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NORIlI Docember2000
TaDeandshrinkablematerialsfor the corrosion
protectionof buriedor underwaterpipelineswithout DIN
cathodicprotection lor useat "C
uo to 50 30672

tcs 23.040.99 SupersedesDIN30672-'1,

OrganischeUmh0llungen ftir den Korrosionsschutz von in Bodenund
WassernverlegtenRohrleilungen f tjr Dauerbetriebstemperaturen
50'C ohne kalhodischenKorrosionsschutz - Eanderund schrump-

ln keeping with cuftent ptactice in standardspublishedby the lntenational Oryanizationfor Skndatdization

(lSO),a comna has been used throughout as the decimal mafter.

This standard has beeniointly preparedby DIN DeutschesInstitut fArNomung andDVGWDeutscherVerein

desGas-undWassertachese.y. (GermanAssociatonof GasandWaler Enginers)and has beenadopted into
the DVGWCodesof practiceon gas and waier.


2 Normative.eferences 2
3 Con.ebts
4 Classification and designation 3
5 B e o u i r e m e n-t.s-.. - . - . - - . -

7 Cenificationand qualityassurance
standards.. -. -.. -..

to DINEN 12068areto the March1999edition.

DIN30675-1dealswithcorrosionprotectionfor steelpipelinesusingcoatingsborhwith andwithoutcathodic
protection,while DIN30675-2dealswith coatingsfor ductitecast kon pipetines.Both these standards
provide for tape and shrinkablsmaterialsconformingto DIN30672.Wheroascoatingsfor buriod and
undeMatersteelpipelineswith cathodicprotectionare nowcoveredin DtNEN 12068,the Dresentstandard
R \ dealswith coatingsfor steelpipelineswithoutsuch protection_


Conlinuedon pages2 to 6.

Translationby DIN-Sprachendienst.
In case oI dolbt, the German-languageoriginal should b consulled as the authoritativetext.

; @ Nopanor$is knsarion6aybeprcdrcedw rhodrhepiorpsnkson of Ref_ No. DtN 30672:2000,12

DtNDfuis net hl'sntutfit Nffiung d v, Beiin Btuth vdks turl. 107?2adin Grmany, Eastshpnce srcLpa6 satesNa.o1a6
hs lhe excLusive
&ht of sarelor Gema. sla.dards/o,N'Nmn/.
DIN30672: 2000-'12

This standarddifferskom the September1991edilionof DIN30672-1in that:

a) requiremenlsfor thickness,lensilstrengthand tensilestrainat breakare no longerincluded;
b) the requiredsaponificationnumberhasbeenchanged;
c) the requiredindentationhardnessfor strss classesA and B has been increasedand the residual
thicknessis now the samefor all typesof material;
d) requirements for impactstrengthare morestringent;
e) requirements for peel strengthhavebeenamended;
l) lhe shea.strengthtest has been extendedto coveropsralingtemperatures of up to 30 "C, exceptfor
petrolatumtapesof stressclassB;
g) melhodsof tes! for delerminingthe resistanceof the subskateto ageingat etevatedtemperatures and
the coating'sfreedomlrom poresare no longerincluded.


1 Scope
Thisstandardspecifiesrequirements andtest methodsfor coatingsmadefromtapeor shrinkablematerialand
for repairpatchesforthe corrosionprotoctionof buriedor undeMatersteelor ductilecast iron pipelinesand
intendedtor useat operatingtemperatures of up to 50 "C, withoutadditionalcathodicprolection-Thestandard
alsospecifiesrequirements for coatedflexiblesocketjoints.
NOTE:Use ol ihis standardfor materialsdesignsdfor srvicetemperaturesabove 50.C is subject to

2 Normative references
Thisstandard incorporates, bydatedorundaledrelerence,p.ovisionslroftotherpublications. Thesenormative
reterencsarecited at rhe appropdaleplacesin the text, andthe tittesofihe pubticationsare tisledbetow_For
daledreferences,subsequentamendmenlsto or revisionsof anyofthese publicationsapplyto this standarcl
only when incorporatedin it by amendmenlor revision.For undatedreferences,the tatest edirionof the
publicationrefer.edto applies.
3 DtN2460
DtN28603 Push-injoints in ductileiron pressurepipelines- Matingdimensionsand mass
E DIN30675-1 Externalcorrosionprotectionof buriedpipes-Corrosionprotectionsystemsforsteetpipes
a DIN30675-2 Externalcorrosionprotectionof buriedpipes- Corrosionprotectionsyslemsfor ductiteiron
3 Dioes
3 DIN 50928 Testing andassessment ofcorrosionprolectionofcoatedmetatticmateriatsin contactwith
3 - DINEN545 Ductilekon pipes,filtings,accessoriesand theirjointsfor waterpipetines-Requirements
andtest methods
DINEN598 Ductile jron pipes, fitling, accessoriesand their ioints for sewerage application-
Requirements and test methods
DINEN969 Ductilekon pipes, fittings,accessoriesandtheirjointsfor gaspipetines- Requirements and
DINEN 'l2068 Extemalorganic coatingsfor lhe corrosionproteclionof buriedor immersedsreelpipetines
usedin conjunctionwith cathodicprolection-Tapes and shrinkabtemateflats
DINENISO8044 Corrosionof metalsand alloys- Basictermsand dfinitions(tSOgO44:1999)
DUcw-Geschaftsordnung ttl die nationale Zertifizierung von Produden der cas- und Wassetuersorgung
(DVGWrulesof procedurefor the certificationof gas and waterpipeworklr)
Dvcw-Metkblatt (DVGW Code of practice) cW t4 Ausbesse/urg von Fehlstelten in
Korrosionsschutzumh1llungenvon Rohren und Roh eitungen aus Eisenwe*stoffen {ReDaiinq corrosion
F protectioncoatings(tapeanclsteeving)onsleel pipes)r)

1) Obtainablekom W,rtscraffs-und Verlagsgesellschaft
Gas und WassermbH, Josef-WirmerStr. 1-3,

3 Concepts
in DIN2460,DIN50928,DINEN545,DINEN598,DINEN969,DINEN12068and
to thosespecified
DINENISO8044,thefollowingconcepts appl,.
3.1 Piping
Systemof pipes,litlings,valvesandiointassemblies, for the transportof gaseous,
intended liquidor solid

3.2 Rpairmaterial
Oneor morelayersof tapeor heatshrinkable
material appliedto repairlaultsin coatingson pipes,or heat-
activated patches,
adhesive usedwithprimersor fille.sasnecessary (cf.DINEN12068andDycltl-Melkblatt
3.3 Flexiblesocket ioint
two pipesor fiitingswilha seal,allowing
Jointbetween deflection
by M.

4 Classitication and designation

4,1 Classification
, Coatingsas coveredin thisstandardareclassifiedintomechanical
resislanceclasses,A, B andC, andmaximum
+-ontinuous operatingtemperature(i.e.servicetemperalur)classes30 and 50 (cf. DINEN 12068).
4.2 Designation
of a coatingconformingto this standard,havingclassB mechanicalresistance,for useat service
lemoeraturesuo to 30'C:
CoalingDIN30672- B 30
of a coatingconformingto thisstandard,havingclassC fiechanicalresistance,for useal service
temoeraturesuo to 50 "C:
C o a t i n gD | N 3 0 6 7 2 - C 5 0
ofa coatingconformingtothis standard,havingctassB mechanicatresisrance,
for useat service
R temperaturesup to 30 "C (Class30),and for uswith a flexiblesockoljoint (M):
CoatingDIN30672- B 30 M

5 Requirements
5.1 Generalrequirements
a Coalingsshall lulfil the requirementsset out in tables 1 and 2 ot DINEN 12068,a owing for the fo owing
modificalionsto table 1 for coatingswilhoutcathodicprotectlon:
i - lof mechanicalresistanceclassC, only th thirdcotumnappties; f-
- the requiremenls st out in tables1 and2 ofDlN EN 12068do not applyfor repairmateriatusedin ctose
proximityto filler materialusedfor padding.
5.2 Furtherreouirements
5.2.1 Easic materials Pevolalumtape
I The use of petrolatumtape is only permittedif it is coveredon on side with ptasticfitm. Primers,fillers,coatingmaterials,backingof corrosionprotectionlape and shrinkabtemateriats
s Thesaponification numberofprimers,fillers,
be no greaterthan 25 mg KOH per gram of initiatmass.The coaringmaterialand backingsha futfitthis
s requirement independentlyofeachother.lnrhecaseof primers,thisrequiremenlapptiesforthedry mass.tfthe
* backingof corrosionprotectiontapeand shrinkablemateiatdoesnol futfilthisreqiirementwhentestedas in
s subclause6.2.2, they shall be consideredas complyingwith this slandardif the requiremenlsset out in
subclause5.2.1.3are fullilld.
t NOTE:Thesaponification numberrequirement wittremainvatiduntitthemicrobiatresistancerequirements set
out in AnnexM ol DINEN 12068havebeenspecilied. Corrosionproiectiontaoe and shrinkablematerial
lfthe backingoftapeandshrinkablematerialdoesnotfulfiltherequirements setout in shatl
be resistantto sodiumhydroxide.Thisrequirement shattbeconsideredto befutfi ed if, foltowingconditioning
in waterand sodiumhydroxidesolutionat 50 'C for 100days:

a) whentestingunreinforced lape and shrinkablematerialasin subclause6.2,3,the ENaoH/Ero and the

ratiosare from 0,75to 1,25;
b) whentestingreinforcedmaterialasin subclause6.2.3,the BNaoH/BHroratio is from 0,751o1,25;
c) whenlesling as in AnnexA of DINEN 12068,the ralio of valuesdelerminedafter100day exposureto
thosedeterminedafter70 day exposureis not lessthan0,8.
5.2.2 Coaling BeDairoatches
Whentestedas in subclause6.3.1,the lap shearstrengthshallbe at least0,25N/mmr. Coalingsfor flexiblesockeljoints
Coatingslor flexiblsockel joints shallfulfil the requirementsfor specificelect.icalinsulationresistance')
(classC) as givenin table 1 of DINEN 12068,whentestedas in subclause6.3.2.

6 Testing
6.1 Generalrequiremenis
Testingshallb carridout in accordancewithAnnexesA to Q of DIN EN 12068,omittingthetestlor indentation
resistanceusinga high voltagedetector(cf.AnnexG ol DINEN 12068).
6.2 Fuftherreouirements
6.2.1 Petrolatumtaoe
Tapeshallbe inspectedforthe presenceol plaslicfilm on one side.
6.2.2 SaDonificalionnumber
Testingshallbe carriedout as in AnnexL of DINEN 12068-
6.2.3 Resastance to sodium hydroxidesolution
Ten specimens,preparedas specifiedin AnnexA of DINEN 12068shallbe suspendedfreetyat (501 2) .C in
distilledor deionizedwaler and in 0,1 moyl sodiumhydroxidesolution.
a After70 and 100daysfivespecimensshallberemoved,rinsedwirhdistittedor deionizedwaterandsuspended
in distilledor deionizedwaterlor24 hoursat (2312)"C. The specimenssha thenbe conditionect fo. at least
48 hoursin akat atemperatureof(23t 2)'C befofelestingtheirtapestrength,etongation at breakandbursting
strengthas in AnnexA of DINEN12068.
In thecaseoftape and shrinkablemalerialwilhoutreinforcement, the resistanceindexforetongationat break,
QE,shallbe calculaledas follows:
a QE= EN.oH/Ero
Inthecaseoftapeandshrinkable maierialwthoutreinforcemenr,
rheresistanceindexfortape strength,es, shatl
be calculatedas follows:
Q5 = Ss.qp/sH,g
In the caseol lape and shrinkablemateialwith reinforcment,
the resistanceindexfor burstingstrength,es,
shallbe calculatedas follows:
QB= BN,ofr/BHro
where,in the aboveequationsl
EMoH is the elongationat breakaftercondilioningin sodiumhydroxjdesotution,as a percenrage;
Errro is the elongationat breakatterconditioningin water,as a percentage;
SN.oH is the tape streugthafterconditioningin sodiumhydroxidesotution,in N/mmwidth:
SHro is the tape strengthafterconditioningin water,in N/mmwidth;
BN.oH is the burstang strengthafterconditioningin sodiumhydroxidesolutaon,in newtons
BHro is the burslingstrengthafterconditioningin water,in newrons.

6.3 Furtherrequirements
6.3.1 Shearresisranceof repair patches
Testingshallbe caried out at a temperatureof (5012)"C as in AnnexD of DtNEN 12068.
Theshearrsistanceof repairpatchesmadefromcorrosionprotectiontapesha betestedas in subctauseD.1
of DINEN 12068.Hot-workablematerialsballbe testedas in subctauseD.2of DtNEN 12068.
') Iranslatols note- ay which is meantthe resistivity
of the coaring.


6.3.2 Specitic electrical insulationresistanceof coated flexible socket ioints

Specimensshallb threeioint assembliesof sizeDN 100pipeswith a typeB sockeljoint as in subclause3.2.1
ol DIN28603 (j.e. with a socket depth of (115:110)mm),with the pipe sectionsioined so that they are
conductive.The specimensshall be providedwith a coating as specilledby the manufacturerand then
condilioned,with the ioint in its workingposilion,at (23+2)"C for 24 hours.
At a rateof 10 mm per minute,pullthe ioint assembly30 mm apartandthen pushthe pipe sectionsback in lo
a point 30 mm beyondthe originalposition-Carry out this procedureten times in all, flnally returningthe
assemblyto its o ginalposition.
The assemblyshallthen be deflectedby 3' fivetimesin both directionsat a rale of 1' per minute,
After returningthe assemblytoits or:ginalposition, determinelhe specificelectricalinsulationresistanceover
a periodof 100 daysas in AnnexJ of DINEN'12068.

7 Certitication and quality assurance

7.1 Certilication
CertificationandmarkingofcorrosionproteclionmaterialwiththeDIN-DVGW-test markshallbeundertakenin
accordance with the Dycw-Gescheftsordnung lrr die nationale Zettitizierung von Produkten det Gas- uncl
7.2 Conformity assessment and quality assurance
Conform:tyassessment(typelesting)and qualityassuranceshallbe in accordancewith DINEN 12068.
lnternalcontroltestiflgshallbe carriedout as specifiedin table 1. Third-partyinspectionof cartifiedproducts
shall be canied out in accordance wiih the Dycw-Gescheftsotdnung fir die nationale Zeftifizierung von
Produktender Gas- und Wasse ersorgung.
Table 1: Scope and frequencyottesting
[rinimumfrequncyof lesling Propertyto be checked
Thickness,or massper unit area
Onceeverythreemonths lndentalionresistance
Onceeverythreemonths Drip resistance
Oncea day Thickness,or masspe. unit area
Bitumentape Onceeverythreemonlhs Peelskength(coating/pipesurface)
Onceeverythreemonlhs Indentationresistance
Oncea day Tensileskength,elongationai break,modulusat
10 0,6elongalion
3 Oncea day
Synthetictape Oncea day Peelstrength(layerto layer)
Onceverythreemonths Peelstrength(coating/pipesurface)
Onceeverythreemonths lndenlationresistance
Onceeverylhree months
Oncea day Tensilstrenglh,elongationat break,modulusat
10 % elongation
Oncea day Thickness
e Oncea day Peelstrengthlayerto layerfortape or peel
Shrinkablemalrial strength(coating/pipesurface)
Oncea day Shrinkage
Onceeverythreemonths Indentationres:slance
Onceeverythreemonths lmpactresislance
Oncea day Shearstrenglh
Oncea day Consistency/viscosity,
solid maltercontentor
Tensilestrength,elongationat break,modulusat
10 % elongation
Oncea day Peelstfength(coating/pipe
Oncea day Shearstrength

Othertest melhodsmay be used if they yieldsimilarresults.


Other relevant standards

DIN28601 Screwdsocketjoint assembliesfor gas and waterduclilekon pressurepipelines-Assembly
and comPonents
DIN28602 Bolted-glandjoint assmbliesfor gas andwatrductlleiron pressurepjpelines-Assemblyand
DIN30670 Polyethylene coatingsfor stsel pipesand litlings- Requirementsand testing
DIN30671 Thermosetplasticcoatingsfor buriedsteelpipes
DIN30673 Bilumncoatingsand llningsforstelpips,fittingsand vessels
DiN30674-l Polyethylen coatingsfor ductiliron pipes- Requirments and lesting
DIN30674-2 Cementmortarcoatingsfor ductilekon pipes- Requiremnts and testing
DIN30677-1 Externalcorrosionprotectionof buied valves- Normaldutylhermosetplasticcoatings
DIN30677-2 Eratsmalcorrosionprotectionot buriedvalvss- Hsaw-dulythermosetplasticcoatings
D|N30678 Polypropylenscoatingsforsteelpipes
DIN50929-2 Probabilityol corosion of mstallicmaterialswhen subjectto conosionfrom the outside -
DIN50929-3 Probabilityof corrosionof metallicmaterialswhensubiectto corosiontromth outside- Buded
and undeMatea pipelines and structural components
v' DINEN805 Watrsupply- Requirgmnts for externalsystemsand components


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