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room ghurfa

There are ve rooms in Ahmeds house, bayt aHmed khams ghuraf,

two bedrooms, ghurfatn naum,

a living room, ghurfat aj-julus,

a dining room, ghurfat aT-Tam,

and a study. wa ghurfat al-maktab.

And, of course, there is a kitchen, wa Tabaan hunaka maTbakh,

a bathroom, Hammm,

and a pretty garden, too. wa aiDan Hadqatun jamla.


Okay, lets stop here. You learned how to say a house (bayt), a room (ghurfa), a bedroom (ghurfat an-
naum), a living room (ghurfat aj-julus), a dining room (ghurfat aT-Tam), a kitchen (maTbakh), a
bathroom (Hammm), and a garden (Hadqa). Did you notice the sound gh in the word ghurfa? This
sound is pronounced from deep in the throat. You also learned the verb yaskun (to live). Notice that both
verbs and nouns can have different endings, such as -u on yaskunu and -tun on Hadqatun, depending
on their position in the sentence. Now lets talk about sentence construction. There are two types of
sentences in Arabic: verbal sentences, which begin with a verbfor example, yaskunu aHmed -l bayt
(Ahmed lives in the house)and nominal sentences, which begin with a noun, such as Hadqatun jamla
(a garden is pretty). Great! Now lets continue with more words and phrases.


sleeps yanam

Ahmed sleeps. yanamu aHmed.

Mona sleeps. tanamu mona.

eats yakul

Ahmed eats. yakulu aHmed.

Mona eats. takulu mona.

sits yajlis

Ahmed sits. yajlisu aHmed.

Mona sits. tajlisu mona.


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