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San Antonio, Texas 78201
Cell 210 363-5979

Work Experience:

September, 2000 - to present

The Center for Health Care Services
Bexar County Mental Health Authority
San Antonio, Texas

Current: Director, Communications and Diversion Initiatives

Administers, directs, and coordinates internal and external communication activities of

the Center for Health Care Services. Is responsible for the development of strategic
community collaborations for local, State and National intergovernmental relations and
sets direction for the dissemination of Center’s Crisis and jail diversion programs in
adherence with the Center’s established vision and mission statement.
Summary of Responsibilities and Accomplishments

Specifically brought in to address the transformation of a failing Center in 2000 and to

develop a series of initiatives addressing a fragmented public safety net, uncoordinated
crisis services and to establish a community-wide stakeholder collaborative to address the
criminalization of persons with mental illness and the inappropriate use of hospital
emergency rooms by persons which are justice involved. Responsible for the
development and implementation of the Bexar County Jail Diversion and Crisis Services
Plan, formally launched in 2003.
Under his direction, the Center for Health Care Services has facilitated
a community collaboration to address the needs of persons in
psychiatric crisis, thus diverting them from jails, emergency rooms,
and state prisons. The Center for Health Care Services has received
the 2006 American Psychiatric Association’s Gold Award for
Community Program Innovation, and the National Council for
Community Behavioral Healthcare “Service Excellence Award.” The
Center has also been highlighted in Mental Health Weekly, Behavioral
Healthcare, and the SAMHSA Newsletter. The Center has also received
SAMHSA Target Capacity Expansion (TCE) Grants for Jail Diversion, and
has conducted an Economic Cost Benefit Analysis of the Jail Diversion
Program. The Center has also been visited by all state delegations
and several countries.
Duties also included the development and growth of the collaborative
initiative known as the Crisis Intervention Team Training concept
which focuses on skills development and resource identification for
local law enforcement officers. Originally begun in 2002, this program
has brought together Police, Sheriff , Mental Health and Community
Stakeholder in quarterly week long training sessions and has trained
over 800 peace officers in Bexar County. As Conference Chair, on June

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1-3, 2010 a successful 1st International Crisis Intervention Team
conference was completed bringing together 1,300 law enforcement,
mental health, advocacy and county governmental representatives
from all over the Nation and multiple foreign countries.

Current External Memberships

• Member - National Leadership Forum for Mental Health and Criminal Justice
Services, Community Mental Health Services (CMHS) National GAINS Center’s
Leadership Forum for Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Services, Federal
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Washington DC
Federal Reviewer – Jail Diversion Programs, Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration (SAMHSA), Washington DC
Federal Reviewer – Transformational Programs, SAMHSA, Washington DC
Member – National Residential Programs Review, The Gains Center, Delmar New York
Co-Chair - National Association of County Mental Health Disability Directors,
Corrections and Justice Committee, Washington DC
Member - Texas Transformation, Community Collaborative – Department of State
Health and Human Services and the Texas Health Institute, Austin Texas
Board Member - Alamo Area Council of Government – Criminal Justice Council, San
Antonio, Texas
• Member and Graduate, Class VI – The Masters Leadership Program; United Way
- the Masters Leadership Program (MLP) of San Antonio and Bexar County has
as its mission to educate, inform and introduce new leadership to local boards,
advisory committees and task forces of nonprofit, civic and public agencies and
organizations across the community.


1980 Master of Arts (Clinical Psychology)

Trinity University
San Antonio, Texas

1976 Master of Public Service

Western Kentucky University
Bowlingreen, Kentucky

1974 Bachelor of Arts (Political Science)

Trinity University
San Antonio, Texas


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Professional Counselor (LPC) #09299 by the Texas State Board of Examiners of
Professional Counselors. (Inactive Status).

Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC) #2633 by the Texas Certification

Board of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors. (Inactive Status)


Certified Chemical Dependency Specialist (CCDS) by the Texas Certification Board of

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, Texas Department of Health, Austin, Texas

Certified Ericksonian Clinical Hypnotherapist by New York Institute for Ericksonian

Hypnotherapy, New York, New York

Certified Trauma Resolution Therapist by the Houston Trauma Resolution Center,

Houston, Texas

Certified Supervisor of Trauma Resolution Therapists by the Houston Trauma Resolution

Center Houston, Texas

Certified Neuro-Associative Conditioning Specialist by Robbins Research International,

San Diego, CA

Certification, Distance Learning - Multimedia, Internet, Satellite, CTLD Center for

Technology and Distance Learning, North Harris County Montgomery College, The
Woodlands, Texas


August 2008 to present– Director, Communications and Diversion Initiatives, the Center
for Health Care Services.

January 2008 – Member, Community Mental Health Services (CMHS) National GAINS
Center’s Leadership Forum for Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Services, Federal
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Washington DC

February 2007 – Chief of Development and Community Action, CHCS. Responsible for
resource development, building and coordinating local, state and National collaboratives
for the community at large, the Center for Health Care Services and State and National

Responsible for Resource Development, the National Center for Behavioral HealthCare
(501c3), Community Relations, Consumer and Family Support Collaboratives,
Community Promotions, Improved Governmental and Corporate Relations, Community
Initiatives, Public Communications and Education.

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February 2007 - Executive Director of the National Center for Behavioral Healthcare, a
501c3 organization (and resource component of CHCS) who’s focus is the promotion of
public policy development, research, leadership and skills training, technology transfer
and community education..

January 2006 – Chairman, Corrections Committee of the National Association of County

Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHD), Washington DC

April 2005 to February 2007

Director Jail Diversion Initiatives and Crisis Services, Center for Health Care Services,
San Antonio, Texas.

The primary responsibility of this position was the development of program, policy and
implementation for community wide jail diversion services. These services are for
persons with mental illness who come in contact with law enforcement and for offenders
with mental impairments within Bexar County and the City of San Antonio, Texas. The
jail diversion programs which have been developed have received the American
Psychiatric Associations “Gold Award” for Program Innovation and the National
“Program Service Excellence Award” from the National Council of Behavioral
Healthcare. Additional responsibilities include budget projections and overview, grants
management, the convening of stakeholders meetings, identification of policy, program
development, and the preparation of progress and process reports to local, State and
Federal Officials.

May 2003
Program Director, Sano Y Salvo (Safe and Sound): Jail Diversion Program, Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Targeted Capacity Expansion Grants.
Reponsible for operations, budgets and interaction with City, County, State and National
entities in building community collaboratives

July 2002
SAMHSA Grant Reviewer, CMHS Targeted Expansion Grant – Jail Diversion July 22-
26, 2002

December 2002
SAMHSA Grant Reviewer, CMHS Targeted Expansion Grant – Jail Diversion December
2-6, 2002

May 2002
Director, Forensic Services, Center for Health Care Services, San Antonio, Texas.
Responsible for the development and implementation of a Community County wide
action plan related to the identification, screening, treatment and inappropriate
incarceration of adult offenders with mental illness.

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October 2001
Director, Outpatient and Residential Services, Center for Health Care Services, San
Antonio, Texas. Responsible for operations of all CHCS outpatient community service
centers and residential facilities to include Crisis and specialty forensic units working
with offenders with mental impairments.

September 2000
Director, Safety Net, Center for Health Care Services, San Antonio, Texas. Safety Net
Services are composed of emergency psychiatric services provided to all citizens of
Bexar County 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Safety Net Services are
designed to avoid unnecessary hospitalization while providing treatment in a least
restrictive and cost efficient alternative. The Safety Net also focuses on Jail Diversion
program development to include Community, Legal System and Law enforcement
partnerships in City/County wide jurisdictions. Additionally, Safety Net Services include
telephone intervention and referral services, mobile crisis response teams, mental health
deputies' response teams, psychiatric walk-in assessment and screening, emergency
respite facilities, emergency vouchers for shelter or respite, emergency transportation
other than 911, inpatient psychiatric services other than State Facilities and as a last
resort, inpatient treatment at a State Facility.

April 1999
Department Head, Multiple Information Systems, Adult Mental Health, MHMRA.
Access, development and liaison client production data systems AMH Mental Health
division of the Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County.
Responsible for data systems conversion/implementation, reports, design, training
(approximately 500 multidisciplinary staff), needs assessment, provider management, and
decision support.

1998 to March 1999

Department Head/Director, Community Service Centers, Adult Mental Health, Mental
Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County. Responsible for the management
of three community service centers comprised of multiple multidisciplinary health care
teams and support staff dedicated to service delivery of mental health services to 3,600
consumers with significant mental health issues.

• Ripley Community Service Center, Operating Budget 2.1 million

• Bayshore Community Service Center, Operating Budget 2.0 million
• Expanded Region (including) Southeast Community Service Center, Operating
Budget 3.2 million.

Social Media and PC Systems analyst: Designed structure, training and implemented
Oracle based "scheduling" software program for MHMRA servicing over 300 direct
service staff and approximately 30,000 consumers. Design and Implementation of social
media technology; Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, My Space, Network of Care etc.

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Founding Member - The Hispanic Mental Disabilities Task Force

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology, North Harris County College, North Harris
Montgomery College District. Email address:

1994 to 1997
Department Head/Director, Combined Regions Ripley CSC and Bayshore Community
Service Centers, MHMRA

Conference organizer/presenter - Cross Cultural Issues in Service delivery.

1993 to 1994
Director, Ripley Community Service Center MHMRA. Converted Center to the Regional

February 1993
Director, Northwest Community Service Center, MHMRA of Harris County.
Spearheaded the development, implementation and conversion of the largest mental
health clinic in Texas (census 1,700 clients) from a standard clinic to a new regional
model incorporating several innovative and major system adjustments to include recent
managed care initiatives, Medicaid and Medicare changes.

1. Established centralized services for Consumers via an integrated service system.

2. Increased access for current and future consumers while maintaining a consumer
focused approach. 3. Developed and implemented a crisis triage walk in capability for the
Center (the first of its kind). 4. Implemented a Team Based Model. Developed specialty
teams. 5. Implemented a consolidated One Stop/One Call/One Record for One Consumer
system of service delivery. This entailed the consolidation of casemanagers, clinic staff,
psychosocial, residential and supportive housing, and continuity of care workers, all of
which were under different departments. 6. Redesigned delivery of services to include
daily team staffing, outreach, crisis management, and flow of service following the
Managed Care model for private practice. 7. Fully converted the Center to Electronic
Scheduling (Unix based network system). Responsible for training and implementation of
scheduling system.

1989 to 1993
Private practice with focus on Individual, Group and Family Therapy (Bilingual -
Spanish). Areas of concentration:

Organizational/Program Development and Consultation, Brief Therapy, Trauma

Resolution, Clinical Hypnotherapy and stress management.

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Psychology, North Harris County College -Psychology.

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Consultant- Houston Police Academy. Instructing police cadets on the identification of
and interaction with the mentally ill.

Consultant- The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Consulted on the

processing of and mental health issues with undocumented juveniles in the custody of the
US Government.

Consultant- Houston Metro Transit System. Consulted on the identification of and

interaction with the mentally ill.

Consultant-Allied Staff North West Memorial Hospital, Houston Texas. Worked with
varied mental health issues and did individual/family counseling.

Consultant-Allied Staff Gulf Pine Psychiatric Hospital, Houston Texas. Worked with
varied program development and mental health issues including alcohol and drug abuse.

Consultant-Undocumented Juvenile Foster Care Program, Catholic Charities, Houston

Texas. Program development, ongoing review, and foster care consultation. Performed on
going screening, individual and group therapy, crisis management, staff development and
placement recommendations.

Consultant- Jefferson Davis High School, Communities in School, Houston Independent

School District. Performed crisis counseling, individual work with at risk children and
their families, adolescent group therapy and teacher/counselor consultation.

1988 to 1989
Coordinator of Hispanic Programs, HCA Gulf Pines Hospital. Responsible for the
development and implementation of a psychiatric program geared especially to the mono
and bilingual Spanish speaking populations. Lectured extensively on mental health and
drug abuse issues in Mexico and Texas.

Director of Adult Psychiatric Services, HCA Gulf Pines Hospital, Houston Texas.
Responsible for quality control and service delivery of Clinical services for the 140 bed
psychiatric hospital.

1985 to 1988-
Director, Ripley Mental Health Clinic, Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of
Harris County. Responsible for service delivery, program implementation and
administration. Ripley MHC provides a full range of psychiatric services which include
mental health maintenance services such as psychiatric assessment, medication,
psychotherapy (individual, group and family), and psychosocial rehabilitative services.

1984 - 1985
Program Coordinator, LakeView Acres 20 Bed Residential PsychoSocial Rehabilitation
Program, Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County. Developed and

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implemented a 24 hour 7 day rehabilitation program for selected adult chronic mental
health patients from the TXMHMR Austin State Hospital, Austin Texas.

1982 - 1984
Assistant Unit Director, Forensic Psychiatric Services Mental Health Mental Retardation
Authority of Harris County. The Forensic Psychiatric Unit is located on the maximum
security Mental Health ward of the Harris County Jail. This is a maximum-security jail
setting providing 24/7 basic psychiatric services to the jail population.

Staff Psychologist /Treatment Team Leader. Responsible for psychological evaluations,

reports, crisis management and daily individual/group therapy with prison inmates.

1980 - 1982
Teaching Assistant: Graduate Level Diagnostic Evaluation Course (Fall and Spring).
Taught Projective testing techniques to first year graduate students.

Instructor of Psychology for U.S. Army, Introduction to Psychology Ft. Sam Houston,
San Antonio Texas.

Internship:Audy Murphy Veterans Hospital: vocational rehabilitation testing.

Group Leader for "Contact"- a crisis intervention telephone hotline, San Antonio Texas.

1979 - 1980
Practicum: Acute Psychotic and Schizophrenic Hispanic Ward, San Antonio State
Hospital: Supervised field placement, did individual testing and therapy. Conducted
research on Acculturation and Testing on the Hispanic Psychiatric Patient.

Mental Health Technician, Psychiatric Ward Veterans Hospital, Louisville Kentucky.

Specific Technical Skills

(1) Administer, score and interpret multiple psychological instruments,
(2) Fluent in reading, writing and administering the above in Spanish,
(3) Clinical Individual and Group Psychotherapy in English and Spanish,
(4) Information Technology -Thorough knowledge of Basic/Advanced PC operations and
business applications, webmaster and Internet Distance Learning technologies.

Experienced with analyzing, developing, training and supporting computer systems for
new applications and modifying current systems to meet user requirements allowing the
effective utilization of data production systems.


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1974 - 1978 U.S.ARMY INFANTRY 1st Lieutenant, Honorable Discharge. Military
Occupational Specialty "Instructor". Conducted needs analysis, developed and
implemented a bilingual training and reading program for Spanish speaking recruits and
slow learners. Developed and systems engineered an intensive eight week training
program for the Reserve Officers Training Corps, US Army. The program was later
adopted as a training guide and standard for both Basic and Reserve Officer Training.

Commanded U.S.Army Personnel Control Facility. Responsible for processing, Court

Martial and/or return to duty of personnel who deserted or remained absent without
official leave. Reduced overall processing administrative time by 50% resulting in an
annual savings of $500,000 (in 1976 dollars). Returned more AWOL deserters to duty
than any of the five sister control facilities.

Interpreter for Commanding General and command staff, Ft. Knox, Ky. Developed
audio/visual multi-media package (in Spanish) to be used in briefing Spanish speaking


Army Commendation Medal : Received for the above military service contributions from
the Secretary of the Army.

Nominated as one of President George Bush's 1000 Points of Light. Received personal
award and congratulations from Barbara Bush for volunteer work, group therapy and
program development for troubled and gang connected youth.


Behavioral Healthcare; Out of Jail and Into Treatment”, August 2006, Vol 26, No. 8,
pages 24-27 (Principle author).

Psychiatric Services, Providing Jail Diversion for People with Mental Illness; Bexar
County Jail Diversion Program, Center for Health Care Services, San Antonio Texas,
American Psychiatric Association 2006 Award, October 2006, Volume 57, No. 10,
(Principle author-unattributed)
A Cost Analysis of the Bexar County, Texas Jail Diversion Program, (six year review)
paper – unpublished, Dr. Alexander J. Cowell et al, Medical Economist, Research
Triangle Park, North Carolina, July 2008, (Contributor).
The Bexar County Jail Diversion Program: Measuring the Potential Economic and
Societal Benefits Policy Report, paper –unpublished, Dr. Michael Johnsrud, Medical
Economist, University of Texas at Austin, December 2004 (Contributor)
Texas jail diversion program demonstrates economic benefits, Focus on Criminal Justice
Programs, Mental Health Weekly, Vol. 15 No. 7, February 2005 (Contributor)

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Treatment in Lieu of Jail: Diversion Succeeds, Federal Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration’s Award Winning Newsletter, May/June 2005, Vol. 13
No. 3 (Contributor).


2010 Diversion Initiatives Blogs

1. Criminal Justice Meets Behavioral Health: An Exchange between Attorney

General Eric Holder and NACBHDD’s Leon Evans

2. Rapid City, South Dakota Visitors tour San Antonio Diversion Programs

3. Brian Stettin and Gilbert Gonzales present on Assisted Outpatient Treatment


4. Leon Evans video: Mental Health Issues on Healthcare Debate National Gains
Conference March 18, 2010

5. Leon Evans presents at the National Gains Conference March 18, 2010

6. The National Center for Behavioral Health Solutions - Slide Overview

7. A Systems Approach to Crisis Care: Outcome Based, Community Driven

8. "Implementation of a Public Health Approach to Drug Abuse and Mental Ilness"

Leon Evans

9. From Theory to Practice: Psychiatric Vocational Rehabilitation Interventions for

Hispanics with Mental Illness

10. Save the Date - Theory to Practice: Vocational Rehabilitation Interventions for
Hispanics with Mental Illness

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11. Counties look for strategies to reduce jail populations

12. American Probation and Parole Winter Training Institute Workshop Feb 2, 2010

13. NACo Justice and Safety Conference January 20-23, 2010

14. NACo Jan 2010 Justice and Public Safety Conference

15. NACo County Jail Diversion Presentors Oct 1, 2009

2009 Diversion Initiatives Blogs

1. Diversion Initiatives, Leon Evans Bloomington Illinois Dec 2009

2. Developing an Integrated Response for Veterans in Bexar County Texas

3. The use of Social Media for Childrens Diversion Initiatives

4. National Association of Counties Jail Diversion Educational Forum Oct 1-

2, 2009

5. Police 3x5 Crisis Intervention Quick Referral Cards

6. Crisis Intervention Team Conference 2010

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7. Facility Saves People and Money

8. Implementing a Public Health Approach to Drug Abuse and Mental Illness

9. Drug Czar Recommendations 9-23-09

10. Documented and Immediate Cost Avoidance Report 2 of 2

11. Documented and Immediate Cost Avoidance Report 1 of 2

12. The Restoration Center

13. Cost Analysis of the Bexar County Jail Diversion Program

14. Preliminary Cost Report

15. American Psychiatric Association's Gold Award

16. Out of Jail and Into Treatment-

17. Short Video on Bexar County Jail Diversion Program

18. The Bexar County Jail Diversion Toolkit

19. An American Tragedy -Justice Involved Persons with Mental Illness

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20. Leon Evans

21. Gilbert R. Gonzales

22. The Bexar County Jail Diversion Model


March 22, 2010 – Access to Timely and Effective Treatment, Austin State Hospital,
NAMI Regional meeting, Austin Texas

February 18, 2010 – From Theory to Practice: Psychiatric Vocational Rehabilitation:

Interventions for Hispanics with Mental Illness, 2nd Annual Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Meeting (collaborative partnership with Boston University), Port of San Antonio, San
Antonio Texas

January 31, 2010 - Therapeutic Justice Model: The Integration of Treatment and Justice,
The American Probation and Parole Association Winter Training Institute, Austin Texas

January 22th, 2010 - Jail Diversion Systems, Justice and Public Safety Retreat, Restoring
the Partnership for Community Corrections, Reentry, Reinvestment and Public Safety,
The National Association of County Governments Corrections Conference, San Antonio

October 22, 2009 – “Transforming Urban/Suburban Mental Health Systems”, Integrating

Community Health. 2009 Annual Conference, Communities Joined in Action., Austin

October 1, 2009 – Diversion Initiatives, National Association of County Governments,

Bexar County Jail Diversion Educational Forum, Summary Findings. San Antonio Texas

September 24, 2009 -Lessons Learned from Cross System Collaboration, Gains National
Center for Jail Diversion, Stakeholder Meeting Pima County, Tucson Arizona

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September 25, 2009 -Lessons Learned from Cross System Collaboration, Gains National
Center for Jail Diversion, Stakeholder Meeting Maricopa County, Phoenix Arizona

July 22, 2009 Efforts to Address Mental Illness, Substance Abuse and Homelessness: A
One Stop Approach, Texas Behavioral Health Institute Conference, Austin Convention
Center, Austin Texas

June 25th, 2009 – Outpatient Competency Restoration Workshop, Reviewing the Bexar
County Forensic Courts Unit, Annual Texas Council Conference, Austin Texas

July 14, 2009 Mental Health Issues Facing Jails Today, a Preemptive Solution, National
Institute of Corrections Satellite Broadcast, Spokane Washington

May 27th, 2009 Mr. Gonzales presented an overview of programs for a delegation from
Mexico, which included members from Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office, Centers of
Juvenile Integration, National Council against Addictions, and State Government. The
delegation was here to tour the drug courts and some of our joint programs with the adult
probation department, our mental health outpatient units, and the detox unit.

May 18, 2009 – Accessing Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Texas
Guardianship Association, Spring Conference, San Antonio Texas

January 9th, 2009 “Wellness, a Saludogenic Approach”, presented to Prosumers

International Membership Seminar, San Antonio Texas

June 25th, 2008 – Innovation in Systems of Care for Persons with Mental Illness.
Presented to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
(NALEO) during their 25th Annual Conference, Washington DC.

June 12th, 2008 – Key Conceptual Foundations for the Development of Diversion
Initiatives across the United States. Presented to the National Leadership Forum for
Persons with Mental Illness in Contact with the Criminal Justice System. Federally
sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
(SAMHSA), Washington DC.

May 9th, 2008 – Crisis Intervention Training for Law Enforcement within a Community
Collaborative Setting, Gulf Bend MHMR. Sponsored by Don Polzin, Executive Director,
Gulf Bend MHMR, Victoria Texas

May 6th, 2008 – Integration of Health and Behavioral Health Services in Bexar County.
Presented to the 2008 Mental Health Transformation Workgroup (TWG). Sponsored by
the Texas Department of State Health Services and the Texas Health Institute, Austin

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May 2, 2008 – Cross Systems and Community Collaboration, Presented at the 38th
National Council Conference, May 1-3, 2007, Boston Massachusetts

April1st, 2008 – Crisis Triage and Jail Diversion Efforts (Technical Assistance),
Whatcom County, City of Billingham, State of Washington

April3-5, 2008 – Washington Association of Sheriff and Police Chiefs: The Development
of Community Initiatives: Innovation in Systems of Care, Crisis and Jail Diversion
(Technical Assistance), King County, Seattle Washington

March 19th, 2008 – Two Years Later: System Transformation at the Interface of the
Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems, Presentation for the GAINS Center 2008
National Conference, Boston Massachusetts

March 31st, 2008 – The Development of Community Initiatives: Innovation in Systems of

Care, Crisis and Jail Diversion (Technical Assistance), Chelan-Douglas County, City of
Wenatchee, State of Washington

February 29, 2008 – State of the Art, Diversion Strategies. Presented at the National
Association of Community Behavioral Health Directors (NACBHDD) Corrections
Committee, Safety Net Initiatives, 2008 Legislative and Policy Conference, Washington

February 13, 2008 – Integration of Health and Behavioral Health, presented to the 50th
Annual County Judges and Commissioners’ Continuing Education Conference and
Exposition, Bryan College Station, Texas

January 1, 2008 – Data and Dollars, Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later, presented to the San
Antonio Area Council of Governments, San Antonio Texas

November 6th, 2008 – Key Concerns for Merging Medical Clearance, Psychiatric, and
Substance Abuse Services, presented to the American Public Health Association,
Symposium on Mental Health and Jail Diversion, Washington DC

October 13th, 2008 Mr. Gonzales was invited to provide public testimony to the Texas
Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, in regards to the effectiveness of the
Resiliency and Disease Management (RDM) Program in the mental health service
delivery system; implementation of changes to the crisis care program; and
recommendations for the appropriate use of the mental health transformation grant.

May 2, 2008 – Presented Cross Systems and Community Collaboration, at the 38th
National Council Conference, May 1-3, 2007, Boston Massachusetts

April 1st, 2008 Mr. Gonzales and staff were invited to participate in a Mental Health
Transformation Project visit to Washington State to provide Jail Diversion and Crisis

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Triage Technical Assistance to various counties surrounding Seattle, Washington. Those
counties included Whatcom, Wenatchee, Chelan-Douglas, and King Counties.

April 3-5, 2008 – Presented to the Washington Association of Sheriff and Police Chiefs:
The Development of Community Initiatives: Innovation in Systems of Care, Crisis and
Jail Diversion (Technical Assistance), King County, Seattle Washington

March 18th, 2008 Mr. Gonzales attended the 2008 National GAINS Conference in
Washington, D.C., where he and his key staff provided presentations on the following: 1)
Jail Diversion Cost Benefit Study; 2) FACT Teams and Fidelity Measures; and 3) Key
Concerns for Effective Crisis/Diversion Services through Health/Behavioral Health
Integration. This year’s conference served to develop and expand the research base for
effective criminal justice/mental health programs and policies.

March 19th, 2008 – Mr. Gonzales presented Two Years Later: System Transformation at
the Interface of the Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems, for the GAINS Center
2008 National Conference, Boston Massachusetts

February 29, 2008 – Mr. Gonzales presented State of the Art, Diversion Strategies during
the National Association of Community Behavioral Health Directors (NACBHDD)
Corrections Committee, Safety Net Initiatives, 2008 Legislative and Policy Conference,
Washington DC

February 13, 2008 – Mr. Gonzales presented on Integration of Health and Behavioral
Health, to the 50th Annual County Judges and Commissioners’ Continuing Education
Conference and Exposition, Bryan College Station, Texas

February 13th, 2008 Mr. Gonzales was invited to present at the 50 th Annual County
Judges and Commissioners CE Conference and Exposition in College Station. The
program included workshops on inmate health care costs, homeland security,
environmental issues, employment law, as well as a presentation from the urban search
and rescue team Texas Task Force. Mr. Gonzales’ presentation was titled “Jail
Diversion: Integration of Health and Behavioral Health within Award-Winning
Diversion Initiatives”.

November 6th, 2008 – Mr. Gonzales presented on Key Concerns for Merging Medical
Clearance, Psychiatric, and Substance Abuse Services, to the American Public Health
Association, Symposium on Mental Health and Jail Diversion, Washington DC

August 15th-16th, 2007 Mr. Gonzales presented to the MH Transformation Symposium for
Consumers/Community Collaboratives in Austin on the Centers Diversion Programs.
This symposium brought together transformation partners representing community
collaboratives working on local transformation initiatives, consumer and family leaders
in the area of consumer-directed services, state and national mental health transformation
experts, and state policy decision makers, underscoring the important role collaboration

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plays in mental health transformation. On August 30th, Mr. Gonzales also attended a
Mental Health Transformation Forum at the Capitol, which provided an overview of the
progress of MH Transformation in Texas, strategies on how to involve communities in
mental health transformation, and the case for why consumer participation is important to
MHT at the personal, local, state and national levels.

Mr. Gonzales presented at the following venues:

August 16, 2007 – Transformative Diversion, Presented at the “Meeting of the Minds,
Texas Mental Health Transformation Symposium, Texas Health Institute, Austin Texas

June 7, 2007 – Restorative Justice, Diversion Initiatives. Presentation for the National
Conference on Restorative Justice, Schreiner University, Kerrville, Texas

May 7, 2007 – Leadership and Management Approaches within Mental Health,

Presentation for the Central Party School of China, US/China Exchange, San Antonio

April 23rd, 2007 – Crisis and Diversion Initiatives. Presented to the Yakima City Council
Delegation, Yakima Washington in San Antonio Texas

September 5, 2007 – Homelessness and the Challenge of Jail Diversion, presented during
the 2007 Texas Homeless Conference, Dallas Texas

January 30th, 2007 – The Bexar County Crisis Care Center, presentation for the Bexar
County Psychiatric Society, San Antonio Texas

January 18th, 2007 – A Community Response to Crisis, Implementation of Psychiatric

Services. Presented to the Canadian Ministry of Health, San Antonio Texas

January 12, 2007 – Alternative to Incarceration, Criminal Justice Summit. Presented to

the Oklahoma Mental Health Consumer/Provider Council, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

April 10th, 2006 – Bexar County Jail Diversion, presentation of the National Council’s
36th Annual Training Conference, Orlando Florida

April 6th, 2006 – System Transformation at the Interface of the Criminal Justice and
Mental Health Systems, Presentation for the GAINS Center 2006 National Conference,
Boston Massachusetts

September 7, 2006 – The Bexar County Crisis Care Center. Presented at the Mental
Health Summit, Mental Health Association, Dallas Texas

September 13th, 2005 – Working with Probation and Parole. Presented at the Partnering
with Corrections Conference, San Francisco, California

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November 11th, 2005 – Bexar County Jail Diversion. Presented to the National
Association of Social Workers, 29th Annual Conference, Galveston Texas

August 11th, 2004 – Starting from the Beginning, No Money, No Collaborative. Presented
to the Office of the County Attorney (Webb County), the Laredo Police Department and
Sheriff’s Office, Border Region MHMR. Laredo Texas

August 4th, 2004 – The Bexar County Crisis Care Center. Presented during the 71th
Annual National Association of Counties (NACO) Conference and Exposition, Chicago

July 26th, 2004 – Bridging the Gaps in Mental Health. Presented during the Texas Mental
Health Association Jail Diversion Conference, Austin Texas

July 7th, 2005 – Redefining the Possibilities, The Bexar County Story. Presented at the
20th Annual Texas Community MHMR Centers Staff and Trustee Training Conference,
San Antonio Texas

June 20th, 2005 – Diversion for the Non Violent Misdemeanor Offender with Mental
Illness, Navigating the Criminal Justice System. Presented at the National Alliance for
the Mentally Ill Conference, Austin Texas

November 2nd, 2004 – It’s All About the Data, Bexar County Diversion. Presented at the
Southern Regional Conference on Mental Health Statistics (SRCMHS), Justice and
Mental Health. New Orleans, Louisiana

October 15th, 2004 – Bexar County Jail Diversion, Delivering the Promise. Presented at
the NAMI Texas Conference, San Antonio Texas

May 13th, 2004 – Implementation of Evidence Based Diversion, The Bexar County Story,
Science to Services. Presented at the GAINS Center 2004 National Conference, Las
Vegas Nevada

December 18th, 2003 – Screening Persons with Mental Illness. Presentation for the United
States Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, Brownsville

December 3rd, 2003 – Early Diversion, Effective Interventions. Presented to the

Association of Rio Grande Valley Police Chiefs, McAllen Texas

Marital Status: Married, with two beautiful children. Health: Excellent

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