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Ge anda ta at ATT TST ee Aa A. 45 amt I (fee TT) LR.C.A. Goods Tariff No. Sea art aT ararey alter faa nar & att 2 3 (tat a 1078 / 2007 feats 23.2007 F merge 21 1 otter 2007 & ary ana tt anil tat we eats gfe Her ater a aaed Tat Te are afer F suate & fares art 1 (feet) ¥ ara at staf, garg aft age & eras fry Ra wae) ara Bret rst ee afer ét mat 45 Pt. 1 (Vol. ID Containing the General Classification of Goods which has the authority of the Central Government vide Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) letter No. TCR/1078/2007/2 23 from Ist April 2007 To be used in local booking over Indian Government Railways and in through booking over all Railways party to the Association. Part I (Volume I) Contains General Rules for Acceptance, Carriage and Delivery of goods. Part II contains Goods Freight Rate Tables, 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5 APPENDIX TO THE GOODS TARIFF GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR CLASSIFICATION AND GENERAL RULES FOR CHARGING OF FREIGHT Classifications of the commodities have been given in the Goods Tariff under Main Commodity Heads and four divisions of low rated commodities. The classification of different commodities under the Main Commodity Head given in the Goods Tariff, if not explicitly mentioned otherwise, will be same for their different physical forms/shapes and different conditions, (whether raw or manufactured etc). A commodity, which has not been included in any of the Main Commodity Heads or four divisions of ow rated commodities given in the Goods Tariff, will be charged at the highest Class-200. Proposal for assigning trainload classification of a commodity not indicated in the Goods Tariff but having a potential for block rake loading may be sent to Railway Board. Only train load classification of commodities has been indicated in the Goods Tariff. The classification for wagonload movement of the commodity will be as under:- Trainload Class____—_‘| Wagonload Class _ (a) Up to Class LR: Class 120 V(b) /Above Class Ry One Class “higher than | | | And up to Class-190 Trainload class rate or | Class-150, whichever is | higher | ————————————— | Base Freight rate of | | _| Class-200 + 5% ()Class-200 MG and NG System: Notwithstanding anything contained in Para 5.0, the Wagonload Class of all commodities shall be one Class higher than their respective Trainload class when loaded on Metre Gauge (MG) and Narrow Gauge (NG) system. However, for the commodities in the highest Class, the Wagonload Class will be same as Trainload Class. 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.1 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 Exceptions in the classification or weight for charge etc. have been indicated in a “Note” given in the Goods Tariff below the particular group of commodities. In case of any disparity in classification between English and Hindi version, the classification given in English version shall prevail. Dangerous/hazardous commodities are indicated with alphabet “d” in the column ‘Type of commodity’. These commodities are to be charged at the class indicated for the Main Commodity Head. However, all other dangerous/hazardous commodities, not listed in the Goods Tariff but listed in the “Red Tariff”, will be charged at the highest Class-200. Dangerous commodities will not be booked for transportation by Rail unless they are listed in the “Red Tariff”. All conditions for carriage of dangerous/hazardous commodities, as laid down in the Red Tariff, must be followed. The chargeable weight as “CC” or “Enhanced CC” for the Main Commodity Head has been indicated in the column ‘Chargeable Weight’. Freight per wagon should be charged on the basis of the notified standardized Permissible Carrying Capacity (PCC) of the wagon irrespective of the commodity being bagged or loose or the commodity being CC or Enhanced CC, The condition of ‘pre-payment of freight compulsory’ has been denoted with alphabet “p” in the column ‘payment of freight’ against the commodity. Where the alphabet “p” does not appear, the commodity can be booked on “To-pay” basis with a surcharge applicable for “To-pay” booking. The commodities attached with “OR” in the column “Risk Rate” will be charged/booked at Owner’s Risk. However, commodities with OR rate can be booked at RR rate on payment of 20% surcharge. In all other cases, where “OR” does not appear, commodities be treated to have been charged/booked at Railway Risk rate. Packing condition given against the main commodity head shall also apply to all commodities mentioned under that main commodity head unless other packing condition specifically mentioned against the respective commodity. 13.1 13.2 Consignors will have to ensure that the commodities offered for transportation by railways are not defectively or improperly packed depending upon the nature of the commodity and the method of transportation such as in loose condition, in bulk, in bagged condition etc. It should be ensured that the commodities are packed in such a manner that they are not liable to damage, deterioration, leakage or wastage during transit. It should be ensured that the commodities are packed in bags, containers, drums, cases, cartons etc. of high quality and adequate strength, which can withstand the rigours of transportation and also provide ease of handling, Commodities toaded in loose condition such as bamboos, timber, Iron & steel etc. must be securely tied. Goods Tariff No.45 Pt.I (Vol.ll) General Classification of Goods Corrected as on 20.07.2011 co Tomaroy Paakog | Charente Condens | weight Payment] Rak | Type ct fraght | Rate | commeat| Base Case (rani) L| Note: Icommodities not specifically classified in this tariff shall be charged at FAK rates (Freight All Kind) lbased on wagons in which these commodities are loa |(Rc-06 of 2008) GENERAL TARIFF LINES [Acids and Alcohols As under- Absolute Alcohols Acetic Acid Benzoic Acid Benzyl alcohols Boric Acid Buty! alcohol Citric Acie Hyorochlone acid Nitnc acid Phosphoric acia Spin ‘Sulphuric acid [Alloys and Metals ‘As under Alloy pies Alloy Steel Alumina ‘Aluminimum ingots & Billets Aluminium Powder Brass Copper Anode & Cathods Copper concentrates Copper ingot & Siab Ferro Chrome Forro Manganese Ferro Silicon Kansa Leas Silico Chrome Siicon Silicon Manganese Tin plate Zine Tank wagon| Flat wagon] Open wagon| Covered wagon| ded at a class indicated below: co p | RR Ps Pate) Emnanced CO RR 200 180 160 150 200 180 Grea Commo Paes Conons Charges went Payneny Fak ‘right | Rate Tipe cemmosty| inoad) z Be = Bricks and Stones As under Ballast Ballast chips “Bricks broken Ceramic tes Chakkees: “Fire bricks Flooring tiles Flooring Stone Glass Stone Granite Gravel Kunker Marble chips Marble dressed Marble un-dressed Mill Stone Roller Stone Sanitory wares Slate Slate Stone ‘Stone Dust Stone Grit Stone Pillars Stone Ware Stone, Cut or Engraved + will be charged at Class-130 Caustic Potash and Soda ‘As under- Caustic potash liquor Caustic potash solid Caustic soda Caustic soda liquor Caustic soda lye Chlorate of Soda ‘Soda ash ‘Soda Bicarbonate Sulphur Washing soda Cement As under: Acid resisting Cement Asbestos Cement Blocks Cement Clinker Pa) Pata Enhanced CC cc Enhanced CC ce Enhanced CC RR 150 140 150 Commas Pas Condens ‘rargesbie Wioght Payment] Rak freont | Rate commoaty Cranieas) Note Cement manufactured Cement Pipes Cement sheets Cement Tiles Coloured Cement “Fly ash Superfine Cement White Cement [will be charged at Class-120 [Chemical Manures* ‘As under- ‘Ammonium Nitrophosphate ‘Ammonium Phosphate ‘Ammonium Sulphate Nitrate Pato, Pa Pap) P20) Bentonite Sulphur Pasties (straight sulphur fertiizer) Calcium Ammonium Nitrate Calcium Nitrate Calcium Sulphate Complex Fertilizers Cynamide Ammonium Phosphate Ground Phosphate Lime Nitrogen ‘Manuce mixture ‘Mineral Phosphate ‘Musiate of Ammonia Ameria Chore) Murate of Potash Mycelium NPK Fertzer Nitrotim Nitrophoska Rock Phosphate (in Bag) Rock Phosphate (in Loose) Single Super Phosphate Sulphate of Ammonia Sulphate of Zine ‘Super Phosphate Triple Super Phosphate Urea Urea Ammonium Phosphate 2020.0 Urvara Water Soluble fertlizer Apart from the commodities listed above as IChemicals Manures, the Chemical Manures included lin the Fertiliser Control Order issued by the Ministry lof Agriculture and Rural Development (Department lof Agriculture and Co-operation), would be treated las Chemical Manures and may be charged at Class Inotified for Chemical Manures” ata cc emances GC RR 130A co Common Face Changeable wieght Payal] Fase trio | Rate commosty| Tae Uae aeons) or B_Ce Note Clay and Sand Inctudes “Bentonite powder “China Clay “Fire Clay Ground silica Luting sand Red Mud will be charged at Class-120 Coal and Coke Includes Caloined Petroleum coke Coal Dust Coal Shale Coke hard Coke soft ‘Cooking coal Coke Lignite Metallurgical coke Patent Fuel (as coal) Petroleum coke Raw Petroleum coke Midating Run off Mines Coal (ROM) Steam coal Washed Coal Foodgrains, Flours and Pulses Vnctudes atta Baja Besan Chana Dal Gram Jowar Maida Maize Moong Dal Musoor Dal Paddy Rice Sui Toor Dal Urad Dat Wheat Pa) emances CC emanced CC cc RR 150 150 1308, Commo constons Trae wear Tweet cemnmoaty| Manic) a = Be ra 9A 10 " Note 12 Fish Meal Floating Fish Feed Hydrogenated and Other Edible Oils As under: Allrefined & non-refined edible olls Castor oil Groundnut Oi! Mustard Oil Palm Oil Sunflower oil Vanaspati Ghee will be charged at Class-LR4, when booked in covered wagons and Class-100 when booked in 4 lwhealed Tank Wagon. Iron or Steel Includes - Angles Billets Blooms Cold Rolled Sheets / Coils Colliery Arch & Z-Piling Flat, iron or steel Girders Hot Rolled Sheets / Coils Ingots Stainless steet LatticerTransmission Tower Parts *Steel Pipes “Wire rod coils will be charged at Class-130 Leather, Rubber and Plastic As under Hides & Skins Leather cloth Leather goods Leather refuse Plastic Goods PVC Pipes Rubber crude Rubber Tyres & Tubes ate) Pare Pa Patbio Pe Pater Pa Patton Pa Pater Pa P20), PA Emancea CC cc RR 100 140 180 100 or TCommoaity Paani Chargeable Weert reign | Rate Ter comm Tao as x 13 14 15 Note Mineral and Ores Includes:- ‘Auunite Barytes powder Bauxite Calcite “Chemical Gypsum Chrome ore Dolomite Dolomite powderiumps Dunite “Gypsum “Gypsum in lumps / powder High Density ron ore lImenite ore “ron ores for Export tron pyrites Laterte Lime stone Lime stone powder / lumps Lithium ores Manganese ores Pyroxinite Soap Stone Zinc ores. -wil be charged at Class-150 “will be charged at Class-180+Distance based charge Iron Ore meant for domestic consumption for manufacture of () Iron & Steel; and (i) Cement will be charged at Class-180 Machinery and Machine tools ‘As under Bolles Cranes Engines Machinery parts Sewing machine Metal Scrap and Pig Iron ‘As under Brass scrap Copper scrap ron scrap Sponge Iron "Slag will be charged at Class-150 P20) 881 Emnanced CC cc p | RR RR 160 100 160 Gr No Tommasi, Pacing Caageatie Wight Payn] Ra tregnt | Rate Tyeeot comme Tae Cae Crainoas) B a 16 7 Oil Cakes and Seeds As under Cotton Seed Cotton Seed all cakes, Cotton Seed waste De-oiled Cakes, Deciled rice bran Gingerly Seed Linseed Mustard Seed Rape Seed Soyabean Sunflower Sal Seed Petroleum Products and Gases ‘As under ‘Ammonia liquified gas ‘Argon gas ‘Aviation spirit Aviation Turbine Fue! (ATF) “Bitumen *Coal Tar ‘Coal Tar Pitch ‘Compressed gases Crude oil Diesel O Fumace oil Hexane High Speed Diesel (HSD) “Kerosene Oil “Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Light Diese! Oi: Low sulphur heavy stock Methane gas Naphtha Nitrogen gas Paraffin oll Petrol (Motor Spirit) Alkylate Reformat Residual Fuel Oil (RFO) will be charged at Class-170 will be charged at Class-180 Ps cc cc ce p [RR 120 200 ow Cama Pag ‘Grargeabie Wien rregnt | Rate Tweet comme rained) a a = 18 |salt “As under- Earth Salt lodised Salt Non-refined Salt Ordinary nom-refined sat for human consumption Refined Salt Rock Salt *Salt for Industrial use Vacuum Salt Note |-will be charged at Class-120 19 |Soap As under: Liquid soap Synthetic soap 20 |Sugar ‘As under: Sugar candy 21 |Miscellaneous Betel Nuts Chalk Calcium Carbonate Chalk in iumps or powder Glucose Gunnies Household effects, Molasses Starch LOW RATED TARIFF LINES 22 |DIVISION -'A" [Electrical appliances and fittings As under Dry Batteries, Dynamos Electric Motors / Pumps / Generators Electric wires Electrical Bulbs Electrical Fans Fuse wire lodised Salt / Salt meant for human consumption)} po 1P218 of PaoePs Pars Po Por cc cc cc cc cc RR 110 120 120 150 140 140 150 120 150 150 120 LR1 Grp Ne Commo Pasha Chaigeabe went Tee | Base Cae commodity] (iload) ot or 23 24 Empty drums, Jerrycans and Barrels \Jagree Jute /Milk and Milk products JOrganic Manures Paints and Polishes ‘Colours and Dyes Fire Wood Plywood in boards, panels ‘Sandal wood Splints for matches “Timber waste Wood pieces -will be charged at Class-LR2 |Vegetable oil pitches Water DIVISION - Fireworks DIVISION - [Boiler Components iCharcoal Paper ‘As under- Card Boards| Paper in reels / rolls Paper waste Paper cuttings Paper sludge Pate Paw ate) Pa cc cc RR RR RR RR RR oR RR oR RR LR2 LR3 Grp Neo Tonimoay Pasig condone Charges Went teint Te commodity Tae Oa (raion) Bi 25 DIVISION - |Bamboos As under Bamboo chips Bamboo Crushed Bamboo pulp Sticks Brooms ICoffee and Tea Icoir [Cotton and other Textiles ‘As under Bed Sheets Cotton half ful pressed Cotton raw Hand spun yam cotton Knaddar Silk Synthetic Yarns Towels Wool |Fodder and Husk ‘As under- * Bhoosa * Chari “Dry Grass “Chun Cotton Seed Husk Coconut husk Gram husk Kirby Kirby Kutt (Kuttar) Paddy Husk Peas husk Toor husk Wheat bran (chokar) +50% concession will be given at the time of booking will be charged at Class-LR1 Pate Paty Pata) Pt OR RR RR RR RR RR LR4 Comoe Paes Conditions Crargeabie Weott Payment] Rak reget | Rate comme tetas raion) = aw = Note Fruits and Vegetables ‘As under Banana Garlic Dates Mango Orange Onions Potatoes |Groceries As under Alum Chilies, Dry Chilies Esible snacks Extruded foods Jeera Pepper *Soya Protein Textured Spices Maize Flakes Rice flakes Rice Parched ‘Sago common Turmeric will be charged at Class-120 IV and Insecticide fluid Live stock *16.5% concession will be given at the time of booking "Motor vehicles *Tho “standardized” CC of NMG & BCCN wagons |shal! be 58.8 tonnes, |Sugarcane & Bagasse Pate) Pata at Poa) ata RR 1"

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