Alhamdulillahirabbil'alamin. All Prise To Allah SWT, The Most Gracious and

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Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin. All prise to Allah SWT, the most gracious and

mercies who always guides us to live in the world and here after. The best regard

is also delivered to Prophet Muhammad SAW who brought the lightness in this

world. Finishing this proposal is not a simple thing to do, but because of the help

of Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW, this proposal is completed.

However, it also because of some contributions and supports from others. Thats

why, on this occasions the deepest gratitude coming from the heart is given to:

1. My parents who always pray for my success and support me.

2. The rector of STAIN Pamekasan, Dr. H. Taufiqurrahman. M.Pd. who gives

me chance to study in this college, so I get so many knowledges and

experiences there.

3. The head of the English Department, Mr. Mosleh Habibullah. M.Pd. who

give advice, especially in allowing me to study this research.

4. My advisor, Mr. Abd.Ghafur, M.Pd., who always patient to guide, support,

give ideas, and many other things that cannot explain one by one, which

are useful in completing this proposal.

5. All of my honour lecture in English department who always patient in

giving me advice, in teaching me, and supporting me.

6. All of my best friends who become a charge power in my life.

Finally, I realise that this proposal needs the constructive critics and

suggestion from the reader to make it better, and hopefully it will be useful for the

readers and others who need.

Pamekasan, 07th june 2016

The Researcher


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