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Fiori-Hinz 1

Isabel Fiori/ Meredith Hinz


Mr. Acre


3 March 2014

Cubo Project


Meredith: Oh no, a cube just fell out of the sky and all of its corners fell off it at its midpoints.

Isabel: What a tragedy.

Meredith: Now how is it supposed to live a normal cube life?

Isabel: It cant because its not a cube anymore, oh no.

Meredith: Its a cuboctahedron!

Isabel: Ahhhh the people need to run for their lives or it might make them find its surface area,

volume three different ways, write a paper about it, and make a clone of it

Meredith: and its parts! Oh no! It caught someone!

The given edge of the cube is 30.2cm. In order to find one edge of the cubo please refer

to figures 1 and 2.
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Figure 1. Length of One Edge Figure 2. Cubo In the Cube

Figures 1 and 2 show the cuboctahedron inside the cube. The cube side length is 30.2cm.

One side of the cubo is the length of one side of the diamond inside one square face of the cube.

The side of the diamond connects two midpoints to form a triangle in the corner of one square

face of the cube. The two legs of this triangle are of the side length of the cube because they

start at the midpoint of the square face and end at the corner making them 15.1cm. Using the

knowledge of 45-45-90 triangles, the hypotenuse of this triangle is 15.1 2 cm. This is also the

length of one edge of the cuboctahedron. Keep in mind that all edges of the cuboctahedron are

equal in measure.

In this paper let A=Area; let b=base; let h=height; let TSA= total surface area; and let


To find the surface area of the cubo, first find the surface area of the triangular faces

using this formula: A=(b)(h)

A=(15.1 2 )(7.55 6 )

A=(7.55 2 )(7.55 6 )
Fiori-Hinz 3

A=57.0025 12 cm2

Figure 3. Surface Area of Triangular Faces

Figure three shows the math to find the surface area of the triangular faces of the cubo.

Multiply the answer above by eight because there are eight triangular faces on the cubo.

A=57.0025 12 (8)

A=456.02 12 cm2

Figure 4. Surface Area of All Triangular Faces

Figure 4 shows multiplying the surface area of one triangular face of the cubo by eight

because there are eight triangular faces on the cubo. This will eventually contribute to the total

surface area of the cuboctahedron.

Next find the surface area of the square faces using this formula: A=(b)(h)

A=(15.1 2 )(15.1 2 )


Figure 5. Surface Area of a Square Face

Figure 5 shows the math for finding the surface area of one square face on the cubo.

Multiply the answer by six because there are six square faces on the cubo.

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Figure 6. Surface Area of All

Figure 6 shows multiplying one square face of the cubos surface area by six to find the

total surface area of all the square faces.

Add both the final answers for the surface area of the faces together to find the total

surface area of the cubo.

TSA=456.02 12 +2,736.12cm2

Figure 7. Total Surface Area

Figure 7 shows the cuboctahedrons total surface area after adding the total

surface area of all the square faces and the total surface area of all the triangular faces.

There are many ways to find the volume of a cuboctahedron, three are described in this

paper. The first way is called Case #1. In this case find the volume of a cube (side length

30.2cm) and the volume of a triangular pyramid (see figure 8) and subtract the volume of the

pyramids (there are eight) from the volume of the cube.

Fiori-Hinz 5

Figure 8. Triangular Pyramid

Figure 8. shows one of the corner triangular pyramids described in Case #1. This pyramid

is formed by connecting the midpoints and one corner of a cube (figure 2). Because the

measurement of one side of the cube is 30.2cm, and the midpoint bisects the edge of the cube,

one can determine one edge of the pyramid above (Segment bc) is half the length of one edge of

the cube, making it 15.1cm. This is true for all three edges of the pyramid (segments bc, ac, and

dc) that form at the corner of the cube. To find the length of segments bd, ba, and ad, use the

knowledge of 45-45-90 triangles. This would make segments bd, ba, and ad 15.1 2 cm.

To find the volume of the original cube (figure 2), find one side length and cube it. This

is the same as finding the area of the base ((30.2)(30.2)) and multiplying it by the height (30.2).

This trick only works for squares.

30.23=27,543.6 cm2

Figure 9. Volume of the Original Cube

Figure 9 shows how to find the volume of a cube with side length 30.2cm.

Next, find the volume of the triangular pyramid by using the formula V= (area of the
Fiori-Hinz 6

base)(height of the pyramid). First find the area of the base.

A= (b)(h)




Figure 10. Area of Base of Pyramid

Figure 10 shows the math for finding the area of the the base of the triangular pyramid

(figure 9). In this case the base is triangle abc.

Find the height of the pyramid (segment cd) which in this case is 15.1cm. Then plug in the

numbers into the volume formula and solve.Then multiply the answer by eight to find the

volume of the cube because there are eight triangular pyramids on the cube that are cut off.



V= 573.825cm3



Figure 11. Volume of Triangular Pyramids

Fiori-Hinz 7

Figure 11. shows how to find the volume of one triangular pyramid and then multiplying

the volume by eight for the eight triangular pyramids (one on each corner of the cube in figure 2)

to get the total volume of all the triangular pyramids.

Subtract the volume of the eight triangular pyramids from the volume of the cube to find the

volume of the cuboctahedron.

V= 27,543.6 - 4,590.6

V= 22,953cm3

Figure 12. Total Volume Case #1

Figure 12 shows the math for finding the total volume using the method presented in case

#1. To find the total volume, subtract the volume of all the triangular pyramids from the volume

of the cube.

The next way to find the volume of the cubo is called Case #2. In case #2, find the

volume of a right square rectangular prism and the volume of a rectangular pyramid. Next add

the volume of the right square rectangular prism to the volume of the rectangular pyramids (there

are four) and the result will be the total volume of the cuboctahedron.
Fiori-Hinz 8

Figure 13. Right Square Rectangular Prism and Rectangular Pyramid

Figure 13 shows the two 3D figures used to find the volume of the cubo. If the prism is

surrounded on each side with one of the rectangular pyramids above it will create a

cuboctahedron. The bases of the prism, and lateral faces of the pyramids can be seen by looking

at figure 2.The height of the prism is the same length as the original cube (30.2cm). This is also

the length of one side of the base on the pyramid (segment kp). The length of the sides on the

base of the prism and the short sides of the base of the pyramid are the length of one side of the

diamond in figure 1, meaning they are 15.1 2 cm. Triangle jkm and the triangle on the opposite

side on the pyramid are equilateral triangles. This means all of the sides on the triangle are the

same length. Because it is already known that segment jk is 15.1 2 cm, and it is one side of the

equilateral triangle, then the rest of the lengths on the triangles are also 15.1 2 cm. Note, only

two of the triangles that make up the pyramids lateral faces are equilateral, the other two are

right triangles.

To find the volume of the right square rectangular prism, first find the base using the

equation Area=(base)(height). The base and height of the base of the prism are both 15.1 2 cm.
Fiori-Hinz 9

A= (b)(h)

A= (15.1 2 )2

A= 456.02 cm2

Figure 14. Area of Right Square Rectangular Prisms Base

Figure 14 shows how to find the area of the right square rectangular prisms base.

Next use the equation Volume= (Abase)(Hprism) to find the volume of the prism. The height

of this prism is 30.2 cm.

Volume= (Abase)(Hprism)

V= (456.02)(30.2)

V= 13,771.8 cm3

Figure 15. Volume of Right Square Rectangular Prism

Figure 15 shows the math for finding the volume of the right square rectangular

prism(figure 13). This will eventually contribute to the total volume of the cubo for case #2.

Next find the volume of the pyramid. Start by finding the area of the base using this

equation: Area=(b)(h). The base measurement is 30.2cm and the height measurement is 15.1 2


Fiori-Hinz 10

A=(30.2)(15.1 2 )

A= 456.02 2 cm2

Figure 16. Area of Base of Rectangular Pyramid

Figure 16 shows how to do the math to find the area of the rectangular base of the


Next find the height of the pyramid using the pythagorean theorem. Plug in 15.1cm for a,

and 7.55 2 cm for c.

a2 +b2=c2

15.12+b2= 7.55 6 2



b 2= 144.005

b= 10.6773

Figure 17. Height of Pyramid

Figure 17 shows how to find the height of the rectangular using the pythagorean theorem.

The height is necessary to complete the next step.

Now, using the height and area of the base found earlier find the volume of the pyramid
Fiori-Hinz 11

using the equation Volume= () (Abase)(Hpyramid). After finding the volume, multiply it by four for

each of the pyramids on the sides of the prism.

V=() (Abase)(Hpyramid)

V= ()(456.02 2 )(10.6773)

V=()(4,869.06 2 )

V=1,623.02 2 cm3

1,623.02 2 (4)= 6,492.08 2 cm3

Figure 18. Volume of Rectangular Pyramid

Figure 18 shows how to find the volume of the rectangular pyramid. After the volume of

one pyramid is found, it is multiplied by four, for each of the four rectangular pyramids on each

side of the prism.

Finally add the volume of the pyramids with the volume of the prism.

13,771.8 + 6,492.08 2 cm3

Figure 19. Total Volume Case #2

Figure 19 shows the total volume of the cuboctahedron after adding the volume of the

four pyramids and the prism. Note, if this answer was rounded to the nearest decimal, it would be

22,953cm3, which is the same total volume found in case #1.

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The last way to find the volume of the cubo is called Case #3. In case #3, find the volume

of a tetrahedron and a regular square pyramid. Next, multiply the volume of one regular square

pyramid by six, for the six square faces on the cuboctahedron, and multiply the volume of one

tetrahedron by eight for the eight triangular faces on the cubo. Finally add these two values

together to get the total volume for case #3.

Figure 20. Tetrahedron and Regular Square Pyramid

Figure 20 shows the 3D images used in case #3. The base of the regular square pyramid

is the same base as the prism in figure 13 and the diamond in figure 1. Knowing this, one can tell

that the length of each edge is 15.1 2 cm. The lateral faces of the regular square pyramid are

equilateral triangles. Knowing that one side of the triangle is 15.1 2 cm, it can be determined

that the rest of the edges on the regular square pyramid are also 15.1 2 cm. The tetrahedron is

made up of four congruent equilateral triangles. The triangles that make up the lateral faces of

the regular square pyramid are congruent to the triangles on the tetrahedron, making each edge of
Fiori-Hinz 13

the tetrahedron 15.1 2 cm.

For both the tetrahedron and the regular square pyramid in this case use this formula to

find the volume: Volume=(area base)(heightpyramid). Start by finding the area of the regular

square pyramid base by using the equation: A=(b)(h).

A=(15.1 2 )2


Figure 21. Area of Base of Regular Square Pyramid

Figure 21 shows the math for finding the area of the the square base of the regular square


After, find the height of the pyramid using the pythagorean theorem.


7.55 2 2 + b2=7.55 6 2



b 2= 228.01


Figure 22. Height of Regular Square Pyramid

Fiori-Hinz 14

Figure 22 shows how to use the pythagorean theorem to find the height of the regular

square pyramid.

Now, using the height and area of the base found earlier find the volume of the pyramid

using the equation Volume= () (Abase)(Hprism). After finding the volume, multiply it by six since

there are six regular square pyramids on the cuboctahedron.

V= (456.02)(15.1)

V= 6,885.9




Figure 23. Total Volume of Regular Square Pyramids

Figure 23 shows how to find the volume of one regular square pyramid. It then shows the

volume of one pyramid being multiplied by six for the six square faces on the cubo, which are

the bases of the regular square pyramids.

Next find the volume of the tetrahedron. Start by finding the area of the base using the

equation: A=(b)(h)

A=(15.1 2 )(7.55 6 )

A=(114.005 12)
Fiori-Hinz 15

A=57.0025 12

Figure 24. Area of Base of Tetrahedron

Figure 24 shows the math for finding the area of the base of the tetrahedron.

Once the area of the base is found, find the height of the tetrahedron using this equation:

H=(edge)( 6 ). The edge in this case would be 15.1 2 cm.

H=(15.1 2 )( 6 )

H=5.03333 12

H=10.0667 3

Figure 25. Height of Tetrahedron

Figure 25 shows how to find the height of a tetrahedron using a special

equation(H=(edge)( 6 )).

Now, using the height and area of the base found earlier find the volume of the pyramid

using the equation: Volume= () (Abase)(Hprism). After finding the volume, multiply it by eight

since there are eight tetrahedrons on the cuboctahedron.

Volume=(57.0025 12 )(10.0667 3 )

V=(19.0008 12 )(10.0667 3 )

V=191.276 36


V= 1147.65(8)
Fiori-Hinz 16

V= 9181.23cm3

Figure 26. Volume of Tetrahedron

Figure 26 shows how to find the volume of one tetrahedron. After finding the volume of

a tetrahedron, it is multiplied by eight for the eight sides of the cubo which are the bases of the

tetrahedrons. These volumes will eventually become part of the total volume in case #3.

Finally, add both the volume of the regular square pyramid and the volume of the

tetrahedron together. The total volume should match the volumes in case #1 and case #2.



Figure 27. Total Volume Case #3

Figure 27 shows how to find the total volume for case #3 after finding the volumes of the

square regular pyramids and tetrahedrons. Once these volumes have been calculated, they only

need to be added to find the total volume of the cuboctahedron. Note that this total volume is

equal to the total volumes in cases #1 and #2.

Life is full of challenges, but how those challenges are met depends on the perspective of

the viewer. Sometimes when someone is faced with a dilemma, they just need to take a step back

and observe it from a different angle. As shown in this paper, there are multiple ways to figuring

out the volume of an object. Each approach is different but they will all lead to the same answer

of 22,953cm3.

On the other hand, sometimes there is one best way to solve a problem. In this paper, the
Fiori-Hinz 17

total surface area was found by adding up the surface area of all of the faces which led to 456.02

12 +2,736.12cm2. This project was challenging. It took a lot of planning and time management

but it was accomplished and it proved that any problem can be solved if viewed in different

ways. It also proved that the cuboctahedron can be defeated!

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