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KEYS TO SUCCESS IN THE INTEGRATION OF ICT TEACHERS ATTITUDE fasy, useful and efficient with value-added PereMerqués(2010) 6 REASONS TO USE ICT IN EDUCATION [woatetydemands.. | errant na Wy intelligent use judiciously eo eed Tz Tcl auxiliary memory i-person DIGITAL & INFORMATIONAL COMPETENCE mut at improve teaching and learning deal with diversity PRODUCTIVITY ee eae ay Dra rte METHODOLOGICAL search for information INNOVATION do things Use ICT... when ICT add value . ; Pere Marques (2012 Cee Tae or er STEP 1: CAPTURE VIDEO ra Mize) Bigs ehis DEO VIDEO FILE RECORDED LOCALLY CONTENT CURATION MB, FROM VIER VIDEO FRE eee SOURCES RECORDED LOCALLY LANIWAN f »o se PUBLIC ae ie AUDIO/ PC. we VIDEO DESKTOP. le wor 9

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