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Course Design Plan

This is an independent course to be used by fourth grade students. The students

completing this course will complete the learning task associated with the standards
listed below:

SS4H6 The student will explain westward expansion of America between 1801
and 1861.

Instructional Designers
Arika Collins
Lisa Tolbert
Module Design
Target audience
The modules in this course are targeted for fourth grade students.
1. The course is aligned with fourth grade Social Standards found at:

2. Learners will be of mixed gender and between the ages of 9-11

3. Learners will be from diverse social and economic backgrounds

4. Learners will include all regular education students, SPED

collaborative students, as well as gifted students.

1. Content will be delivered online in the classroom with additional
access at home or community sites with computer access

2. Students will have little to no knowledge of Western expansion or of

the places and people prior to the start of this course.

Instructional Objectives
The overarching goal of enduring understanding for students is to understand the rapid
growth of American territory in the first half of the 19th century, and to describe the
impact of this growth on those living in that territory. In order to achieve this broad
objective, we have devised the major tasks to accomplish this. It is broken into three
tasks and then the subordinate skills that are key to mastering this objective.

1. Students will describe how the actions of individuals, groups, and/or

institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences.

2. Students will understand that the movement or migration of people

and ideas affect all societies involved. The student will understand that moving to
new places changes the people, land, and culture of the new place, as well as
the place that was left.

3. Students will understand that technological innovations have

consequences, both intended and unintended, for a society. The student will
understand that new technology has many types of different consequences,
depending on how people use that technology.
Instructional Strategies and Tools
Instructional Activities, Assessment Strategies, and Justification
Clark and Mayer (2008) propose that if students engage in active knowledge
construction (p.23), learning occurs. Learning modules have been developed to include
active participation from students. Related content is sequenced through six learner-
centered modules where each one clusters pertinent information. Dick (2015)
emphasizes the sequencing of instruction to include pre-instructional activities,
presentation of content, participation of learners, assessment, and follow-up activities.

In the first module, students are introduced to important terminology. Students will use
videos and embedded quizzes to acquire information and assess their understanding of
the Louisiana Purchase. The second module acquaints students with Lewis and Clark.
Interactive games, videos, and quizzes highlight the interactive nature of this module.
Module 3 has students examining the events that led to the acquisition of Texas.
Students will use videos, embedded quizzes, and interactive map activities to further
their content knowledge. The fourth module explores the trials and tribulations
experienced along the Oregon Trail. Students will use interactive games, embedded
quizzes to meet the objectives of this module. Module 5 has students analyzing the
impact of westward expansion on Native Americans. Students will use videos and
embedded quizzes to synthesize their content knowledge. Module 6 focuses on the
impact of western expansion in regards to the California Gold Rush. students will add to
their existing knowledge using Interactive simulations, videos, and a quiz. In Module 7,
students will examine the impact of technological advancements had on westward
expansion. Students will utilize video clips, interactive games, and quizzes to further
their knowledge. The final module will center on the geographical features that
impacted exploration and expansion. Videos, embedded quizzes, and interactive games
will enhance the study. Students will complete each module to gain background
information for the culminating task, creating a digital story.
Motivational strategies
"Developing student motivation as an instructional strategy is pertinent to the
instructional design process." (Barger & Byrd, 2011) Students must be motivated in
order to be engaged throughout the entire online course.

A) Attention- Students curiosity and interest will attempt to be aroused by:

Stimulating perceptions- Students will be asked to connect to content
through simulation activities and discussion entries.
Engaging in inquiry- Each module will begin with the essential question
and end with an application activity.
Creating variety- Games, animation, pictures, and narration will aid in
helping to produce learner participation. Various visual stimuli will be used in
each module. Alternating the presentation method will ensure that the student is
receiving information in many different methods.
R) Relevance- Students experiences and needs are related through:
Matching student motives--This course will serve as a supplement to the
traditional classroom instruction. Students who seek additional help or want to
control their pace of learning will benefit most from the course.
Orienting students to useful goals-- each module will explicitly state and
identify goals. It is important that we demonstrate to the learner the importance
of the content. It is essential the students are aware of how society is affected by
the actions of individuals and groups, the movement or migration of people and
ideas, and consequences of technological innovations. We want to build on the
prior knowledge that already exists with the learner, as this big idea is repeated in
other units of study in the Social Studies curriculum.
Connecting to something familiar -- Once students are knowledgeable
about actions, migration, and technological advancements, then they are able to
apply their understanding to societal issues and events through their
perspectives. Students will understand causes and effects in order to develop a
sense of empathy for others and in the world.
C) Confidence-Students success will be scaffolded through meaningful tasks:
Setting learning requirements- Students will set clear goals based on the
standards and requirements using evaluative criteria.
Creating success opportunities- Interactive games and quizzes will be
included to allow students to assess their knowledge of the content presented.
Encouraging personal control- Students will have the opportunity to review
or advance to the next module.
S) Satisfaction-students will build a sense of reward and achievement throughout the
course with feedback after quiz completion
Course Outline
Day 1: Course Introduction and Familiarization
Students will become acquainted with course teachers. They will introduce themselves
to others and participate in an online discussion. Students will gain familiarity with
course objectives and content with course syllabus/outline. They will take a quiz to
assess their understanding of course syllabus/outline. Students will watch a video that
introduces the course content. Students will be required to complete each module to
gain background information for their digital story.

Day 2: Module #1- Louisiana Purchase

Objectives: Students will describe how the actions of individuals, groups, and/or
institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences. Students will

a. why moving west attracted so many people;

b. why the United States wished to expand its boundaries from coast to
c. how the Louisiana Purchase impacted the growth of America;

Students will read a passage about the Louisiana Purchase. They will watch a video
that summarizes the importance of the Louisiana Purchase. Students will then play an
interactive game and take a quiz. Students will contribute to online discussion.

Day 3: Module #2- Lewis and Clark Expeditions

Objectives: Students will describe how the actions of individuals, groups, and/or
institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences. Students will
a. why Lewis and Clark were sent on an expedition across the continent;
b. how Lewis and Clarks expedition impacted territorial expansion
Students will read a passage about Lewis and Clarks expeditions. They will watch a
video that summarizes the importance of their travels. Students will participate in a
simulation activity and take a quiz. Students will contribute to online discussion.
Day 4: Module #3- Acquisition of Texas
Objective: Students will describe how the actions of individuals, groups, and/or
institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences. Students will
explain how territorial expansion was impacted by the acquisition of Texas (the Alamo
and independence).
Students will read a passage about the movement in Texas that led to its acquisition by
the United States. They will watch a video that summarizes the events, participate in an
interactive game and take a quiz. Students will contribute to an online discussion.

Day 5: Module #4-Oregon Trail

Objective Students will understand that the movement or migration of people and
ideas affect all societies involved. Students will explain how territorial expansion was
impacted by the Oregon Trail.
Students will read a passage about the Oregon Trail. They will watch a video that
summarizes the importance of their travels. Students will participate in a simulation
activity and take a quiz. Students will contribute to online discussion

Day 6: Module #5- Native American Conflict and Compromise

Objective: Students will understand that the movement or migration of people and
ideas affect all societies involved. Students will describe the impact of westward
expansion on Native Americans
Students will read a passage about the Native American struggle . They will watch a
video, participate in an interactive game and take a quiz. Students will contribute to
online discussion.

Day 7: Module #6- California Gold Rush

Objective: Students will understand that the movement or migration of people and
ideas affect all societies involved. Students will explain why California experienced a
population explosion in the middle of the 19th century
Students will read a passage about the events that led to population explosion in
California. They will watch a video, participate in an interactive game and take a quiz.
Students will contribute to online discussion
Day 8: Module #7-Technological Advancements
Objectives: Students will understand that technological innovations have
consequences, both intended and unintended, for a society. Students will describe:
a. how the development of the steamboat, the locomotive, and the telegraph
impacted the American economy;
b. how improvements in transportation and communication affected the Native
c. how the introduction of the steamboat impact American commerce; and
d. how jobs were created and eliminated by the introduction of the steamboat,
railroad and telegraph in America.

Students will read a passage about the advancements in technology during this time
period. They will watch a video, participate in an online game and then take a quiz.
Students will contribute to online discussion.

Day 9: Module #8- Geographical Barriers and Physical Gateways

Objectives: Students will describe:
a. how physical barriers hindered territorial expansion
b. how physical gateways benefited territorial expansion

Students will read a passage about the effect of geographical barriers and physical
gateways as the moved toward the west. They will watch a video, participate in an
online game and take a quiz. Students will contribute to online discussion.

Day 10: Final Course Project

Students will collaborate in groups of two, creating digital stories reflective of the
westward expansion experience. Students will be introduced to digital storytelling and
the topic that they will be creating their stories about. They will:
a. be provided with examples of digital stories.
b. review the student and teacher rubrics used to evaluate their work
c. form groups and collaborate in Canvas course
d. review the student how-to guide provided for further guidance with their
e. collaborate with peers to write their initial script
f. collaborate with peers to plan and create an accompanying storyboard
using the mind mapping tool
g. sequence collected images from image library in the video editor-
Powerpoint, Google Slides, iMovie
h. create and add narrative track, special effects, and soundtrack (if time
i. upload digital story to platform to share.
j. reflect on their work and provide feedback on other submitted stories.
Students will engage in content with multimedia:

Course Introduction and Familiarization

Students will become acquainted with course teachers. They will introduce themselves
to others and participate in an online discussion. Students will gain familiarity with
course objectives and content with course syllabus/outline. They will take a quiz to
assess their understanding of course syllabus/outline. Students will watch a video that
introduces the course content. Students will be required to complete each module to
gain background information for their digital story.

Module #1: Louisiana Purchase

a. Reading Comprehension
b. Video
c. Interactive Game
d. Quiz
Module #2: Lewis and Clark Expeditions
a. Reading comprehension
b. Video
c. Interactive Game
d. Quiz
Module #3: Acquisition of Texas
a. Reading Comprehension
b. Video
e. Interactive Game
f. Quiz
Module #4: Oregon Trail
a. Reading Comprehension
b. Video
c. Interactive Game
d. Quiz
Module #5: Native Americans
a. Reading Comprehension
b. Video
c. Interactive game
d. Quiz
Module #6: California Gold Rush
a. Reading Comprehension
b. Video
c. interactive game
d. Quiz
Module #7: Technological Advancements
a. Reading Comprehension
b. Video
c. Interactive Game
d. Quiz
Module #8: Geographical Barriers and Physical Gateways
a. Reading Comprehension
b. Video
c. Interactive Game
d. Quiz

Final Course Project

Students will collaborate in groups of two, creating digital stories reflective of the
westward expansion experience.

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