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XlIMEMode Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the description of the Japanese input rules.

Name Value Description

xlIMEModeAlpha 8 Half-width alphanumeric.

xlIMEModeAlphaFull 7 Full-width alphanumeric.

xlIMEModeDisable 3 Disable.

xlIMEModeHangul 10 Hangul.

xlIMEModeHangulFull 9 Full-width Hangul.

xlIMEModeHiragana 4 Hiragana.

xlIMEModeKatakana 5 Katakana.

xlIMEModeKatakanaHalf 6 Half-width Katakana.

xlIMEModeNoControl 0 No control.

xlIMEModeOff 2 Off (English mode).

xlIMEModeOn 1 Mode on.

XlImportDataAs Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions
Specifies the format in which to return data from a database.

Name Value Description

xlPivotTableReport 1 Returns the data as a PivotTable.

xlQueryTable 0 Returns the data as a QueryTable.

XlInsertFormatOrigin Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies from where to copy the format for inserted rows.

Name Value Description

xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove 0 Copy the format from cells above and/or to the left.

xlFormatFromRightOrBelow 1 Copy the format from cells below and/or to the right.

XlInsertShiftDirection Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the direction in which to shift cells during an insertion.

Name Value Description

xlShiftDown -4121 Shift cells down.

xlShiftToRight -4161 Shift cells to the right.

XlLayoutFormType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the way the specified PivotTable items appear?in table format or in outline format.

Name Value Description

The LayoutSubtotalLocation property specifies where the subtotal appears in the

xlOutline 1
PivotTable report.

xlTabular 0 Default.

XlLayoutRowType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the type of layout row.

Name Value Description

xlCompactRow 0 Compact Row

xlOutlineRow 2 Outline Row

xlTabularRow 1 Tabular Row

XlLegendPosition Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the position of the legend on a chart.

Name Value Description

xlLegendPositionBottom -4107 Below the chart.

xlLegendPositionCorner 2 In the upper right-hand corner of the chart border.

xlLegendPositionCustom -4161 A custom position.

xlLegendPositionLeft -4131 Left of the chart.

xlLegendPositionRight -4152 Right of the chart.

xlLegendPositionTop -4160 Above the chart.

XlLineStyle Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the line style for the border.

Name Value Description

xlContinuous 1 Continuous line.

xlDash -4115 Dashed line.

xlDashDot 4 Alternating dashes and dots.

xlDashDotDot 5 Dash followed by two dots.

xlDot -4118 Dotted line.

xlDouble -4119 Double line.

xlLineStyleNone -4142 No line.

xlSlantDashDot 13 Slanted dashes.

XlLink Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the type of link.

Name Value Description

xlExcelLinks 1 The link is to an Excel worksheet.

xlOLELinks 2 The link is to an OLE source.

xlPublishers 5 Macintosh only.

xlSubscribers 6 Macintosh only.

XlLinkInfo Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the type of information the link will return.

Name Value Description

xlEditionDate 2 Applies only to editions in the Macintosh operating system.

xlLinkInfoStatus 3 Returns the link status.

xlUpdateState 1 Specifies whether the link updates automatically or manually.

XlLinkInfoType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the type of link.

Name Value Description

xlLinkInfoOLELinks 2 OLE or DDE server

xlLinkInfoPublishers 5 Publisher

xlLinkInfoSubscribers 6 Subscriber

XlLinkStatus Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the status of a link.

Name Value Description

xlLinkStatusCopiedValues 10 Copied values.

xlLinkStatusIndeterminate 5 Unable to determine status.

xlLinkStatusInvalidName 7 Invalid name.

xlLinkStatusMissingFile 1 File missing.

xlLinkStatusMissingSheet 2 Sheet missing.

xlLinkStatusNotStarted 6 Not started.

xlLinkStatusOK 0 No errors.

xlLinkStatusOld 3 Status may be out of date.

xlLinkStatusSourceNotCalculated 4 Not yet calculated.

xlLinkStatusSourceNotOpen 8 Not open.

xlLinkStatusSourceOpen 9 Source document is open.

XlLinkType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

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Specifies the type of link.

Name Value Description

xlLinkTypeExcelLinks 1 A link to a Microsoft Excel source.

xlLinkTypeOLELinks 2 A link to an OLE source.

XlListConflict Enumeration (Excel)
Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the conflict resolution options for updating a list on a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation site with the
changes made to a list in a Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Name Value Description

Display a dialog box that allows the user to choose how to resolve
xlListConflictDialog 0

xlListConflictDiscardAllConflicts 2 Accept the version of the data stored on the SharePoint site.

xlListConflictError 3 Raise an error if a conflict occurs.

xlListConflictRetryAllConflicts 1 Overwrite the version of the data stored on the SharePoint site.

XlListDataType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

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Specifies the data type of a list column connected to a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation site.

Name Value Description

xlListDataTypeCheckbox 9 Check box.

xlListDataTypeChoice 6 Single-choice field.

xlListDataTypeChoiceMulti 7 Multiple-choice field.

xlListDataTypeCounter 11 Counter.

xlListDataTypeCurrency 4 Currency.

xlListDataTypeDateTime 5 Date/time.

xlListDataTypeHyperLink 10 Hyperlink.

xlListDataTypeListLookup 8 Lookup list.

xlListDataTypeMultiLineRichText 12 Rich text format with multiple lines.

xlListDataTypeMultiLineText 2 Plain text with multiple lines.

xlListDataTypeNone 0 Type not specified.

xlListDataTypeNumber 3 Numerical.

xlListDataTypeText 1 Plain text.

XlListObjectSourceType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the current source of the list.

Name Value Description

xlSrcExternal 0 External data source (Microsoft SharePoint Foundation site).

xlSrcModel 4 PowerPivot Model

xlSrcQuery 3 Query

xlSrcRange 1 Range

xlSrcXml 2 XML

XlLocationInTable Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies the part of the PivotTable report that contains the upper-left corner of a range.

Name Value Description

xlColumnHeader -4110 Column header

xlColumnItem 5 Column item

xlDataHeader 3 Data header

xlDataItem 7 Data item

xlPageHeader 2 Page header

xlPageItem 6 Page item

xlRowHeader -4153 Row header

xlRowItem 4 Row item

xlTableBody 8 Table body

XlLookAt Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies whether a match is made against the whole of the search text or any part of the search text.

Name Value Description

xlPart 2 Match against any part of the search text.

xlWhole 1 Match against the whole of the search text.

XlLookFor Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later
Other Versions

Specifies what to look for in searches.

Name Value Description

LookForBlanks 0 Blanks

LookForErrors 1 Errors

LookForFormulas 2 Formulas

XlMailSystem Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the mail system that is installed on the host computer.

Name Value Description

xlMAPI 1 MAPI-complaint system

xlNoMailSystem 0 No mail system

xlPowerTalk 2 PowerTalk mail system

XlMarkerStyle Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the marker style for a point or series in a line chart, scatter chart, or radar chart.

Name Value Description

xlMarkerStyleAutomatic -4105 Automatic markers

xlMarkerStyleCircle 8 Circular markers

xlMarkerStyleDash -4115 Long bar markers

xlMarkerStyleDiamond 2 Diamond-shaped markers

xlMarkerStyleDot -4118 Short bar markers

xlMarkerStyleNone -4142 No markers

xlMarkerStylePicture -4147 Picture markers

xlMarkerStylePlus 9 Square markers with a plus sign

xlMarkerStyleSquare 1 Square markers

xlMarkerStyleStar 5 Square markers with an asterisk

xlMarkerStyleTriangle 3 Triangular markers

xlMarkerStyleX -4168 Square markers with an X

XlMeasurementUnits Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the measurement units.

Name Value Description

xlCentimeters 1 Centimeters

xlInches 0 Inches

xlMillimeters 2 Millimeters

XlMouseButton Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies which mouse button was pressed.

Name Value Description

xlNoButton 0 No button was pressed.

xlPrimaryButton 1 The primary button (normally the left mouse button) was pressed.

xlSecondaryButton 2 The secondary button (normally the right mouse button) was pressed.

XlMousePointer Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the appearance of the mouse pointer in Excel.

Name Value Description

xlDefault -4143 The default pointer.

xlIBeam 3 The I-beam pointer.

xlNorthwestArrow 1 The northwest-arrow pointer.

xlWait 2 The hourglass pointer.

XlMSApplication Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions
Specifies a Microsoft application.

Name Value Description

xlMicrosoftAccess 4 Microsoft Office Access

xlMicrosoftFoxPro 5 Microsoft FoxPro

xlMicrosoftMail 3 Microsoft Office Outlook

xlMicrosoftPowerPoint 2 Microsoft Office PowerPoint

xlMicrosoftProject 6 Microsoft Office Project

xlMicrosoftSchedulePlus 7 Microsoft Schedule Plus

xlMicrosoftWord 1 Microsoft Office Word

XlOartHorizontalOverflow Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the horizontal overflow setting for a text frame.

Name Value Description

xlOartHorizontalOverflowClip 1 Hide text that does not fit horizontally in the text frame.

xlOartHorizontalOverflowOverflow 0 Allow text to overflow the text frame horizontally.

XlModelChangeSource Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

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Specifies the source of the change to the data model.

Name Value Description

xlChangeByExcel 0 Excel

xlChangeByPowerPivotAddIn 1 PowerPivot add-in

XlOartVerticalOverflow Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the vertical overflow setting for a text frame.

Name Value Description

xlOartVerticalOverflowClip 1 Hide text that does not fit vertically within the text frame.

Hide text that does not fit vertically within the text frame, and add an
xlOartVerticalOverflowEllipsis 2
ellipsis (...) at the end of the visible text.

Allow text to overflow the text frame vertically (can be from the top,
xlOartVerticalOverflowOverflow 0
bottom, or both depending on the text alignment).

XlObjectSize Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the way a chart is scaled to fit on a page.

Name Value Description

Print the chart as large as possible, while retaining the chart's height-to-width ratio as
xlFitToPage 2
shown on the screen.

xlFullPage 3 Print the chart to fit the page, adjusting the height-to-width ratio as necessary.

xlScreenSize 1 Print the chart the same size as it appears on the screen.

XlOLEType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the OLE object type.

Name Value Description

xlOLEControl 2 ActiveX control

xlOLEEmbed 1 Embedded OLE object

xlOLELink 0 Linked OLE object

XlOLEVerb Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the verb on which the server of the OLE object should act.

Name Value Description

xlVerbOpen 2 Open the object.

xlVerbPrimary 1 Perform the primary action for the server.

XlOrder Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the order in which cells are processed.

Name Value Description

xlDownThenOver 1 Process down the rows before processing across pages or page fields to the right.

xlOverThenDown 2 Process across pages or page fields to the right before moving down the rows.

XlOrientation Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the text orientation.

Name Value Description

xlDownward -4170 Text runs downward.

xlHorizontal -4128 Text runs horizontally.

xlUpward -4171 Text runs upward.

xlVertical -4166 Text runs downward and is centered in the cell.

XlPageBreak Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies page break location in the worksheet.

Name Value Description

xlPageBreakAutomatic -4105 Excel will automatically add page breaks.

xlPageBreakManual -4135 Page breaks are manually inserted.

xlPageBreakNone -4142 Page breaks are not inserted in the worksheet.

XlPageBreakExtent Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies whether a page break is full screen or applies only within the print area.

Name Value Description

xlPageBreakFull 1 Full screen.

xlPageBreakPartial 2 Only within print area.

XlPageOrientation Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the page orientation when the worksheet is printed.

Name Value Description

xlLandscape 2 Landscape mode.

xlPortrait 1 Portrait mode.

XlPaperSize Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the size of the paper.

Name Value Description

xlPaper10x14 16 10 in. x 14 in.

xlPaper11x17 17 11 in. x 17 in.

xlPaperA3 8 A3 (297 mm x 420 mm)

xlPaperA4 9 A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)

xlPaperA4Small 10 A4 Small (210 mm x 297 mm)

xlPaperA5 11 A5 (148 mm x 210 mm)

xlPaperB4 12 B4 (250 mm x 354 mm)

xlPaperB5 13 A5 (148 mm x 210 mm)

xlPaperCsheet 24 C size sheet

xlPaperDsheet 25 D size sheet

xlPaperEnvelope10 20 Envelope #10 (4-1/8 in. x 9-1/2 in.)

xlPaperEnvelope11 21 Envelope #11 (4-1/2 in. x 10-3/8 in.)

xlPaperEnvelope12 22 Envelope #12 (4-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

xlPaperEnvelope14 23 Envelope #14 (5 in. x 11-1/2 in.)

xlPaperEnvelope9 19 Envelope #9 (3-7/8 in. x 8-7/8 in.)

xlPaperEnvelopeB4 33 Envelope B4 (250 mm x 353 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeB5 34 Envelope B5 (176 mm x 250 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeB6 35 Envelope B6 (176 mm x 125 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeC3 29 Envelope C3 (324 mm x 458 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeC4 30 Envelope C4 (229 mm x 324 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeC5 28 Envelope C5 (162 mm x 229 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeC6 31 Envelope C6 (114 mm x 162 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeC65 32 Envelope C65 (114 mm x 229 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeDL 27 Envelope DL (110 mm x 220 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeItaly 36 Envelope (110 mm x 230 mm)

xlPaperEnvelopeMonarch 37 Envelope Monarch (3-7/8 in. x 7-1/2 in.)

xlPaperEnvelopePersonal 38 Envelope (3-5/8 in. x 6-1/2 in.)

xlPaperEsheet 26 E size sheet

xlPaperExecutive 7 Executive (7-1/2 in. x 10-1/2 in.)

xlPaperFanfoldLegalGerman 41 German Legal Fanfold (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)

xlPaperFanfoldStdGerman 40 German Legal Fanfold (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)

xlPaperFanfoldUS 39 U.S. Standard Fanfold (14-7/8 in. x 11 in.)

xlPaperFolio 14 Folio (8-1/2 in. x 13 in.)

xlPaperLedger 4 Ledger (17 in. x 11 in.)

xlPaperLegal 5 Legal (8-1/2 in. x 14 in.)

xlPaperLetter 1 Letter (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

xlPaperLetterSmall 2 Letter Small (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

xlPaperNote 18 Note (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.)

xlPaperQuarto 15 Quarto (215 mm x 275 mm)

xlPaperStatement 6 Statement (5-1/2 in. x 8-1/2 in.)

xlPaperTabloid 3 Tabloid (11 in. x 17 in.)

xlPaperUser 256 User-defined

XlParameterDataType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions
Specifies the data type of a query parameter.

Name Value Description

xlParamTypeBigInt -5 Big integer.

xlParamTypeBinary -2 Binary.

xlParamTypeBit -7 Bit.

xlParamTypeChar 1 String.

xlParamTypeDate 9 Date.

xlParamTypeDecimal 3 Decimal.

xlParamTypeDouble 8 Double.

xlParamTypeFloat 6 Float.

xlParamTypeInteger 4 Integer.

xlParamTypeLongVarBinary -4 Long binary.

xlParamTypeLongVarChar -1 Long string.

xlParamTypeNumeric 2 Numeric.

xlParamTypeReal 7 Real.

xlParamTypeSmallInt 5 Small integer.

xlParamTypeTime 10 Time.

xlParamTypeTimestamp 11 Time stamp.

xlParamTypeTinyInt -6 Tiny integer.

xlParamTypeUnknown 0 Type unknown.

xlParamTypeVarBinary -3 Variable-length binary.

xlParamTypeVarChar 12 Variable-length string.

xlParamTypeWChar -8 Unicode character string.

XlParameterType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions
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Specifies how to determine the value of the parameter for the specified query table.

Name Value Description

xlConstant 1 Uses the value specified by the Value argument.

Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for the value. The Value argument specifies the
xlPrompt 0
text shown in the dialog box.

Uses the value of the cell in the upper-left corner of the range. The Value argument
xlRange 2
specifies a Range object.

XlPasteSpecialOperation Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies how numeric data will be calculated with the destinations cells in the worksheet.

Name Value Description

xlPasteSpecialOperationAdd 2 Copied data will be added with the value in the destination cell.

xlPasteSpecialOperationDivide 5 Copied data will be divided with the value in the destination cell.

xlPasteSpecialOperationMultiply 4 Copied data will be multiplied with the value in the destination cell.

xlPasteSpecialOperationNone -4142 No calculation will be done in the paste operation.

xlPasteSpecialOperationSubtract 3 Copied data will be subtracted with the value in the destination cell.

XlPasteType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the part of the range to be pasted.

Name Value Description

xlPasteAll -4104 Everything will be pasted.

xlPasteAllExceptBorders 7 Everything except borders will be pasted.

Everything will be pasted and conditional formats will be

xlPasteAllMergingConditionalFormats 14

xlPasteAllUsingSourceTheme 13 Everything will be pasted using the source theme.

xlPasteColumnWidths 8 Copied column width is pasted.

xlPasteComments -4144 Comments are pasted.

xlPasteFormats -4122 Copied source format is pasted.

xlPasteFormulas -4123 Formulas are pasted.

xlPasteFormulasAndNumberFormats 11 Formulas and Number formats are pasted.

xlPasteValidation 6 Validations are pasted.

xlPasteValues -4163 Values are pasted.

xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats 12 Values and Number formats are pasted.

XlPattern Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the interior pattern of a chart or interior object.

Name Value Description

xlPatternAutomatic -4105 Excel controls the pattern.

xlPatternChecker 9 Checkerboard.

xlPatternCrissCross 16 Criss-cross lines.

xlPatternDown -4121 Dark diagonal lines running from the upper left to the lower right.

xlPatternGray16 17 16% gray.

xlPatternGray25 -4124 25% gray.

xlPatternGray50 -4125 50% gray.

xlPatternGray75 -4126 75% gray.

xlPatternGray8 18 8% gray.

xlPatternGrid 15 Grid.

xlPatternHorizontal -4128 Dark horizontal lines.

xlPatternLightDown 13 Light diagonal lines running from the upper left to the lower right.

xlPatternLightHorizontal 11 Light horizontal lines.

xlPatternLightUp 14 Light diagonal lines running from the lower left to the upper right.

xlPatternLightVertical 12 Light vertical bars.

xlPatternNone -4142 No pattern.

xlPatternSemiGray75 10 75% dark moir?.

xlPatternSolid 1 Solid color.

xlPatternUp -4162 Dark diagonal lines running from the lower left to the upper right.

xlPatternVertical -4166 Dark vertical bars.

XlPhoneticAlignment Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the alignment for phonetic text. Used with a Phonetic or a Phonetics object.

Name Value Description

xlPhoneticAlignCenter 2 Centered

xlPhoneticAlignDistributed 3 Distributed

xlPhoneticAlignLeft 1 Left aligned

xlPhoneticAlignNoControl 0 Excel controls alignment

XlIMEMode Enumeration

XlImportDataAs Enumeration

XlInsertFormatOrigin Enumeration

XlInsertShiftDirection Enumeration

XlLayoutFormType Enumeration

XlLayoutRowType Enumeration
XlLegendPosition Enumeration

XlLineStyle Enumeration

XlLink Enumeration

XlLinkInfo Enumeration

XlLinkInfoType Enumeration

XlLinkStatus Enumeration

XlLinkType Enumeration

XlListConflict Enumeration

XlListDataType Enumeration

XlListObjectSourceType Enumeration

XlLocationInTable Enumeration

XlLookAt Enumeration

XlLookFor Enumeration

XlMailSystem Enumeration

XlMarkerStyle Enumeration

XlMeasurementUnits Enumeration

XlMouseButton Enumeration

XlMousePointer Enumeration

XlMSApplication Enumeration

XlOartHorizontalOverflow Enumeration

XlModelChangeSource Enumeration

XlOartVerticalOverflow Enumeration

XlObjectSize Enumeration

XlOLEType Enumeration

XlOLEVerb Enumeration

XlOrder Enumeration

XlOrientation Enumeration

XlPageBreak Enumeration

XlPageBreakExtent Enumeration

XlPageOrientation Enumeration

XlPaperSize Enumeration

XlParameterDataType Enumeration
XlParameterType Enumeration

XlPasteSpecialOperation Enumeration

XlPasteType Enumeration

XlPattern Enumeration

XlPhoneticAlignment Enumeration

XlPhoneticCharacterType Enumeration

XlParentDataLabelOptions Enumeration

XlPictureAppearance Enumeration

XlPictureConvertorType Enumeration

XlPieSliceIndex Enumeration

XlPieSliceLocation Enumeration

XlPivotCellType Enumeration

XlPivotConditionScope Enumeration

XlPivotFieldCalculation Enumeration

XlPivotFieldDataType Enumeration

XlPivotFieldOrientation Enumeration

XlPivotFieldRepeatLabels Enumeration

XlPivotFilterType Enumeration

XlPivotFormatType Enumeration

XlPivotLineType Enumeration

XlPivotTableMissingItems Enumeration

XlPivotTableSourceType Enumeration

XlPivotTableVersionList Enumeration

XlPlacement Enumeration

XlPlatform Enumeration

XlPortugueseReform Enumeration

XlPrintErrors Enumeration

XlPrintLocation Enumeration

XlPriority Enumeration

XlPropertyDisplayedIn Enumeration

XlProtectedViewCloseReason Enumeration

XlProtectedViewWindowState Enumeration
XlPTSelectionMode Enumeration

XlQueryType Enumeration

XlQuickAnalysisMode Enumeration

XlRangeAutoFormat Enumeration

XlRangeValueDataType Enumeration

XlReferenceStyle Enumeration

XlReferenceType Enumeration

XlRemoveDocInfoType Enumeration

XlRgbColor Enumeration

XlRobustConnect Enumeration

XlRoutingSlipDelivery Enumeration

XlRoutingSlipStatus Enumeration

XlRowCol Enumeration

XlRunAutoMacro Enumeration

XlSaveAction Enumeration

XlSaveAsAccessMode Enumeration

XlSaveConflictResolution Enumeration

XlScaleType Enumeration

XlSearchDirection Enumeration

XlSearchOrder Enumeration

XlSearchWithin Enumeration

XlSeriesNameLevel Enumeration

XlSheetType Enumeration

XlSheetVisibility Enumeration

XlSizeRepresents Enumeration

XlSlicerCacheType Enumeration

XlSlicerCrossFilterType Enumeration

XlSlicerSort Enumeration

XlSmartTagControlType Enumeration

XlSmartTagDisplayMode Enumeration

XlSortDataOption Enumeration

XlSortMethod Enumeration
XlSortMethodOld Enumeration

XlSortOn Enumeration

XlSortOrder Enumeration

XlSortOrientation Enumeration

XlSortType Enumeration

XlSourceType Enumeration

XlSpanishModes Enumeration

XlSparklineRowCol Enumeration

XlSparkScale Enumeration

XlSparkType Enumeration

XlSpeakDirection Enumeration

XlSpecialCellsValue Enumeration

XlStdColorScale Enumeration

XlSubscribeToFormat Enumeration

XlSubtototalLocationType Enumeration

XlSummaryColumn Enumeration

XlSummaryReportType Enumeration

XlSummaryRow Enumeration

XlTableStyleElementType Enumeration

XlTabPosition Enumeration

XlTextParsingType Enumeration

XlTextQualifier Enumeration

XlTextVisualLayoutType Enumeration

XlThemeColor Enumeration

XlThemeFont Enumeration

XlThreadMode Enumeration

XlTickLabelOrientation Enumeration

XlTickLabelPosition Enumeration

XlTickMark Enumeration

XlTimelineLevel Enumeration

XlTimePeriods Enumeration

XlTimeUnit Enumeration
XlToolbarProtection Enumeration

XlTopBottom Enumeration

XlTotalsCalculation Enumeration

XlTrendlineType Enumeration

XlUnderlineStyle Enumeration

XlUpdateLinks Enumeration

XlVAlign Enumeration

XlWBATemplate Enumeration

XlWebFormatting Enumeration

XlWebSelectionType Enumeration

XlWindowState Enumeration

XlWindowType Enumeration

XlWindowView Enumeration

XlXLMMacroType Enumeration

XlXmlExportResult Enumeration

XlXmlImportResult Enumeration

XlXmlLoadOption Enumeration

XlYesNoGuess Enumeration

XlYesNoGuess Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies whether or not the first row contains headers. Cannot be used when sorting PivotTable reports.

Name Value Description

xlGuess 0 Excel determines whether there is a header, and where it is, if there is one.

xlNo 2 Default. The entire range should be sorted.

xlYes 1 The entire range should not be sorted.

lXmlLoadOption Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions
Specifies how Excel opens the XML data file.

Name Value Description

xlXmlLoadImportToList 2 Places the contents of the XML data file in an XML table.

xlXmlLoadMapXml 3 Displays the schema of the XML data file in the XML Structure task pane.

xlXmlLoadOpenXml 1 Opens the XML data file. The contents of the file will be flattened.

xlXmlLoadPromptUser 0 Prompts the user to choose how to open the file.

XlXmlImportResult Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the results of the refresh or import operation.

Name Value Description

The contents of the specified XML data file have been truncated
xlXmlImportElementsTruncated 1
because the XML data file is too large for the worksheet.

xlXmlImportSuccess 0 The XML data file was successfully imported.

The contents of the XML data file do not match the specified schema
xlXmlImportValidationFailed 2

XlXmlExportResult Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the results of the save or export operation.

Name Value Description

xlXmlExportSuccess 0 The XML data file was successfully exported.

The contents of the XML data file do not match the specified schema
xlXmlExportValidationFailed 1
XlXLMMacroType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies, in a Microsoft Excel version 4 macro worksheet, what type of macro a name refers to or whether
the name refers to a macro.

Name Value Description

xlCommand 2 Custom command.

xlFunction 1 Custom function.

xlNotXLM 3 Not a macro.

XlWindowView Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the view showing in the window.

Name Value Description

xlNormalView 1 Normal.

xlPageBreakPreview 2 Page break preview.

xlPageLayoutView 3 Page layout view.

XlWindowType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies how the chart is displayed.

Name Value Description

xlChartAsWindow 5 The chart will open in a new window.

xlChartInPlace 4 The chart will be displayed on the current worksheet.

xlClipboard 3 The chart is copied to the clipboard.

xlInfo -4129 This constant has been deprecated.

xlWorkbook 1 This constant applies to Macintosh only.

XlWindowState Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the state of the window.

Name Value Description

xlMaximized -4137 Maximized

xlMinimized -4140 Minimized

xlNormal -4143 Normal

XlWebSelectionType Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies whether an entire Web page, all tables on the Web page, or only a specific table is imported into a
query table.

Name Value Description

xlAllTables 2 All tables

xlEntirePage 1 Entire page

xlSpecifiedTables 3 Specified tables

lWebFormatting Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions
Specifies how much formatting from a Web page, if any, is applied when a Web page is imported into a query

Name Value Description

xlWebFormattingAll 1 All formatting is imported.

xlWebFormattingNone 3 No formatting is imported.

xlWebFormattingRTF 2 Rich Text Format?compatible formatting is imported.

XlWBATemplate Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the type of workbook to create. The new workbook contains a single sheet of the specified type.

Name Value Description

xlWBATChart -4109 Chart

xlWBATExcel4IntlMacroSheet 4 Excel version 4 macro

xlWBATExcel4MacroSheet 3 Excel version 4 international macro

xlWBATWorksheet -4167 Worksheet

XlVAlign Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies the vertical alignment for the object.

Name Value Description

xlVAlignBottom -4107 Bottom

xlVAlignCenter -4108 Center

xlVAlignDistributed -4117 Distributed

xlVAlignJustify -4130 Justify

xlVAlignTop -4160 Top

XlUpdateLinks Enumeration (Excel)

Office 2013 and later

Other Versions

Specifies a workbook's setting for updating embedded OLE links.

Name Value Description

xlUpdateLinksAlways 3 Embedded OLE links are always updated for the specified workbook.

xlUpdateLinksNever 2 Embedded OLE links are never updated for the specified workbook.

Embedded OLE links are updated according to the user's settings for the
xlUpdateLinksUserSetting 1
specified workbook.

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