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Nonselective blockers have been a failure in the management of

essential hypertension, because vasodilatation is compensated by

cardiac stimulation

peristalsis is only incompletely suppressed because it is primarily

regulated by local reflexes and other neurotransmitters (5-HT, enkephalin,
etc.) as well as hormones are involved.

Atropine is a potent mydriatics but its slow and long lasting action is
undesirable for refraction testing. Though the pupil dilates in 3040
min, cycloplegia takes 13 hours, and the subject is visually
handicapped for about a week The substitutes attempt to overcome
these difficulties.

Regular use of these agents for long periods should be avoided

because mucosal ciliary function is impaired: atrophic rhinitis and
anosmia can occur due to persistent vasoconstriction.

High dose of ACh given after atropine causes tachycardia and rise in BP
due to stimulation of sympathetic ganglia and release of catecholamines

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