Mary and Rick, then followed the Sheriff out to his
white expedition. The sun was hot over the cornfields. Matt helped me get in the
backseat, then he got in the front. There was a separation wall that closed off the
front from the back, with a small window in the top that Sheriff Matt opened so we
could talk.
You okay back there, buddy? he asked.
Yeah, I guess.
If you need anything, just let me know, okay?
Okay. How did you know I was missing?
Yer neighbor was drivin past and saw ya get plucked up. She done called
me and I been lookin for ya, lad.
We drove down the driveway, and turned onto the road. We traveled for a few
minutes, then I saw a state trooper up ahead of us. The Trooper flashed his lightbar
a couple times, and we pulled up next to him. Sheriff Matt rolled down his window,
and so did the Trooper.
Hey, were looking for a kid round here. You seen em? the trooper asked.
Yes, sir. Ive got the kid yer lookin for in my backseat. He was found by
some residents up the road. They called me and I picked em up. You want em?
Nah, just makin sure hes alright.
Yes, sir, hes good. Im just takin him home.
Alrighty. Thats good news. Were gonna keep lookin for the suspects out
here, but the kids good. He aint gone and done nothin wrong.
Good luck. You want some help from my deputies?
Sure, if youve got some free. Thatd be fantastic.
Yup. Ill get on that. Gonna take this kid home, then come back out.
Sounds good. Gotta go. Later.
Good day.

We parted ways, and continued down the road. I started to cry again, feeling
overwhelmed and stressed, and I tried to hide it from the Sheriff.
Later, we arrived at my house. We pulled in, and, much to my surprise, my
mom looked up in surprised confusion.
We parked and Sheriff Matt let me out of the backseat. The doors didnt open
from the inside. As soon as mom saw me though, she smiled widely. I turned and
ran towards her, and we met halfway in a joyous hug. I was laughing, glad to be
home safe again.
Sheriff Matthew came up to us as mom and I broke apart.
What done happened?
Ill tell you inside.
We went inside to the kitchen where I told mom and the Sheriff what had
happened to me, and Matt took notes in his notebook. I described as best I could
the two men that had kidnapped me, the car I was thrown into, and what happened
up until Matt and picked me up and brought me home. I described what Rick and
Mary had done for me. When I finished, Matt asked me some questions, then closed
his notebook.
I think that just about covers it. Anything else you want to tell me?
Oh, yeah, if you could find my backpack and bring it back, that would be
great. I lost it when I was kidnapped.
For sure. Well keep an eye out for it.
Thanks. Its blue and has green stripes.
Alright. A Trooper got your bike. Theyll bring it back soon.
I hope its not busted. I think the man that grabbed me ran it over.
Dad walked in from the garage. He had just gotten home from work.
Oh, hey. Whats up here?
Its a long story.
That dad? the Sheriff asked.
I nodded. All I could think about was my bike. If it was busted, how was I
going to get to school every day? Mom and dad cant take me, and I dont know of
anyone who can give me a ride.
Hi, Sheriff Matthew. He held out his hand, and he and dad shook hands.
Dad sat down next to me and put his arm around me.
Whats up, sport?
I sighed.

I dont have any more questions, so Ill get out of you folks hair, but if you
need anything else Caleb, dont hesitate to call me, okay?
I nodded. Matt handed me a business card, and I took it. He and I shook
hands, and he stood up.
Any more questions for me?
No one had any more questions.
Have a better day, then folks.
Thank you, Sheriff. Stay safe out there. Dad said.
Matt tipped his hat, then he left. As soon as he was gone, dad sighed.
Whats goin on bud? Youre not yourself.
Its complicated.
Just then there was a knock on the front door. Dad stood up and went to
answer it.
Hi, Trooper Liam, State Troopers. Does a boy named Caleb live here, by
chance? a man said when dad opened the door.
Yeah, hes my son. Come in. dad said.
He and a tall trooper walked in to the kitchen. The trooper was wearing a dark
blue shirt with a gold shield badge and a blue tie with a tie clip on it, a navy blue
wide brimmed dress hat, and blue slacks with shiny black polished boots.
Hi, are you Caleb? he asked, bending down to my eye level.
I nodded solemnly.
Nice to meet you. Im David.
I cracked a smile.
You too.
You okay? I was worried you got hurt in the car crash.
No, Im fine. Ive just had a bad day.
David sat down next to me.
Did you find my bike? I asked, hope that it was alright building inside me.
Yeah, I did. But I have some bad news.
My shoulders slumped.
Its busted, isnt it?
David nodded.

I was crushed. My only mode of transportation was busted. Mom moved over
next to me and let me rest against her.
Can I see it? I asked.
I stood up and followed David outside to his Tahoe. My bike was in the trunk,
and when I saw it, I knew there was no fixing it. The handle bars were bent, the
wheels deformed and deflated, spokes snapped in half, and the gears were all but
shattered, plus the frame was scratched up and bent as well.
Its totaled.
Im sorry buddy. It got ran over and dragged. When I picked it up, it was
already like this. Im sorry its like this.
Can I keep it?
Yes, of course.
I took it out of the trunk, and carried it to the garage. I leaned it against the
side of the house. David took a report of what happened, then he left.
Come on, bud. Mom said.
We went inside, and I went up to my room, shutting the door behind me. I laid
on my bed and stared at the wall, my back to the door. I kicked off my shoes and let
them fall on the floor. On my bedside table was a small picture of me with mom and
dad out in the backyard, all dressed up in our Sunday best. Mom and dad both had a
hand on my shoulders, and I was holding them. That had been a great day. We had
played games, and my cousins had been here, so we got to play all day. The
occasion had been my aunts wedding. Us kids couldnt go, so the adults left the
teenagers in charge of us youngsters, and my cousins and I had played at the park
behind our house all day.
I heard a knock on my door, and I sighed.
Yup. I said.
The door opened, then closed. I didnt move.
Hey, you okay bud? mom asked, her voice soft.
Not really.
Im sorry you had a crappy day. Tomorrow will get better.
Yeah, hopefully. I said halfheartedly.
How come I got a call from the police this morning saying you were on the
side of the road somewhere?
I explained the road rage incident this morning.

Mikes mom was right there and she stopped it. he wouldve stolen my bike
if it wasnt for her.
Im glad she was there.
Me too.
The room fell silent. I sighed.
Mom and I were thinking of going out for dinner tonight. Anywhere you
would like to go? dad asked.
No, my whole day has been no Bueno.
Lets go get some dinner and ice cream. Thatll make the day better.
I guess.
I sighed and sat up. I followed mom and dad to the car. My day got a little
better during dinner, and afterwards when we had ice cream together, and I thought
that maybe, my day was getting better. Finally, things were starting to go my way
I slipped on my beanie and crawled into bed, smiling. My day had been bad,
but it got better. I hoped tomorrow would be better. Mom always says that tomorrow
will be better, and Ive lived by that my whole life.
My green beanie I wear at night is one of my favorite hats. I wear it to keep
my head and ears warm at night, since my room gets cold.
Dad said goodnight and we hugged each other, then he went back to bed,
but mom stayed behind.
Mom came over and pulled the blankets over me, and while she was tucking
me in, she said,
"You make me happy!"
"When skies are grey."
Mom smiled.
I love you, buddy.
I love you too, mom. See you soon.
See you.
Mom turned out the light, and closed my door, blowing me a kiss as she left. I
caught it and put it on my cheek. I smiled as I turned over and went to sleep.
I got to sleep easily. It was nice to finally relax and let the world go past me.

Some days are bad, and some days are good. Sometimes, we must weather
the bad days, so we can appreciate the good days. When I really looked at my life,
its not that bad. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, a warm bed to sleep in,
and clothes on my back. As I counted my blessings, I realized that in the grand
scheme of things, today and yesterday werent that bad, and that I should be
grateful for the good days. I hoped next week was better.


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