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School Counselor: Ms. Tobias Date:

October 1, 2016

Activity:Preparing for My Future

Grade(s):8th grade

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard):

Domain: Career Development

M4: Understanding that postsecondary education and lifelong learning

are necessary for long-term career success

B-LS 9: Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to

make informed decisions

B-SMS-4: Demonstrate ability to delay immediate gratification for

long-term rewards

B-SS 1: Use effective oral and written communication skills and

listening skills

Learning Objective(s) (aligns with competency):

1.Students should be able to identify career options and related current

activities and classes.

2.Students should be able to analyze the relationship between school

activities and curriculum to career options.

3. Students should be able to read, write and discuss how current

activities and opportunities are correlated to career opportunities


Computer with internet access for students

Writing materials
Online Resource
o California CareerZone:

1) Have the students try to define the word school-based activity.

Ask for two students to try to define it and then give them the full
2) Lead a class brainstorm to create a list of school-based activities
that they currently participate in or want to do in the future.
3) Ask the students how they think school-based activities support
or help them prepare for their careers.
a. Example: Students interested in entertainment-industry
careers may want to participate in school-based arts and
humanities programs and fine art classes which can include
drama, music, or speech.
4) Next, take the students to the California CareerZone Website
( Use the Quick Assessment to
identify a list of compatible occupations:
a. From the CareerZone home page, have students click on
Assess Yourself at the top of the page.
b. Then have Students click on Quick Assessment (First one
under the Assess Yourself tab)
c. Have the student read the definition of each letter of the
wheel on the left side of the page.
d. Once they have read the choices, have them choose three
of the six choices that describe them the most.
e. Click on View Results
f. Have Students look through results until they find an
interesting occupation
g. Open that occupation and view the occupational profile
h. Students will use this information to determine which
activities best support their future occupation.
5) Once all students are looking at an occupational profile, have
them read the profile and take notes on the three sections
a. What they do
b. Things they need to know
c. Things they need to be able to do

Students will use this information to determine which school-

based activity and classes they can take during the year to
best support their future career choice.

6) Have students look on the St. Damian website or their high school
of choice and compile a list of at least three school-based
activities or classes that they are in or would like to take in the
future that would support their future career ambitions.
7) If time have a discussion about how the activities and classes
they are in now or choose to do in the future will prepare them for
their career of their choice.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: The eighth grade classroom lesson was delivered to all
39 eighth grade students in their advisory classes.

Perception Data: 100 % of students were able to connect at least three

classes and activities that they are in now to an occupation that best
fits their personality.

Outcome Data: The amount of students that miss school had

decreased from 18% to 1%.

Follow-Up: The next class the school counselor had the students look
up their intended high school and had them locate a course brochure
where all the classes are described and where the requirements to
graduate are located. They had the students plan out their four years
by planning out their course of study. That way they know what is
necessary for them to do to graduate.

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