Kato 1969

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ChenucalEngmeermgSclence, 1969,Vol 24,pp 1351-1369 Pergamon Press Prmted m Great Bntam

Bubble assemblage model for fluidized bed catalytic reactors

Department of Chemical Engmeenng, West Vlrgma Umverslty, Morgantown, W V 26505, U S A

(Fwst recewed 20 September 1968, m rewedform 30 December 1968)

Abstract-A new model for catalytic reactlon m flmdlzed beds IS developed Ths model called the
Bubble Assemblage Model IS based on multiple bubbles of varymg sizes with Interchange of gas
takmg place between the bubble phase and the emulsion phase
Smce the model needs no adJustable parameters, It IS beheved that the model IS useful for study m
scale-ups The model proposed 1s also convement for computer slmulatlons Expenmental data from
various mvestlgators were used to test the vah&ty of this model It was found that the conversions
predlcted using this model agree reasonably well with the actual performance of the flm&zed beds

INTRODUCTION Based on the results of these observattons,

EVER SINCE the flurdtzed bed techmque was first Kum~ and Levensptel[22,23] recently proposed
apphed to the makmg of syntheses gas from coal a gas flow model which they called the Bubbling
by the Wmkler generator and to the catalyttc Bed Model for explanation and predtctlon of
cracking of petroleum, flmdized beds have been flmdtzed bed behaviors asserting that only the
used for a number of other chenucal processes, effective size of bubble 1s needed to supply
particularly m catalyttc synthesis adequate descnptlon of the flow of gas through
Some of the flutdtzed bed catalytic processes the bed
are the catalytic reforming of naphthas, the Although the concept developed certainly
phthahc anhydnde production, the catalytic contnbuted consrderably to the understandmg
oxtdatton of ethylene, the productton of alkyl of flutdized bed behavior, to use an effective
chlorides, the synthesis of acetomtnle from bubble diameter to represent an assemblage of
acetylene and ammonia, etC Just to mentiOII a bubbles of varying sizes seems to be somewhat
few an oversimplification
However, owing to the complex gas flow and In this paper we shall present a new model
sohd particle movement within the fluidized bed, the Bubble Assemblage Model based on
design procedure of catalytic fluidtzed bed reac- multiple bubbles of varying sizes for design and
tors has not been well established m spite of the scale-up purposes The Bubble Assemblage
fact that a number of models for flmdized bed Model contains essentially no adJustable para-
reactors have been suggested meter and is convenient for computer simulations
There have been a number of mvesttgations The experimental data available m hterature
on the gas flow behavior m a flmdized bed. on first order catalytic reaction systems m
InJectmg a tracer gas mto the bed and exammmg flutdized beds are used to test the vahdity of the
the behavior of the tracer gas by high speed proposed model Unless specified, the equations
photography, comparmg the reactant conversion appearing m this paper are all based on C.G S.
m both the fluidtzed bed and the fixed bed under units
the same operatmg conditions for well defined
catalytic reactions, and observing bubbles nsmg PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS
m the bed have been some of the techniques An attempt to find the gas flow behavior m a
employed to determme the gas flow behavior flmdized bed usmg tracer technique was first

CES Vol 24 8-K


made by Gdhland and Mason[9] who measured change coefficient between the two phases Table
the concentratton variation of a tracer gas 1 summartzes the results of mvesttgatron usmg
InJected mto a flurdrzed bed. A model, usually the tracer technique Since the parameters
the drspersron model or the two phase model, determmed by this manner are m a sense adjust-
IS presupposed m the analysrs and the flow able, unless the model selected can descnbe
behavror 1s represented m terms of model para- flow behavior reasonably accurately, the
meters such as drspersron coefficient or mter- mformatron obtained IS of httle use for scale-up

Table 1 Expenmental mvestlgatlon of model parameters (A) Tracer method

Authors Model Expenmental con&tlons Expenmental results

Gdhland Dlsperslon model Steady state method

and Mason[9] gas an
tracer He E, IS affeCted by u,,,,
particle F C C , glass
DR=25- 114cm E, = 1Oe- 101(cm*/sec)

Much1 et al [33] Dispersion model Steady state method EJv = 100{N,,/l -E}O~
gas mr
tracer NH, at 15 < N&l-e < 50
particle sand, glass EJv = 18O{N,,/l -e}oa
DR=5- 15cm at50< NRep/l-~ < 200

Winter[44] Dlsperslon model Residence time curve E, = C* d, p exp(-o *dp O/u)

gas air wherew* = 3 5 x 105
tracer He C* = 3 6x 10
particle glass
DR=20- 13 5cm

Kobayashl et al [ 193 Two phase model Residence time curve F0 = 11/D*

D,=O gas air
tracer He
l&=&f parhcle silica gel

De Grout [6] Two phase model Residence time curve HK=067DRoPSLo5

De=0 gas air where L = bed height (m)
tracer He Hx = u/F,,, u(m/sec)
ll,=l& particle sihca
DR = 10 - 150 cm

lwasakl et al [ 141 Contact time Residence time curve Converslon of reactant m

drstnbutlon gas ar,Hq fluldlzed bed IS expressed by
tracer I-L, M-L GH,
particle silica-alumna x = 1- Po E(4) exp (-@W/F) d~$
contact time distribution E(6)
IS obtained from residence time
curve of adsorbed and non-
adsorbed tracer gas on solid

Kato et al [15] Two phase model Residence time curve F0 = 5 - 3 llsecfor

up = 0 gas air, Hz, N, ulu*=2- 30
tracer H2~CP& CIHl M=O4-02l/secfor
particle slhca-alumina, u/u,~= 2 - 30
DR= lOcm,D,= 1- 3cm

Bubble assemblage model

purposes. In addition d the model mvolves more pute either the Interchange coefficrent between
than two parameters, the analysis could become the two phases or the fractron of catalyst present
hopelessly difficult in the bubble phase. The results of studies using
Another technique useful for the search of thrs techmque are summarrzed m Table 2.
flow behavior m a flurdlzed bed is to compare the Although the parameters obtained by this
conversion obtamed m a flmdlzed bed reactor technique may satisfactorily represent the
wrth that obtamable m a fixed bed reactor under mdivrdual experimental results, it IS doubtful
the same operating conditions. This technique that these parameters have any physical slgmfi-
Initiated by Shen and Johnstone[37] also needs cance under other operating conditions for
a presupposed model for evaluation of model flmdized beds of complex flow patterns.
parameters Experimental data are used to com- So far most of the experimental data on

Table 2 Expenmental mvestlgatlon of model parameters (B) Reactlon method

Parameter Parameter and

Authors assumed Expenmental condltlons expenmental results

Shen and Johnstone [37] a=0 Decomposmon of mtrous oxide Parameter F0

U,=U~ DR= 114cm,L,=26-32cm k=006- 005(l/sec)
D,=Oorm dp = 60 - 200 mesh

Masslmda and Johnstone [29] a=0 OxnUon of NH3 Parameter F0

I(,=linf DR= 114,L,=26- 54cm k = 0 071 (l/set)
D,=O dp = 100 - 325 mesh

Mathls and Watson[30] D,=O Decomposltron of cumene Parameter FO,u

1(,=&f DR=5- 102cm,L,=lO- 31cm k=064(1/sec)
dp = 100 - 200 mesh

Lews et al [26] u, = 0 Hydrogenation of ethylene Parameter FO,a

D,=Oorm DR=5 2cm,Lw= ll- 53cm k= 1 1 - 15 6(l/sec)
d,=OOOl- 0003cm a=005 - 0 18,F=04- 08

Orcutt et al [34] a=0 Decomposltlon of ozone k = 0 1 - 3 0 (l/set)

u, = 0 DR=lO- lScm,L,=30- 6Ocm
d,=OOOl- 0003cm

Gomezplata and Shuster [ 101 a=0 Decomposltlon of cumene Parameter FO,a

ll,=I(mf DR=76Lw=38-20cm k=O75(l/sec)
D,=O dp = 100 - 200 mesh

Kobayashl et al [20] l4,=lI* Decomposltlon of ozone Parameter a

D,=O DR=83cm,Llllr=10- 100cm k=O.l - 0 8(l/sec)
dp = 60 - 80 mesh a = 15 (L/Lw- 1)

Kobayashl et al [21] u,=l& Decomposltlon of ozone Parameter a

D,=O D,=20cm,L&=lO- 1OOcm k = 0 2 - 3 5 (l/se@
dp = 60 - 80 mesh a=Ol-03

Ishu and Osberg[ 131 Dlsperslon Packed fluldlzed bed ISO- k=05- 2 l(l/sec)
model menzatlon of cycle-propane
DR=42- 12cm,L,,,,=15- 50cm

Kato[l6] IA,=&/ Packed flmdlzed bed hydro- Parameter a

D,=O genatlon of ethylene k=l l-33(1/set)
DR=87cm,Lw=10- 30cm a=035 -045
dp= IOO- 200mesh,Dp= 1- 3cm


kmettc study m fluidized beds were fitted on theof the two phase model by either assuming or
two phase model. A general expression of the estimatmg some of the terms m Eq. (1) and/or
two phase model can be given as (2) In Table 3 the results of the theoretical
development of the two phase model are sum-
As has been observed, numerous studies have
+F&b--cC,)+F,y = 0 (1) tried to explam the flow pattern of gas m fluidlzed
beds, the main dtfficulty seems to revolve about
obtaining a sattsfactory flow model which will
fit the observed conversion in fluuhzed beds
+ FdCe-- cd +.6-Y= 0. (2) under a wide range of cot&tons. Thus a new
flow model taking mto account the presence of
Most of the mvestigators used a simplified form an assemblage of bubbles seems to be needed

Table 3 TheoretIcal study of the two-phase model

Authors assumed Method aorF, Remarks

Van Deemter[41] a=0 A steady-state analysis of HA&

k Parameter, F,, IS not
u, = 0 gas back-nuxmg and related to the bubble
D,=D, residence time curve and Hk=OS-25 a=0 movement m the bed
first order reaction by two
phase model

Much1 [32] l&=&f A study of effect of Fo, a, No relation between

O<D,<m D,, u, on conversion of a bubble movement and
first order reaction parameters

Mamuro and &.=uw Analysis of a first order

Much1[28] a=0 reaction based on the two-
phase cell model $I = shape factor of bubble

Van Deemter[42] De=0 Analysis of back nuxmg, F0=04- 12(l/sec) Parameters a, F,,, IA,are
residence time curve of not related to the bubble
tracer gas and the first growth m the bed
order reactlons

Kuml and u, = 0 Analysis of vanous phen- Parameter DB

Levensptel[22] omena m fluldlzed beds by model IS characterized by
the bubbling bed model a single effective size of
the bubble
c,,,,Dub %
F,,=678 -
( DB )

Davldson and D,=Ooro: Estunatlon of conversions F = 5 85D12g4 Parameter DB

Harnson[S] a=0 for a first order reactlon II Dp model does not account
for bubble growth m the
; 45und bed

Kobayashl and u, = 0 A study of the effect of Parameters a, FO.D,

Ara1[17] De=0 k, a, D, and F,, on con- are not related to the
version of a first order bubble movement

Bubble assemblage model

BUBBLE ASSEMBLAGE MODEL two phases. Overall interchange coefficient per

In developing a model for the flow of gas umt volume of gas bubbles is given by
through a fluidized bed based on an assemblage
of bubbles, the followmg simplifying assumptions Fd = F,+KM (4)
are made
(1) A fluidtzed bed may be represented by n (7) The bubbles are considered to grow con-
numbers of compartments m senes The hetght tmuously while passing through the bed until
of each compartment IS equal to the size of each they reach the maximum stable size or reach
bubble at the correspondmg bed height This the diameter of the bed column Harrison et al.
assumption not only makes it possible for the [l l] showed that the maximum stable bubble
mtroduction of bubbles of multiple sizes into diameter is attamed when the upward flowing
the flow model but also makes It convement for velocity becomes the termmal velocity of
computer calculations particles The maximum stable bubble diameter,
(2) Each compartment is considered to con- &, can be found from
sist of the bubble phase and the emulsion phase
The gas flowing through the bubble phase and
the emulsion phase is considered to be com-
pletely mixed within each phase
(3) The void space withm the emulsion phase (8) Smce the effective thermal ddfusivny and
is considered to be equal to that of the bed at the heat transfer coefficient [43] m a fluidized
mctpient fluidizmg condttions. The upward bed have been shown to be very large, the bed
velocity of the gas m the emulston phase IS at is assumed to be operating under isothermal
U, condrttons The maJonty of experimental data
(4) The bubble phase IS assumed to consist of reported are also obtained under isothermal
spherical bubbles surrounded by spherical conditions
clouds. The diameter of the bubbles and that
of cloud are given by Davidson [4] as Bubble me
The studres on bubble growth are numerous,
among them the works of Yasm and Johanson
Rc 3= ub + k&n.f
(3) [45], Toei et a1.[39], Hu-ski, Yoshida and Kunu
( R1,> ub- kn.fknf
[ 121, Kobayasht, Arai and Shiba[ 181 and
ub 3 hnfknf Baugarten and Ptgford[2] are noteworthy Their
expenmental data are plotted m Fig. 1, followmg
Under normal operating comhtions, &, is much Kobayashi ef a/.[ 181, m terms of D,/ppdp(u/u,)
larger than u,&~ In this region cloud forma- and the bed height, h In this figure some addi-
tion around the bubble can be observed How- tional data were Incorporated mto the ongmal
ever, when large particles are used for fluidiza- plot of Kobayshi et al.[ 181 Although some
non, umf is correspondmgly large and therefore, scattenng of the data IS seen, the bubble diameter
the bubble velocity can become smaller than and the distance from the distributor can be
I(,,&~ The calculation presented here based on approximately related by the correlation equa-
the proposed model would not be apphcable to tion of Kobayashi et al [ 181 as
this range of operation. The voidage withm the
cloud is assumed to be the same as that m the
emulsion phase
(5) The total volume of the gas bubbles wtthm
the bed may be expressed as (L - L,) S Exammation of Fig 1 reveals that the bubble
(6) Gas interchange takes place between the diameter IS not necessarily proportional to the

CormlotIonequatlon of Kobayoshl et al I


22 2 4 6 6 IO 20 40 606OKx) 200


Fig 1 Correlation of Bubble diameter along the bed axis for crowd of bubbles

Symbol Authors Matenal d&m)

Hnxkletal[12] F C C catalyst 0 015

Kobayashl et al [ 181 Sihca gel 0 0194
Toe] et al 1391 Glass 0 0137
Yasm and Glass 0 0041 - 0 0267
Johanson [45]
Ohvme 0 0042 - 0 015
Coal 0 0692
Magetlte 0 0072
V 0 P catalyst 0 0078
Tanaka[38] Sihca gel 0 0213
Winter [44] Glass 0 011 - 0 025
Baugarten and Glass 0 0074
Plgford [2]
Romero[35] Glass 0 0071

first power of the bed height. In fact several sets expenmental evidence mdlcatmg that the bubble
of the data indicate the power on the bed height diameters are shghtly smaller when the bed
to be somewhat smaller than umty. However, diameter becomes larger. However, the relatlon-
before more accurate measurement of bubble ship between the bubble velocity and the bubble
diameter with respect to bed height becomes diameter 1s also affected by the change m bed
possible, there 1s at present no Justification of diameter. In other words, for a larger bed, the
using more sophlstlcated correlation beyond velocity of the bubble having the same diameter
that of Kobayashl et al [ 181. will become shghtly larger due to the reduced
Stnctly speaking, the bubble diameter also fnctlon along the wall of the bed Just how great
should vary slightly with the bed dla DR under the wall effect on the bubble velocity is not very
the same fluldlzatlon condltlons There IS an clear at present Hence, until additional research
Bubble assemblage model

is made to provrde more refined relattonshtp of Fan, Lee and Baihe[8] m&cate the voidage
between the bubble veloctty and the bed dta- up to the bed height corresponding to L, can
meter, Eqs. (6) and (8) are believed to be most be considered approxnnately umform and that
reliable today. the votdage above L, increases along the bed
The above correlation IS based on the data height. For an approxrmatlon, rt is assumed that
obtained using porous plates as the distributor. above the bed height correspondmg to Lw,
For perforated plates the size of bubbles at the (1 -E) decreases linearly wtth respect to the
surface of the dtstnbutor are substantial and bed height. It is further assumed that the average
therefore must be taken mto constderatton. bed height reported m the experiments can be
According to Cooke et a/.[31 the bubble srze considered as an arithmetic average of the maxi-
at the surface of a perforated plate havmg no mum bed height correspondmg to E = 1 and Lw.
number of holes, can be calculated from (SC/W)4/ Following Davidson and Harnson[5], the
g 2 based on the work of Davidson and Harrison velocity of nse of a crowd of bubbles through a
[5] where G = (U-U&/Q,. Therefore, m general, fluidtzed bed can be calculated by
the diameter of bubbles m a fluidized bed can be
approxtmated by u;, = ~~--/.++0~711(gD~)~. (8)

D, = 14ppdp h+D,, (7) Now, rf the charactenstrc bubble diameter 1s

taken as that correspondmg to the bubble
where situated at L,,,,/2, from Eqs. (7) and (8) and
assumption (5), the bed expansion ratio can be
expressed as

The validity of Eq (7) IS tested usmg the expen- (L-L,)/L,= (u-u~)/{0~711(g~~)~~} (9)
mental data of Cooke et a1.[3] and 1s shown m
Table 4. where & is an average bubble dtameter of the
Equation (7) can be used to compute local bed given by
average bubble diameter along the axis of the
flmdtzed bed. & = 14ppdp - u T+
Lmf DO.
(k >
Voidage dmtrlbutlon and bubble velocity
In developing the gas flow model, rt is neces- In Fig 2, the bed expansions calculated from
sary to know the votdage distribution within the Eq (9) are compared with the experimental data
flmdlzed bed The study of Bakker[l] and that of Leva et al [25], Lewis, Gilhland and Bauer

Table 4 Companson of expenmental bubble diameter with calculated values usmg Eq (7)

Dsobst DB Cal
Condltlon (cmkec) ulu, h (cm) (cm) (cm)

ud = 5 cm/set 36 72 20 15 16 2
36 72 40 24 27 4
24 48 20 12 5 11 5
pp= 14&c 24 48 40 21 0 19 3
perforated plate 18 36 20 98 91
n, = 0 l/cm* 18 36 40 160 14 8
18 36 60 22 20 4
DR=30cmX12cm 18 36 80 27 26 0

tBased on data from Cooke et al [3]


Fig 2 Companson of expenmental bed expansion with calculated bed expansion

Symbol Authors Matenal & (cm) D&m)

Leva et al [25] Round sand 0 0063 - 0 0381 6 3.5

Round and 0 00775 6 35 - 10 15
sharp sand
Fisher-Tropsch Cat 0 00705 - 0 0385 10 15
Lewis et al 1271 Glass-beads 0 0102 - 0 056 635- 114
Tanaka[38] Sihca gel 0 021 20 0

[27], and Tanaka[38] As seen from the figure, for large U/U&, U, 1s neghgrbly small This 1s a
the ratios of calculated bed herght to expen- reasonable assumptron m vtew of the fact that
mental bed he&t are wtthm + 10 per cent of 1 0 the experimental findmgs of May [3 l] and Kunu
mdtcatmg a favorable agreement. Thus, m model and Levensptel[22] mdtcate the emulston gas
development, Eq (9) may be used to compute may reverse its dtrectton m vtgorously bubbhng
the bed he&t with reasonable accuracy Once beds According to Kunn and Levensptel[22],
the bed expansion ratio 1s known, the votdage the velocity of gas flowmg m the emulsion phase
from the distributor up to a height correspond- m the axial direction can be expressed as
mg to Ld and that from Lti to the top of the bed
can be computed, respectively, as

I--E=+(l-eti) for h< Lti (11)

where (Y 1s the ratio of the volume of emulsion
transported upward behind a bubble (1 e volume
of wake) to the volume of a bubble. The value of
, (Y is approx 0.2 - O-3 according to the expen-
for mental study of Rowe and Partndge[36] There-
Lmfs h =s L,+2(L-LL,) fore, under normal expenmental condrtrons, Eq
(13) yields u,/umf = 0 5 for u/uW = 3, and u,/
Gas velocity m emulsion phase umf = 0 for U/Q= 5 - 6 Latham, Hamilton
Since the knowledge of the upward velocrty and Potter[24] also studied using a tracer gas to
of the gas flowmg in the emulsion phase, u,, IS locate the velocity at which the emulsion gas
still a controversial subJect, we shall assume that will reverse its dlrectton (u, = 0) and found that
Bubble assemblage model

u, = 0 when u/uW= 2.7 - 6-O. Based on the CALCULATION PROCEDURE BASED ON

above expenmental findings and the argument BUBBLE ASSEMBLAGE MODEL

presented by Levensplel and Kunn[23], it Let the height of n-th compartment be Ah,,
would be reasonable to assume u, = 0 under where n = 1, 2, 3,. Based on an anthmetlc
most of the normal operating condltlons average of bubble size, the height of mltlal com-
partment immediately above the dlstnbutor
Interchange coeficlent becomes
The gas interchange between the bubble phase
and emulsion phase mvolves direct interchange Ah 1
= Do+(*hl+DO) or

of gas m bubbles and m emulsion, and mdu-ect 2

interchange due to adsorbed gas on the surface
of mterchangmg particles Since no expen-
mental data are available for the particle mter- where I?Z= 1 4pPdP (u/u~) , a proportlonahty
change rate, M, and adsorption equlhbrmm constant relating the bubble diameter for a given
constant, K, for the reacting gas on particle operating con&tlon The height of the second
surfaces, the analysis presented here will neglect compartment then becomes,
gas interchange due to adsorbed gas on mter-
changing particles. Therefore, Eq (4) 1s reduced
to Fd = F0 As to the direct gas interchange,
semi-theoretical studies by Zenz [46], Davidson
and Harnson[S] and Kuml and Levensplel[22] and that of n-th compartment becomes,
as well as an analysis based on the stlmulus-
response curve from tracer data using the two
Ah, = 2Do (;;f-$; (15)
phase model by Kobayashl, Aral and Sunagawa
[19] are available Most of these studies agree
on one point that the interchange coefficient, The number of bubbles m the n-th compartment
FO, IS approximately inversely proportional to becomes,
the bubble diameter Therefore, the followmg
equation based on the expenmental work of
Kobayashl et al [ 191 will be used

F,, = 11/I&. (14) The volume of cloud m the n-th compartment can
be computed from Eq (3) as,
In a recent study, Toe1 et al [40] injected a
single CO, bubble mto a fluldlzed bed and V = Nr(AU3
measured the vanatlon of CO, concentration cn 6 (17)
within the bubble They calculated the gas mter-
change coefficient based on these measurements where,
and found that F,, which IS somewhat affected &, = 0*711(gAh,)2.
by the particle diameter, can be approximated
by 310~ - 6/DB Since their study pet-tams to The total volume of the bubble phase and that of
a single bubble, the effects of bubble colhslons the emulsion phase m the n-th compartment are,
and coalescence are not taken into conslderatlon respectively,
It IS therefore not unreasonable to assume that
m a vigorously fluldlzmg bed, the interchange v = N~@hd3 ub+2hfhf
bn 6 (18)
ub - kfknf >
coefficient IS more closely represented by Eq
(14) v,,, = SAh, - v,, (19)

The drstance from the distributor to the n-th bed height above Lw, the voulage IS adjusted by
compartment is Eq. ( 12) and Vm, vb, and V,, are obtamed using
the same procedure as that shown for the height
h, = 2 Ahf (20)
f=l smaller than Lw The calculatton 1s repeated
until the bed height reaches L,+ 2(L- L,,J. A
The gas interchange coefficient based on unit
computer logtc dtagram based on thrs procedure
volume of bubbles from Eq. (3) can be shown as
1s shown m Table 5.


= Fan (&, + 2&&Q) * Smce most of the experimental data were
obtained using porous plates, the bubble size
Hence, the matenal balance for the gaseous
at the surface is very dtfficult to estimate There-
reactant around the n-th compartment becomes,
fore, the height of mmal compartment, Ah1, 1s
for the bubble phase,
assumed. It becomes necessary to test the effect
of size of Ah, on the conversion m order to show
(sucb)n-I = {F;,vb(cb - c,> )n
the soundness of this assumption. For a com-
+ (rbvc)n+ (such), (22) paratively small flurdtzed bed reactor, say
column dia. of 5 cm - 20 cm and bed height of
and for the emulsion phase, less than 100 cm, we should expect the sizes of
bubbles formmg on the surface of a porous plate
{F:,Vb(Cb- C,)), = (rev,),, (23) to be quite small. It 1s therefore logical to assume
that the height of the first compartment would
where rb and r, are the reaction rates per unit be no more than a few centtmeters. In Fig. 3, the
volume for the bubble phase and emulston phase effect of Ah, on conversion 1s exammed for
respectively For example, tf the rate of reaction cases where reaction rate is comparatively fast
1s a first order with respect to reactant gas, they (1 e for large k). It 1s quote obvious that for slow
become; rb = kc,, and r, = kc, reactions, the size of compartment 1s of httle
The computattonal procedure for converston significance on overall converston and 1s there-
and concentration profile m a flutdtzed reactor fore not examined. As can be seen from the
is gtven below when the operatmg conditions figure, the mmal height of the compartment,
such as particle size, d,, parttcle denstty, pP, Ah,, does not affect greatly on overall conversion
mtmmum flutdtzatlon veloctty, umf, gas velaclty, even for fast reactions In actual calculation
u, dtstnbutor arrangement, column diameter, therefore, Ah, = 1 0 cm 1s used
DR, mctptent bed height, LW, the reaction rate For a large fluubzed bed reactor which has a
constant, k, and order of reactton are known. perforated plate distributor, Eq (15) together
Note that this model requues no adjustable with mformatton on the number and the size of
parameter holes must be used to calculate the he&t of
First, Eqs. (8) and (9) are used to calculate initial compartment
the expanded bed height, L Next, Eq (15) 1s In order to demonstrate the vahdtty of the
used to compute the size of the n-th com- proposed model, conversions m flutdtzed beds
partment. Using Eqs. (17-19), the volume of based on the kmettc mformatlon given m Table 2
cloud, that of the bubble phase, and the emulsion are calculated. The results of calculatton are then
phase for the n-th compartment are then calcu- compared with actual expenmental converstons
lated Cbn and C,, are computed from (Cb),_, In Figs. 4-6 the extent of conversion along the
and (C,)._l usmg Eqs (22) and (23) The cal- bed height are shown for three sets of data; those
culations are repeated from the dlstnbutor unttl of Lewis, Gllhland and Glass[26] for compara-
the bed height equivalent to Lw IS reached For tively large reaction rates, those of Kobayashl
Bubble assemblage model

Table 5 Logic diagram for computer slmulahon

Read dP.pP, u+ DR.

Start r k,Co.u.L,,,,
Calc L from Eq (9)



& End

and Arai [20] for intermediate reactton rates and the two phases IS of prtmary importance whereas
those of Massmnlla and Johnstone[29] for small for slow reactions the gas interchange between
reactron rates, respectrvely. the two phases does not affect stgntficantly on
As can be seen from these figures, when the the converston.
rate of reactron 1s small, the concentratton of gas To examme the gas velocity effect, a compar-
m the emulston phase 1s not too much different lson of the conversron predrcted by the model
from that in the bubble phase However, when and that from actual expenments IS shown m
the rate of reactron IS large, the difference m Fig. 7. In Fig 8, the calculated conversion IS
concentratrons between the two phases become compared with the expenmental converston
very stgmficant For a fast reaction, a great deal based on nearly all the data presented in the
of gaseous reactant m the emulston phase 1s studres listed m Table 2 Consrdenng the dlf-
seen to be converted m the rmmedrate vrcmtty ticultres m obtarmng accurate kinetic mformatton
of the drstnbutor These observations imply from tied bed expenmentatlon and the posstble
that for fast reacttons the gas interchange between vanatron of catalyst acttvtttes dunng the flutdrzed

6 15 bed operation, the agreement must be regarded
-I2 6 to be quite remarkable.
06 -256
D,=52an The computation using the Bubble Assem-
x Ld24cm blage Model Indicates that for most of the
k-87 I/bet expenmental condmons tested, the number of
04 hf= 0 73cmAec
Parameter *U/Q compartments are usually greater than ten. This
means, m terms of the flow pattern, the gas
passing through the bubble phase IS close to
plug flow This IS probably a reasonable con-
I I I I I I clusion. The flow pattern of gas m the emulsion
IO 14 18 22 26 30
phase may be also regarded to be close to plug
Ah,, cm flow although m the actual computatton, because
u, = 0 IS used, tt turns out to be a dead space
mterchangmg gas with the bubble phase This
may invite an argument since some investigators
regard the flow m this phase to be close to com-
plete nuxmg However, as Lewis et al [26] and
73 Muclu[32] pointed out that under normal
operattons, the calculation of converston m a
flutdtzed bed reactor based on the two phase
model IS not affected stgmficantly by the flow
patterns m the emulston phase, whether tt IS
assumed to be plug flow or completely mixed.
The important aspect of a flow model for a flutd-
IO 14 I8 22 26 30 tzed bed IS to correctly account for the bubbhng
Ah, ,cm phenomena and assoctatmg gas interchange
Fig 3 Effect of AhI on the converslon between the two phases. Using probes, Tanaka

- Bubble phase
-- - - - Emulrlon phase
Parameter = u/u,, (6-j

Fig 4 Relation between the concentration profile and bed height

when the reaction rate constant 1s large Lews et al [26] (DR =

Bubble assemblage model

-Bubble phosr
-- - - - - Emulrlon phaw
Pornmeter =u/u,

Fig 5 Relation between the concentration profile and bed height

for an mte.rme&ate rate constant Kobayasb et al [21] (& =
20 cm, LW = 67 cm, k = 0 7 se0

----c-Em&ion phone

Rg 6 Relation between the concentration profile and bed hetght
when the reaction rate constant IS small Massmulla et al [29]
(& = 11 4 cm, 15~ = 54 3 cm, k = 0 0707 l/set)

[38], recently measured the concentration pro- tlons predxted by the model usmg the followmg
file along axial dlrectlon in a 20 cm dla column relation.
for the decomposlhon of ozone Since the con-
centration obtained by the probe IS an average C*++ for h s L, (24)
between the emulsron phase and the bubble LLf
phase, It may be compared with the concentra- Frgure 9 shows this companson. The agreement

^^I0 2 4

k L&l
6 6 IO 20 40 60

Fig 7 Companson of expenmental conversion with calculated

results 0 - Lewrs et al [26] k = 8 7 l/set, Lw = 24 2 cm, DR = 5 2
cm, 0 - Kobayashl et al [2 l] k = 0 7 llsec, Lti = 67 cm, DR = 20 0
cm, A - Massrmdla and Johnstone[29] k = 0 0707 llsec, Lti = 54 3
cm,D,= 114cm

agam seems to be remarkable. Notice that the computer stmulatlon and can handle rather
reaction progresses very rapidly just above the easily even cases involving complex reaction
distributor. The profile calculated from a model rate expressions One of the weaknesses of this
characterized by a smgle effective bubble size model as m any other model is the uncertainty
IS unlikely to exhibit such a trend of knowledge of gas velocity m the emulsion
The foundation of the proposed Bubble phase, u, It can be shown that the conversion
Assemblage Model lies on the knowledge of calculated based on this model is rather m-
variation m bubble diameters along the bed sensitive to the value of u,, nevertheless, further
axis Hence more accurate measurement of mvestlgatton on this subject is needed The
bubble growth is necessary to ascertain the model can be extended to include solid parttcle
bubble diameter correlation presented here mixing pattern which may be used to develop
In addition the knowledge of gas interchange a flmdtzed bed reactor model for a non-catalytic
between the two phases is also a very important solid-gas reacting system. This ~111be presented
factor particularly for fast reactions and there- m another paper
fore should be further mvestlgated The charac-
teristics of the proposed model is its versatlhty CONCLUSION
and adaptability for varying situations. This The catalytic conversion measured by expen-
is believed to be due to the fact that the model ments of others can be predicted by the Bubble
is developed based on an assemblage of multiple Assemblage Model in terms of the reported
bubbles which grow as they nse through the kinetic constants and the operating condl-
bed The scale-up constderation is now possible ttons The model needs no adJustable parameters
with fair amount of confidence m the accuracy and 1s useful for design and scale-up of the
of the results The model is also convenient for flutdized bed reactor The correct grasp of the





;E , , , ,,,,,
01 02 03 04 0506 08 IO

Experlmtntol conversion, x
Fig 8 Companson of expenmental converslon with calculated converslon
Symbol Author d&m) PPkfW D&m) L&m) k( llsec) 8

Lewis et al [26] 0 0122 0 93 52 24 - 46 14-87

: Kobayashl et al [20] 0 0194 1 25 83 19- loo 08-02
A Massmulla and 0 0105 206 114 18 1 - 54 0 0707
Johnstone [29]
0 Shen and 000806 1 91 11 4 27 - 54 0 022 - 0 0068
0 Kobayashl et al [21] 0 0194 1 25 20 0 34 - 67 02- 14
v Ofcutt et al [34] 00038- 00042 1 14 15 25 - 10 15 61 - 29 4 02-30
A Mathls and 0 0103 12 8 07 10 - 50 0 65
0 Echlgoya et al [7] 0 0122 1 15 53 5- 17 40-8
n Gomezplata and 0 0105 0 98 76 4 - 20 0 775
V Ishu and Osberg[l3] 0 0088 1 65 15 2 45-26 031- 15


I%- 1,,=345cm
=237 Vsec
/q&l 9

00 I I I L I
00 02 04 06 06 IO

Fig 9 Companson of expenmental concentration profile with calculated

values - Bubble phase concentration, ----- Average concentration
based on Eq (24), ------Emulsion phase concentration, 0 Expenmental

bubbling phenomena together with the knowl- concentration of reactant in emulsion

edge of bed expanston, votdage dtstnbutton, phase, g-mol /cc
gas interchange between bubbles and the concentratron of reactant m bubble phase
emulston phase, are the key to the success of at n-th compartment g-mol./cc
the development of this model It IS hoped that concentration of reactant in emulsion
models devoloped will promote further mvestt- phase at n-th compartment, g-mol./cc
gattons so that a more accurate and versattle average concentratron of reactant defined
model can be developed in Eq (23), g-mol./cc
Acknowledgments-The authors express then gratitude to
D dtffustvtty of reactant gas, cm2/sec
the Office of Coal Research, Department of the Intenor, & bubble diameter at surface of dtstrtbutor,
Washmgton, DC for financial support The authors also cm
wish to acknowledge the help of L Y WeI on the computer
calculations Db axial dispersion coefficient of reactant m
bubble phase, cm2/sec
NOTATION D, axial dispersion coefficient of reactant m
a fraction of flutdtzed parttcles m bubble emulsion phase, cm2/sec
phase DIJ effective bubble diameter, cm
C concentration of reactant, g-mol./cc DP packing diameter m packed flutdtzed bed,
cb concentratron of reactant m bubble phase, cm
g-mol./cc DR bed diameter, cm
Bubble assemblage model

DS axial solid drspersron coefficrent in emul- N number of bubbles m n-th compartment

sion phase, cm%ec NRCP particle Reynolds number
DT maximum stable bubble diameter, cm n0 number of holes per unit surface area of
4 fluidized particle diameter, cm drstributor, l/cm2
ES axial gas drspersron coefficient m the bed, RC radms of cloud, cm
cm2/sec & radms of bubble, cm
F volumetnc fractron of gas in the bubble r reaction rate per unit volume of catalyst,
phase g-molelsec cc
Fd overall gas interchange coefficient per rb reaction rate m bubble phase per umt
unit volume of gas bubble, llsec volume of cloud, g-mole/set cc
FO gas interchange coefficient per unit re reactron rate m emulsion phase per umt
volume of gas bubble, l/set volume of cloud, g-molelsec cc
F on gas Interchange coefficient at the n-th s cross sectional area of the bed, cm2
compartment, l/set t time, set
Fon gas interchange coefficient at the n-th u superficial gas velocny, cm/set
compartment based on the unit volume ub bubble nsmg velocrty, cm/set
of bubbles, llsec 4 bubble nsing velocrty based on fixed axls,
F8 volumetric fractron of sohd m bubble cmlsec
phase, llsec super&la1 gas velocrty at muumum flmd-
f volumetric fraction of gas in emulsron izatron velocity, cm/set
phase, llsec UC? superfictal gas velocity m the emulsion
f, volumetnc fraction of solids m emulsion phase, cmAec
phase, l/set uT termmal velocrty of flurdlzed partrcles,
g gravitational acceleration, cm/sec2 cmlsec
h distance from the dlstnbutor, cm Vbn volume of the bubble phase at the n-th
Ah length of the n-th compartment, cm compartment, cc
h, drstance between the distributor and n-th VC, volume of the cloud at the n-th compart-
compartment, cm ment, cc
K absorption equrhbrmm constant V en volume of the emulsron phase at the n-th
k reaction rate constant, l/set compartment, cc
L bed height, cm X conversion of the reactant gas
Lti bed height at nnmmum flurdlzed velocity, i-x ratio of the volume of wake to volume of
cm bubble
L Cal bed height calculated from Eq (9), cm E void fraction
Lob observed bed height m the flutdrzed bed, EP vord fraction of fixed packing
cm %f void fraction at umf
M solid interchange coefficient between the ZJ kmematrc vrscoslty
bubble phase and the emulsron phase PP particle density, cm2/sec
per umt volume of bubble, l/set

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In the above &scusslon, the height of each compartment
was selected based on the average diameter of bubbles at where
a gven bed he&t Since a portion of the cloud associated
with the bubble was excluded, the volume of cloud must be and &, = 0 711 (gD,,)
adjusted to include the small segments of cloud situated at
the top and the bottom of the bubbles mto that compartment The number of bubbles m the n-th compartment becomes
Because the choice of the size of compartment 1s rather
arbitrary, it makes httle ddference whether one bubble &a- N_6S(L
meter, or one cloud diameter 1s used as a umt height of the sLDj,
compartment Selection of the compartment height based on
the bubble diameter excludmg the cloud gave a neat expres- The volume of cloud, and the volume of the bubble phase are
sion of the height of n-th compartmept as shown by Eq (15) gven by Eqs (17) and (18), respectively, except that Ah,
On the other hand, If the unit height 1s based on the diameter appeanng m these expressions are replaced by Dgn The
of the cloud, the height of the n-th compartment becomes converslons calculated based on the he& on bubble and
those based on the height of cloud are practically the same
Ub + 2&J&f 13 (The maximum tierence 1s 1 5 per cent for all the expen-
Ah. = De,
Ubn - %k,,, > mental data tested )

Bubble assemblage model

R&um& Un nouveau modble de r6actlon catalytique sur couches flmd~s&s est dCveloppC Le prmclpe
de ce mod&le, appelC le ModBle dassemblage de bulles, repose sur une multitude de bulles de
ddT&entes grosseurs, un tchange de gaz ayant lem entre la phase bulle et la phase Cmulslon
Le modkle de demandent aucun parambtre r&&e, 11apparait pmcuh&ement utde pour 16tude
des crolssances dtchelles Le mod&le proposC convlent aussl pour les slmulatlons de calcul La
vabQtC de ce mod&le a Ctt test& & partlr des don&es expknmentales de ddfirents chercheurs On a
trouvC que les converstons prkvues utdlsant ce modtle saccordent assez blen avec la performance
actuelle des couches flm&sbes

Zusammenfassung-Es wlrd em neues Model1 fur die katalytlsche Reaktion m der Wlrbelschlcht
entwrckelt Dleses als Blasenaufbaumodell bezelchnete Model1 baslert auf emer Vlelzahl von
Blasen verschledener Grosse, wobel zwlschen der Blasenphase und der Emulslonsphase Gasau-
stausch stattfindet
Da&eses Model1 keme veranderhchen Parameter benotlgt, wlrd angenommen, dass es zur Unter-
suchung massstabhcher Vergrosserungen geelgnet 1st Das vorgeschlagene Model1 1st femer fur
Slmuherung auf Rechnem verwendbar Es wurden Versuchsergebmsse emer Relhe von Forschern
herangezogen urn &e Gultq$elt &eses Modelles nachzuwelsen Es wurde festgestellt, dass der unter
Anwendung des Modelles vorausgesagte Umsatz recht gut mlt der tatsachhchen Lelstung der Wlrbel-
schlcht uberemstlmmt


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