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Progress test 3 (Units 7-9) 4A teacher is warning a student about his behaviour Read the passage and put the verbs in brackets into a suitable form, (10 marks) ‘Now listen. (1), (vant) t0 tak to you about your atitude and behaviour. For the lst two months you 2), (onss) most of your classes and @ (90t do} any homework. Furthermore, |), (become) increasinaly annoyed with the way you tak to your teachers, The other ay, for example, you (5) (top Mr Roberts he looked lke a ‘hideous gorila’, and while he © (09) 10 tak to you, you ust walked (be) very upset (weit) a away from him, He (7) since thea. Tomarrow, |) report for your parents, and unless you ®, (stary showing some signs of improvement, Il send it to ther. Now, your next class 10) (begin) at 11 o'lock, Make sure you'te there, or else! 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning tothe frst sentence, using the word in bold. You ‘must use between two and five words, including the word in bots (10 marks) 1 We spoke in whispers because we didn’t want to lsturo anyone. order ‘We spoke in whispers disturb anyone. 2 Iwas wrong of you to speak to your teacher like that. have You 10 your teacher ike that 2 The train left the station before we arrived. had The tain the time we arived | My sister's a doctor. She lives in Bogota My sister, 1 Isa doctor. 136 5 I've been at college for six months, but I stil find it

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