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Interpretation 2D Magnetic of a High Sulfidation Epithermal

Deposits in Tirtayasa, Jambi

Wahyu Kusdyantono*

*Geophysics Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

PT. ANTAM. Tbk Unit Geomin has conducted ground magnetic measurements of
a high sulfidation epithermal deposits in Tirtayasa prospect area, Jambi province in the late
2012 for prospecting the indication of the gold mineralization area. Ground magnetic
measurements were covered in an area of 6 km2. Based on the data, processing was
divided into two parts, processing until reduce to magnetic pole (RTP) filter and
quantitative interpretation using 2D geological modelling. Processing magnetic data after
filter reduced to magnetic pole has resulted a pair high (bulls eye) magnetic anomaly value
(400 nT) with a north-south orientation. This anomaly was surrounded by magnetic
destructive area with low magnetic anomaly value (30 nT). 2D geological modelling has
shown that the highest magnetic anomaly due to diorite quartz intrusion with susceptibility
5.10-3 SI at a depth 200 300 m below the surface. The low magnetic anomaly was derived
from the alteration zone (pyrophyllite-alunite-dicktite-kaolinite) with susceptibility around
1.10-4 SI at a depth 100 m below the surface.

Keyword: bulls eye anomaly, susceptibility, 2D geological model, high sulfidation

epithermal deposits

Introduction sulfidation zone. The ground magnetic

survey covering 6 km2 research areas
Epithermal high sulfidation gold deposits with orientation west-east and spacing
exist due to magmatic domination which between the line was 100 m. Magnetic
mixed with meteoric water in the edge of acquisition in research area was carried
magmatic zone. Prospect area for out more detail to localize alteration zone
epithermal high sulfidation gold deposits and to detailing the location of intrusive
can observed from characteristic of body. Intrusive body in research area was
magnetization (such as magnetic estimated as a factor of the formation of
destructive) over a large area due to high sulfidation gold deposits. It is
alteration and silica (Hoschke, 2011). possible association with porphyry-type
In the late 2012, PT. ANTAM. Tbk Unit gold deposits (Alrizki et al, 2013). Based
Geomin was conducted ground magnetic on geological data in the research area,
acquisition in Tirtayasa region prospect alteration zone was found in the form of
area to localize mineralization zone that quartz alunite, phyropilite, paragonite,
indicated as an epithermal high and muscovite (Alrizki et al, 2013).
Accordingly, the alteration zone in
research area was estimated due to the mathematically formulated as follows
existence of quartz-diorite intrusion in (Telford et al, 1990),
that area.
The data from measurement carried out
to be processed until the reduced to the Where is magnetic intensity (Am-1),

magnetic pole to simplify the qualitative is strong magnetic fields (Am ), and k is
analysis process about mineralization susceptibility value.
zone and the position of quartz-diorite
intrusion in that area.
Geological Setting
To confirm that process, quantitative
analysis was carried out to detailing the Regional Geology
location of quartz-diorite intrusion,
localize the distribution of alteration Generally, the regional physiography of
zone, estimate geological structure, and Sumatera classified by two groups,
distinguish rock characterization based Barisan Mountain Range and Semangko
on the susceptibility value. This process Zone. Research area belongs to
was carried out by 2D modelling process Semangko Zone. Regional stratigraphy
from the magnetic data which reduced to in the research area belongs to regional
the magnetic pole. geology Lembar Bangko that divide
stratigraphy composition to some rock
formation. Based on the age of rock
materials, rock formation in a research
area consist of Hulusimpang Formation,
Total magnetic intensity value in which form by volcanic breccia, lava,
epithermal high sulfidation gold deposits tuff, conglomerate, tuff-sandstone,
in Tirtayasa prospect area, Jambi limestone, and limestone-clay
obtained from the ground magnetic (Simanjuntak et al, 2014). In Tirtayasa
measurement. Total magnetic intensity is Area, unconformity formation happens
the magnetic field measured at the point when Hulusimpang Formation breached
on the surface which consist of three by chlorite-diorite intrusion in the Middle
components, component with orientation Miocene. From the Holocene until now,
north-south axis (Y), east-west axis (X), alluvial sediment formed with clastic
and vertical axis (Z). Total magnetic material such as andesite, diorite, and et
intensity mathematically formulated as cetera. This clastic material generally has
follows (Telford et al, 1990), altered (Simanjuntak et al, 2014).

|| = 2 + 2 = 2 + 2 + 2 Regional Stratigraphy
Stratigraphy in the research area arranged
Magnetic susceptibility is the ability of by six lithologies such as old volcanic
the material to be magnetized. Magnetic breccia, andesite lava, quartz-diorite
susceptibility symbolized by k. intrusion, young volcanic breccia, diorite
Definition about susceptibility intrusion, and alluvial sediment deposits.
This classification based on lithology
characterization such as the structure, process is also known as the IGRF
texture that appear in outcrops, and the (International Geomagnetic Reference
age of the rocks its self (Simanjuntak et Field) correctionit depends earth
al, 2014). magnetic database we used. IGRF
correction can be wrote by the equation

Method = 0 (4)

Data Correction Where 0 is earth magnetic field value

The magnetic data that obtained in
research area is the total magnetic field, Total Magnetic Anomaly
it consists of earth magnetic field value,
After the data correction process (diurnal
external magnetic field value due to
and IGRF correction), the next process is
diurnal activity, and magnetic anomaly
gridding the data to obtain the map of
field. This condition raises ambiguity
total magnetic anomaly which still
because anomaly magnetic values cannot
consist of local anomaly and regional
be distinguished. Due to those factors, the
magnetic data must be corrected to
separate between anomaly magnetic Upward Continuation
value and other data.
Upward continuation is one of the filter
Variation of magnetic field value that that used to reduce the local magnetic
caused by diurnal activity will impact anomaly effect due to buried shallow
secular variation that made magnetic material. Then, upward continuation is a
field value was fluctuation (Reeve, mathematical technique that project data
2010). The existence of magnetic field taken at an elevation to a higher elevation
deviation due to sun radiation. It makes and it enhances large scale features in the
the magnetic data must be deducted with research area (Mekonnen, 2004). This
daily magnetic field value from Proton process is known as low pass filter. The
Precision Meter (PPM) base. It is shown elevation chosen 30 m in this process. At
by the equation below. this elevation, it was reduced local
= (3) magnetic anomaly due to buried shallow
material and also not reduce magnetic
Where is the magnetic field without anomaly features which is the target area.
diurnal effect (nT), is the total
magnetic field from the data (nT), and Reduce to Magnetic Pole
is magnetic field due to diurnal Reduce to magnetic pole used to localize
activity (nT). magnetic anomaly appropriate exist
After the diurnal correction process, the above the source of anomaly. Also, this
data must be deducted from the earth process can reduce the dipole effect. In
magnetic field value, so we just have this process, inclination and declination
magnetic anomaly value in the next of research area used as a mathematical
process. Earth magnetic field value factor to reduce the dipole effect.
correction used to erase data due to earth
magnetic field value. Generally, this
Result and Discussion In the center of the map (figure 3.a), there
are two anomalies (bulls eye anomaly)
Qualitative Analysis with high magnetic intensity value and
surrounded by low magnetic intensity
Based on the map of total magnetic
value. Two anomalies with high value
intensity in Tirtayasa prospect area, the
estimated as an intrusion, meanwhile the
lowest value of total magnetic anomaly
low value that exist among the intrusion
shown by 8.8 nT, meanwhile the highest
estimated as lithologies that have altered.
value of total magnetic anomaly shown
Minerals that exist in the alteration zone
by 307.7 nT. Figure 2.a is the total
among the bulls eye anomaly dominant
magnetic intensity map which still show
consist of minerals such as muscovite,
the value of the local magnetic anomaly
allunite, and paragonite (Alrizki, 2013).
and regional magnetic anomaly. To
simplify the interpretation process, total Qualitatively, the area in the south and
magnetic intensity must be separated the center of research area is the area that
between the value from local magnetic analyzed more detail about the existence
anomaly and regional magnetic anomaly. and characterization of epithermal high
sulfidation gold deposits.
The upward continuation process was
carried out at elevation 30 m to separate Quantitative Analysis
anomaly due to the local magnetic
anomaly effect and regional magnetic Quantitatively, interpretation process
anomaly effect. In figure 2.b, it is clear carried out with a mathematical
that the value of the local magnetic calculation in curve matching and
anomaly (buried shallow material) was forward modelling proses in GM-SYS
not exist anymore, and the features on the menu using Oasis Montaj software.
map looks smoother. In this process, Based on qualitative interpretation, it
anomaly due to the deep source enhanced made three lines 2D geological model on
properly. the RTP map with the length of each line
Figure 2.c is the map of magnetic was 2 km (figure 3.b). The lines 2D
intensity that has process using RTP geological model consist of line A A
filter. If we compare this map with the with orientation north-south, line B B
map from the upward continuation with orientation east-west, and line C
process, ambiguity is no longer found in C with orientation east-west too.
the form of a couple of magnetic
anomalies on a map. Shifting location In the line A A, a geological
anomalies such as in figure 2.c show that subsurface model that sown in figure 4.a
magnetic anomaly value has located interpreted as a quartz-diorite intrusion
above the source body of the anomaly. which breach old volcanic breccia and
Based on regional stratigraphy in andesite lava. The impact of this
Tirtayasa prospect area, the high value of geological process, old volcanic breccia
magnetic anomaly estimated due to the and andesite lava have altered. Above the
existence of andesite lava, quartz-diorite alteration zone, have formed the young
intrusion, and volcanic breccia. The area lithology that consist of young volcanic
that has low value estimated due to rocks breccia and alluvial sediment. Quartz-
which have altered and alluvial sediment. diorite intrusion in the north side 2D
geological modelling has surfaced
slighter then quartz-diorite intrusion in In 2D geological model subsurface line C
the south side that breach more peaked. C that shown in figure 4.c there was
quartz-diorite intrusion too at the depth
Susceptibility value of quartz-diorite
400 m below the surface that breach old
intrusion in 2D geological model was
volcanic breccia and andesite lava. The
5.10-3 SI and the value for old volcanic
existence of quartz-diorite intrusion in
breccia was 9.10-3 SI. Lithology of
this area made old volcanic breccia
andesite lava that exist above the old
altered partly and its surround the body
volcanic breccia has susceptibility value
of quartz-diorite intrusion. Right above
1.10-3 SI, while alteration zone that exist
the old volcanic breccia that altered, there
above quartz-diorite intrusion has
was andesite lava and young volcanic
susceptibility value 1.10-4 SI. Sediment
deposition that exist in upper layer such
as young volcanic breccia has Susceptibility value of old volcanic
susceptibility value 1.10-5 SI. breccia in this model was 2.10-3 SI and
andesite lava was 9.10-4 SI. Old volcanic
In 2D geological model subsurface line B
breccia and andesite lava that breached
B that shown in figure 4.b, there was
by quartz-diorite has susceptibility value
quartz-diorite intrusion with magnetic
5.10-3 SI. Low magnetic zone that exists
intensity value 400 nT that has dimension
surround the intrusive body has
with orientation from west to east side
susceptibility value 1.10-3 SI. The upper
throughout 500 m at the depth 300 m
layer sediment that consist of young
below the surface. The old volcanic
volcanic breccia and alluvial deposits
breccia breached by quartz-diorite
have susceptibility value 1.10-5 SI.
intrusion. In the upper layer, there was
lithology of young volcanic breccia with
alluvial sediment deposits. The result of
this intrusion, old volcanic breccia and Conclusion
andesite lava have altered. These The processing of total magnetic
alterations exist arround the body of intensity value that has reduced to pole
quartz-diorite intrusion. (RTP) shown that the existence of bulls
The susceptibility value for quartz- eye anomaly, with the highest intensity
diorite intrusion in 2D geological model value was 200 300 nT and it surrounded
subsurface was 5.10-3 SI, volcanic by the lowest intensity value, 20 30 nT.
breccia was 9.10-3 SI, and susceptibility The high intensity value in research area
value for andesite lava that exist above due to quartz-diorite intrusion that aged
old volcanic breccia was 1.10-3 SI. In Middle Miocene, and it breach lithology
upper layer such as young volcanic of old volcanic breccia and andesite lava
breccia and alluvial deposits have that aged Early Oligocene Middle
susceptibility value 1.10-5 SI. Alteration Miocene at the depth 200 400 m below
zone that exist surround quartz-diorite the surface.
intrusion has susceptibility value 1.10-3 The low magnetic intensity value in
SI. research area due to the alteration zone of
silica and alunite (1.10-4 SI - 1.10-5 SI)
that surround the body of quartz-diorite Deposits Using Induced
intrusion (2.10-3 SI - 5.10-3 SI). This Polarization and Magnetic
alteration zone exists due to geological Method in Tirtayasa, Jambi.
process such as a quartz-diorite intrusion, Medan: Proceeding HAGI-IAGI
and the existence of alunite as a result Joint Convention
mineralization process at silica massive
Hoschke, T. 2011. Geophysical
and quartz (Hoschke, 2011). An area with
Signatures of Deposits and
high prospect economic minerals such as
Implications for Exploration.
gold, estimated exist in areas with low
ARC Centre of Excellence in
magnetic intensity that surround an area
Ore Deposits, University
with high magnetic intensity, exactly in
the center of the research area. Hence,
further analysis needed to estimate the Mekonnen, T. K. 2004. Interpretation
existence of porphyry system. and Geodatabase of Dukes
Using Aeromagnetic Data of
Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
Acknowledgment Thesis, International Institute for
Geo-information Science and
The name of the prospect area of PT. Earth Observation Enschede,
ANTAM. Tbk was modified as Tirtayas The Netherlands
prospect area, and some information such
as inclination, declination, and Reeve, W. 2010. Geomagnetism
geological information not mentioned Tutorial. USA: Reeve
due to company policy. The author would Observatory Anchorage Alaska
like to thank you to PT. ANTAM. Tbk Simanjuntak, W., Priadi, B., Siswandi.
Unit Geomin, Mr. Satriya Alrizki, ST., 2014 Geologi dan Studi Kontrol
Mr. Agus Pajrin, ST., and Mr. Struktur Geologi Terhadap
Muhammad Akbar. K, S. Si. For Mineralisasi Daerah Tirtayasa,
guidance in processing and analyze the Jambi. Purwokerto: Departemen
data. Geologi, Universitas Jenderal

References Telford, W. M., Geldart, L. P., Sheriff, R.

E. 1990. Applied Geophysics
Alrizki, S., Rusiana, P. 2013. Second Edition. Cambridge:
Investigation of A High Cambridge University Press
Sulfidation Epithermal Cu Au
List of Figures

Figure 1. Geological map of Tirtayasa prospect area (top) and alteration map of Tirtayasa
prospect area (bottom) (Modified from Simanjuntak, 2004)



Figure 2. a) Tirtayasa prospect total magnetic intensity; b) After upward continuation filter at
elevation 30m; c) RTP magnetic


Figure 3. a) Interest zone in research area. Bulls eye anomaly shown with a pair high magnetic
intensity that surround with low magnetic intensity; b) Lines of 2D geological model



Figure 4. 2D geological model at line A A (a), line B B (b), and line C C (c)

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