Personal Archeology Watercolor Lesson Plan

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Teacher: Delaney Isom

Title of lesson: Grade level: Time allowed:

3rd grade 2- 40min classes

personal Archeology
watercolor resist

NAEA Standards:

VA:Cr2.1.3a Create personally satisfying artwork using a variety of

artistic processes and materials.

Students will create a piece about themselves using oil pastels and

VA:Cr2.2.5a Demonstrate quality craftsmanship through care for and

use of materials, tools, and equipment.

Students will create a piece of quality artwork when using

watercolors and oil pastels.

VA:Pr6.1.3a Identify and explain how and where different cultures

record and illustrate stories and history of life through art.

We will discuss archeology and how we use it to discover what what

people of the past did and the tools they use.

Teaching Rationale:

Why are you teaching this lesson?

I am teaching this lesson so students will learn how to use multiple

How does this lesson relate to a learning theory?

This lesson can be related to brain based learning. In the lesson I will
give the students all the information they will need to create a
structure. They will then use the knowledge to create a vessel of
their own. If the students need more information or a review of
information either a classmate of myself will provide the assistance

How is this lesson appropriate for these student?

Students will create a piece that expresses who they are.

Learning Goals:

Students should
Students should Create an image that represents themselves.
Students should use watercolors and oil pastels correctly.
Students should be able to explain what archeology is, and why it is


Students will choose 3 things to draw that represent themselves.

Students will draw the images using oil pastels and the ground with
Students will know that archeology is the study of things that people
made, used, and left behind. The goal of archeology is to understand
what people of the past were like and how they lived.

Vocabulary Words: Materials:

Archeology- archeology is the -paper
study of things that people made, - paint brushes
used, and left behind. The goal of - water cups
archeology is to understand what - paper towels
people of the past were like and - oil pastels.
how they lived.
Oil pastels- sticks of ground
pigment mixed oil and wax
Watercolor- paint made with a
water-soluble binder such as gum
arabic, and thinned with water
rather than oil, giving a
transparent color.
Resist- the incompatibility of two
mediums to create layered
effects with color and texture.

Art Reproductions / Visuals /Multimedia:

Cultural Information:
Archeologist study found objects from the past to learn how our ancestors lived. Now
we will imagine archeologist 1000 years from now studying things that we have left
behind and how they will think we lived.

Studio Procedures for Making Art:

1. Decide on 5 things that describe you.

2. Draw those images with the oil pastels on your paper, leaving about 2 inches of
space across the top. This will be where we will draw the line for the ground.

3. After all of your images are drawn on your paper you will pain around them
with brown watercolors to make it look like they are underground. At the to of the

page you will paint grass.

4. As students paint they will notice that they are able to pain over the images with
the water color and not have the pain cover up their images. This is the effect of a

Teaching Procedures for the Lesson:


Introduction / Motivator / Anticipatory Set / Bellringer: I will ask the

student what they know about archeology.

Class Discussion: I will explain to them that archeology is the study of

found objects. And that Archeologist use this to find out what people
of the past used to do things and how they use to do them

Teacher Demo / Direct Instruction: student will gather around me for

demo. I will show them how to use oil pastels and water color. I will
also give them the instructions for the project.

Studio / Guided Practice: 1. Decide on 5 things that describe you.

2. Draw those images on your paper, leaving about 2 inches of space

across the top. This will be where we will draw the line for the

3. after all of your images are drawn on your paper you will pain
around them with brown watercolors to make it look like they are
underground. At the to pf the page you will paint grass.

Closing: we will review what archeology is. Also if there is time we

will go around the room and students will present the items they
chose to represent themselves.

Evaluation Methods:

Formal See rubric below.

Informal I will view whether or not students are doing their work,

fallowing directions and using the materials correctly.

References: Special Clean-up Procedures: -Place pastels back in their boxes
search_query=archeology+cartoo -empty water cups
n - throw away paper towels
-wash out brushes, leaving them
to dry with the bristles up.
-Place painting carefully on the
drying rack.

Modifications for Special Needs:

Student may be assigned fewer items if they are overwhelmed by the
amount they are required to do. This will be based on the students

Classroom Management Procedures:

Make sure students stay on task.
Make sure student are using supplies correctly.
Keep voice levels down.
- If students are not doing these things they will receive a verbal
warning and redirection back to the task.
- If students continue to not fallow direction they will be asked to
say after class to discuss behavior.

Needs improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

(N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Buried Needs Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Five to six treasures More than six treasures were
Only one or two were buried. Many colors buried. Many colors and details
treasures were buried. and details were used to were used to create interest for
Very few details create interest for the the artist's audience. Items are
and/or colors. artist's audience. Most of unique and are personal to the
the items are common artist.
'treasures' which could
be found in many

Care and Needs Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

The artist has planned to The artist has planned to draw
Space is not used well. draw her/his treasures her/his treasures with careful
Coloring is messy. with careful thought to thought to the space. Coloring is
the space. Coloring is done neatly and with care.
mostly done neatly and
with care.

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