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Conflict Defending Against an Attack

When you are attacked, you can attempt to defend

Conflict in BlackThrone comes in two varieties: Martial yourself one of three ways: Block, Parry, or Dodge.
and Social. Martial conflict involves actual, physical
fighting, often with the intent to hurt or kill. Social Blocking an attack means placing an object between you
conflict, on the other hand, deals with arguments, and your attacker's incoming weapon, while parrying
negotiations, intimidation, and persuasion. means doing the same thing, but with your currently-
wielded weapon. Dodging, of course, means getting out of
the incoming weapon's way.
Martial Conflict Blocking can really only be done with a shield of some
Martial conflicts in turn have two varieties, although only sort, but is incredibly, sometimes even frustratingly
small changes differentiate them from each other. In effective. To block an incoming attack, roll a dice pool
Melee Combat, two or more characters are engaged in equal to your Block skill, then add a number of 6's equal
close-quarters fighting, usually with weapons, sometimes to your shield's defense rating. This is what makes shields
unarmed, and sometimes with magic. In Ranged Combat, difficult to overcome with a to-hit roll.
the characters are shooting or launching projectiles at Parrying is the only way to block an incoming weapon
each other across distances. without carrying a shield. This requires quite a bit of skill,
so to parry an opponent's weapon, roll a dice pool equal
Melee Combat to your Parry skill plus one Knowledge skill relevant to
the weapon you are using. It goes without saying that
Swinging a sword or axe at a target, poking them (or it) while parrying is not as sure as blocking, it is most
with a spear, or attempting to wrestle them (or it) to the certainly better than nothing.
ground all fall under melee combat. Obviously, your
character must be close enough to the intended target in Dodging is all about awareness and dexterity, and as such
order to have a chance at hitting it, where close enough can only be attempted if you are aware of the incoming
is dictated by the range of the weapon being wielded. attacknot so easy to be when facing an ambush by
Most melee weapons require characters to be within 5 bandits with crossbows. Otherwise, your GM will ask for
feet of their target to make an attack, but weapons like a Dexterity save and not a Dodge roll.
spears and polearms allow attacks to be made at a range If your GM rules that you may attempt to dodge an
of 10 feet or less. incoming attack, roll your Dodge skill plus Reaction.
To make a melee attack on a target with a weapon, Obviously, if your attempt to defend yourself fails, your
assemble your to hit dice pool, equal to your Melee Attack opponent successfully hits you and rolls for damage.
skill plus any one Knowledge skill determined by the
particular weapon you wish to use. This pool measures Better hope that armor holds up.
your ability to hit your intended target with the weapon
you are using, hence the term. Damage
If your target has some degree of fighting ability, your to BlackThorne does not make use of hitpoints in quite the
hit dice pool will be opposed by your target's defend dice same manner as other RPGs do. In other systems, HP is
pool (See Defending Against an Attack). If you roll the an indication of how much damage you can take, a kind of
highest number after canceling-out all similar dice, you armor that allows characters to maintain maximum
hit your target and get to roll for damage. operating efficiency for as long as they have at least 1
hitpoint left. Furthermore, as characters increase in level,
Ranged Combat so do their hitpoints, so that eventually they cannot be
bothered by low-level, low-power creatures, since these
Ranged combat includes throwing, launching, or shooting monsters simply cannot damage them enough to make a
something at a target that is beyond the range of melee difference.
BlackThorne does no such thing: For one, all PCs have 6
Similar to melee combat, attacking a target with a ranged hitpoints, and this does not increase with time, since they
weapon requires a to hit dice pool consisting of your are not a measure of your health or vitality, but rather
Ranged Attack skill plus one Knowledge skill relevant to how many times you can shrug-off being wounded before
the weapon you are using. you are simply too much of a mess to keep going.
Close attention must be paid to weapon ranges, which are
expressed as a fraction: The top number indicates the Hitpoints
weapon's effective range, while the bottom number
indicates its maximum range. Light blades like daggers or On your character sheet under Hit Points are six little
throwing stars have a range of 15/30, which means that tick boxes numbered from one to six.
throwing the dagger without disadvantage can only be
done within 15 feet from the target, while the dagger
cannot be thrown any further than 30 feet.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Social Conflict

Social conflict is a different, albeit related, animal: Instead
Every time an enemy makes a successful attack on a PC, of trying to wound an enemy until they are out of the
the attacker rolls their Wound stat versus the defender's fight, the goal of any social conflict is to dismantle an
Grit stat. If the defender fails this contested roll, he or she opponent's body of reasoning so as to influence their
ticks-off the last unticked box to the left (starting at 1)-- decisions regarding something. Anytime you are trying to
that character has just sincurred a serious wound. convince, persuade, intimidate, debate, or manipulate
someone with words, this is Social Conflict.
When the number of serious wounds a character has
equals their Grit stat, the next serious wound does two Because Social Conflict is essentially a battle of wits and
things: First, every serious wound incurred imposes a -1 words, it shares a few things in common with conflict of
die on all the character's subsequent rolls. Second, every the more martial sort. For example, the idea of attacking
serious wound incurred requires the character to test vs. defending. The difference is how these are carried out
their Morale stat in order to keep from losing their nerve instead of using weapons, words and arguments are
in the midst of the fight (see Tests of Morale). the tools of the trade.

A character can only sustain six serious wounds before The mechanics for Social Conflicts make use of scripts
dropping unconscious from shock and blood loss. Getting that is, pre-planned moves that players pit against NPCs
hit again while unconscious means instant death. to determine wounds to their body of argument (BoA),
which is the analog for hitpoints.
Armor is the main means of preventing serious wounds,
which it does by modifying your Grit pool (see Armor). A quick note before BoA and scripting are explained:
Scenarios involving Social Conflict can become somewhat
A single hitpoint tick box is reset (i.e., the pencil tick gets longer than many players are used to, so GMs and
erased) after a long rest. Referees are advised to save these rules for truly
meaningful scenarios.
Tests of Morale
Body of Argument
Like hitpoints, a character's morale is represented by six
tick boxes. Every time Morale must be tested during a Shamelessly borrowed from Luke Crane's Burning Wheel,
fight, the player ticks off next box, which indicates how your Body of Argument represents the perceived integrity
many 6s the player must roll to succeed in the test. of whatever it is you are arguing in favor forwhether or
Succeed, and the character stays in the fight. Fail, and the not the people listening to you believe what you are
character will try to flee. saying. This is an important distinction to make: Just
because people believe what you are saying does not
A character who would rather flee from a fight can be necessarily mean that what you are saying is actually
forced to stay by spending 1 XP. true. But since the goal of Social Conflict is to get people
to believe you so that they do something for you, then the
Under most circumstances, all six tick boxes are reset
truth of a statement is not what is at stake here, but
after a 6-hour rest.
rather its credibility.

Armor Unlike hitpoints (which are always 6), BoA is always

equal to your CHARISMA attribute score, modified by half
Armor is the primary means of protecting yourself from of your rating (rounded up) in an applicable Social skill
serious wounds. There are three kinds of armor, and each (as agreed upon with the GM).
kind works as follows:
Armor Examples Effect
Leather, Thick When engaging in a Social Conflict, each of the
Light Increase your Grit pool by 1. participants (usually a player vs an NPC) prepare three
moves in secret. Once all the moves have been
Medium Increase your Grit pool by 2. prepared, players reveal them simultaneously, one move
at a time, in sequence. When a move has been revealed, it
Heavy Full Plate Increase your Grit pool by 4. cannot be changed.
Notice that armor reduces an opponent's Wound pool; Moves are then pitted against one another according to
this is because armor does not reduce your chances of the table below. Where two moves intersect, a particular
getting hit, but rather reduces your chances of getting versus test is required. The loser of this test loses a point
hurt. from their BoA. When a player's BoA is reduced to zero,
they lose the conflict and the game proceeds according to
A point of warning, though: There are weapons designed the winner's intentions.
to circumvent the protection armor offers. Arm yourself

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