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Types of Trade Barriers

Is it Is it connected .. has it description of the problem it is called

concerning to character of
trade with Imports of products Tariffs and taxes Import tariffs are higher than is normally the case, Tariff Levels
products into another country or compared with the tariffs imposed on goods from
other countries. (NB: imports from developing
countries may according to special rules be subject
to easier terms.)

Import tariffs are low until a certain volume of the Tariff Quotas
product has been imported. Tariffs are then raised
(normally according to the first-come-first-served
principle), and it takes place on an unclear basis, or
sales of the imported product are subject to special

Internal (national or local) direct or indirect taxes Internal Taxation

(for example VAT, excise duties) make imported
goods more expensive than locally manufactured
products and thus less competitive.

Special duties levied on imported goods that Anti-dumping Measures

allegedly are sold at too low prices (dumping) unless
it takes place according to a previous procedure, or if
the duty exceeds the difference between the
products normal price (production price) and the
actual selling price.

Special duties levied on imported goods to counter Countervailing Measures

subsidies granted in the exporting country unless it
takes place according to a previous procedure, or if
the duty exceeds the value of the subsidy.

Special duty (may be combined with a tariff quota) Safeguard Measure

levied on imported goods to protect an industry in
the importing country against a sudden and heavy
increase in imports unless it takes place according to
a previous procedure and unless it has been
published in advance.

Any other provisional duty that is not normally Other Trade Defense
levied. Instruments
Regulation and Procedures in connection with customs processing Registration,
procedures which directly or indirectly prevent trade, for Documentation and
concerning import example unnecessary delays, inspection Customs Procedures
requirements, documentation and registration

Imports restricted through import prohibition or Quantitative Restrictions

quantitative import restrictions, including quotas, and Related Measures
import licences and non-automatic import

Rules and Local competition rules (for example minimum prices Competition Issues
standards or quantitative restrictions) restrict imports and sales
of foreign products or restrict the sale of these to a
higher extent than the sale of local products.

Requirements of goods in the form of standards and Sanitary and

technical regulations to protect the health of human Phytosanitary Measures
beings, animals and plants, and which affect
imported goods more severely than locally produced

Requirements of goods in the form of standards and Standards and Other

technical regulations (apart from requirements Technical Requirements
related to the health of human beings, animals and
plants), including labelling and packaging
requirements that affect imported goods more
severely than locally produced goods.

As a result of rules or due to common practice, Government

locally produced goods take precedence over procurement
imported goods in connection with procurement by
public authorities (state, regional or local
authorities), including if public tendering and
procurement procedures are not fair and

Subsidies (state aid) that are granted either directly Subsidies

or indirectly (for example tax breaks) to local
producers, and which give these a market advantage
over imported products.
Other measures which mean that locally produced Other Non-Tariff
goods take precedence over imported goods. Measures

exports of products Export Prohibition and restrictions or economic Export Prohibition and
from another country incentives not to export (primary products, Other Quantitative
intermediate products or finished products) from a Restrictions

Direct or indirect taxes or duties levied in connection Export taxes

with exports of a product (primary products,
intermediate products or finished products).

Export licence requirements or other permit Discriminating Export

requirements for exports of a given product where Licensing
neither licence nor permit is issued automatically or
where local and foreign companies are treated

Business support (state aid) that is granted to a Export Subsidies

producer on condition that the goods produced are

patents, trademarks No or only limited protection of patented technology Legislation on Patents

and the like and inventions.

No or only limited protection of the rights of authors, Legislation on Copyright

composers, painters and other artists in relation to and Related Rights
their works, including also the protection of
computer programmes and films from illegal copying
and use.

No or only limited protection of signs and symbols Trademark Legislation

that distinguish the products of one company from
other companies products, and which enable
consumers to choose between different products.

No or only limited protection of indications showing Legislation on

that a product originates in a particular location Appellations of Origin
giving the product special characteristics and which and Geographical
enable consumers to choose between different
No or only limited protection of industrial design. Industrial Design

No or only limited protection of layout designs of Legislation on Layout

integrated circuits. Designs of Integrated

No or only limited means to enforce compliance with Enforcement Problems on

rules governing intellectual property rights. IPR

Other problems related to the registration, protection Other IPR related

or exploitation of intellectual property rights. Problems

investment in A local content requirement or a prohibition against Trade Related

another country imported content in a physical investment (for Investment Measures
example the set-up of a factory or the establishment
of production facilities).

Restrictions or demands on a foreign investor in Foreign Direct

connection with the establishment and operation of a Investment Limitations
company (for example limitations regarding the
volume of investment, restrictions on the
repatriation of profits or quotas and other restrictions
that imply poorer business conditions for a foreign
investment than a local investment).

trade in services Restrictions regarding the possibility of providing Market Access

services in another country, irrespective of whether (quantitative)
the service is provided directly from the exporting Restrictions
country or through a presence in the importing

Direct or indirect discriminatory treatment where a Discriminatory treatment

national provider of services enjoys better conditions
than a foreign service provider. (NB: discriminatory
treatment may depend on whether the foreign
service provider is present in the country or provides
services from abroad.)
National regulations mean intentionally or Non-quantitative, non-
unintentionally that a foreign service-provider discriminatory measures
enjoys poorer conditions than national service (domestic regulation)
providers. (NB: discriminatory treatment may
depend on whether the foreign provider is present in
the country or provides services from abroad.)

Other measures that reduce the competitive position Other Trade in Services
of foreign service providers in relation to national Issues
service providers.

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