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Teaching speaking perhaps need an extra work from a teacher . because the young learners sometimes
still do not able to express emotions, commonicate intention and reaction, explore the language and
make fun of it in their own language.

Definition of speaking

Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-
verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. Speaking is a crucial part of second language
learning and teaching. There are many different ways that children play with words and
language beginning with the tickling rhymes that they hear as babies and continuing with
other sort of play which involve both the form and meaning of language (Cook,2000).

How to teach speaking

1. Preview their knoledge first

If youre unsure of your students levels, it is the best to let them to show you first
what they already know , so you dont have waste time reapeating information.
2. Fluency games
You must use fluency games to build their familiarity speed in recalling the
3. Practice , practice, practice
When an appropriate time comes up not only should you repeat the word clearly, but
have all of the students repeat after you to practice using the word in the correct
Managing speaking activities

Managing learning activities is, sometimes, problematic. According to Ellis

(1997) in Linse (2005), when looking at language teaching, it is important to consider the
technical knowledge of how people learn language with the practical, implicit, and
intuitive knowledge that is gained through actual experience. So, it is important to
understand the basic theory, but it is more important to do it and have a bunch of
experiences. It is crucial for teachers to have well planed lessons in order to maintain a
certain level of control in your classroom.
During the speaking activities, the noise level alone can quickly escalate and
disturb other classes. It is not effective, even contra productive, for teachers to shout,
ALL RIGHT EVERYONE, BE QUIET!, when they themselves are contributing to the
noise level. Instead, teachers need to find their unique way to develop a visual cue to get
children to be quiet and listen for the teachers instructions.
There are some examples of speaking activities :
a. Presenting new language orally
Teacher is the students language model.
Through the students
Using a mascot
Other suggestion
b. Controlled practice
c. Guided practice
What is the time
Chain work
d. Dialogue and role play work
Dialogue using object
Role play
e. Free activities
Pairwork activities
Whole class activities

Managing speaking activities When looking at language teaching, it is important to

consider the technical knowledge. For the pure sake of survival, it is crucial that you have
well-planned lessons, that contain activities where children are interested and stay on
task. Managing the noise level During a speaking activity, the noise level alone can
quickly escalate and disturb other classes. Teacher who do not use communicative
approaches in their claasroom can be especially harsh if the noise level seems to become
too high. As part of a well-rounded English-language curriculum, children should be
given nomerous opportunities to speak in class, Children can be taught a number of
signals to become quiet. Do not try to shout over children. You can use the fishbowl
technique in the activity. Speaking in the classroom In addition to games, children's
coursebooks often help children practice specific language patterns and pre-scripted
conversations. Sometimes it is hard to find activities that only focus on speaking since so
many of the pages also contain print which adds reading to the activity.

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