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47.34 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications (SI) ‘ube 42 Design Guideline for HVAC Reed acgcound Sound a Rooms 0) To, om oe comtstne) | tuan typ cometh) iene prc Condon 251035 | Rerrning A tne Troma ey ot ont as 2 Tn ene aie aswos | Malet ss 3 Metrokane oan eas | Mulepactiem soinas oid hes 3st04s | abort me hod Serhan Sess | “Rataghacichnitetapecummeniaion 45105 ones Recah exe plas ph he Theva ph cs 251035 oman Seneca Beas | compeanine ssioss ‘eects om 2 Chore ae Sane Open oer an Cone eta nH ei open 25136 ‘rnd ma stout Bay | “Stearn 250m get om Been sli asioas ‘Wt pc oplion 2s i iow ae niet Orting on 23035 | fader Stat, Gain Ch pcan tea | “Cumin scene 030 cour sega ce who bes tm pech aswoas sence Ample pen ioe ‘lead anger oe bdo jt ad aprons tn uae Ue of ban ac They reese geen scp fe pe Ueiig copies Higher we ves ty teapprapate ad sol bets me io nil pss on ously ‘se suc low R30 an al poroming st ‘Table 43 Definition of Sound-Quality Ds iptor and Qual {ised in previo eins of hit al, uo highs pede ening fr aed Jusiieion fr tome sound erie in schools. The HVAC component of tl ise Ieee bckgrond soe reetntof a add IFAC hed bac fpoendsund S250). SRC oe NC eter te sce et oly be need fr deed perch and -Assessment Index (QAL), to Aid in I preting RC Mark If Ratings of HVAC-Related Sound Description of Subjective ‘Probable Occapant Evaluation, Assuming vel Sound-Quaity Descriptor __Pereeplon Maguitude of QA of Specified Criterion Not Exceeded ‘Neal Blan Balanead sound spoorun, ro QAIS SB, Tyg 38 “Accepable Single equeny tang dominant _QALS $B. lag fy, > 65 Marin TH Rune Tawfrequncy range dominant $dB toda, Objectionable GeV) Rumbke, withmoderaely Low-frequency wage dominant QAISS WB, 5 < Taga l5, 378 ‘Marginal ‘erepible room srface (i6t063 1) Sub 1008, Objectionable (CEvy Rambl, wit clelyLowsroqunay rage dominant QAISS dB, Eg, Ty, 75 ‘arg eee room surface (161043 2) San toga Objectionable (a Rowe Misiequeney ange dominant. dB 1048 Objectionable apie Tigh-fequeney ange dominant $ dB < QA 10a ‘Marginal (10010 4000 M2) Qal> a Objectionable ‘Table 44 Plumbing Noise Levels least 05 m from fariture, More than one location may be me ae a sured, and the microphone may be moved during measurement nesses tee) Ene OW FEN) ovement should not exesed 0.15 m/s, Residential bedrooniving rooming room 5 + Note the operational conditions of the HVACsystem atthe time of ‘gpl patent roamelasceem “0 the test, Turn off all non-HVAC system noises during the test. If Dr alee eon He possible, measure in a normally finished, unoccupied room, siden bathroonitchen 4 + Thetest may be peated with the enire HVAC system tured of, Open ofcobyfeorido o to determine whether the room's ambient noise level from non + Set the mete t display and save the equivalent energy sound pressure level (2) with the desired frequency filtering (e8. ‘octave bands, A-Neighted, ete). Fach measurement should be 15 slong. + Place the measurement microphone in potential listening laa- tions a Teast Tm fom room boundaries and noise sores and at FAC sources i contaminating the results + Record the sound kvel meter make, model, and serial number, the ‘measured sound pressure levels, the HIVAC system's operating conditions, andthe microphone location(s). ‘When these levels are used asa basis for compliance verification, the following additional information must be provided: Duct Location insta or above deal caine i i Sree oh ca a ener ‘Rovenapendad avin ing yp Ta dt ion ete ered cdg ‘Tabled Maximum Recommended Air Velocities at 2007 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications St) [Neck of Supply Diffusers or Return Registers to Achieve ot eo oe Rm ae OD Specie Acousteal Design Criteria wu orggoont Fa— 01m eal 000 “ypeet Opening =— = Suppyairoute al tan z= [Jem panuer veTEN ‘soit TesiTOn war ope os Volume Systems and Duct Silencers Although fans area major source of sound in HIVAC systems, aerodynamically generaied sound can often exceed fan sound ‘because of close proximity tothe receiver. When making ocane- ‘band fan sound calculations wsing a souree-pah-recciver analysis, aerodynamically generated sound must be add in the pth sound ‘aeultions at the locaton ofthe element Duct Velocities. The extent of aerodynamic sound is related to the airflow turbulence and velocity through the duct element, The sound amplitde of aerodynamically generated sound in hts is proportional tothe fit, sth, and seventh power of the dt aiflow ‘eocity in the vicinity ofa duct element (Bullock 197; Inga eta. 1968). Therefore, reducing duct airflow velocity significantly re- ‘duces Mow-generated nose, Tables 3 (Schafer 2008) and 4 (Egan 1988) give guidelines for recommended airflow velocities in dict, sections and duct outlets to avoid problems associated with asrody- ‘namiclly generated sound in ducts, ised Duet Fitings. Fixed duct fitings include elbows, tes, transition, fixed dampers, and branch takcofs In ll cas, lest generated air turbulence and lower airflow velocities result in lest aerodynamic sound, Figures § and 9 show typical frequency spectra {orspecitiesize of elbows and transitions, Data in these figures are ‘based on empirical data obiained fiom ASHRAE RP-37 (Ingard tal, 1968). Normalized data ffom ASHRAE RP-37 and others, ‘which can apply to all ypes of duct fitings and dampers, ave ben Fig. 8 Velocty-Generated Sound of Duet Transitions published (Bullock 1970) and presented in ASHRAE RP-265 (Ver 1983), When muliple duct tings are installed adjacent to each ‘athe, aerodynamic sound can increase significantly Because ofthe ‘aed ar urbulence and increased velocity pressures. Note that the ‘magnitude ofthe fld-measued state pressure drop across fixed ‘uct fitings doesnot relate to the aerodynamic generated sound, However, total pressure drop acros a duct iting, which includes the velocity pressure change resulting from air turbulence, does alec aerodynamically generated sound. ‘Operable Volume Dampers. Operable damper aerodynamic sound is created because the damper isan obstacle in he lstream, and sir turbulence inereases as the damper closes. Because total pressure drop across the damper also inreases with lose, the ‘serodyramie sous elated to the eal pressre drop Both single= blade and muliblade dampers, used 10 balance and control the airflow in a duct ssiem and at room air devices, have similar fee teney spectra. Figure 0 shows the Frequency spectrum fora 43° in a 600 by 600 mam duct (Ingard et al. 1968). Depending on its location eave to arom ar device, damper ‘ean generate sound hats transmited down the duct to the room

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