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ANS 302D: Introduction to Korean Culture and History

Key Concepts 2

Issues in ancient history

Key Terms: (Old) Chosn, Lolang/Nangnang and the issues it raises, Tangun, Kija,
Eastern barbarians

Old Choson: Origin unkown, most likely tribal federation than state, fell after Chinese
besieged a fortress near Pyongyang. People probably illiterate. Significant because it
brought the Chinese into contact with Korea. Wiman, a Chinese lieutenant fled to Choson
and seized power and self-appointed himself as king. Wiman was a middleman between
the Chinese and the tribal people. Choson was a place of exile for dissidents. Choson
rulers prevented tribal people from contacting/trading with tribal peoples to the south.
Han emperor Wudi conquered Choson, occupied Choson capital of Wanggom and last
king of Choson was killed by his own ministers. For next four centuries, Chinese ruled
over Choson, first and only time Chinese exerted direct rule in Korea.

Lolang/Nangnang (19): One of the four administrative units (commanderies) set up by

Chinese in Choson set up in modern Pyongyang. Lolang was most populous/prosperous
of commanderies. Commanderies were significant because they connected the Korean
people with the Chinese and caused sinification. In the commanderies, intermarriage and
cultural assimilation occurred. Lolang produced textiles and Chinese ceramics, and
imported fine goods. Lolang was in the middle of a trading network between Manchuria
and northeastern Korea and the Japanese archipelago.

Tangun: Myth where celestial deity mates with a compliant bear who gives birth to
Tangun who establishes Choson in 2333 BCE.

Kija: Not important

Eastern Barbarians: Not important

The Three Kingdoms/Unified Silla

Three kingdoms, bone rank, Silla Unification, Kaya/Imna/Mimana, Pak

Hykkose, Parhae, Sorabol/Kumsong/Kyngju, hwarang, hyangga, Hwam vs. Pure
Land Buddhism, royal vs. aristocratic power, hereditary status, relation to Chinese
culture, Chinas Kogury and the issues it raises

Three Kingdoms:

Bone Rank: Hereditary system for Silla no social mobility, HR6 only had a taste of
power but wanted more power, created tension
Pak Hyokkose: Founded Silla Kingdom miraculously born from an egg sunlight
shone from his body.

Parhae: Founded after Silla conquest, near Manchuria, extension of Koryo. Started debate
over whether Korea was actually unified. North Korea supports Parhae as proof of
nonunification of the Korean peninsula.

Sorabol/Kumsong/Kyongju: Capital of Silla extreme southeastern corner of the


Hwarang: Flower boys part of the 3 silla social systems (bone rank, hawbaek council of
notables), and hwarang). Military bands of aristocratic youth that served as elite units in
Silla army. Shamanastic rituals were involved.

Hyangga: Korean language poems transcribed from Korean to Chinese. Only 25 still
exist. Provide us with earliest forms of purely Korean literature. Some are Silla, some are
Buddhist, some are shamanistic.

Hwaom vs Pure Land Buddhism: PL was animistic beliefs, amitabha etc, whereas
Hwaom/Flower Garland was more philosophical. FG was supported by elite as they
wanted to spend their free time reading all these philosophies.

Royal vs aristocratic power: Aristocratic was when king held less power, aristocrats made
up govt not royal family

Hereditary status: Bone rank for Silla

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