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Natural selection Mechanism for change in populations;

occurs when organisms with favorable

variations survive, reproduce, and pass
their variations to the next generation.
Selective Breeding Selective breeding (also called artificial
selection) is the process by which
humans breed other animals and plants
for particular traits.
Internal Structure existing or situated within the limits or
surface of something: such asa (1) :
situated near the inside of the body
Adaptation An adaptation is something an organism
HAS or DOES to help it survive.
Internal Adaptation Internal Adaptions are adaptions that are
in the inside of a living organism. Ex.
Birds have hollow bones, Fish contain
Gills Xylem Supporting plant tissues that
help transport water and nutrients from
a plant's roots to its leaves
Behavioral Adaptation Evolution of a behavior that enables an
organism to respond to environmental
factors and live to produce offspring. Ex.
Migration and Hibernation
Physiology The study of internal and external
functions of living systems
Physiological Adaptation A metabolic or physiologic adjustment
within the cell, or tissues, of an organism
in response to an environmental
stimulus resulting in the improved ability
of that organism to cope with its
changing environment. For example, the
adaptation of horses' teeth to the
grinding of grass, or their ability to run
fast and escape predators. The camels
produce concentrated urine compared to
other mammals as it has to reduce the
water loss, this is a kind of physiological
adaptation as the kidney of camels are
designed in a such a way that the
wastage of water is minimum.
External adaptation An external adaptation is an adaptation
that is outside of your body. For example
Dark fur to blend into trees. An adaption
is what you adapt to so you live longer.
Migration Movement to a different geographical or
climate region where food is more
Hibernation A slowed physiological state of an
organism to survive long periods of cold
temperature or reduced food supplies
Variation A distinct feature, behavior or physiology
of the organism that occurs to
individuals within a population or species
Traits A characteristic that an organism can
pass on to its offspring through its
Species A group of organisms capable of
interbreeding and producing fertile
Gills The paired respiratory organ of fishes
and some amphibians, by which oxygen
is extracted from water flowing over
surfaces within or attached to the walls
of the pharynx.
Bulb A short, modified, underground stem
surrounded by usually fleshy modified
leaves that contain stored food for the
shoot within: an onion bulb; a tulip bulb.
Asexual form of reproduction
Xylem Transports water from the roots
throughout the plant
Phloem Moves food from where it is made to
other parts of the plant
Hollow Having a hole or empty space inside
Surface Area The total area outside part or uppermost
layer of something

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