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STI Academic Center Las Pias

Computerized Enrolment System

for Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex

A Thesis Presented to

STI Academic Center Las Pias

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology


Buendia, Myra

Chavez, Joshua

Garde, April Rose

Gomez, Jessa

Mr. Robert Aries Dela Paz

Thesis Adviser

March 2017
STI Academic Center Las Pias


This Thesis entitled

Computerized Enrolment System

for Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex


Buendia, Myra

Chavez, Joshua

Garde, April Rose

Gomez, Jessa

And submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the \

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology degree has been examined

And is recommended for acceptance and approval


Mr. Robert Aries Dela Paz

Thesis Adviser

March 2017
STI Academic Center Las Pias



This Thesis entitled

Computerized Enrolment System

for Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex

After having been recommended and approved is hereby accepted

by the Accounting Technology Department

of STI Academic Center Las Pias


Thesis Coordinator


College Dean

March 2017
STI Academic Center Las Pias


This Computerized Enrolment System entitled

Computerized Enrolment System

for Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex

Developed by:

Buendia, Myra

Chavez, Joshua

Garde, April Rose

Gomez, Jessa

After having been presented is hereby approved

by the following members of the panel

_________________________ _________________________


Lead Panelist

Computerized Enrolment System for Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village

Annex provide a better system that will serve as a more reliable tool in registering, enrolling and

assessment of students rather than manually listing down information about the student within the said


Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex is currently running on a typical

way of enrolling students. The students or the parents rather walks into the institution with the school

requirements and the guidance personnel will ensure that the requirements that is being required by the

school are complete. When the guidance personnel found out that the requirements are complete. They

will list down the student name on a piece of bond paper and inserted on a folder.

Another issue that the developer wanted to address is in terms of sectioning. Las Pias East

National High School Equitable Village Annex has seven sections in every grade level and it has a

totality of 1400 population. In this procedure, guidance personnel will look one by one for the students

general average and they will separate those who got a grade of 88 and above and this will be the star

section. Students must have a grade of 85 to 87 for them to be able to be part of the next section. The

guidance personnel will perform a random grade selection for the third to the last section. After finalizing

the sectioning thats the time that the guidance personnel will post the sections master lists on a bulletin


Our system will provide an easy and fastest way of enrolling students. We will revise or improve

the enrolment system of Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex. Using our

system the guidance personnel will directly encode or input the students information on the system. The

system itself will be the one who distribute the information on the columns of a worksheet instead of listing

down the student information on a piece of bond paper before encoding one by one on the columns of a

1.0 Introduction

Enrolment is the process by which the student is being registered on a specific institution.

The student undergoes to a process which starts in admission, registration and assessment.

What is Computerized Enrolment System?

Computerized Enrolment System tends to replace a so called Paper Less

Transaction and also it will make any transaction move easier and faster, also it tends to

lessen manpower and human efforts in terms of processing any transaction in regards with

enrolment transactions.

Computerized Enrolment System can reduce the man power needed to facilitate an

Enrolment Process. Having Computerized Enrolment System, it is more convenient and

accessible to those wishing to enrol. This would also reduce the human error aspect as well

as double entries.

It makes the procedure fast and efficient such system will make enrolment much easier

and faster less time consuming. A Computerized System can hold more files in an

organized way rather than none computerized system. It is also doesnt take too long to find

any information about the person.

A Computerized Enrolment System is actually quite simple. The computer keeps trades

of who signs up and then organize them based on time or name for example.
Enrolment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a

particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrolment procedures called

Enrolment System (ES). ES are used particularly in recording and retrieving students

information. Tracking students information is also one feature of ES, in which the school can

trace the standing of a student.

1.1 Background of the Study

Las Pias East National High School - Equitable Annex is located at Tulips St., Talon

Village, Talon IV Las Pias, Metro Manila. LPENHS - EVA teaches students in grades

seventh through tenth in Las Pias, Fourth District of National Capital Region. The school has

15 instructional rooms and 5 non-instructional rooms, which are all powered by a power grid.
With 2,178 students, class size is around 78 students. Efren R. Parilla is in charge of the

school, acting as the school's Principal.

For the 2013-2014 School Year, Las Pias East National High School - Equitable Annex

had 2,178 students enrolled. This makes the school a big school, with 1,928 more students

than the average school and 734 less students than the average school in Las Pias. The

school has more female students (1,142) than male students (1,036) - for every one male

student there are 1.1 female students. This is unlike the average gender breakdown in Las

Pias, which sees on average one female student per male student.

Las Pias East National High School - Equitable Annex has a total of 20 rooms - 15 of

which are for instructional purposes and the remaining 5 for non-instructional uses. All in all,

the school has at least one canteen, clinic, computer lab, general academic classroom, library

(which is not functioning now and declares as a Reading Corner), and Two office (Guidance

Office and Principals Office. All of them are standard rooms, meaning they meet the

guidelines of the Department of Education for safety and usability.

With 2,178 students and 15 rooms actively used for teaching, Las Pias East National

High School - Equitable Annex has an average class size of 78. This means classes at Las

Pias East National High School - Equitable Annex are much larger than the average class

size, with 50 more students per room than the average of all schools, and 39 more students

per class than the average in Las Pias, Fourth District.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.2.1 General Problem

How to design and develop a Computerized Enrolment System for Las

Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex?

Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex

uses a manual way of enrolling students. The guidance personnel

manually records the students information on a clean sheet of paper

thats why it consume a lot of time just to register those students. They

need to analyse if the information is correctly inputted. It minimizes the

time in gathering the information or data.

1.2.2 Specific Problems

How to design and develop a registration module for help Las Pias

East National High School Equitable Village Annex?

Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex

uses a manual way of registering students. The students or the parents

rather walks into the institution with the school requirements and the

guidance personnel will check the requirements one by one if it is

complete. Manual checking and compiling requirements are very hassle

for them because theres a huge number of students every year.

How to design and develop a file maintenance module to help prevent

or minimize the loss of records?

Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex

uses a manual way of listing down the information about the students. It

includes in listing the Name, Age, Address, Gender, and other

information about the students. The problem is some of the students file

were lost because of manual compiling of them.

How to design and develop an assessment module to help generate

reports faster and more accurate?

Theres a huge number of students in every grade level of the

said institution. They are also manually assessing the sections of every
student. The guidance personnel will look one by one for the students

general average and they will separate those who got a grade of 88 and

above and this will be the star section. Students must have a grade of 85

to 87 for them to be able to be part of the next section. The guidance

personnel will perform a random grade selection for the third to the last

section. After finalizing the sectioning thats the time that the guidance

personnel will post the sections master lists on a bulletin board.

How to design and develop a Security Module to help ensure the

security of the files?

Since, Las Pias East National High School Equitable Village Annex

uses a manual way of compiling the records of a current and incoming

students, losing some files can takes place. The developer will develop a

security system that will permits the administrators or the admins to

access the whole system. The admins are the ones who have the right to

access the said system.

1.3 Statement of the Objectives

1.3.1 General Objectives

The main objective of this study is to design and develop a

Computerized Enrolment System in order to lessen the task of the

guidance personnel and to make the enrolment procedure faster.

Computerized Enrolment System will completely replaces the manual

way of enrolling students. The guidance personnel will benefit a lot

because of less hassle and reliable tools.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives
To design and develop registration module that will provide an easy

and less time consuming

Inside the registration module, we will create a checkbox which

set about the requirements. Each checkbox has details such as the

required requirements and it is the Billing Information, Form 137, Good

Moral, Photocopy of Birth Certificate/NSO and also the Photocopy of

Diploma in Elementary. Every student must pass the required complete

requirements. They must pass those requirements to make sure that

they are reserved. Registration module, replaces the manual process of

compiling and checking the requirements of the said institution.

To design and develop file maintenance which is in-charge in listing

down the student information

We will create a form where all the student details are inputted

such as Name, Student Number (LRN), Age, Birthdates, Gender,

address etc. We will make sure that our system will totally replace the

manual compiling of students information. It is surely helpful for the said

institution, because there are a big risk of having the records especially

those who viewed on it.

To design and develop Assessment module, we will include the

sectioning of the students

In this case, the system itself will be the one who will perform the

sectioning. Once the grade of the student have been encoded. The

student who got 88 and above will be included on the first section. The

student that got an average of 85 to 87 will be included on the next

section. And the third to the last section will be chosen randomly. The

system enables the students to know whatever section they belong on

the same day of process.

To design and develop Security module, which is in-charge on the

security of the students information

To make sure that the records of the students will not be lost or

misplaced. The unauthorized persons are not capable to access or

manipulate the files. It will also lessen the time to find the records


1.4 Significance of the Study

Due to the increasing population of Las Pias East National High School

Equitable Village Annex, this study will help the school regarding their enrolment

transactions and activities. The proposed design aimed to benefit the school in their

enrolment facilities such as maintaining the files, assessment and especially the

Enrolment System itself.

The School and its Department
The main beneficiary of the study is Las Pias East National High School

Equitable Village Annex. LPENHS - EVA would be adapting the innovation of technology

through application program database that will make their work with optimum

performance. The develop system will be handling the flows and problems that the

organization is encountering. With regards to the registrar department, the proposed

design will help the school in maintaining the data of the students and the school will not

use the manual data gathering.

1.5 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of the study is for the enrolment system of the said school. The study will

include Computerized Enrolment system and how they work. In the status of Las Pias

East National High school they used old fashioned way of enrolment system that take a

long time and risky way to compile and listing the information of enrolling students.

File Maintenance
The Computerized Enrolment System will have file maintenance that will
allow the admin to add, delete, edit and find records easily in a high
security level to protect the records of each student.
User Account Module
The proponents should assure that the system is well protected
for unauthorized access.

Registration Module
Every enrolee or student should past atleast one requirement that the
institution is requiring for them to be able to be registered.
These are the requirements that a students must submit:
Proof of Billing
Form 138 (Original Copy of Uncancelled Grade 6 Report Card)
Form 137-A (Original Primary Permanent Record)
Certificate of Good Moral Character
Photocopy of Birth Certificate/NSO
Photocopy of Diploma in Elementary

Class Scheduling Module

The Computerized Enrolment System will have a better sectioning for
generating schedule of the class. It helps the users to make a schedule easily.

Sectioning Module
This is a module that will add or update a section. It will view all the
important information of every section concerning on what year level it is
assigned, to whom adviser it is assigned and a capacity of the student on that
particular section.

Do not receive any kind of payments
Do not accept reservations in enrolling a students.

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