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sTION STAYE oF comecncur os ——— men SUPE s7-02560 WETHERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT __ [iss Fitle, Allegation and Counts Cee Ruz, XAVIER Gees ee Stef cones tse NEW BRITAIN i TTAAPEING INTHE FIRST DEGREE WITH A HREARN Rent rosea eee WETHERSFIELD |FEBRUARY 18,2017 “Canrres— oscammra DEPRIVATION OF RGHTS BY FORCE OR THREAT Tr aay WETHERSRIELD | FEBRUARY 18, 2017 ASSAULT IN THE SECOND DEGREE WETHERSFIELD | FEBRUARY 18,2017 See oases er toa coun Court Action er” ‘SC RS ae INFORMATION ‘rate or conecreur ar Bemrne ‘SUPERIOR COURT 17-02568 WETHERSFIELO POLICE DEPARTMENT. 159 45 [State of Connecticut vs. CRUZ, XAVIER ‘Additional Counts CCONSPIRAGY TO COMMIT KIDNAPPING IN THE FIRST DEGREE w! FIREARM WETHERSFIELD | FEBRUARY 18,2017 Sha-t6(520823) CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT ASSAULT IN THE SECOND DEGREE w/ FIREARM WETHERSFIELD | FEBRUARY 10,2017 S2a-c6(520609) (COERCION (GLASS D FELONY) WETHERSFIELD | FEBRUARY 1 2017 Saa-t92 co aT TT al eee Foran PS ease Pea} Additional Court Action ‘ | ls Is 5 hk feces 7 h hk ] . INFORMATION state oF comeorcur yore {sUechuon couRt ‘02560. WETHERSFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT a ‘Arrost Warrant Eg [stat ct Contct ve, oRUE, KAVER “To. Any Proper Offer one Sate of Cannocieat ‘By Authory of the Sle of Connecti, you ae witin-named accused. (2a that apply) TA Accused is orfered tobe brought before a clerk or assistant Clerk of the Superior Court. 8 Accused is net ented to ei. WA, B er bathare checked above, you sha wihout unde delay bing he arrested person before the cleeb Ssistant ck othe Superior Court forthe geographical area where the offence fe aeged a have boon ‘commited, orf the cles ofice is nol open oa eammuny corectonal center wthin sed geographical saa, othe nearest community correcboral contri no such center exits inthe geographical are, or ‘the Coneetral nstton, a the cave may be ae fic eaeaa TSO, tO aan 1d 0. Nonnsneiat condtions of release: No contacr wrt te by commanded ose the body ofthe CE Conatond ef seas nt detrineaty cout. CAAYY Brine cour VE Bzohalaecan Return On Arrest Warrant holy _ [Sao comers Bialiyelththe seem — eens "UA Tg le (elawbelcl PO ter Cu action wae Sumer Lote T rome [ieruersnetn pouce neParrieNT cruz, xAvER fwetnensrieio”_[newWeRraAN ‘Application For Arrest Warrant “er A Judge of the Supator Court “The undersigned hereby appli fora warrant forthe ares of the above-named accused onthe bass of the acs etfonn inthe: [a] Alea Below, [-] Msi) Atached Mae tgealy eemeed eG Ma |i Affidavit “Te undersigned fant, ing duly sworn, deposes and says 1, That Offeer Alison Sullivan and Detective Robert DeRoehn of the Wethersfield Police Department ere duly sworn law enforcement officers with combined experience in excess of forty (40) years, twenty (20) of those with particular investigations of serious assaults and homicides. A: present, we are assigned to the Wethersfield Police Department's Detective Division and our duties include the investigation info serious assault, and homicide cases such as that set forth below. The following facts and circumstances are related from our personal knowledge ardfor observations including information related to us by other police officers and persons with knowledge of the facts and circumstances contained herein. 2. That on Monday, February 20, 2017, RN Liz Delano of Saint Francis Hospital's Emergency Room, 114 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT telephoned the Wethersfield Police Department at 2013 hours and stated a patient came into the ER on Saturday and stated he was assaulted in ‘Wethersfield on Saturday, February 18, 2017. 3. That we responded to the hospital and met with the victim, Felipe Figueroa-Garcia, about 2045 hours. Figueroa-Garcia told us the cut above his left eyebrow and the very sighficant bruising all over his body was the result of a Connecticut State Police Trooper beating him with a nightstick. Between the stretcher in the hallway and the family waitingigrieving room Figueroa. arta ta os mae el te seek tat ocaroh ot Toone keer Coes hol MME 10, sn 18, 2087 4. That Figueroa-Garcia stated on Friday, February 17, 2017, he went to T's on Airport Road in Hartford, a Latin music club on Friday nights called “Club Karma’. Figueroa-Garcia stated he went with his ‘step-daughter” (gtfriend Joseline Mundo's daughter) Kathia (Mundo) Parra and Parra's boyfriend Xavier Cruz DOB 01/30/1987, they party together. Figueroa-Garcia stated they had some drinks and smoked hookahs at the club. fie Sa pss Bie al Bafochts = tee | nding “Tae foregoing Applicat for an atest warrant, and afidavts) attached to sald Application, having boon submited load Dead by he unceragned the undersigned ine fom sald aca) tal there probabio Caves to betes the ‘hafence has been cormited anhalt accused commatog tan, therfore, hat probable esuse nat forte ‘Sedanoe oa warrant forth sret othe sbove-ramod seeuced Settee mee [ARREST WARRANT APPLICATION oe stare oF convecricur eee Sueerion court Tremensreco|ueweniran [tsnes 1 ‘Affidavit - Continued That Cruz invited friends to his house tT, Vethersfcld, CT after the club closed at abcut 0330, according to Figueroa-Garcia. He stated he had been fo Cruz's home numerous times due to the aforementioned mother/daughter relationship, Joseline Mundo was home recovering ftom surgery. Fiqueroa-Garcia stated there were about seven (7) people inthe kitchen where he flirted with a black female who was about a twenty-five-year-old, possibly ‘named DA. Figueroa-Garcia stated they were drunk and he grabbed her buttocks. Accerding to Figueroa-Garcia, the black female didnt mind and stated "No" when he asked her if he was bothering her. Figueroa-Garcia stated there was no other contact. Fe left 6. That about 0500 hours, it could have been 0545 hours, according to Figueroa-Garc the party and went home io his apartment, Kathia's mother, Joseline Mundo DO! locked Figueroa-Garcia out of the apartment because she was angry at him for staying out late

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