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According to James Steele Sustainable Architecture is architecture that meets current

needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Needs
are different from one community to another, from one region to another and the best when it
is determined by the peoples concerned.

The common understanding of sustainable architecture is a concept applied in

architecture to support the concept of sustainability, which is a concept that maintains the
natural resources in order to last longer, which is linked to the age of the potential of vital
natural resources and ecological environment of human beings, such as the climate system of
the planet, farming systems , industrial, kuhutanan, and of course architecture. environmental
damage due to the exploitation of natural resources has reached a level of global destruction,
so slowly but surely, the Earth will lose its ability to meet the needs of human life, as a result
of the exploitation of the natural variety.

Sustainable architecture is a consequence of international commitments on sustainable

development because it is closely related to architecture and focuses its attention to the
human factor by focusing on the main pillars of the concept of sustainable development of
the built environment with the development aspects of the environment in addition to
economic and social development pillar.

Various concepts in architecture that supports sustainable architecture, among others

in the efficiency of energy use, efficiency of land use, the efficiency of the use of materials,
use of technology and new materials, and waste management.

The process of architectural sustainability covers the entire cycle of a building, from
the process of development, utilization, preservation and demolition of buildings. Vision of
sustainable architecture is not only geared toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions
(greenhouses effect), also contains the intention to further emphasize the importance of the
quality rather than quantity in terms of the functional aspects, the environment, health,
comfort, aesthetics and value added.

Here is an example of the application of sustainable architecture in everyday life,

another antarara:

1. Efficient Use of Energy

a. Harnessing the sun for natural lighting to the maximum during the day, to reduce
energy use.
b. Penghawaan utilize natural instead of artificial air conditioning (air conditioner).
c. Using the ventilation openings, penghawaan cross, and other innovative ways.
d. Utilizing rainwater in innovative ways to collect and treat rain water for domestic
e. The concept of efficient use of energy such as natural lighting and penghawaan a
specific concept for the area with a tropical climate.

2. Efficiency of Use of Land

a. Using existing land needed, not all land should be used as a building, or covered with
buildings, because then the existing land did not have enough green areas and parks.
Land use in an efficient, compact and integrated.
b. The potential of green plants in the soil can be replaced or maximized by numerous
innovations, for example the manufacture of roof above the building (roof garden), the
hanging gardens (with hanging pots of plants on the surrounding buildings), hedges or
which can be filled with plants, a wall with a garden on walls, and so on.
c. Appreciating the presence of plants in the field, with no easily cut down trees, so that
existing plants can be part of sharing with the building.
d. The open design of the spaces that open onto the garden (in accordance with the
flexibility of open-close preplanned) can be innovations to integrate the outside and
inside of the building, giving greater flexibility of space.
e. In planning the design, consider the various things that can be measured in a variety of
potential uses of land, for example; how extensive and much space is needed? Where is
the land (the city or village) and how the consequences of the design? How to shape the
site and its influence on the design of spaces? How much potential and penghawaan
natural light that can be used?

3. Efficient Use of Materials

a. Utilizing the waste material to be used also in development, so it does not waste
material, such as wood scraps can be used for other parts of the building.
b. Utilizing waste materials for buildings, old components that can be reused, for example
the rest of the demolition of old building.
c. Using materials that are still abundant and rare as well as possible, especially for
materials such as wood.

4. Use of Technology and New Materials

a. Exploiting the potential of renewable energy such as wind energy, sunlight and water to
generate electrical energy for household domestic and other buildings independently.
b. Utilizing new materials through the discovery of new, globally can open up
opportunities to use renewable materials that are quickly produced, cheap and open to
innovation, such as bamboo.

5. Waste Management

a. Creating a domestic waste water treatment systems such as sewage (black water, gray
water) that is independent and does not burden the city's water flow system.
b. Innovative ways that are worth a try as making organic waste decomposition system in
order to decompose naturally in the soil, making ordinary objects become waste or
domestic waste from materials that can be recycled or can easily decompose naturally.

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