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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2014) 53, 939948

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Coagulation process control in water

treatment plants using multiple model predictive
Oladipupo Bello *, Yskandar Hamam, Karim Djouani

Electrical Engineering Department/FSATI, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria X680, South Africa

Received 3 April 2014; revised 4 August 2014; accepted 7 August 2014

Available online 27 August 2014

KEYWORDS Abstract A multiple model predictive control (MMPC) strategy is proposed for coagulation
Water treatment plants; control in water treatment plants. The proposed control strategy is developed to work effectively
Multiple model predictive with different local operating regions of the chemical dosing unit where coagulation takes place.
control; The surface charge and pH values of the chemically treated water are controlled at the same time
MPC local controller; to reduce waste, operational costs and improve the quality of portable water distributed for public
Coagulation consumption by manipulating the ow rates of the chemical reagents. The simulation results show
that coagulation control can be effectively controlled by using the proposed control strategy.
2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria

1. Introduction operating regime to another and thereby reduce wastage of

chemical reagents, minimise production cost and meet the nal
Coagulation is an important unit operation in the water water quality target, an effective control strategy must be
treatment plants. Coagulation is described by complex chemi- implemented at water treatment plants.
cal reactions and coagulation chemical dosing unit exhibits Model predictive control (MPC) is a widely accepted and
nonlinear behaviour [1]. Thus, coagulation control is quite useful control strategy for industrial process applications as
challenging. Furthermore, in the operations of chemical dosing a result of its ability to re-formulate the control problem as
unit, irregular variations in the water quality and demands, an optimisation problem and demonstrate satisfactory perfor-
depletion of chemical reagents stock, system faults and plant mance when satisfying operational and safety constraints.
operators errors often lead to multiple operating regimes However, MPC is an ineffective approach to design local con-
resulting to either underdose, normal or overdose operating trollers for systems with strong nonlinearities and sudden
condition. In order to reduce the transition time from one changes in the operating conditions [22]. In order to address
this problem, MMPC strategy has been identied as a viable
* Corresponding author.
solution in the literature [6,13,18,20,26,12,10,24].
MMPC as an optimal control strategy is developed using sev-
E-mail addresses: (O. Bello), hamama@tut. (Y. Hamam), (K. Djouani).
eral linear models that represent separate local regions or
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
regimes of a nonlinear system. Each linear model effectively
University. describes its local region of the nonlinear system. Corresponding
1110-0168 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
940 O. Bello et al.

MPC local controller is designed for each linear model. All the The simulation studies on the MMPC performance on the
models are computed in parallel and the best model/controller chemical dosing unit show promising results.
pair is selected based on the identication error at each instant
[22]. The switching scheme engaged for the model/controller 2. Materials and methods
pairs operates when another pair yields smaller identication
error than the current pair. The global control input is thus 2.1. Description of Rietvlei water treatment plant
generated using the parameters of the selected pair.
In Yu et al. [25], MMPC control strategy was proposed for
Rietvlei water treatment plant, City of Tshwane, South Africa
the simultaneous regulation of mean arterial pressure and car-
was built between 1932 and 1934. From inception, the plant
diac output in heart failure patients by adjusting the infusion
has undergone a number of upgrade projects to ensure that
rates of inotropic agent and vasodilator. However, the compu-
safe and portable drinking waters are supplied for public con-
tation using Bayes theorem was immense and involved several
sumption in Pretoria. The typical production capacity of the
stages. Zhang and Morris [27] proposed MMPC control strat-
plant is about 40 ml per day. The plant draws raw waters from
egy using a recurrent neuro-fuzzy network to identify the local
Rietvlei Dam. There are three different abstraction points at
linear models of a pH neutralisation process.
different levels on the dam tower, namely: top; middle and bot-
Porrio et al. [20] examined the application of a multi-
tom draw-off points. Only one point is used at a time depend-
model predictive control to an industrial distillation system
ing on water level in the dam. Raw water quality is typically
of a renery (C3/C4 splitter). The proposed MMPC performed
low in turbidity but with high algal content. However, the tur-
signicantly better than the conventional MPC controller. In
bidity level may be high due to discharges from oods and
Li et al. [13], the authors proposed MMPC strategy based on
rainfall. These changes in water turbidity often lead to difcul-
TakagiSugeno modelling for a nonlinear process control.
ties in coagulation. A pumping station and transport system
The proposed controller was applied successively to regulate
are available to lift water from the dam and to convey it to
a MIMO pH neutralisation process.
the treatment plant. Raw water ows through the intake pipe
A study by Zeng et al. [26] on the application of MMPC
into the chemical dosing unit. The ow of water through the
strategy to control dissolved oxygen concentration in wastewa-
intake pipe is measured using owmeter. The amount of water
ter treatment process was performed. The authors of Mazinan
abstracted is also used to determine the amount of chemicals
and Sadati [15] proposed a multiple model predictive control
that should be applied during the subsequent process. Raw
based on fuzzy decision mechanism. The validity of the pro-
water inlet valve is placed after the owmeters to control the
posed control strategy was veried using a water tubular heat
quantity of water owing into the plant.
exchanger system. Guolian et al. [10] proposed MMPC based
Fig. 1 illustrates the coagulation chemical dosing unit of
on fuzzy adaptive weighted algorithm to control the steam
Rietvlei water treatment plant. It is made up of a concrete mix-
temperature of a thermal power plant under a wider range of
ing tank with inlet and outlet channels. There are four metring
load changes.
or dosing pumps that are used for dosing chemicals into the
Bagheri et al. [2] proposed MMPC based on adaptive
inuent raw waters owing into the treatment plant. Two of
weighting matrices to improve the performance of a general
the pumps are on active position and the remaining two pumps
predictive control (GPC) applied to a multivariable pH neu-
are on redundant position. One of the active pumps feeds poly-
tralisation process. Shamasaddinlor et al. [21] proposed
electrolyte solution while the other feeds ferric chloride solution
MMPC algorithm using the fuzzy weighting decision making
into the concrete mixing tank. The polyelectrolyte solution is
scheme for single-input and single-output pH neutralisation
referred to as sudoc 3835, a blend of epichlorohydrin/dimeth-
process control. However, the application of their proposed
ylamine (polyamine) and aluminium chlorohydrate [17]. The
scheme to multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) sys-
pumps are controlled by programmable logic controllers
tems was recommended. In all these previous studies, research-
(PLCs) that are connected to the plants supervisory control
ers have demonstrated the capabilities of MMPC to control
nonlinear systems with interesting results.
In this paper, the design, application and performance of
MMPC strategy to coagulation chemical dosing unit for water
treatment plants are examined and studied. The motivation of
this study is to demonstrate that MMPC is suitable for effec-
tive coagulation control and optimisation of chemical reagents
that are used for water treatment process. The control
approach includes the development of MPC local controller
for each distinct operating region of a chemical dosing unit.
A switching scheme is developed to select the appropriate
model/controller pair that could adequately represent the cur-
rent operating condition of the unit from the model/controller
bank. The surface charge and pH level of the chemically trea-
ted water are regulated to meet the desired target quality levels
by manipulating the ow rates of the primary coagulant, co-
coagulant and hydrated lime ow rates. Rietvlei water treat-
ment plant, South Africa is selected for this study. The process Figure 1 Coagulation chemical dosing unit of Rietvlei water
modelling of the chemical dosing unit of the plant is presented. treatment plant.
Coagulation process control in water treatment plants using multiple model predictive control 941

and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The quantities of the HCO

3   C5 H12 ON n   Al
 Fe3   Ca2
coagulation chemicals dosed depend on the ow rate of the H   OH  6
raw water owing into the plant. Calcium hydroxide (hydrated
lime) in slurry form is also added to the mixing tank using a dia- Let the difference of the ionic concentrations be expressed as:
phragm pump to stabilise the water and adjust the pH value to      3   3   2 
3  C5 H12 ON n  Al  Fe  Ca
the desired level.
The chemically treated water ows out slowly and evenly
through a series of bafed or occulation channels, to grow where
the ocs. The water from the bafed channels ows into the
X H   OH  8
Dissolved Air Floatation/Filtration (DAFF) unit. The unit
removes all the ocs that have just been formed in the occu- Assuming that there is perfect mixing in the tank reactor,
lation channels. The occulated water is passed over the super- the relationship between the ionic concentrations of the efu-
saturated water. This leads to a oatation process where the ent and input concentrations using the material balance equa-
ocs rise as a result of the water bubbles attached to them. tions can be expressed as:
The oating particles form a scummy brown layer or froth d C5 H12 ON n   
on the surface of the lter bed while separation from it takes V C5 H12 ON n in qa
place through the lter beds. The DAFF lters are cleaned reg-  
 C5 H12 ON n qout 9
ularly by manual backwashing operation. The backwash water
is kept in settling tanks for couple of hours. Afterwards, the d Al    3 
settled sludge is pumped into a sewerage system and the rela- V Al3 in qa  Al qout 10
tively clean water is pumped back into the dam. The ltered  
water from the DAFF ows into Granular Activated Carbon d Fe3    3 
V Fe3 in qb  Fe qout 11
(GAC) ltration unit to eliminate foul odour, taste and colour dt
caused by the dissolved organic matter. The water from GAC  
ows into the chlorination chamber. Here, the chlorine gas is d Ca2    2 
V Ca2 in qc  Ca qout 12
added to the water to disinfect the clean water before it is dt
pumped to the storage reservoirs and distributed to nal con-  
sumers [5]. d HCO    
V 3
3in qin  HCO3 qout 13
2.2. Nonlinear model of the chemical dosing unit where C5 H12 ON n is the polyamine ionic  concentration at
the mixing tank outlet, C5 H12 ON n in the polyamine ionic
The coagulation chemical dosing unit involves a nonlinear pro- concentration at the mixing tank inlet, Al3 is the aluminium
cess. The dynamics of the process model are expressed as fol- ionic concentration at the mixing tank outlet, Al3 in alumin-
lows [3]: ium ionic concentration at the mixing tank inlet, Fe3 is
2C5 H12 ONCln 2Al2 ClOH5 2CaHCO3 2 ! the ferric ionic concentration at the mixing tank outlet,
Fe ferric ionic concentration at the mixing tank inlet,
2C5 H12 ON n 4AlOH3 OH 2CaCl2 4CO2 1  in2 
Ca calcium ionic concentration at the mixing tank outlet,
2FeCl 2CaHCO3 2 !2FeOH3 3CaCl2 6CO2 2 Ca calcium ionic concentration at the mixing tank inlet,
HCO3 bicarbonate ionic concentration of the efuent
CaHCO3 2 CaOH2 !2CaCO3 2H2 O 3 stream, HCO 3in bicarbonate ionic concentration of inuent
stream (raw water), qa ow rate of sudoc 3835 solution, qb
Chemical reactions in (1)(3) take place simultaneously.
Therefore, the overall chemical equation becomes: ow rate of ferric chloride solution, qc ow rate of hydrated
lime, qout ow rate of the efuent stream (chemically dosed
2C5 H12 ONCln 2Al2 ClOH5 2FeCl3 CaOH2 water), qin ow rate of the inuent stream (raw water), V vol-
ume of mixing tank, H  hydrogen ions concentration, OH 
6CaHCO3 2 !2C5 H12 ON n 2OH hydroxide ions concentration and kw dissociation constant of
2FeOH3 4AlOH3 5CaCl2 10CO2 water.
Adding (9)(12) and then subtract the sum from (13) gives:
2CaCO3 2H2 O 4          
    d HCO 3 d C5 H12 ON n d Al3 d Fe3 d Ca2
The reaction invariants of (4) are C5 H12 ON n ; Al3 ; 
 3   2        HCO C5 H12 ON n in qa  Al3
3in qin  in qa  Fein qb

Fe ; Ca ; H ; HCO  2
3 ; OH ; SO4 ; Cl  and CO3 .
     Ca2 C5 H12 ON n in qout Al3 qout
in qc
However, Cl ; SO24 and CO2 3 ions present in the system  3   2   

Fe qout Ca qout  HCO3 qout 14
do not take part in the neutralisation reactions [3]. Therefore,
the electroneutrality equation of (4) is expressed as: The material balance expression of the mixing tank reactor
C5 H12 ON n Al3 Fe3 Ca2 H 
HCO  V HCO3in qin  C5 H12 ON n in qa Al3
in qa
3 OH  5 dt
in qb  Cain qc  Xqout 15
Rewriting (5) gives:
942 O. Bello et al.

Thus, (15) can be expressed as: chemicals used for the process. This would be achieved in this
dX      3  study by manipulating the ow rates of the primary coagulants
3in qin  C5 H12 ON n in Alin qa qa , co-coagulant qb and hydrated lime reagents qc in
   2  order to keep the SC and pH values of the chemically treated
in qb  Cain qc  Xqout 16 water at the desired set point levels determined by the plants
The dissociation equation for water is operators. The main challenge in this process is the presence
of severe uctuations in the raw water quality caused by daily
H OH  kw 1014

17 and seasonal changes in weather conditions, variations in
Substituting (8) into (17) gives a quadratic expression: water dam level and demands by consumers, heavy rainfall/
oods, industrial efuents and agro-allied activities. The pres-
H   XH   kw 0 18 ence of nonlinearity in the system dynamics and varying oper-
The solutions of the equation (18) are written as: ating conditions could also affect the performance of the
r ! chemical dosing unit. These identied operational challenges
X 4kw must be handled by the control scheme to meet the water qual-
if X < 0; thenH  1 2 1
2 X ity target at the minimum operational cost. Control system for

p adequate coagulation control should meet these highlighted
if X 0; thenH  kw 19 control objectives and also keep the input and the output vari-
r !
X 4kw ables within the safe and acceptable operational limits.
if X > 0; thenH   1 2 1
2 X
2.4. Multiple model predictive control (MMPC)
The concentration of the hydrogen ions H  may be
expressed in the logarithmic function as: The deployment of model predictive control (MPC) in several
pH  log H 
20 industrial applications has been very successful as a result of its
ability to handle multivariable control problems with con-
The expression for the surface charge (SC) of the raw water straints on the system variables[16]. The principle of operation
is obtained as [3]: of MPC involves establishing the dynamic model of the system
12 to be controlled and specifying the physical constraints on the
r njT sinh 1:15pH0  pH 21 system variables. The objective of the MPC is to determine the
control input sequence that minimises a given performance
where r surface charge (SC), j Boltzman constant, T temper- index or cost function J, based on a desired output trajectory
ature,  relative dielectric permittivity, pH0 pH at point of zero over the prediction horizon P. From the calculated input
charge and n ionic strength. sequence, only the rst sample is applied to the process. The
From (16), (20) and (21), a system of differential and alge- entire procedure is repeated at the next sampling instant,
braic equations (DAE) that describes the dynamics of the according to the receding horizon strategy [7,11,23].
coagulant dosage system is formed. The surface charge and For a system with varying operating regions, the MPC is
pH are the controlled output variables while the coagulant ineffective to minimise the transition time and reduce the
ow rate qa , co-coagulant ow rate qb and pH adjustment amount of substandard products produced during transition.
chemical ow rate qc are the control input variables of the A well established approach is to decompose the full range
model. of the systems operation into a number of operating regions
or regimes. A local model and/or MPC local controller is
2.3. Control problem description developed for each region. These local model/controller pairs
are integrated together or synthesised to produce a global
The control objective of an effective control system for coagu- model and controller generally referred to as multiple model
lation in water treatment plants is to optimise the quantity of predictive control strategy [18].

Figure 2 Schematic of multiple model predictive control scheme.

Coagulation process control in water treatment plants using multiple model predictive control 943

Figure 3 Flowchart for the MMPC strategy.

944 O. Bello et al.

Table 1 Operating regions of the dosing unit.

Operating region Surface charge (leq/mg) pH Values (pH unit)
Underdose SC < 0 pH > 8
Normal 0 6 SC 6 1 105 7 6 pH 6 8
Overdose SC > 1 105 pH < 7

2.4.1. Plant description

Table 2 Process modelling parameters. In this study, it is assumed that the plant in Fig. 2 is described
by the following state space representation [19]:
Variable and symbols Values and units
Sudoc 3835 ions 0.00001 mol/L xk 1 Ap xk Bp up k Dp d
concentration, C5 H12 ON n Al3 yk Cp xk Pp d 22
Ferric ions concentration, Fe3 0.00001 mol/L where p represents plant, x 2 R ; u 2 R and y 2 Rp . d
n m
Calcium ions concentration, Ca 0.00001 mol/L denoted the plant disturbance vector. Dp and Pp represent
Bicarbonate ion concentration, HCO 0.00001 mol/L 
the dynamic matrices of the disturbance, d.
Hydrogen ion concentration, H 
Tank volume, V 29,000 L 2.4.2. Model description and state estimation
Dissociation constant of water, kw 1014
Temperature, T 298 K The model bank (comprising the N linearised models) repre-
Ionic strength, n 50 106 mol/L sents the full range of operation of the dosing unit. It can be
Relative dielectric permittivity,  80 stated as:
Boltzman constant, j 1:38x1023 J K1
xk 1 Ai xk Bi uk Di dk
yk Ci xk Pi dk
where i 1; . . . ; N; uk is the control input vector, xk is the
state vector and yk is the controlled output vector at the sam-
Table 3 Parameters specication of the model predictive pling instant k. Ai ; Bi and Ci are the model matrices. Di and Pi
control. are the model disturbance matrices. dk is the model
Parameters Values
Assume that noise is present on both the process and out-
Prediction horizon, p 15 put, the model representation is given as [24,19]:
Control horizon, m 4
Constraint: sudoc 3835 ow 0 < qa < 2 xk 1 Ai xk Bi uk Di dk wx k
Constraint: ferric chloride ow 0 < qb < 2 dk 1 dk wd k 24
Constraint: hydrated lime 0 < qc < 2
Weight: surface charge 1 yk Ci xk Pi dk vk
Weight: pH 1
where wx k; wd k and vk are white noise and normal dis-
Rate weight for input variables 0.2
tributed, with mean zero and covariance Qx ; Qd and Rv
Thus, the one-step prediction model equations are:
x^k 1jk Ai x^kjk Bi ui k Di d^kjk
The proposed MMPC-based control system for coagulation
chemical dosing unit is shown in Fig. 2. The whole full range of d^k 1jk d^kjk 25
operation of the dosing unit is divided into N operating regions y^k Ci xk Pi ui k
with N linearised models that adequately describe the behav-
iour of the each local region. MPC local controller is designed The states are estimated from the plant measurement yk by
for each local model. A switching mechanism based on a using the linear quadratic ltering techniques as:
dened criterion through which the MPC local controller tran- x^kjk x^kjk  1 Lx yk  y^kjk  1
sit from one to another as operating condition changes is 26
incorporated into the control system [24]. The selector is d^kjk d^kjk  1 Ld yk  y^kjk  1
designed to select the model that is nearest to the dynamics where Lx and Ld are the gain matrices of the steady-state Kal-
of the current state of the system. The key components of man lter.
the proposed MMPC strategy include the model identication;
and control parts. The identication part is made up of prede- 2.4.3. Control optimisation problem
ned models that cover different regions of the process and the
The MPC local controllers in the controller bank solve the
decision mechanism that selects which model has the least
quadratic optimisation problem stated as [4]:
error[15,21]. The owchart in Fig. 3 shows the step-by-step pro-
cedure for the design and simulation of the MMPC algorithm Ju min
|{z} Sy k Su k SDu k 27
proposed for the coagulation chemical dosing unit. Duk;...;DukM1
Coagulation process control in water treatment plants using multiple model predictive control 945

Figure 5 Control moves of the ow rates or input variables.

Figure 4 Set point tracking performance of the MMPC strategy To account for the plant-model mismatch, the actual refer-
on the chemical dosing unit.
ence trajectory, rk is corrected to avoid optimal control in
open-loop sense [11]. The MPC therefore is presented with
set points that use the current plant output as feedback, an
where equivalent of integral action. This estimates the plant-model
mismatch or disturbance estimate as:
y  2
S y k wj rc;j k i  yj k 1 28 ek yk  ym k 34
i1 j1
where yk and ym k are the plant and model outputs at
M nu n
X o2 instant k, respectively. The disturbance estimate is assumed
S u k wuj uj k i  1  uj  29 constant throughout the predicted horizon, P. The actual ref-
i1 j1 erence trajectory for the MPC is corrected with the disturbance
estimated to give the desired reference trajectory as:
X nDu n
M X o2
SDu k wDu rc k rk  ek 35
j Duk i  1 30
i1 j1
For the chemical dosing unit in this study that has two out-
subject to: put variables and three input variables, the weights matrix of
each MPC local controller are dened as follows.
umin 6 uk i  1 6 umax ; for i 1 to M 31
wDuj diagRDu1 ; RDu2 ; RDu3 36
Dumin 6 Duki1Duki2 6 Dumax ; for i 1 to M 32
wuj diagR1 ; R2 ; R3 37
ymin 6 yk i 6 ymax ; for i 1 to P 33
wyj diagQ1 ; Q2 38
where rc k is the vector holding the corrected reference trajec-
tory, yk jjk is the j-step ahead predicted output given the where RDu1 ; RDu2 ; RDu3 ; R1 ; R2 ; R3 ; Q1 and Q2 are the eight
present output measurements, wyj is the positive denite output weight coefcients in [0, 1] that can be adjusted by the designer
error weighting matrix, wDu is the positive semi denite input to minimise deviation of the two output variables from their
weighting matrix. uj is the nominal value of input j. set point values or track their set points satisfactorily.
The weighting matrices and the prediction horizon param-
eters, P, and the control horizon M are the tuning parameters 2.4.4. Switching mechanism
which can be used to shape the closed-loop response of the sys- The switching algorithm for the proposed MMPC strategy is
tem [25]. The choice of prediction horizon P especially when realised as follows [8,9]:
it is large improves the nominal stability of the closed loop sys-
tem. However, smaller values may easily lead to unstable sys-  Compute the performance index of each local model l
tem [23,6,14]. using:
946 O. Bello et al.

Il c1 e2l c2 Rkik0 qik0 e2l k l 2 1; N 39 in Tables 2 and 3 were used for the development and simula-
tion of the local models and MPC local controller respectively.
where c1 > 0; c2 > 0; q 2 0; 1 are tuning parameters, k0 is
the sampling instant when the change happens and 3.1. Set point tracking performance
el k yk  yl k l 1; 2; . . . ; N 40
 Calculate and compare the performance index in (40) every Fig. 4 shows the performance of the MMPC scheme when set
sampling instant. points changed abruptly at time, t = 6 h from
 Generate the switching variables S l k from 9  106 leq=mg, 7 pH) to 1:8  106 leq=mg, 9.5 pH)
0 1 and remained there for 6 h. At t = 12 h, the set point changed
and moved to 5:5  105 leq=mg, 5.5 pH) and at t = 18 h,
Sl k H@ |{z}
min Il k  Il kA 41 the set point changed nally to 5  106 leq=mg, 7.5 pH). It
l21;N is observed that the MMPC scheme tracks the changes in set
 The switching scheme is implemented by calculating and points satisfactorily. The control moves of the manipulated
comparing the performance indices every sampling instant, variables are shown in Fig. 5.
generating the switching variables S l k from (42) where
H x is the Heaviside unit step function given by: 3.2. Disturbance rejection performance

1 xP0 In the next simulation study to examine the performance of the
Hx 42
0 x<0 proposed control scheme to reject disturbances, a sinusoidal
noise (frequency of 100 rad s1) was added to the output of
3. Simulation results and discussion the chemical dosing unit. In addition, disturbances represented
by step change in the ow rates of the hydrated lime and ferric
chloride were injected to the dosing unit at t = 6 h and
In this section, simulation studies were carried out to evaluate
t = 12 h respectively. The set points were set for SC and pH
the performance of the MMPC on the chemical dosing unit.
as 0.000005 leq/mg and 7.4 respectively. Fig. 6 illustrates the
The whole operating region of the system was dened and par-
MMPC performance when perturbations were introduced to
titioned into three local operating regions as shown in Table 1.
the system. Fig. 7 shows the trajectory of the control inputs
For each of these local regions, a linearised model was devel-
to the chemical dosing unit. The simulation result shows that
oped. Using these linearised models, three MPC local control-
MMPC is robust against the added noise and step input sig-
lers were designed to control the dosing unit. The parameters
nals. It demonstrates very good ability to reject disturbances
in form of sensors measurement error, faults, change in daily
water demand and water quality variations that may occur
during the water treatment process.

Figure 6 Disturbance rejection performance of the MMPC

scheme. Figure 7 Control moves of the ow rates or input variables.
Coagulation process control in water treatment plants using multiple model predictive control 947

4. Conclusions II. Normal operating region

Operating point = 1:2 106 leq=mg 7.5 pH unit]
State space matrix:
In this study, the application of MMPC control strategy to
2 3
achieve effective coagulation control in water treatment plants 0:8923 1:523  106 3:963  107 1:982  107 5:946  107
6 7
has been demonstrated. The proposed control strategy handles 6 287:4 0:9873 0:01797 0:008983 0:0269 7
6 7
explicitly the constraints on the control inputs resulting in sat- A6
6 0 0 0 0 0 7
7 :4
6 7
isfactory performance in the presence of sudden changes in 4 0 0 0 0 0 5
chemical reagent ow rates. The main contribution of this 0 0 0 0 0
study is the control of challenging coagulation using MMPC 2 3
design. The simulation studies performed on the chemical dos- 0 0 0
6 7
ing unit show the feasibility of the MMPC to achieve better 60 0 07
6 7
performance where other conventional control strategies might B6
61 0 077 :5
be inadequate. 6 7
40 1 05
In order to extend this study that has been based on com-
0 0 1
puter simulation only. The use of a pilot plant or laboratory
scale water treatment plant would be considered to evaluate, " #
0:8923 1:523  106 3:963  107 1:982  107 5:946  107
compare and improve the performance of the proposed control C :6
287:4 0:9873 0:01797 0:008983 0:0269
Furthermore, the local models for MMPC were obtained III. Overdose operating region
by linearisation around the operating points. When the operat- Operating point = 4:76  105 leq=mg 10 pH unit]
ing points change, the linearised models will be inaccurate to State space matrix:
predict the responses of the dosing unit. In this regard, studies
2 3
will be performed to develop and use nonlinear models which 0:9243 1:602  106 6:808  108 3:404  108 1:021  107
6 7
can give better representation of the dosing unit. 6 6897
0:8626 0:0849 0:004245 0:1274 7
The switching mechanism used in this study could be fur- A6
6 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
ther improved to produce smooth transition or continuity 4 0 0 0 0 0 5
when moving from one model to another. Future work will 0 0 0 0 0
focus on using different switching techniques for the MPC :7
local controllers to improve the close-loop performance and 2 3
0 0 0
stability of the control system. 6 7
60 0 07
6 7
Acknowledgements B6
61 0 077 :8
6 7
40 1 05
The authors express their gratitude to Tshwane University of
0 0 1
Technology, Pretoria for their support. Special thanks to Prof.
" #
Guoyuan Qi and anonymous reviewers for their useful com- 0:9243 1:602  106 6:808  108 3:404  108 1:021  107
ments, and Rietvlei water treatment plant, City of Tshwane C :9
6897 0:8626 0:0849 0:004245 0:1274
for granting us permission to use their facility for this study.

Appendix A. Appendix
Operating regions of the coagulation chemical dosing unit
[1] A. Adgar, C.S. Cox, C.A. Jones, Enhancement of coagulation
control using the streaming current detector, Bioprocess Biosyst.
I. Underdose operating region Operating point = Eng. (2005) 349357.
5:73  105 leq=mg 5.9 pH unit] [2] P. Bagheri, V. Mardanlor, A. Fatehi, Multiple model predictive
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