Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Mellitus.4

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Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Mellitus Associated With

Antiretroviral Use in HIV-Infected Patients:
Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment Options
Pablo Tebas, MD

frank diabetes.5,6 According to the American Diabetes Asso-

Abstract: The contribution of current antiretroviral treatment ciation (ADA) classification criteria, type 2 diabetes results
regimens to the long-term survival of HIV-infected individuals is from a progressive defect in insulin secretion on a background
accompanied by increased risk of glucose metabolism abnormalities of insulin resistance.7 The risk of type 2 diabetes increases
in this patient population. The risk of insulin resistance and diabetes with age, obesity, and lack of physical activityrisk factors
in HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral treatment stems from that can also affect HIV-positive individuals. Other risk factors
2 sources: exposure to the same environmental factors that have led for developing type 2 diabetes include having a first-degree
to an increased incidence of these conditions in the general popu- relative with diabetes; being a member of a high-risk ethnic
lation and the negative effects on glucose metabolism inherent to population (eg, African American, Latino, Native American,
components of antiretroviral treatment regimens. This article reviews Asian American, and Pacific Islander); hypertension (blood
the pathogenesis and diagnosis of insulin resistance and diabetes and pressure $140/90 mm Hg); HDL-C ,35 mg/dL and/or
the contribution of components of antiretroviral therapy regimens to a triglyceride level .250 mg/dL; impaired glucose tolerance
increased risk for these conditions. Optimization of antiretroviral or fasting glucose on previous tests; a history of cardiovascular
treatment regimens for HIV-infected patients with or at increased risk disease and/or other conditions associated with insulin resis-
for development of abnormalities in glucose metabolism is discussed. tance; and, for women, a past diagnosis of gestational diabetes,
Key Words: antiretrovirals, diabetes mellitus, metabolic effects, delivery of a baby weighing more than 9 lb, or presence of
metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease polycystic ovarian syndrome.7 The pathology associated with
diabetes results primarily from a loss of glycemic control,
(J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2008;49:S86S92) leading to abnormally increased levels of blood glucose.8 As is
also true for the general population, the high insulin levels and
insulin resistance frequently seen in HIV-positive individuals
INTRODUCTION are also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
The metabolic syndrome is a constellation of findings events that are independent of lipoprotein levels; for every
that encompasses defects in glucose metabolism, lipid meta- standard deviation increase in insulin levels, the risk for
bolism, and hypertension, with abdominal obesity and insulin cardiovascular events increases by a factor of 1.6 (1.12.3).9
resistance playing a central role in its pathogenesis. Depending
on the definition used, it is estimated that 25%40% of THE METABOLIC SYNDROME AND DIABETES
American adults have the metabolic syndrome,1,2 a diagnosis IN HIV-INFECTED PATIENTS
of which requires the presence of at least 3 of the following The success of highly active antiretroviral therapy
components: impaired glucose tolerance, hypertension, ele- (HAART) has resulted in the prolongation of life for HIV-
vated waist circumference or waist-hip ratio, and high trigly- positive individuals. This, in turn, has exposed this population
ceride and/or low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) to the same environmental factors that have led to an epidemic
levels.3 The presence of the metabolic syndrome increases the of obesity and diabetes in the general population of developed
risk of cardiovascular disease 3-fold4 and the development of societies.1,10 In addition, the side effects inherent to many
antiretroviral treatments can also significantly contribute to the
From the AIDS Clinical Trials Unit, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. development of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. A recent
Disclosure: Dr. Tebas has received grant/research support from Boehringer study evaluated the risk of developing metabolic syndrome for
Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & up to 3 years postinitiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART).
Co., Inc., Pfizer Inc, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Schering-Plough, Tibotec Before ART, 8.5% of patients were diagnosed with metabolic
Pharmaceuticals Limited, VGX Pharmaceuticals Inc., and VIRxSYS.
He is a consultant for Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb syndrome as per the criteria of the National Cholesterol
Company, Merck & Co., Inc., Tibotec Pharmaceuticals Limited, and VGX Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation,
Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, Third
Correspondence to: Pablo Tebas, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Report (NCEP). During follow-up, 234 patients progressed to
University of Pennsylvania, Principal Investigator, AIDS Clinical Trials
Unit, 8 Penn Tower, 34th and Civic Center Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA metabolic syndrome that was significantly associated with
19104-4283 (e-mail: increased risk of both cardiovascular disease and type 2
Copyright 2008 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins diabetes.2 Several other studies have demonstrated that patients

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J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 49, Supplement 2, September 1, 2008 Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Mellitus with ART

with HIV infection are also at increased risk of developing the effect on glucose metabolism of individual protease
diabetes compared with the general population.11,12 inhibitors varies dramatically and is best compared in studies
An assumption has been made that persons with of HIV-seronegative individuals as these compounds can be
the metabolic syndrome receiving HAART are at similar given alone in a very controlled environment, removing the
cardiovascular risk compared with HIV-seronegative individ- effects of other drugs and any contribution of the HIV
uals with metabolic syndrome, but the phenotype often differs infection itself.
between these 2 populations. In particular, HIV-infected Murata et al22 demonstrated several years ago that the
individuals tend to have significant peripheral lipoatrophy that protease inhibitors indinavir, ritonavir, and amprenavir directly
contributes to insulin resistance and elevated waist-hip ratio. affect glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by selectively
The frequency of this syndrome among HIV-positive inhibiting the transport function of Glut4. Indinavir and
individuals varies according to the definition used in indi- ritonavir have been found to impair the activation of sterol
vidual studies and the patients ethnic background, consistent regulatory elementbinding protein 1 (SREBP-1) in adipose
with findings in the general population. The prevalence of and hepatic cells, resulting in abnormal intranuclear accumu-
metabolic syndrome in HIV-infected individuals has been lation of this protein and a later dysregulation of adipocyte
reported as 18% in Spain,13 14%18% in a multinational differentiation, glucose, and lipid metabolism.23,24 Additional
study,14 and 26% in a North American study.15 In general, the support for this effect has been demonstrated by a reduced
prevalence among HIV-positive patients has not been reported expression of peroxisome proliferatoractivated receptor-g
as higher than that among HIV-uninfected persons living in the (PPAR-g), which is activated by SREBP-1 and a decreased
same community. expression of PPAR-g-dependent adipocytokines and insulin-
Recent studies also suggest that HIV-infected individ- signaling molecules in fatty tissues of protease inhibitor
uals on HAART are developing diabetes at increasing rates12,16 treated patients compared with HIV-seronegative controls.25
and are likely to have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.17 Nelfinavir has been shown to reduce active SREBP-1 in the
Thus, these observations lend support to the notion that nucleus and the levels of receptors for low-density lipoprotein
the metabolic syndrome is likely to predict a higher risk of (LDL) and LDL receptorrelated protein that are intrinsic to
diabetes and cardiovascular disease in patients on HAART.2 lipoprotein catabolism and vessel wall maintenance, suggest-
As is true for the general population, by far the most frequent ing this as the mechanism for promotion of hypercholester-
diabetic phenotype associated with HIV infection is type 2 olemia by this drug.26
diabetes.18 Among the protease inhibitors, indinavir has been asso-
ciated with rapid and dramatic effects on glucose metabolism.
A single dose of indinavir given to healthy, HIV-seronegative
EFFECTS OF ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUGS ON volunteers led to a significant decrease in insulin-mediated
INSULIN RESISTANCE glucose disposal, a very sensitive marker of insulin resistance.27
The administration of indinavir to healthy HIV-seronegative
Studies evaluating the metabolic effects of antiretro-
volunteers for a period of 4 weeks also was associated with the
viral drugs are conducted initially in in vitro systems and
development of insulin resistance that was independent of any
animal models. These studies do not always extrapolate well to
changes in body composition.28
humans and have a somewhat limited value in clinical practice;
Data on the effects of nelfinavir on insulin resistance are
however, they are critical for elucidation of the molecular
more limited because no studies have administered this drug
mechanism(s) of the side effects of these medications. Among
to healthy volunteers in the absence of other drugs or factors.
antiretrovirals, the only class that has been associated with
In the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 5005,29 the admin-
direct effects on glucose metabolism is the protease inhibitors.
istration of nelfinavir was not associated with changes in the
The other classes of antiretroviral drugs exert their effects on
reciprocal index of homeostasis model assessmentinsulin
glucose metabolism indirectly by affecting changes to body
resistance (HOMA-IR), which is derived from fasting plasma
composition. The effects of nucleoside reverse transcriptase
glucose (FPG) and insulin levels (surrogate markers for insulin
inhibitors (NRTIs), particularly stavudine, on glucose metab-
olism are more indirect and related to lipoatrophy as a con-
Unboosted amprenavir had very modest effects on
sequence of long-term use.19 However, results of a recent study
glucose metabolism in a cohort of 14 HIV-infected individuals
of NRTI therapy with zidovudine or stavudine in 20 HIV-
initiated on antiretroviral treatment.31 In a large randomized
negative individuals indicated a significant dysregulation in
study of ritonavir-boosted fosamprenavir (the prodrug of
expression of lipid and mitochondrial genes after only 6 weeks
amprenavir), abnormalities in glucose levels were experienced
of therapy, without accompanying changes in body composition.20
by approximately 1% of the patient population.32 In treatment-
naive patients, a favorable lipid profile is generally seen for
Protease Inhibitors fosamprenavir.33
The frequent reports of diabetes and insulin resistance In a study of lopinavir/ritonavir administered for 4
during the initial years of availability of potent ART led the US weeks to HIV-negative men, although clear changes in lipid
Food and Drug Administration in 1997 to issue a class label parameters were detected, changes in glucose metabolism
warning to all protease inhibitors indicating that physicians were not induced, as measured by hyperinsulinemic clamp.34
should closely monitor patients for hyperglycemia and dia- However, in a larger study, 10 days of treatment with
betes mellitus potentially associated with their use.21 However, lopinavir/ritonavir was associated with increases in HOMA-IR

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Tebas J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 49, Supplement 2, September 1, 2008

and a 25% decrease in insulin sensitivity in healthy HIV- HCV. In a large cross-sectional study, the association between
negative volunteers,35 suggesting that this combination may HCV and diabetes in HIV-infected individuals remained
have some effect on glucose metabolism, albeit more modest significant after adjusting for body mass index and family
than those of indinavir. history of diabetes (odds ratio = 3.7, 95% confidence interval:
Atazanavir has the reputation of being the most lipid 1.3 to 11.1, P = 0.02).46 In patients coinfected with HCV/HIV,
neutral of the protease inhibitors. Atazanavir did not induce increased insulin resistance, higher rates of diabetes, and lower
insulin resistance after 5 days of administration to healthy low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) values were seen
HIV-negative volunteers.36 Ritonavir-boosted atazanavir, the versus those without HCV after initiation of ART using NRTI
most common method of using atazanavir, was not associated treatment regimens with and without nonnucleoside reverse
with significant changes in insulin sensitivity after 10 days of transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs).47 Thus, HIV/HCV coin-
administration to healthy HIV-negative adults.35 In a large study fected individuals are at a higher risk of developing insulin
of atazanavir in HIV-infected individuals, no changes in glucose resistance and diabetes while on treatment, warranting close
or insulin were detected after 48 weeks of administration.37 monitoring of these patients.
In a recently completed trial of HIV-infected, antiretroviral-
naive individuals, saquinavir was not associated with changes Nonantiretroviral Drugs
in glucose disposal measured by clamps, although the small Drugs used for the management of complications of
sample size of the study (16 patients) may have limited the HIV infection may be associated with worsening insulin
ability of investigators to detect small changes.38 resistance or diabetes; these agents include niacin for the
The effects of darunavir on metabolic parameters were treatment of hyperlipidemia,48 steroids for the management of
similar to those of boosted atazanavir in a 28-day study of some comorbid infections or immune reconstitution syn-
49 healthy volunteers, which did not include intensive clamp drome, and thiazides for the management of hypertension.
measurments,39 demonstrating that this newer protease in- These drugs should be used with caution or alternatives con-
hibitor is among those with fewer adverse effects on the sidered for HIV-infected patients at high risk for developing
metabolic profile. diabetes.
Data on the glucose effects of tipranavir are more
limited. In a recent study of 140 HIV-positive, antiretroviral-naive
individuals comparing tipranavir/ritonavir with lopinavir/ritonavir, MANAGING DIABETES IN PATIENTS WITH
the effects of both combinations were similar on glucose HIV INFECTION
metabolism and other metabolic parameters and dependent on Patients with HIV infection are more likely to develop
the dose of ritonavir administered (100 vs. 200 mg).40 diabetes mellitus than the general population19; data from the
Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) population indicate
Nucleoside Analogs a relative risk as high as 4 for the development of this
Evidence generally suggests that nucleoside analogs condition.12 The care of patients with diabetes is complex and
exert their effects on glucose metabolism indirectly, through often requires a multidisciplinary team approach that includes
changes in body composition and mitochondrial toxicity.19 physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, nutritionists, and
However, a recent study showed that stavudine, administered pharmacists.7 Many HIV treatment providers are also the
for 4 weeks to healthy volunteers, was associated with modest primary care providers for their patients whereas others are
decreases in glucose disposal ratio as measured by hyper- providing only specialty care. This is an important consider-
insulinemic euglycemic clamp when compared with placebo. ation when managing a long-term disease like diabetes; if
This suggests that the effects of nucleoside analogs may be a clinical practice is not providing primary care to the HIV-
more direct than previously thought. However, these acute infected patient, then the practice should ensure that diabetes is
changes in glucose disposal were small.41 managed effectively elsewhere.
Other Antiretrovirals DiabetesEstablishing the Diagnosis
Two of the newer antiretroviral drug classes, chemokine According to ADA guidelines,7 an individual with an
receptor 5 (CCR5) antagonists and integrase inhibitors, seem FPG level of at least 126 mg/dL has diabetes and an individual
to have a more favorable metabolic profile than their pre- with an FPG between 110 and 125 mg/dL has impaired fasting
decessors. Preliminary reports from the large pivotal trials glucose (IFG) (Table 1). The oral glucose tolerance test,
MOTIVATE and BENCHMRK suggest that maraviroc and although more sensitive and specific than FPG, is not
raltegravir are not associated with any significant metabolic recommended for routine clinical use but may be required
effects.4244 Further studies are needed to confirm these data. for the diagnosis of diabetes in some patients with IFG or in
women with gestational diabetes.7
OTHER CONTRIBUTORS TO INSULIN Measurement of FPG levels is the preferred test to
RESISTANCE IN HIV-INFECTED INDIVIDUALS diagnose diabetes and IFG in children and nonpregnant adults.
Unless the patient has unequivocal hyperglycemia, an
Comorbid Hepatitis C Virus Infection abnormal test should be confirmed by repeat testing on
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has also been a different day.7 As HIV-positive patients are at high risk for
associated with insulin resistance.45 The data are compelling the development of insulin resistance and diabetes, this test
that this is also true in HIV-infected patients coinfected with should be repeated periodically, as often as yearly, especially

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J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 49, Supplement 2, September 1, 2008 Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Mellitus with ART

TABLE 1. Definitions of Abnormal Glucose Metabolism7

Fasting After OGTT (75-g Glucose Load) Comments
Normal ,100 mg/dL ,140 mg/dL Fasting defined as $8 h from last meal
Prediabetes IFG: 100125 mg/dL Impaired glucose tolerance:
2-h postglucose 140199 mg/dL
Diabetes mellitus Fasting glucose $126 mg/dL 2-h postglucose $200 mg/dL Symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia, and weight loss)
and a casual glucose of $200 mg/dL is
diagnostic of diabetes
OGTT, oral glucose tolerance test.

among individuals with other genetic predispositions to limited for these new agents, and it might not be possible to
diabetes and those with high cardiovascular risk or obesity.18 evaluate the tropism of the virus in an individual with well-
Individuals with IFG and diabetes are at higher controlled viral replication. Although switch studies have
cardiovascular risk; diabetes is a cardiovascular risk equivalent demonstrated significant reductions in lipid levels, their benefit
that modifies goals for lipids and blood pressure.49 The goal has been more limited in improving glucose parameters.50
of treatment is to improve glycemic control and to maintain
glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb A1C) levels below 7%.7 Aggres- Lifestyle Change-Based Interventions
sive targets for blood pressure (,130/80 mm Hg) and lipid At the present time, overweight and obese individuals
levels should be established (LDL-C ,100 mg/dL). Tri- constitute a much larger segment of the HIV-infected
glyceride and HDL levels also may be targeted49 but reaching population than patients with wasting syndrome.51 As with
these goals may be very difficult in this population. Low-dose individuals in the general population, an obese patient with
aspirin should be considered for all patients. HIV should be advised about the benefits of weight loss and
In patients with IFG or established diabetes, a medical regular physical activity; this is applicable not only to patients
history should be taken that evaluates the individual for the with high risk of diabetes but also to individuals who have
presence of diabetic complications such as retinopathy, already developed IFG or frank diabetes. There is considerable
nephropathy, neuropathy, cardiovascular disease, peripheral evidence that lifestyle changes, including changes in diet (eg,
vascular disease, sexual dysfunction, and gastroparesis. The calorie restriction and reduction in intake of carbohydrates,
physical examination should include blood pressure testing, saturated fats, and cholesterol) and increased physical activity
fundoscopy, thyroid palpation, evaluation of the skin, testing can help reverse the progression to type 2 diabetes and
for evidence of neuropathy, and palpation of distant pulses.7 improve glycemic control in individuals already diagnosed
The laboratory workup should include measurements of with the condition.7,5254 In a randomized study, aggressive
Hb A1C, fasting lipids, liver function, microalbuminuria, lifestyle modification was more effective than metformin in
creatinine clearance calculation, and thyroid-stimulating preventing the development of diabetes in individuals with
hormone. Appropriate referrals should be made to ophthal- elevated fasting glucose55; however, adherence to lifestyle
mologists, family planners, and diabetes educators.7 changes is difficult to maintain over time. The expected
improvement in Hb A1C levels in individuals who are able to
follow lifestyle modification recommendations is 1%2%,
MANAGING DIABETES IN THE similar to goals that are attainable with some drug regimens.
Pharmacologic Treatment of Diabetes
Optimization of HIV Treatment Regimens in A detailed discussion of the management of patients
Patients With Diabetes with diabetes is beyond the scope of this review. The ADA
If an HIV-positive patient has diabetes or is at high risk periodically updates its recommendations for the management
for it, then consideration should be given to initiation of an of individuals with glucose metabolism impairments,7 and the
HIV treatment regimen less associated with the development same standards of care used in the general population should
of this complication. Individual protease inhibitors most be applied to patients with HIV infection.
associated with development of insulin resistance should be If modification of a patients lifestyle is not successful
avoided. If IFG or diabetes has occurred while on therapy, then for reaching Hb A1C goals, then metformin should be
the substitution of one or several of the components of the considered as first-line therapy,7,56 particularly in patients with
antiretroviral regimen with another agent that is less associated visceral obesity. Metformin has been used in patients with HIV
with this particular metabolic complication is reasonable. For infection and was particularly effective in a small cohort of
example, if the patient is receiving indinavir, then a consid- individuals with abdominal obesity.57,58 However, metformin
eration should be made to substitute it (if possible, based on should be used with caution in patients with renal failure or
antiretroviral history and resistance testing) with an NNRTI, history of lactic acidosis. Because the use of this drug is
another protease inhibitor less associated with insulin re- associated with weight loss,56 its use in HIV-infected patients
sistance, or a drug from one of the new drug classes (CCR5 might exacerbate lipoatrophy. Usually a low metformin dosage
antagonists or integrase inhibitors), even though data are of 500 mg twice a day is initiated and, if needed, gradually

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Tebas J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 49, Supplement 2, September 1, 2008

increased to the maximum tolerated dose of 23 g daily. often called upon to treat the metabolic syndrome or diabetes
The expected improvement in Hb A1C levels with the use in their patients or be able to recognize these disorders for
of metformin is 1.5%.59 Thiazolidinediones (including the patient referral to an appropriate expert. In either circum-
glitazones rosiglitazone and pioglitazone) can be added to stance, keeping informed of the metabolic risks and latest
the treatment regimen if Hb A1C goals are not reached or they standards of care for metabolic syndrome and diabetes is
can be used as first-line therapy if the patient has significant essential to maximizing care of the HIV-infected patient.
lipoatrophy. In a study of HIV-infected patients with hyper-
insulinemia and increased waist-hip ratio, combination therapy
with metformin and rosiglitazone was not much better at
reversing lipoatrophy than either drug alone.58 Rosiglitazone REFERENCES
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