Acronyms and Abbreviations PDF

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Common business acronyms and abbreviations

A A&P Advertising and promotions

AAU Attitude, awareness and usage study
ACA Adaptive conjoint analysis
ADI Area of dominant influence.
ADSL Advanced digital subscriber line
AIDA Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action
AIDCA Awareness, Interest, Desire, Conviction,
ANOVA Analysis of variance
ARF Advertising Research Foundation
ASC Advertising Standards Council
ASCII American standard code of information
ATC Average total cost.

B B2B Business to business

B2C Business to consumer
BDI Brand development index
BEP Break even point.

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C CAGR Compound annual growth rate
CAPI Computer assisted personal interviewing
CASI Computer-aided self-administered
CATI Computer assisted telephone interviewing
CAWI Computer aided web interviewing
CIF Cost, insurance and freight.
CIM Chartered Institute of Marketing
CPA Critical path analysis.
CPC Cost per click
CPI Consumer price index
CPM Cost per thousand
CPP Cost per rating point
CPT Cost per thousand
CRM Customer relationship management /

D DAGMAR Defining advertising goals for measured

advertising results
Dink Dual income no kids
DK Don't know
DMA Designated marketing area.
DPI Disposable personal income.
DSS Decision support system.

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E eCRM Electronic customer relationship
EDI Electronic data interchange
EEC European Economic Community.
EEG Electroencephalogram
EFTPOS Electronic funds transfer at point of sale.
ENP Expected net profit.
EPOS Electronic point of sale (data)

F FABS Features and benefits selling.

FAQ Frequently asked questions
FIS Free in store.
FMCG Fast moving consumer goods
FOC Front of counter
Four P's Product, price, promotion and place.
FTP File transfer protocol

G GIF Graphics interchange format

GNP Gross national product
GRP'S Gross rating points
GSM Global system for mobile
GSR Galvanic skin response

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H HTML Hypertext mark-up language
HTTP Hyper text transfer protocol

I IDI In depth interview

IM Instant messaging
IMAP Internet message access protocol
IP Internet protocol
ISDN Integrated services digital network
ISP Internet service provider

J JIT Just in time (Inventory System)

JPEG Joint photographic experts group

K KISS Keep it simple and straightforward

KPI Key performance indicators
KIPs Key Influence People.

L LAN Local area network

M MBP Management by objectives

MEG Moderated email group
MIS Marketing / management information
MPEG Motion picture exports group
MRS Market Research Society

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N NA Not available
NAM National account marketing
NPD New product development
NQT New qualitative techniques
NSPF Not specifically provided for

O OCR Optical character reader

OTS Opportunities to see

P PAPI Paper and pencil interviewing

PDA Personal digital assistant
PDF Portable document format
PDM Product differentiated marketing.
PERT Program Evaluation and Review
PIN Personal identification number
PLC Product life cycle
PoP Point of purchase.
PR Public relations

Q QUANGO Quasi-autonomous non-government


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R R&D Research and development.
ROAM Return on assets managed.
ROI Return on investment.
RTS Ready to serve

S SAQ Self-administered questionnaire

SBU Strategic business unit
SEG Socio-economic-group
SIC Standard industrial classification
SKU Stock keeping Unit.
SMTO Simple mail transfer protocol
SOV Share of voice
SQL Structured query language
STM Simulated test market
SWOT Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and

T TARPS Target audience rating points.

TCP Transmission control protocol
TVR's Television ratings

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U U&A Usage and attitude (study)
UMTS Universal mobile telecommunication
UPC Universal product code
USP Unique selling proposition

V VO Voiceover
VPN Virtual private network

W WAN Wide area network

WAP Wireless application protocol
WWW World wide web

Y Yuppie Young upwardly mobile professional.


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