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55th ILA National Conference on Library & Information Science - Conference Proceedings – January 21-24, 2010

Role of Librarian in the 21st Century

Assistant Librarian, PDM College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh

ABSTRACT: All modern libraries are facing new challenges due to the immense amount of available information in
form of electronic tools. The traditional libraries should be transformed into hybrid libraries focused on providing
information collected in the form of books and electronic sources to survive and meet the need of end users. With the
development of the modern information technology the traditional libraries have not been fit on the requirement of
the information time and knowledge economic development, so these face the basic changes and innovation. In this
paper authors emphasize the role of librarians in libraries which have collection in form of e–books, digital
documents and various databases and common access to the Internet. Modern libraries are creating the society of
knowledge and in these modern libraries a librarian works as information officer who is a guide to help search the
relevant information in numerous sources of information. The librarians are constantly open to any changes in their
field and eager to improve their skills and knowledge. The importance of personality traits of a modern librarian are
particularly emphasized.

INTRODUCTION Tadao Umesamo, concerning the “information

processing society.” The civilization to be
Society is an open system, dynamic set of built as we approach the 21st century will not
interrelated social systems, institutions and be a material civilization symbolized by huge
individuals that act upon and react to the constructions, but will be virtually an invisible
various aspects of the world around it. The civilization. Precisely, it should be called an
term ‘Information Society’ describes the ‘information civilization.” Information society
characteristics and structure of a society in is described by the modern researchers as “the
which the driving force will be the production society in which the information is intensely
of information values and not material values. used in economic, social, cultural and political
It will be a society that brings about a life; it is a society with abundant means of
flourishing state of human intellectual communication and of information processing,
creativity. The society is becoming the society being the basis for serving as a
increasingly centered on information handling, major part of the national income and ensuring
processing, storage and dissemination, using the source of income for majority of the
microelectronics-based technologies, made population”. The information society is
available through the convergence of defined as “the whole of activity serving to
computer with telecommunications, namely, produce, use, protect/secure, accumulate and
IT. Information Society appears as an outcome pass on information. The information society
of technological and economic changes. is constituted by all those employed in
producing, using and transmitting information
Information Society and Knowledge Based as well as those creating information
Society infrastructures.”
The information age has arrived and modern The popularity of the Internet and other
society is commonly referred to as the electronic mass media is spreading very fast.
“information society.” Still, this term does not The use of internet and e-resources created a
have a commonly accepted interpretation. The new type of society and the analog technology
first definition of information society was has been abandoned in favour of digital
established as early as in 1963 in Japan by technology within a couple of years. This new

55th ILA National Conference on Library & Information Science - Conference Proceedings – January 21-24, 2010

society is also referred to as the digital, Web, 5. Slides Images

Internet or computer society. Information is 6. Scientific DVDs
the most sought–after and valuable Movies
merchandise in this society. It becomes 7. Photo Album Image Collection
indispensable for one’s social and professional 8. Newspaper E-Newspaper
development to keep up with information Clippings clipping (PDF,
constantly, to gain and use it in practice, due PS, DOC
to changes taking place in the modern world. Format)
The crucial factor is being well acquainted
Most library–related processes are now
with and searching for adequate sources,
computerized. Due to the technological
selecting and evaluating the information from
development, it is easy to access the required
the “ocean” of information as well as having
information within time throughout the world.
the ability to transform the information into
It has changed methods of communication,
and consequently it has altered the tasks to be
ROLE OF LIBRARIES IN undertaken by modern libraries. To enable
INFORMATION SOCIETY OF THE 21ST users to interact with humanity’s cultural
CENTURY heritage as a means of preventing cultural
homogenization in the age of globalization,
Education and professional activities are the modern libraries should offer a widely–
major method for fighting against social perceived educational activity. With the
exclusion. In this context we mean literary and impact of new technologies cooperation
media education at the primary school level, between libraries is possible, with the
and technological information at higher levels information resources in today’s libraries
of education. An extremely wide scope for constituting a significant contribution to the
such activities is available in the libraries. The informational potential of a society.
information is provided to the society in need
of information through the library cooperation ROLE OF LIBRARIANS IN
with the development of science, economy, INFORMATION SOCIETY OF THE 21ST
culture and education. Therefore, the libraries CENTURY
were co–creating the information society long
One might think that a librarian is no longer
before it started to be associated with
necessary due to the use of electronic sources
particular conceptions of society.
of information, as well as a world dominated
Twenty–first century libraries have a lot in by common Internet access with new libraries
difference with the traditional model. Their and the process of gathering information may
dominant elements are changed. be performed automatically in modern
libraries. However, this is not true. To search
Sr. Traditional Modern the required information a great amount of
No. Library Library time is required due to the increasing rate of
Collection Collection the speed and amount of information in the
1. Book E-Books world and also on the Internet. In order to
2. Journals E-Journals efficiently find, select, check and make
3. Bound Volume Journal Archival information available, and understand the
4. Reference Digital Tools users’ needs, through a computer program or
Collection database it is not possible to provide some sort

55th ILA National Conference on Library & Information Science - Conference Proceedings – January 21-24, 2010

of condensed data, an information expert such tied to creating a social conviction that
as a librarian is required to access the libraries are a necessary link allowing the user
information. The tools and resources used to to realize even the most advanced information
supply required information and transform it needs. This can take place by evoking in the
into knowledge are changed but the librarian’s reader the idea that he is important,
role has remained unchanged. Especially now, approached individually and professionally. In
it seems necessary to reflect upon the a consumption–oriented world, the role of
characteristics of a modern librarian that information has equal importance as that of
would best serve all users. Therefore, the any other need in a contemporary individual’s
librarian is indispensable in the era of the life.
information society.
Readers may or may not be aware of their
In Information Society modern libraries could information needs. The role of a librarian
be compared to information malls. Moving consists in comforting the users and
around them can cause certain difficulties. A supporting them so that they can overcome
very common phenomenon is that of “library their own fears about being in the library. To
anxiety,” mainly observed in higher education make a user friendly image of libraries and
institutions where users feel uncomfortable librarian, it is essential to adopt individual
about their level of knowledge. The obstacle is approaches to different types of customers,
fear of embarrassing oneself when asking often including special–needs or elderly users
elementary questions, or getting a negative who possibly may be unable to utilize the new
feedback from a librarian. Another is a lack of technologies. The knowledge of psychology
computer proficiency, which renders searching pertaining to customer service is extremely
superficial and incomplete and makes one feel important in the process of the librarians’ in–
uncomfortable ad lightly unconfident in the service training.
environment. Therefore, one can obviously
conclude that the librarian is an irreplaceable INFORMATION LITERACY AND
link. In a full self service library, which has a LIBRARIANS
remote information section and a cyber
Information literacy is “the ability to recognize
librarian, from which one can obtain necessary
the need for information and to identify,
information at any time, there is a librarian,
locate, access, evaluate and effectively use the
who indirectly participates in the process of information to address and help resolve
searching for information. In the era of
personal, job related or broader social issues
information processing, communication, and
and problems.”Professional library
the knowledge industry, the librarian
associations like the Indian Library
participates in building a new society.
Association (ILA), American Library
Librarians are important as a professional Association (ALA), Australian Library and
group and their role is not limited to passing Information Association (ALIA) etc. are
books. Modern library staff works toward conducting developed information literacy
winning new readers, similar to commercial programmes.
organizations winning customers. A modern
The term ‘21st century skills’ includes
human has a craving for acquiring knowledge
information literacy skills, digital literacy
from childhood, and considered in it the role
skills, media literacy skills, information and
of libraries and librarians. Therefore, the
communication skills, critical thinking and
libraries’ advertising promotion activities are

55th ILA National Conference on Library & Information Science - Conference Proceedings – January 21-24, 2010

problem-solving skills and interpersonal and associated with the librarian’s profession by
self-directional skills. To succeed in the 21st society. In the twenty–first century, gradually
century, one should have all these 21st century necessitated a change in traditional work
skills. methods due to the technological
developments. Today, continuous professional
WHAT SHOULD THE TWENTY–FIRST development is very necessary in the form of
CENTURY LIBRARIAN BE LIKE? courses, training, conferences and meetings,
Twenty–first century libraries heap new tasks and the use of new educational methods such
upon a librarian. There is a lot of difference in as e–learning or internet discussion forums.
the model for a hybrid librarian and a The twenty–first century society is a learning
stereotypical librarian, except in lending society; therefore by virtue of their mission,
books. Modernized working conditions i.e. librarians should serve as an example for other
new library buildings, new technologies professional groups. “Learning processes are
undoubtedly, influence the changing image not only in favor of other co–employees, they
and prestige of a librarian. A modern also have an impact on effectiveness and
individual wins against the stereotypical image quality of the library information services” and
of a librarian. A contemporary librarian a librarian must be aware of this.
becomes a guide in the world of knowledge,
which demands they know how to use the new A modern librarian is open to innovations and
sources of information skillfully. Modern changes. He/She has an eager and interested
librarians are crucial now for not only their attitude towards new solutions because of the
high level of expertise, but also for being able fast–paced, constantly evolving nature of
to associate with the modern individuals’ changes in libraries. A modern librarian, can
personality. A 21st century librarian must be develop modern characteristics throughout
modern, with acquiring psychological, one’s professional career even after many
praxeological, social and professional years of work, one does not need to be young
capabilities. to be modern. The shift in the image should be
first reflected in us, following the proverb
Psychological abilities involve self– “fine feathers make fine birds,” and it involves
awareness, self–evaluation and self–control. A the ability to evoke intended emotions in
librarian should always be aware of others. The librarians’ ethic of collaborating
modernizations, new resources and new on improving their image as well as sharing
technological developments, noticing the need experiences and mutual support helps society
for their own development, not only when to perceive librarians as a strong, determined
encouraged by their superiors, but also group of professionals, aware of their socially
resulting from their own motivation to learn. useful role. By utilizing social competences
The need for development must stem from the such as empathy, persuasion, leadership and
natural predispositions in the librarian because cooperation a librarian can provide better
such skills are not provided by the education. service to the society. The librarian’s
A librarian must be aware of his or her role personality instantly creates a link between the
and aware of the need to constantly develop media and information for the users. The task
and improve. Praxeological abilities involve of librarians consists in recognizing, satisfying
diligence, adaptation and motivation. A and developing information, educational,
librarian’s diligence is beyond question, as scientific, cultural needs and the needs for
meticulousness is a required characteristic and entertainment. A librarian must be aware of

55th ILA National Conference on Library & Information Science - Conference Proceedings – January 21-24, 2010

technological developments and be proficient extremely important issues are self–

in new technologies. Librarians play a role of improvement and training. Librarians should
psychologists, because they are challenged to serve as an example to the user living in the
distinguish the users’ needs appropriately and learning society, and it is the conception of
help the user specify them. lifelong learning that should be perfectly
reflected in the person of the librarian. The
Libraries are regarded as service providers, two professions of computer scientist and
while the information becomes merchandise economist should be combined by a
and a user the customer. To many people, the contemporary librarian, because proficiency in
library is often thought of as a place only the use of electronic tools, and a marketing
visited out of necessity, in order to find a approach to library and the marketing of its
necessary item or get particular information. services is the only alternative in the case of
The need for constant knowledge acquisition hybrid libraries.
will result in more frequent users’ visits, so it
appears crucial to make this place a pleasant Barrier in Librarianship
experience for the user–customer. Modern
librarians ought to change themselves with Librarianship is not considered a prestigious
changing image of modern libraries. Working profession in the society. A low social
with pleasure, and not with a sense of recognition decreases the motivation in the
obligation, enables one to derive satisfaction professional environment. However,
from it, and only an employee genuinely librarianship is a profession with a future.
involved in performing his or her own duties There is a demand for new specialists in form
is able to approach each specific customer– of discipline librarians, systems librarians and
user professionally. electronic information specialists etc. Each
specialization requires other competencies and
Discussing professional qualifications last skills, and each of those presents new
might not seem to make sense; however the challenges. A sense of professional fulfillment
essential issue appears to be the personality of and satisfaction tend to be significant factors
a contemporary librarian, his way of influencing the librarian’s motivation.
approaching his duties and new challenges,
while education becomes only a help in Librarians are not motivated by lucrative
professional life to acquire knowledge. A career prospects. This needs to be clear to
modern librarian should also be qualified in anyone considering a career as a professional
terms of sources of information and using librarian. However, “born librarians” are
them, not to mention keeping up with guaranteed satisfying careers. Social
constantly changing information resources. assessment reflects that the mission and
For a successful librarian proficiency in character of our profession remains unclear,
searching information and knowledge, thereby requiring constant promotion and a
allowing its selection and minimizing change in the stereotypical perception of a
information noise are the basic requirements. librarian.
A librarian should also be equipped with In the local context, unfortunately there are
general knowledge, to enable him to be still some big libraries which are entirely
conversant in a multitude of subjects. The dependent on print media. Automation of
current model of the librarians’ university libraries is still a dream while employees are
training is directed towards improvement in often seen performing all library house-
the scope of scientific information. Other

55th ILA National Conference on Library & Information Science - Conference Proceedings – January 21-24, 2010

keeping jobs manually. The attitudes of some librarian’s role have to shift from that of
librarians having charge of important libraries information locator (custodian role) to that of
are really frustrating. As soon as they hear an information evaluator and instructor in the
about computers or computer-related use and evaluation of information sources.
technologies in the LIS field, their first reflex Library people have time and again
is that such things are the realm of computer complained about lack of training to develop
technicians, systems analysts, database ICT skills in employees. They wrongly believe
managers, not for librarians or library people. that the onus of training falls entirely on their
Such behaviours on behalf of those at the head employers. In now days, no one is guaranteed
of institutions are detrimental to the library a job for a life time. Only those persons have
profession in general. They forget that great chance of employability in such
technology permeates all branches of learning, workplaces, who train themselves by
all disciplines and every sphere of our lives. constantly updating their skills and become
Lawyers, engineers, medical practitioners, multi-skilled and who are engaged in life long
people of all walks of life need Information learning. In the past, employers made it a duty
Technology in their daily personal and to train their employees but nowadays this
professional lives. If librarians and library responsibility is given less importance. In
employees are themselves not fully conversant difficult economic situations, they downsize
with Information Technology, it is difficult to their personnel and redeploy those who suit
see them having a role in the information the new market requirements. In the local
literacy programmes. They may not be of any context, our librarians and information
assistance in bridging the digital gap. workers need to give a serious thought about
the exigencies of the 21st century and the
CONCLUSION skills required to meet all the forthcoming
The development of the modern world and challenges.
requirements cast upon the society imply that REFERENCES
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